
Young Writers Society

The Magical Diary of L.L.P--part 4

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Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:23 pm
Mikko says...

Guess who's back?
Spoiler! :
Yay! Feels good to be back! I was on holiday and I didn't have a computer at my reach but I manged to scribble things down in my notebook every now and then. Hope you like these diary entries! :D

Dear Moon,

Today was Aunt Hermione’s birthday dinner. She said she didn’t want a party, just something small and enjoyable with her family. Because she didn’t want many guests, it was just us (that’s me, Mum and Dad), Uncle George and Aunt Angelina, Grandma and Grandpa. I was so happy to see Teddy there too! Yes, Teddy! When I saw him, I was so happy that I ran up to him and he lifted me up like a baby.

“Daisy, isn’t it?” He joked. He always did that when he saw me. I giggled and shook my head. “Do you know how they say ‘daisy’ in French?”
“No. How do they say ‘daisy’ in French?”
“Marguerite. Is that your name, young lady?” I shook my head again. He pretended to think and guessed again:
“Nope. She’s at school now.”
“Oh, that’s right. Then you must be Lily!” I smiled nodding excitedly. He put me back down and said he had to go and wish Aunt Hermione a happy birthday.

Me and Hugo were told we could eat in the sitting room while the adults talked and ate at the dining table because they said their conversations wouldn’t have been interesting for us. I told Hugo about my brother’s letter. I told him everything and asked him to not tell anyone because Albus didn’t want anyone worrying about him. What I saw caught his attention was when I told him about Harris Granger.

“Do you think he might be my mum’s brother?” He asked, putting a huge piece of the caramel and vanilla cake Grandma made in his mouth.
“Maybe. But I thought she had no brothers no sisters. Maybe it’s just another Granger. You know there are a lot of people with the same surnames.”
“Probably. But she did tell me that she left home when she was coming of age. So maybe she had a brother and she didn’t know!” As he spoke his eyes widened with excitement. However, we were not able to finish our chat because we were called to the dining table with the grown-ups.

“I’d like to make a toast. Please take you glasses.” Uncle Ron’s glass hovered in front of him as he filled everyone else’s glasses with wine with his wand.

“But we don’t have any,” Hugo argued and his dad handed us a glass of wine (only a little) each!
“Blimey! My first glass of wine!” His mum frowned seriously at Uncle Ron but in a joking way at Hugo and me.
“To my wife, 'Mione. The most fantastic woman I know, with whom I’ve shared many, and believe me, many challenges. I remember meeting a girl in the Hogwarts Express, already dressed in her uniform robes, who talked in a snobby way that annoyed me and who kept interrupting teachers to give the rest of us a lecture on what she had already read. I hope our daughter is being as annoying as you were because I can be sure that she will have a friend forever. I love you very much and I wish you a very happy birthday.”

Now and then I saw smiles on the grown-ups’ faces and I saw Aunt Hermione smiling with tears filling her eyes. She wiped them away and said:
“And I hope that best friend of hers tells her his feelings earlier and doesn’t leave her heart-broken at sixteen.” I didn’t know what she was talking about and I don’t think my grandparents, Teddy, Hugo nor Uncle George did too but my parents, Uncle Ron and Aunt Angelina laughed with Aunt Hermione. Everyone said: “To Hermione!” And drank down their wine. Hugo and I looked at each other, grinned and gulped down the deep reddish/purple stuff. We both pulled strange faces at the bitterness and rubbed our chests because our insides were burning. It’s official: I WILL NEVER DRINK WINE AGAIN! It’s disgusting! I don’t know why adults like it.

The rest of the evening went by normally with the grown-ups talking again and me and Hugo went to his room to play. I noticed a letter lying on his bed and it was addressed to him. We read it together. I don’t remember everything but I’ll write down what I do.

It started out by a ‘hi’ to Hugo. The person wrote how he/she had seen my letter to Albus so wanted to write one to his/her brother. It was Rose. She said that on her first day she had worn her school robes earlier than everyone else and was top of the class though she also liked Quidditch A LOT! She said she didn’t want to disappoint her parents so she made sure she was good at both Qudditch and school. She also mentioned that she was in Gryffindor (that was obvious) and that she found it strange that their prefect looked mysteriously like her mum, had the same surname and was also a muggle-born.

“Again this Harris Granger guy.” I exclaimed, excitedly because this was proof that my aunt had more wizards in her family.
We kept on reading and she ended in the same way as Albus had: Hugo should greet their parents for her and that they shouldn’t worry about her. She also said she missed all of us and couldn’t wait to see us for Christmas.
When some of the guests had gone and it was just my parents and Hugo’s, we went to tell them about Rose’s letter.
“That’s my daughter!” Uncle Ron said proudly. His wife looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“The Quidditch part, yes.” She said. Mum and Dad laughed and Uncle Ron pretended to look offended.
“Don’t push it, 'Mione. Just because you got a speech in your honor doesn’t mean you can get all snobby with me.” Aunt Hermione blew him a kiss. They kept on talking until they decided it was getting late.

We left the house a little before ten and now, as I go through everything that happened today, I don’t really want to sleep. We haven’t been together for a while and I know the next time we’ll be able to get together like that will be for Halloween or maybe not even before Christmas (which I can’t wait for)!
I’m a little hungry now since Hugo gulped down my slice of birthday cake along with his. I think I’ll go and get something to eat from the kitchen but I have to be careful so that mum doesn’t see me downstairs- I’m supposed to be asleep!


Dear Moon,

Today I stayed at home but I wasn't so bored. Two days ago, Grandpa bought us something that I've seen with most muggles: a television. He said it was the twenty-first century and that all muggles had at least one and it is really quite interesting. I'd seen it in many places but I've never asked to have one and now Grandpa got us one when he went to London to study closely the effects of television on muggles. He got it as a retirement gift (he's finally retired). He's gotten old and needs to spend more time at home with Grandma who is all alone.

Anyway, 'T.V' is good fun. I knew how to make it work straight away and when I did, I felt all of a sudden in contact with the muggle world, instead of having to go to London and it kept me away from being bored all day long like before. I watched a cartoon (I think that's what it's called) with a fairy in it and wondered when I'd be able to see a real-life fairy. Probably at Hogwarts- they probably teach you how to catch fairies and maybe Hugo and I would go fairy hunting...

When Dad came home, he gave me the most terrible news ever. He told me that Aunt Hermione had not shown up at work today because she had gone to hospital. Hugo has lost his memory. I heard Dad tell Mum that he had been 'obiliviliated' or something. Whatever that is. They later explained that it meant someone had wiped his memory with a spell. They told me that people could erase only small bits or even their whole, entire past. I hoped only a teeny weenie bit had been erased from Hugo's mind and that the doctors would bring it back. It's close to 7pm and I'm off to St. Mungo’s with dad to see Hugo.

I'll surely write again later.


Dear Moon,

It's worse than ever! Hugo has lost his whole memory and doesn't remember a thing and now he doesn't even know me! Who will I talk to now? He's my best friend and seeing him in such a state made me cry. They said they don't know when he'll be fine again. It could be for life or maybe just a few months. But I know I'll stay by him until he gets better.

I can't bare to think of all the moments I won't be able to share with him. What if he won't be able to go to Hogwarts with me? I feel like crying again because I'll miss him so much now that I have no one to be with.

Although, when I was sitting by his bed, the doctor attending to him seemed very familiar. On her badge was written Dr. Henrietta Granger. Another Granger? I knew a lot of people could have the same surname but this was too much of a coincidence.

"What's the matter, young lady?" She asked, smiling because I had been staring at her unknowingly.
"Um...um..." I stammered, "...do you know when my cousin will be better?" I already knew the answer but I didn't know what else to say.
"It could take a few months or more. I'm guessing a period no longer than two years. His whole memory has been erased but seen as he's only nine and that we're getting newer technologies available, he'll be as good as new in no time!" She held my hand and squeezed it.
"You look-"
"Very young? I get that a lot. I guess it's true. I got my degree two years ago, when I was coming of age and ever since, I've been working here."
"You're nineteen?" I exclaimed in surprise. She nodded. She was the same age as my cousin Teddy who is still looking for a proper wizard job, whilst she was a doctor at nineteen!

"Please, just make him come back, please. I really need him." I felt like crying again but I didn't want her to see me cry because she would tell my parents. And I didn't want them to know.
"I'll try my very best. I know what it's like to have a family member obliviated," That was the word: obliviated.
"What happened?"
"My parents were obliviated before I was born, I guessed. At the age of sixteen, at school, I found out that I had a big sister. I asked my parents and they didn't seem to know what I was talking about. But when I talked about it, they looked like they were trying to remember. I used the counter spell of obliviate to make them remember and they told me it was true. I had lived sixteen years without knowing that I had a big sister." She looked sad and suddenly looked at the clock on the white hospital wall that stood at the end of the room.
"And what's her-"

She was gone before I could even ask my question. Now I was convinced that she was Aunt Hermione's sister.

I went back to Hugo. I talked to him though I knew he probably didn't understand a word of what I was saying but to my surprise

Oh no! I've smudged out some of my words with droplets of water from my glass of cherry juice. Oh well, I'll just rewrite that part.
To my surprise, he answered and said:
"Lily." He said my name! That's all I needed to wash away those tears that had filled my eyes for the whole evening. Hugo said my name and it was only day one of his treatment. I officially have the best name ever!

