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YU-Gi-Oh forgotten memories ch1

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Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:45 am
pharaoh362 says...

Was just another normal day at shool nothing new forYugi Motu.
Yugi: jeez,i wish that i was good enough to play basket balllike those guys do. Its not fair i'm so small...
*from a distance* oh come on
Yugi:What was that?
*the door opens*
Joey:Really yugi come onnnnn! you can play just as well ...*thinking* even tho your so short....*
Yugi:JOEY!!! thats not funny thats real mean...
Joey:I'm sorry buddy *as he grabs him*
Yugi: OW OW OW !!!! that hurts dont!
Honda: ya come on *as he walks through the open door*
Yugi:HONDA!!! *as he leeps to him*
Honda:Ok ok i see you Yugi bearly hahahaha
Joey:Hey i cant my short jokes but you can ehhhh what a world *with an sick face*
???: Hey stop that
Yugi:huh oh OH SHADIE YAY *Yugi's girlfriend*
Shade: hey Yugi-bear :3 *she says with a smile and then kisses him*
Yugi:heh *blushes badly*
Joey:Oy -.-'
Joey:I still don't know what you find so cute about Yugi here *he says with a laugh*
Shade:Ohh i love him *with a smile*
Shade:Ok Ok OK jeez,Calm down boys jeez so,Yugi hows the puzzle coming??
Yugi:Oh right well not that great its becoming a real challnge....:\
Shade:Oh sorry i asked but hey, you'll get it one day i know it!
Yugi:Thanks *kisses her on the cheek*
Joey:EWWWWWW stop it!
Honda:Jeez shut up Joey -.-let them beit's young love *as he hits Joey*
*All laughing*

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40 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1218
Reviews: 40
Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:09 pm
Deathcurrent says...

Wow! I truly did forget about YU-Gi-Oh. Thanks for bringing him back from MY forgotten memory. I think that my favorite part in this dialogue is:

Joey:Oy -.-'
Joey:I still don't know what you find so cute about Yugi here *he says with a laugh*
Shade:Ohh i love him *with a smile*

I'll have to go and watch YU-Gi-Oh again. I like the very first one the best, not the newer ones that are "altered". Thanks so much! :P
“Logic and practical information do not seem to apply here.” -- Spock from Star Trek

"There's power in stories. That's all history is: the best tales. The ones that last. Might as well be mine."-- Varric Tethras from Dragon Age II

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40 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1218
Reviews: 40
Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:09 pm
Deathcurrent says...

Wow! I truly did forget about YU-Gi-Oh. Thanks for bringing him back from MY forgotten memory. I think that my favorite part in this dialogue is:

Joey:Oy -.-'
Joey:I still don't know what you find so cute about Yugi here *he says with a laugh*
Shade:Ohh i love him *with a smile*

I'll have to go and watch YU-Gi-Oh again. I like the very first one the best, not the newer ones that are "altered". Thanks so much! :P
“Logic and practical information do not seem to apply here.” -- Spock from Star Trek

"There's power in stories. That's all history is: the best tales. The ones that last. Might as well be mine."-- Varric Tethras from Dragon Age II

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40 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1218
Reviews: 40
Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:09 pm
Deathcurrent says...

Wow! I truly did forget about YU-Gi-Oh. Thanks for bringing him back from MY forgotten memory. I think that my favorite part in this dialogue is:

Joey:Oy -.-'
Joey:I still don't know what you find so cute about Yugi here *he says with a laugh*
Shade:Ohh i love him *with a smile*

I'll have to go and watch YU-Gi-Oh again. I like the very first one the best, not the newer ones that are "altered". Thanks so much! :P
“Logic and practical information do not seem to apply here.” -- Spock from Star Trek

"There's power in stories. That's all history is: the best tales. The ones that last. Might as well be mine."-- Varric Tethras from Dragon Age II

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40 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1218
Reviews: 40
Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:09 pm
Deathcurrent says...

Wow! I truly did forget about YU-Gi-Oh. Thanks for bringing him back from MY forgotten memory. I think that my favorite part in this dialogue is:

Joey:Oy -.-'
Joey:I still don't know what you find so cute about Yugi here *he says with a laugh*
Shade:Ohh i love him *with a smile*

I'll have to go and watch YU-Gi-Oh again. I like the very first one the best, not the newer ones that are "altered". Thanks so much! :P
“Logic and practical information do not seem to apply here.” -- Spock from Star Trek

"There's power in stories. That's all history is: the best tales. The ones that last. Might as well be mine."-- Varric Tethras from Dragon Age II

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40 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1218
Reviews: 40
Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:09 pm
Deathcurrent says...

Wow! I truly did forget about YU-Gi-Oh. Thanks for bringing him back from MY forgotten memory. I think that my favorite part in this dialogue is:

Joey:Oy -.-'
Joey:I still don't know what you find so cute about Yugi here *he says with a laugh*
Shade:Ohh i love him *with a smile*

I'll have to go and watch YU-Gi-Oh again. I like the very first one the best, not the newer ones that are "altered". Thanks so much! :P
“Logic and practical information do not seem to apply here.” -- Spock from Star Trek

"There's power in stories. That's all history is: the best tales. The ones that last. Might as well be mine."-- Varric Tethras from Dragon Age II

It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.
— Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind