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The Willow- Chapter two

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Thu Sep 01, 2005 12:33 am
little.angelfire says...

The Willow

Chapter 2

Todd gently laid her down on Katie’s bed and pulled the jacket over her more.
“Todd, out of the room for a moment.” Becca said.
“Because, we’re going to get some clothes on her.” Becca told him.
“oh,” he said and went outside the room for a moment.
Harumi sat on the bed between Willow and the wall. She was somewhat worried that Willow wouldn’t wakeup. She stared down at her face, hoping she had done the right thing to make her a human. It wouldn’t be easy on her.
“Alright, think my clothes will fit her?” Katie asked. “She looks smaller than I am. How old do you think she is?”
Becca shrugged. “I don’t know, 13?”
“I wonder what she was doing out by the Willow tree.”
“So do I,” Beck said and moved a strand of hair out of her face.
“Hold her up for me.” Katie said as she dug a dress out of her closet.
“Kay,” Beck said and lifted Willow up by her shoulders.
They both carefully worked together to get the dress on properly, and then to get some underwear on her.
“Okay Todd, come in.” Katie told him.
The door opened and Todd walked in. “Took ya long enough.”
“Shut up, we have to figure out what to do with her.” Katie said.
“She is alive, right?” Todd asked.
“Uh…” Katie looked over at Becca.
“Yeah, I had felt her breathing when we were getting the clothes on her.” Beck said and Katie let out a sigh of relief.
“What if she’s like, in a coma or something?” Katie asked.
No one said anything. Harumi sighed and looked over at Willow.
“Are you gonna wake up some time tonight?” Harumi asked her.
“Nnn, Harumi. I’m sleepy, be quiet.” Willow said and swatted at her.
“Did she just say something?” Katie asked.
“Yeah,” Becca said and crawled over to her. She tapped her lightly on the shoulder. “Hey, you awake? Hello? Little girl?” she said and shook her gently.
“Nnnnn,” Willow slowly opened her eyes and looked at Becca. “I’ve never seen you around here before.” willow said thinking she was a fairy. But then she realized. She’s never seen anyone before. She quickly looked around and found that she could see many things. Things that she had no idea what they were. “W-what’s…going on?” she asked and looked at Becca.
“Well, we found you by a Willow tree I had planted about 12 years ago. Um, are you alright?” Becca asked her.
Willow just stared at her. She had heard her voice before. She was the one who had planted her, had cared for her.
“Um, hello?” Todd asked. “Anyone there?”
“I…don’t know what’s…going on.” Willow said.
Becca looked over at Todd and Katie. “Maybe she has amnesia.”
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Katie asked her.
“Uh…sleeping,” Willow said.
Katie looked over at Becca and raised her eyebrows. Becca just shrugged and looked back at her.
“do you know your name?”
Willow looked up and found Harumi standing behind them. Of course, Willow hadn’t known she was Harumi at the moment so she just gave her a confused look.
“Tell them your name is Willow.” she told her.
Willow’s eyes widened slightly as she recognized the voice, but did as she was told.
“My name is Willow.” she said and looked up at Harumi.
“Willow?” Todd asked her. “Like the tree?”
Willow nodded slightly and looked at him.
“That’s kinda scary.” Katie said.
“Why?” Willow asked her.
“Because,” Katie started, “we found you under a Willow tree.”
“So…are you, like, hurt at all?” Todd asked her.
“I don’t…think so.” Willow said.
“Can you walk?” Becca asked her and got up and held her hand out to her.
Willow looked at it for a second not knowing what to do.
“Grab her hand.” Harumi told her and she obeyed.
Becca gently pulled her up from the bed. Willow has never walked before and she had no idea what to do.
“Take a step.” Becca told her.
“Uh,” Willow said at a loss for words.
“Like this,” Harumi said and put one foot in front of her.
Willow nodded slightly and tried to move her right leg in front of her left one. She lost her balance right away and fell down into Todd.
“ow,” Todd said and helped her back up. “I think you’re right about the amnesia thing.”
“Then how come she can remember her name?” Becca asked.
“Do you remember anything else?” Katie asked her.
“Like what?” Willow asked.
“I don’t know. Where you live?”
“I don’t know…” Willow said and trailed off.