That evening at the hospital has tired me out. I'll write tomorrow about Hugo's memory improvement.

22/9/2017-- later that day.

Dear Moon,

I haven’t been writing much recently because I’ve been worried for my cousin. I insisted on going to the hospital every single day to watch Hugo get better. He’s been in treatment for almost three weeks now and he already knows how to talk and everything! It’s just simply amazing! He knows most of his family members but those at school, he wasn’t able to remember them quite so well because he only recognises faces but not voices and things like that. I think the hospital has done an excellent job because I really thought it was going to take years to bring him back but it’s not taken up to a month! I am so so so happy to have him back though sometimes he has these blanked out moments when he would seem to be looking…blank.

The doctor, Dr. Granger, explained that it often happens because it takes a while for his brain to ’process given information’. That’s what she said but I’m not too sure what that means but I guessed it meant his brain gets slow for a few seconds and then comes back to normal. At least he’s back and that’s all I want.

He told us something today when we went to visit (me, Mum, Dad, his parents and Grandma). He told us how he got obliviated. It was actually hilarious but at the same time bad because he got in trouble- even in his hospital room, Hugo managed to get grounded! Mum said he was so much like his father, though his father seemed to be quite angry when he heard Hugo’s story.

He was at home, all alone because Uncle Ron had stepped out before going back home to pick up Hugo to go to the Wheezes shop. It was the day after I had received the T.V from grandpa. Hugo, quickly, as soon as his dad left, went down to their old storage room/place and found what we had been looking for for while: a wand that was no longer being used. He found an old, old one. And it had a very old-looking piece of cello tape wrapped around it but seemed to look fine to Hugo. He waved it, ready to say one of the spells we had secretly learned together but he was pushed back. He was pushed back so powerfully that he fell.

“You used that old wand?” Aunt Hermione asked, looking furious. “Do you have any idea how many accidents that wand has caused?”
“I…I…” Hugo stammered, but his dad said he should carry on telling us what happened.
“That’s all. And the next moment…I’m…here.” Dad, Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron all took a quick look at each other.
“That was the last spell cast, wasn’t it? Obliviate?” Dad said looking at Uncle Ron.
“Of course! Lockhart, back in our second year! Remember?” said Aunt Hermione, also looking at Uncle Ron who looked quite shocked. Aunt Hermione blushed because I think she noticed it wasn’t Hugo’s fault but Uncle Ron’s.
“I knew I should’ve gotten rid of that stupid wand!” He said.

When we went back home, Hugo’s parents followed us and talked about what they were going to do with him. I’m so lucky Hugo didn’t mention a word about me. He didn’t snitch that we practiced spells together but ditched that part and took all the blame.
“So what are you going to do with him?” Mum asked his parents because she knew he was in trouble, looking at her brother’s face.
“We’re sending him to school. ‘Should keep him busy instead of causing trouble here and there.” Uncle Ron said.
“A muggle school? Until he goes to Hogwarts?” Mum asked as a reply and Hugo’s parents nodded. To me, that wasn’t really a punishment, but to Hugo, I know it’d be terrible because he loved spending his days at the shop or at our grandparents’. They turned to me.
“What d’you think, poppet? He’ll survive, won’t he?” Aunt Hermione asked me.
“Not without me, he won’t.” I answered, though all I had to do was nod because they knew we were inseparable. I walked away to go to my room but as I left, I heard Mum add something:
“We ought to send her too. She’s all alone and now she spends her days either at the hospital or watching television.”

That’s why I’m here writing. I’m confused. I’d love to go to school, especially with Hugo, but I don’t know what to expect. Why do I feel so strange? Is it the fact that I’ll be with muggles everyday? I have absolutely no problem with them, I think they’re great…Actually I just really wanted to go to Hogwarts that I never thought about any other ordinary school. At least I’ll learn how to write properly and meet new people.

Ok, now I want to go! I’m suddenly all excited =)

I just heard the front door close. I think Hugo’s parents have just left. Now I can hear Mum and Dad coming up the stairs. They’ll probably come in here and I don’t want them to see me writing in my diary, so I’ll hide you for now.

Shhhh! Don’t make a sound! Hihihi I know you won’t!


Dear Moon,

Ok, they’ve decided to send me to school. The same as Hugo’s and as Dad’s cousin’s children. I already knew but when they told me, I pretended I didn’t.

