
Young Writers Society

Winter's Breeze, Summer's Bite: Chapter 2

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:13 pm
gleek456 says...

Chapter 2: Scarlett Anderson (December 15)
At first it was a fast walk, then it turned out to be a full out run. I don't know what has gotten to me, it could've been a coyote, or a wolf, or some wild animal that got ticked off for me invading their territory or something. Once I reached my house, I saw the kitchen lights on. Mom was here. I can already hear her dropping things because of her slippery hands due to too much hand sanitizer. Mom's been a germaphobe since I was 5, when we took a trip to Heartland Farm. Everything was going smoothly until she tripped over a branch and fell into a mud puddle along with a few pigs. Mom showered for 3 days straight and swore that she will never be dirty again.
As I walked through the door, I see Mom sitting on the couch watching her soap operas, leaving me to clean the mess she made: a strainer on the kitchen ground, banana skins scattered everywhere, and drops of water across the dining room floor.
"I tried making a banana split," Mom said without taking her eyes off the screen.
"I can tell," I replied.
"You should be at Winter's Night, helping Penelope," she said. Penelope was my older sister who was perfect. Perfect grades, perfect looks, even a perfect boyfriend. I was just the third wheel in my family ever since Dad died.
"I was just stopping by Diana's house, to drop something off," I lied.
"You were taking photos again, weren't you?" She asked. I nodded, but she didn't see me. She turned off the television and turned around to look at me.
"You know how I feel about you taking pictures of everything you see."
"It's not everything. It's things that I think are beautiful," I sighed.
"Do I always have to remind you? You don't always have to take after your father," Mom said sternly.
I turned around to give her a look, "you don't always have to control what I want to do," I replied.
"I'm not trying to control you, I''m just trying to remind you. God, why can't you be like-"
"Penelope? Yeah, why can't I?" I said before running outside again.
Chapter 2: Hunter Dean (December 15)
I gripped the gun in my hand while I walked towards Julieanne's house. She's my usual hunting partner. We first met when I was trying to catch a bunny at the age of 8. I was running after the bunny, and when I was going to approach it once it stood still, I heard a loud bang. The bunny fell and Julieanne emerged from the bushes. We started talking and after, it lead to her teaching me how to trap an animal using a net and 4 sticks. Then after, we began to hunt together every afternoon. When I reached her house, Julieanne was already outside pacing, waiting for me. She also had a gun in her hand, along with a net.
"What's with the net?" I asked.
"We're going to try to catch fish," she replied.
"I thought we were going to hunt foxes?" I asked again.
"Yeah, right after we catch some fish," Julieanne replied.
While we were walking, we were talkinng. Julieanne mentioned her dad trying to enroll her into the same school that I went to. I told her that was a good thing, but with a flip of her long, brown hair, she scoffed.
"I'll actually have a friend at school," I said.
"Why? Widdle Hunty doesn't have any fwends?" She asked jokingly.
"No, not really," I said, laughing.
"Well, I'll tell my dad I'll give it a shot," Julieanne said.
"Well, you should," I told her.
I thought that if we hung out a lot in school, people would think that we were dating, and that would probably get me noticed. Too bad Julieanne isn't one of those girls who wanted attention. I run a hand thorugh my dirty blonde hair, I look at Julieanne and catch her staring at me.
""What?" I asked.
Julieanne shook her head, "hm? What?' She asked.
"You were staring at me," I said.
"No, no I wasn't," Julieanne said, shaking her head frantically. She sounded nervous, so I decided to let it slide and continue huting.

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16 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1352
Reviews: 16
Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:28 pm
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RitingFreek says...

Oh! A new character, cool!
I like this chapter, too!
I considered doing the whole editing thing like in the last chapter, but I decided against it. You did pretty good. Just make sure to choose past or present tense, not both: that makes it less confusing.
:)~sMILEY fACE~(:
Riting Freek
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing- that's why we recommend it daily. -Zig Ziglar

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
— T.S. Eliot