Todd sighed. “This is going to be tough.” he said and laid down on the floor.
“Well, it’s really late, and if my father finds out I snuck out again he’ll kill me. Lets all get some sleep and we’ll start our lessons tomorrow. Bye.” Becca said and grabbed her jacket from the bed. “You commin?” she asked Todd.
“Uh, yeah,” he said and got up. “you gonna be okay here with Willow?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Katie said as they left.
“You should ask her name, Willow.” Harumi told her.
She nodded and faced Katie. “W-what’s your name?”
“Huh? Oh, my names Katie. The other girl’s Becky, but we call her Becca or Beck, and the guy’s name is Todd.” she said. “Are you going to remember that?” she asked with a smile.
“Uh, I think so.” Willow said shyly.
Katie smiled at her again and walked over to her closet. She opened it and grabbed a sleeping bag from the shelf. “Here you go. You can sleep in this tonight.” she told her and unrolled it.
Willow looked at it questioningly. Katie threw down a pillow for her from her bed and went over to her dresser to change for bed.
“So, do you have a last name?” Katie asked her as she changed her clothes.
Willow looked over at Harumi who shook her head.
“No,” she said simply.
“Oh, so you just remember your first name?”
“Well, you can stay here for about a week. I don’t know where we’ll have you stay if we don’t find out who your parents are so…” Katie trailed off not knowing what to say. “Well, you should get some rest. Tomorrow we’ll talk about, um, stuff.” she said, again not knowing what to say. “good night.”
“Say night,” Harumi told her and, of course, she obeyed.
Katie crawled into her bed and Harumi cast a quick little spell so Katie would get to sleep quicker.
“What’s going on, Harumi?” Willow asked her.
“Ssssh, not so loud.” she said and looked around. “Here, come with me.” she said and walked over to willow and held out her hands.
Willow obediently grabbed them and let Harumi pull her up.
“Now steady, steady,” Harumi said as she led her over to the window. “You have to get better at walking.” she said. “Alright, you have to stand by yourself for a little while, okay?”
“Okay,” Willow answered and Harumi slowly took her hands away from hers and turned over to the window.
Willow carefully held her balance as Harumi opened the window and took the screen out. She stuck her head out and saw that there was a little roof underneath. She carefully climbed out the window and then turned around and peeked her head back in.
“Can you at least walk over here?” Harumi asked her.
“Uh,” Willow slowly started moving over to the window. It only took about two steps, but Willow gave Harumi the biggest smile she’d ever seen. “I did it, Harumi.” she said.
Harumi couldn’t help but smile herself. “Alright, good for you. Now we just gotta get you out here.” she said and held her hands out to her.
Willow again grabbed them. “Now what?”
“Just lift you leg up onto the sill.” she told her and Willow did so. Wobbling a bit she smiled up at Harumi. “Good, now, while leaning forward through the hole, lift you other leg up here.”
Willow nodded and put on a serious face. She started to lean more and soon her head was out the window and she was lifting her leg up so her knee rested on the sill next her other one. Once that was accomplished she slowly crawled onto the piece of roof.
“Very, very good, Willow.” Harumi said and Willow smiled.
“Now will you tell me why I’m like this and what’s going on?”
“yes,” Harumi said and started, “You hadn’t wanted to be cut down. You pretty much said you didn’t want to die, and I didn‘t want you to either. That one girl didn‘t want you to have that fate either. So I got an idea. I took your spirit out of the tree and with a little use of your bark and vines, I made you a stable body. I saved you.”
Willow didn’t know what say. If there even was anything to say.
“Are you made at me?” Harumi asked her.
Willow shook her head. “I’m very, very happy that you helped me, but I’m still going to be cut down. That girl is still going to lose the tree she had planted with her mother. She doesn’t know that I’m the tree, and she won’t know either.” Willow told her. “And plus, what were planning on doing with me Harumi? Did you even think of what to do when you made me a person?”
“Uh, I, I…” she didn’t. she hadn’t even thought it’d work. “Well, now you’ve got some people looking out for you.” she said.
“I’m going to be a burden to them. I don’t know what anything is. I don’t even know what we’re doing. All I know is what I had heard and sensed from the place I had been planted.”
“I know, I’m sorry. All I can do is teach you.” Harumi told her. “Here, I’ll give you some of the knowledge I know.” she told her. “If you want it though.”
Willow thought for a little while. “Alright,” she said.
“Okay, I’m just going to give you basic knowledge. I won’t be able to help you learn to walk faster or anything like that. You’ll know what some things are and what they do.” she told her and placed her pointer finger on Willow’s forehead. A bright red light flashed quickly and soon Willow knew that she sitting on a rooftop that was connected to a house that is located in a town called Mortyoung, New Jersey. “All done,” Harumi said weakly.
“Are you okay, you don’t look so good.” Willow told her.
“I-I’m alright, just tired. Willow, you should try to get some rest, alright?”
“Okay, where are you going to sleep?”
“I’m just going to stay out on the roof for awhile.”
“Should I leave the window open?”
Harumi shook her head. “No, don’t worry about me, okay? Just go to sleep and I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Alright, good night,” Willow said and slowly turned around.
“Can you get back inside okay?”
“I think so,” Willow answered.
She scooted up onto the sill and slowly lowered herself down until her feet touched the floor and soon was on the floor and turning around to put the screen back in. Then she closed the window and shakily walked over to the sleeping bag she was supposed to sleep in. she crawled in under the covers and looked around the room. It was to quiet. She sighed and closed her eyes. Tomorrow, she had a lot to learn and see.

“Ssssh, don’t be to loud. Willow’s still sleeping up in the room.” Katie said trying to be quiet, but Willow’s ears were to sensitive and still heard her.
“Nnnnn,” Willow slowly opened her eyes and closed them again from the brightness.
“Are you serious? She’s still sleeping?” Todd said a little to loudly, though it had been on purpose to wake her up, but he didn’t have to be that loud to wake Willow up.
“Should we go check-up on her?” Becca asked sounding slightly worried. “she’s alright, right?”
“Fine, we can go check on her.” Katie said and Willow heard them walking closer to the door. “Hey, you up yet, Willow?” Katie asked as she opened the door and walked in followed by Becca and Todd.
“Yeah,” Willow murmured.
“You okay?” Becca asked as she knelt down to look at her face. “Your eyes aren’t open.”
“It’s way to bright out.” Willow complained.
Becca giggled. “Well, if you’d open your eyes and let them adjust to the light it wouldn’t be so bad.”
“But it’d be bad while they’re adjusting. It’s just easier to keep them shut.”
“But then how will you see?” Todd asked her.
“I don’t need to see.” Willow said and sat up.
“But you’ll trip while going down the stairs or something.” Becca said.
“I’m fine, I can see perfectly just like this.” Willow insisted.
Then Todd covered her eyes with his hand and held up his cell phone. “Without feeling with your hands, what am I holding?”
“A cell phone,” Willow said easily.
Everyone stared at her and Todd removed his hand from her face. “Okay, never mind. Do you have E.S.P. or something?”
Willow opened her eyes and she could stand the light a little better now. “What’s E.S.P.?”
No one answered her. They all just stared at her. “What?” she asked them.
“Y-your eye color. Do you wear contacts?” Katie asked.
“Huh?” she asked. “What’s wrong with my eye color?”
“You have red eyes.” Todd told her. “Last night, I could’ve sworn they were brown.”
Willow stared at them. She didn’t know what the problem was about having red eyes. “Is that odd, having red eyes?” she asked innocently.
“Do you come from another world or something?” Todd asked her.
“Um, no,” Willow said.
“So, how old are you anyway?” Katie asked, getting off the subject of willow’s strange eye color.
“Tell them you’re 13.” Harumi said out of no where.
“Uh, 13,” Willow told them.
“oh no, it’s 12:30!” Todd yelled. “Damnit, they’ve probly already cut it down.”
“Oh no, lets go.” Becca said. “I can’t let them cut it down. It’s the last memory I have of my mom.” she said and ran out the room.
“Becca, wait for us!” Todd yelled and ran after her.
“Hey, guys!” Katie watched as they ran out the room and then looked back at Willow. “Are you still unable to walk?” Katie asked her.
“Um,” Willow said and slowly started to get up.
“Willow, hurry up. They’re starting to cut you down.” Harumi said.
When she heard that she gained strength and the will power to get up and walk. She was still shaky and wasn’t very fast, but she could still walk.
“Come on,” Katie said and pulled her along gently.
It took them awhile to get there since Willow still wasn’t very good at walking, but she did end up getting better at it on the way there. When they had finally made it Becca was holding onto Todd, crying on his shoulder.
Willow was stunned by what she saw. All that was there was a tiny stump. Willow slowly made her way over to the stump and placed her hand on it.
“it’s sad, isn’t it?” Harumi asked Willow. “What they do just to add stuff to make their lives easier. They don’t care about anyone else.”
“What is this?” Willow asked and touched her hand to her cheek where a single droplet was.
“Willow, you’re crying.” Harumi said and stood on the tree stump and knelt down in front of Willow. “I’m sorry,” Harumi said and held Willow close to her. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright, you didn’t do anything.” Willow said.
“Who are you talking to?” Todd asked her.
“Uh, no one,” willow said and turned around.
“I can’t believe we were to late.” Becca said. “How could I even forget something like this?” she fell to her knees and Katie rushed to her side.
“Are you okay?” Katie asked. “You didn’t hurt yourself again, did you?”
Becca shook her head. “I’m fine, but the poor tree. How could they do that?” she asked.
“Easily, with a saw.” Todd said.
Becca cried harder and Katie got up. “What the fuck was with that comment?” she asked him. “Can’t you see Becca’s sad?”
“Of course, I just don’t really see the big deal. It is just a tree. I mean, you have to have other memories of your mother. If you don’t then what’s the point of being sad?”
“Todd, that’s beside the point. She had grown the tree with her mother. This was one of her mother’s pride and joy. That’s why she’s so sad of letting it get cut down. She wasn’t able to save it for her mother. Don’t you understand that?” Katie asked him.
Todd just shrugged. “Then I guess she should’ve tried harder. Anyway, didn’t you notice how it was unnaturally big for being only 12 years old?” he asked Becca.
Becca looked up at him. “I thought I was just taking real good care of it.” she told him. “But I couldn’t have if I let it get cut down.”
Todd groaned. “You cry way to much.”
“And you’re being a complete ass, Todd. Why can’t you just take Becca’s feelings into account?” Katie asked.
“Why can’t she just stand up for herself instead of having you stand up for her?” Todd asked.
Katie didn’t say anything and looked over at Willow who was just listening to everyone fight. She’d heard many fights between them. It’s was always about Becca and the fighting just went on between Katie and Todd. Willow had always wondered why they were friends, but Becca had always been so optimistic and was able to stop the fighting. This time it didn’t seem like she was in the right frame of mind in order to stop it.
Katie sighed. “Willow, are you okay? You haven’t said anything at all.” she asked her.
“I’m fine,” Willow told her. “It’s just kinda amusing how much you two quarrel over Becca like that. I mean, you talk about her like you are her. It’s actually kinda funny.”
“Heh, someone else thinks these little fights are funny.” Todd said. “Finally someone agrees with me.”
“If you think they’re so funny how come you don’t end it?” Katie asked him.
“Because, then I get to have a little fun and make you look stupid by countering your insults.”
“Hmph, come on Becca lets go.” Katie said and helped her up. “Willow, are coming or staying?” Katie asked her.
“I’m going to stay here for a little while I think.” Willow said and turned toward Harumi.
“Alright, do you remember the way back to my house?” Katie asked her.
“I think so,” Willow told her.
“Well, if you’re not back by dark I’m going to get worried and come looking for you.” Katie said.
“Heh, you sound like a mother, Katie.” Becca told her.
Katie giggled and they left.
Todd watched as they left and then looked at Willow. “Shame what happened to the tree. So who’s your friend Willow?”
Willow looked up at him. “What are you talking about?”
“Your winged friend over there, who is she?” Todd asked pointing at Harumi.
“You can see me?” Harumi asked him.
Todd shrugged. “I’ve always seen you, but I noticed that no one else ever saw you, so I didn’t say anything.” he told her.
“How, why?” Harumi asked.
Todd shrugged again. “I can’t help what I can and can’t see.” he told her.
“Harumi,” Willow said out of nowhere.
“Huh?” Todd asked.
“Her name is Harumi.” Willow said.
“Oh, well, hi Harumi.” Todd said held out his hand.
