
Young Writers Society

Abby Callen

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Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:46 pm
callenlover says...

G Pov

Both Gibbs' and my team were investigating several murders of female petty officers, and since they overlapped we agreed to work together. I was excited this meant I would not only get to see my old time friend but also Abby, my princess of darkness. Her black hair in pigtails, along with her dog collar and miniskirts, made her quite cute. I took every oppertuinity I had to make her blush about it, and found it quite rewarding. I still remember when I met Abby.

I was on a well deserved (and slightly overdue) vacation in DC, and decided it was time to give Gibbs a vist. I talked with Tony and Kate waiting for Gibbs to show when I heard the elavators ding, think it was Gibbs I ran over and pulled a figure into my arms....diffently not Gibbs.

"Umm, Hi?" I looked up and saw a girl with green eyes, and black hair pulled into pigtails on each side of her head, lots of black, why to much for someone as pretty as her. Who was she? obviously not a field agent, maybe she was Ducky's new assistant? I could have sworn Gibbs told me he had gotten a guy though.

"Plan on letting go of her anytime today Callen?" I realised I still had a hold of her and let go, blushing slightly and stood face to face with Gibbs. As usualy he had coffee in his hand, he nodded towards the girl. "I see you've met Abby, our forensic scientist. Abby this is Callen." Abby turned to me with a smile, what had Gibbs told her?

"So you're the famous Callen, I didn't have a face to go with the name, you're a very hard person to find." I laughed and raised an eyebrow at Gibbs, He shrugged, and kissed Abby in the cheek, before turning back to me.

"She was curious." He said then left to do God know what. Abby was staring at me, like she was trying to solve a puzzle. I was a hard person to find, so many names, faces, stories and places that I've been. Kate, Tony and Gibbs all ran towards the elavators, gun in hand. Gibbs turned to me. "Ari." It was only one word, but I knew, I knew how dangerous he was, how much he loathed Kate. I gave her a small smile and she tried hard to return it. Abby was shaking and I pulled her into a hug.

"They'll be okay Abby." I said softly stroking her hair, trying to calm her down. She nodded and wiped her eyes. I smiled at her. "there she is, let's go for a walk." She laughed and looked at me with a mock serious face on.

"Should I call you Callen? Or one of your other hundred names?" I pretended to think a moment then looked down at her and smiled.

"Call me G." I took her hand in mine, and led her to the elavator. It was surprisingly a nice day outside. We had been sitting at a small cafe when my phone rang, It was Gibbs.

"Callen." He voice trying not to show how upset he was but it didn't work on me. We both had masks, tried to hide our emotions. Abby was looking at me with question and concern, I mouthed Gibbs and she relaxed, only I knew this was no time for that. "Kate's gone, Ari shot her." I nodded and let my tears start to fall, Kate was like my sister, Abby grabbed the phone from my ear. Gibbs repeated what he told me and she took off.

"Abby!" I yelled over the rain that was now pouring, she was sitting on a bench, curled up crying her eyes out. "Shhh Abby, it's okay." I pulled her into my lap and put my chin on her head, trying not to think about how if she was my girlfriend I could do this more often. She looked up at me, she looked so lost and helpless.

"She's gone G, and there's nothing anyone can do!" She started crying again and this time I had no idea how to comfort her, I was grieving just as much as she was. I tilted her head up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"We'll get through this Abby."

The next few days went by in a blur, The team flew up for Kate's funeral. I packed my bags and stopped by Ncis to say my goodbyes, Abby was the last to hug me. "You're leaving." It wasn't so much a question as a statement. I nodded.

"I'll be back Abby." She nodded and threw her arms around me again.

"Be careful."
~ End Flashback~
That was 7 years ago, Everytime I thought about going back I couldn't, knowing there was someone else at Kate's desk, hurt too much. The others got along, but no one would ever be Kate. It wasn't fair to Ziva though, Gibbs had told me plenty of good things about her, She had killed Ari, her brother.

"G, you ready?" I looed up and saw Sam, Kensi and Hetty all looking at me with the same face. They knew I was thinking about Kate. Dekks, who hadn't been here that long didn't know about Kate, and I'd like to keep it that way. Sam bent down in my ear. "It wasn't your case G, you were in vacation and she went trying to kill a man that deserved death and more." I stood up out of my seat hands balled in fists.

"It isn't fair, Kate saved Gibbs then Ari kills her! He killed her Sam! She was like my sister. I knew where they were going, I could have helped." Hetty put a hand on my arms, Deeks turned to Kensi but she just shook her ead and mouther later.

"Mr. Callen, Agent Todd was wondeful at her job, and she died wonderful at her job, That was seven years ago, let it rest with her." I just shook my head and started of the door, when I realised Kensi had told Deeks about Kate he had a small smirk on his face.

"Aww Was Kate your girlfriend? G and Kate Callen, not a bad ring to it." I stormed over and stood across from him, my face cenitmeters from his and he shrank down.

"No she wasn't, but she was a damn good Agent, and if you pull anything while we're in there so help your God Deeks!" He nodded so I stepped away and walked out the dor waiting on the others so we could get there already I just needed to see abby then everything would be okay.

