
Young Writers Society

Where I Belong; Chapter One (13+)

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Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:25 pm
dreaming_mouse says...

A small fifteen year old girl grabbed onto a tree branch overhead and used it to propel herself forwards. I hate this hill; she thought to herself, I hate heights! Why does my favourite place have to be high up? Finally she reached the top of the hill trying not to walk to close to the edge or to look down she approached a cannon.

Ever since she had been a small child her adoptive parents had bought her up here for walks and exercise. They had hoped that in the long run it would cure her fear of heights but it never did. In some cases it had made it worse…but she had always been drawn to the top of the hill. With its antique cannon with graffiti scrawled over its flaky painted surface. She could admire the peacefulness from up here and she could look over across the town towards the green fields beyond that stretched for miles.

Looking up at the deep blue sky she lost herself in thought, she dropped her schoolbag absently and perched on top of the cannon. She didn’t hear the heavy breathing as some puffed up the hillside following her tracks and she didn’t hear the clumsy footsteps as the person walked about drunkenly. She didn’t realise anyone was behind her until she felt a large hot and sweaty hand land on her shoulder.

“Robert!” She cried out as she jumped out and turned around to see who had grabbed her. A boy the same age as her with chocolate brown eyes and hair that was almost black because of the sweat stood there. He had a podgy build, it was clear he was clinically obese but she had never cared about that, he was like a teddy bear in many ways. “What are you doing here?” She screeched brushing a lock of blue hair out off her eyes and pushing it behind her ears.

“I could ask you the same thing,” he panted, “Topaz…you do remember the school said any more of this and they would suspend you. Maybe even expel you…right?” He sat down on the dusty ground with a large thump and glared up at Topaz angrily as he peeled his blazer off. “Topaz what is going on with you? Ever since you’re birthday you’ve been acting funny! It’s like you’re a whole new person, and I don’t like the new you! Your grades are dropping…you bunk everyday…why? You never used too!”

“I know, I know…” she whispered, “I just…oh just forget it.” She angrily picked up her bag and shouldered it as she stormed past Robert. Why couldn’t he leave her alone, why couldn’t he stop asking her questions? Yea he had a crush on her, but still you don’t have to stalk people you like, like that! And if he wasn’t careful she would blurt out the truth, and he wouldn’t like that…

“Where are you going?” Robert asked reaching up and grabbing her arm, Topaz turned to look at him angrily.

“Somewhere I can be alone!” She snapped snatching her arm away; she froze at the hurt look in his eyes and hung her head in shame. “Look Rob…I’m sorry but I just…I just need to be alone.”

“Why though? Topaz I can see something is wrong…please tell me what it is.” For a moment Topaz considered telling him what was wrong. But then again…how could she? How could she tell him that every night since she could remember she had had near enough the same dream? She sat in a richly furnished room, a large oak four poster bed with rich purple velvet curtains overhanging it laid against a paler purple wall. Opposite the bed was a large oak wardrobe with intricate patterns decorating its doors and frame. To the far end of the room was a large window and doorway that led onto a balcony. In front of that on the side of the room was a table and set of chairs and tucked away into the corner was a bookcase. A little to the right of the bed was a door that led into an en-suite bathroom.

Seated on the chairs were the same three people, two girls and a boy, who throughout the years never aged even a bit. Every night they spoke to her and told her tales off princesses and far-off kingdoms.

“I wish I was a princess!” A young Topaz had once told the dream people, she hadn’t noticed the sad look that each of the three had given her.

"Maybe you are.” The girl with crystal blue eyes and blonde hair had finally replied. Topaz stared at the girls blue eyes in wonder. They were very similar to her own, yet no one at home had eyes like them. People there just had one colour, but Topaz and these three had spiral patterns in their eyes that sprouted from their pupils.

And the truth had come out, Topaz was a princess. They had told her on her fifteenth birthday saying that in one year Earth time she would be coming back to her home world. Pacis.

But she couldn’t tell Robert that…could she? He’d think she was insane…wouldn’t he?

Nothing is wrong,” she sighed shaking her head, “I’m just sick of everyone asking me that bloody question.”