Harumi looked at it suspiciously. “You expect me to touch that?” she asked him.
Todd smiled and put his hand down. “Very charming little thing.” he said.
“Little thing?” Harumi screeched. “Who you calling little thing?”
“I’m calling you a little thing.” Todd told her and they both started to go at each other.
“Harumi, don’t hurt anyone. It’s not nice.” Willow said and grabbed her by one of her wings.
“ow, ow, ow,” Harumi yelled and stopped. Willow let go and looked at her. Harumi held her wing to her. “Fine, just don’t do that again.”
“Okay,” Willow told her.
“So she can touch you but I can’t? Why’s that?” Todd asked her.
“’Cause, you’re a filthy little human.” Harumi told him.
“Then what’s she?” Todd asked with a smile. “An alien or something?”
“I’m a tree.” Willow said with a straight face.
Todd arched his eyebrow and stared at her. “You know, it’s more popular to just stick with the alien thing.” he told her.
“Hey, you’re lucky she hasn’t kicked your ass yet or anything.” Harumi told him.
“Why would she have any reason to?”
“You were saying you didn’t care that I was cut down.” Willow said and rested her hand on the tree stump.
“You really expect me to believe that you’re this tree?” Todd asked her.
Willow just shrugged. “I don’t really care what you believe.”
“Hey, Harumi!”
Everyone looked up as a little green man flew over and then grew in front of their eyes into a tall green guy with no wings.
“Ugh, what do you want now Waltz?” Harumi asked him.
“Just wondering what became of the poor little Willow.” he said and looked around. “This the little thing? Or were you really to stupid to figure out what I was hinting at?”
“I’ll bite that finger off if you keep that finger in my face.” Todd said.
“That doesn’t sound like a tree spirit.” Waltz said.
“It’s not, he’s just a stupid human that can see us.” Harumi said.
“What?” waltz asked. “So this little thing is the Willow?”
“Yep,” Harumi said. “Hey, willow, lets go look around town.” she said already grabbing her by the arm.
“Harumi, slow down, I can’t-” she already fell before she could finish her sentence.
“You okay?” Todd asked as he walked over to her and picked her up from the ground.
“I’m fine,” Willow said as she dusted her knees off.
“I’m so sorry, Willow. Are you bleeding?” Harumi asked and looked at her knees.
“You are really stupid, Harumi.” Waltz said and flew away.
“Hmph, asshole,” Harumi said under her breath.
“Harumi?” Willow said.
“Can we go looking around town yet?” Willow asked her.
“Uh, alright,” Harumi said. “If you’re okay.”
“I’m fine,” Willow assured her. “Lets just go,” she said and started to walk.
Harumi followed by Willow’s side just to make sure she didn’t end up walking to fast and then lose her. Todd, however, was quite far in front of them.
“Hurry up,” Todd said and turned around. “You’re walking slower than molasses in January.” he complained.
“Technically, since molasses can’t walk, we’re going faster than it.” Harumi told him.
He stopped walking and stared at her. “Whatever, the point is you’re walking to slow and should speed up.”
“Hey, you’re the one who is coming with us. So you better just wait for us without complaining, or go off on your own.” Harumi told him.
“And what if you get lost, then what will you do?” Todd asked them with a superior looking smile on his face.
Harumi narrowed her eyes. “Then I guess we’ll get lost and not come back to your precious little girlfriends.”
“Fine then,” Todd told her and started walking in a different direction.
“Todd, wait, I want you to help us get back to Katie’s house.” Willow said as she started to hurry over to him.
Todd turned around as she was crossing the street and a car was heading to her.
“Idiot, get out of the road!” Todd yelled and started to run after her.
“Willow!” Harumi shouted at her and she started to fly to her.
They had both made it to her at the same time, but because of this they both hadn’t done anything. They had stared at each other for no more than 5 seconds till the car beeped its horn as it got dangerously close and Todd pushed willow out of the way. Harumi was pushed out of the way with Willow and Todd was left in the way of the car.
Climb inside my belly button beanbag plastic world!

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26 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 890
Reviews: 26
Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:05 am
astrogemini says...

This chapter was better than the first, and you left it off at a good point, I really want to see more.
"If you were a ham...I would bake you."

Light griefs are loquacious, but the great are dumb.
— Seneca