The school’s called Pentsbury Primary School and we start school at nine in the morning and we finish at three-thirty in the afternoon. It’s a nice place and when we went to visit them this morning, the people were really nice with us. Mum and Aunt Hermione went with me and signed me and Hugo up straight away because the term had started almost a month ago. We immediately bought uniforms and books and stuff and went to visit Hugo at the hospital. He tried on his uniform and it looked really nice on him! The shirt is white and girls wear grey skirts or trousers and boys wear grey trousers or shorts in summer. The jumper is deep red and has the school’s golden and white rose as the logo. Our summer dresses are small red and white squares. We also have deep red scarves and gloves for winter and matching bonnets. We wear white socks and black shoes. I like it a lot!

The doctor said Hugo could go to school but twice a week he’d have to go for his memory check-ups after school.
I never got to talk to that doctor again. She’s always too busy. I wanted to talk with her alone or with Hugo but never when the adults were around because they’d say it was none of my business. But I’m curious to know if her big sister is in fact my Aunt Hermione…

Alright. My check-list for school:

-I have to remember to never talk about Hogwarts.

-Never talk about anything that makes reference to our world. Basically, I should never talk about magic.

-Be a normal muggle child. Act as muggl-y as possible.

-Never say anything about Hugo being obliviated. He had an accident and lost his memory. That’s all.

-I’ve never been to school because I was homeschooled by my grandma.

-My siblings and closest cousins are at boarding school.

I’m so excited about tomorrow: my very first day at school, but I’m also scared. What’s going to happen? Will people be nice or mean like the children at Dad’s school when he was little? At least there’ll be four no five people I’ll know. Dad’s cousin’s children and Hugo. What is going to happen to me??? All these questions are driving Nimbus Five-thousands in my head so I should go to sleep because tomorrow I will find out.

Tomorrow is the big day!

See you tomorrow evening. I’ll write everything about my first day at Pentsbury Primary.

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Last edited by Mikko on Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.
when she needs to shelter from reality she takes a dip in my daydreams

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Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:33 pm
HorsebackWriter says...

What I mostly saw were grammar errors, and even though there were a lot of the they were mostly just that you didn't capitalize something you needed to. Good job!
"So it all comes down to this, doesn't it? Does the wand in your hand know it's last master was Disarmed? Beacause if it does...I am the true master of the Elder Wand."

"And quite honestly, I've had enough trouble for a lifetime."

~Harry Potter

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Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:42 am
purpleandblue22 says...

AHHHH!!! Sorry for being late! Things have just been crazy in my house.

Anyway, review!

Loved Ron's speach, just gotta say that. It honestly made me laugh.

I couldn't find any real mistakes (sorry!)

But, oh my gosh! Hermione has siblings! Seriously, when I first read the ending to the 7th Harry Potter book I did something like this in my head, and that failed dramatically. I am in shock at all the orrigional things you are comming up with! Although now I am screaming in my head about why Lilly didn't tell someone who could understand her about suspecting that her aunt had siblings. Wouldn't they have wondered why they never saw her parents (considering their very family oriented dynamic)? To be honest, I would have made a fool of myself jumping up and down if I had been Lilly when she met the doctor. Of course she doesn't know about the errased memories of her, umm, great aunt/uncle (is that the right term), but still.

That is the only thing that bothered me.

On to the next bit!

"When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often suprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers."Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:01 pm
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LadySpark says...

Hi Marco! Reviewing Chapter 4! I'm excited! I haven't reviewed in a long time. :)

Uncle George and Aunt Angelina,

:) We always knew it would happen...

“Oh, that’s right. Then you must be Lily!” I smiled nodding excitedly. He put me back down and said he had to go and wish Aunt Hermione a happy birthday.

I see Teddy as the Uncle/cousin who always has time for his little cousins and loves them so much, he'll get down on the floor and play with them. Have you ever considered having Teddy give Lily a ride on his back like a horse? idk, thats what my uncle always did to me when I was little. Maybe I should write some Harry Potter fanfiction... :)

. Please take your glasses.”

eriously at Uncle Ron

“To my wife, ‘Mione. The most fantastic woman I know, with whom I’ve share many, and believe me, many challenges. I remember meeting a girl in the Hogwarts Express, already dresses in her uniform robes, who talked in a snobby way that annoyed me and who kept interrupting teachers to give the rest of us a lecture on what she had already read. I hope our daughter is being as annoying as you were because I can be sure that she will have a friend forever. I love you very much and I wish you a very happy birthday.”


“And I hope that best friend of hers tells her his feelings earlier and doesn’t leave her heart-broken at sixteen.”

I love Ron and Hermonie. love them. favorite couple besides Luna and Neville.

That's all I have time for now. Busy as ever, eh? But I promise I'll review 1-3 later. :) LOVE YOU MARCO!
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

Formerly SparkToFlame

Remember: when people tell you something’s wrong or doesn’t work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong.
— Neil Gaiman