*at ncis DC*
Abby was almost always in her lab so I dcided to go there first, Gibbs could wait I had to make sure she was stil safe. She turned around when she heard the doors opening and her eys got twice their size."G!" she squealed when she saw me and ran into my open arms. I sighed wondering if I should tell her the truth, that she's been the object of my dreams for the past 7 years.
"Hey beautiful." She smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. if only it had been 2 inches more to the left her clothers would more than likely be on the floor. She turned back to her moniter, telling me about everything that she had found but my thoughts were else where. "you got a boyfriend yet Abs?" She looked at me a minute trying to gather her jumbled up thoughts.
"uh n-no, what about you? Mr. Callen, any wife yet?" I chuckled and hugged her from behind causing her breathing to become rapid and uneven, I turned her around so she was facing me and tucked a stray hair behind her ear.
"Nope, so why don't you and I go out for diner tonight?" She smiled and raised her eybrow at me.
"Is G Callen asking me on a date?" I satrted to back away and raise my hands in a questioning gesture .
"Call it what you will, we'll leave after work." I said walking out the doors and running straight into Gibbs who had a cross between a smirk and all knowing smile, gosh he and Hetty were just alike. "how much of that did you see and hear?" He pretneded to be deep in thought.
"Since you asked if she had a boyfriend." I smiled and shook my head then looked up at the older man. "Have fun, just make sure she's not pregnant tomorrow." Abby gave a small I heard that and i laughed. "Good seeing you Callen."

I had drove Abby home so she could get ready, I had taken that time to make sure I looked presentable and now here I was sitting on her couch waiting on her to come down. I heard a soft click of heels and turned so I couls see abby she looked absouletly beautiful. ziva had a date with Tony so they both had gotten ready together, both of them looked amazing. Ziva had a soft brown dress that flowed down to her ankles and had a sweetheart neckline. Where as Abby had a strapless black dress that came just above her knees, he bangs and had been swept to the side and her hair was down in lose black curls. I cleared my throat and helped them both with their coats. Ziva gave me a hug then went outside to where Tony was waiting and I just stared at Abby in shock.
"Say someting G!" I smiled and kissed her cheek.
"You look wonderful, come on let's go." Diner was great, there wasn't an awkward pause at all, we just fit that's the only way to describe it. We drove back to her place and I walked her up to the door. Her green eyes stared at me for a moment before standing on her tippytoes and lightly kising my lips. I smiled and ran my fingers through her hair. She pulled me closer, I would have gone hours kissing her but sadly people do need air. "Goodnight Abby." she smiled at me and unlocked the door. "Goodnight G." I made sur she got inside okay then pulled out of her driveway, did this make her my girlfriend now? i liked to think so but I couldn't be to sure. I(ad just reached the end of her road when my phone stared ringing I smiled and answered.
"Yes Abby?" she sighed and I could tell she was debating if she should say what was on the tip of her tounge. "Abs?" I tried again.
"G, can you stay?" I smiled and made a u turn heading back for her house.
"On my way Abby." I pulled back in the driveway and rang the doorbell, her hair was now swept into a bun at the base of her neck. She had traded the dress for a pair of short shorts and a black cami. She smiled at me and kissed me. I shut the dor behind me and made sure to lock it. "I'm glad you're here.' she murmured against my chest. I kiss the top of her head.
"I'm glad you asked me to stay." I pulled her head back up and did what I had been wanting to do the past 7 years, to give her a kiss she wouldnt forget and it seemed to work beacuse she pulled me closer to her. I pulled her up in my arms and she hooked her legs around my waist. She had a llok on her face, one I knew from when guys told me Kensi had said no. I sat Abby back down on the couch and tok a seat beside her. "Wanna talk about it?" She shook her head no and layed it down in my lap falling aslep shortly. I sighed contendly and it wasn't long before I followed in persuit of dreamland
accept people for who they are and even more so for who they're not

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Gender: Female
Points: 1385
Reviews: 23
Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:01 am
kaylamarie004 says...

This is a terrific story. However, it seemed as though everything came too fast. You lost me when he was describing Abby, and then all of a sudden that was his girlfriend. In my opinion that was a fast jump. I get excited too when I write and start to jump to the good stuff, but then when you read it, you could tell you jumped straight to conclusions. So next time you should take things more slowly and have the reader want more. Also, I did notice a couple of misspelled grammar errors (which whom you probably noticed by now). That is easy to overcome and will help the image of your story look better. I think you've done a great job on sticking to the topic and the reason of the story.
- Kayla

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Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:36 am
dreamwriting2611 says...

^^ I agree but other than that this is really good. I am a fan of NCIS and you brought the characters to life just as they are in the show. I like how NCIS:LA met NCIS before they were supposed to. Pure genius.
You are worth every breath that I breathe, every beat of my heart. I would give my last breath to tell you that I love you.

Meatball, meatball, spaghetti underneath; ravioli, ravioli, great barrier reef!
— Spongebob