“We’re only asking it because we’re worried!” Robert shouted almost angrily, Topaz looked at him stunned trying to remember the last time he had been angry with her.

“Well you don’t need to be worried about me,” she said in a low voice, “I can take care of myself.” She turned to walk off but once again Robert grabbed her arm.

“Topaz you don’t need to be able to look after yourself! Whatever it is that you’re going through…we can help you through it!” Topaz felt something inside her snap like a twig; she burst into hysterical laughter as a picture of Robert’s face after she told him her “problem” entered her mind. “I’m only trying to help!” The hurt tone in his voice snapped her out off her hysterics and she straightened up.

“I know I know and I’m sorry,” she gasped, “it’s just you can’t help me with this! No one can!” She had fully sobered up now as she realised she was going to tell him as it was the only way she could get some peace and quiet. He would think she was insane…but everyone around here already treated her like a reject because of the way she looked. Blue hair, spiral patterned eyes…definitely not “normal” even if she was stunningly beautiful with her perfectly sculpted curves and long slender legs. “Look Robert…everyone knows how different I am –”

Everyone is different!” Robert cut in calmly, “you know that as much as the next person!”

Yes I do! But I’m different to the extreme,” she sighed, “c’mon Robert nothing about me is remotely similar to anyone else! Look at my hair; it’s not a dye it’s my natural colour! Then look at my eyes; they’re not contacts! I was born that way…who else in this world was born this way?”

“Is that what’s bothering you? The way you look?”

No! I’m used to the stares and stuff now! I couldn’t care less about the way I look! It’s just…”

“Just what?” Robert persisted as she trailed off; Topaz stared at him sadly and nervously readjusted the strap of her bag.

“I’m not from this world…I’m from another one.” Robert stared at her as if she was insane, a frightened look in his eyes appeared and Topaz flinched. She knew this would happen; he would avoid her now…he’d be too frightened to come near her! After all she was insane, who was to say she wouldn’t come after him with an axe? Shaking her head in dismay Topaz pulled her arm out off his grip and ran away as fast as she could.

“Topaz wait!” He called after her, he tried running after her but she was too fast for him and he had drained most of his energy getting to the top of the hill. Helplessly he collapsed onto the ground breathing heavily.

Halfway down the hill Topaz paused and held onto a branch for support, she looked back up frightened that Robert was following her. How could I have told him that? She thought cringing against the thick trunk of the tree, the way he had looked her was still fresh in her memory. Shaking her head she rubbed her teary eyes and carefully – but quickly – climbed down the hill towards her home, trying not to think of her only true friend that she had just lost.

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Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:24 pm
ohhewwo says...

I'll be looking forward to reading the next part to this.

You should describe the cannon. Just since most people don't see a cannon everyday, and that's her favorite place that she loves to go to.

I also think you should describe how she learned that she was a princess. And maybe what Pacis is supposed to be like. It's just so ... I don't know, but you need to describe that more, in my oppinion.

But this was nice to read, and different too.

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Sun Apr 03, 2005 3:45 am
Elelel says...

It read really well, flowed smoothly and everything. And everone acted as they would in real life. Really well done! I can't wait to read more either. But yes, describe the cannon more as ... *squints at name* ... um, that person who posted above me (well it's a tricky name, I can't even think how you would pronounce it...) said.
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Sun Apr 03, 2005 1:19 pm
dreaming_mouse says...

Hey guys thanks for the crit, when you say describe the cannon do you mean what it actually looks like or the graffati on it or both? Again thanks for the crit and I'll start editing it in a few minutes :D

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Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:53 am
Elelel says...

Both I'd say, it's her favourite place after all. But yeah, deffinately the looks because cannons aren't things seen everyday by most people ... my town has an old WW something gun thing in this park with a memorial ... but still they're not all that common.
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Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:52 pm
Supermal says...

I like it. Good twist on things. Now I'm going off to read the next installment :)
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She was /not/ going to ruin a good dress for a pot of drooling, wall-staring, imbecile grass. And that was that.
— Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings