
Young Writers Society

A Life Seeing the Cullens(Final Part)

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Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:16 pm
ISeeEdward says...

13. Threatened

It’s been three months since Edward came back. He still fades away every once in a great while, but it’s only for a few seconds.
While I was sitting in our little abode reading a book, Edward came rushing in with a letter in his hand.
“It’s from the Volturi,” he said.
I took the letter and looked at the front. My name was written out very neatly. On the back was the Volturi seal. I glanced up at Edward for a moment, then looked back at the letter and opened it carefully. I read the message which was written ever so tidily.

Dear Miss Sheila,
We have taken your family and held them hostage here in Volterra. The only way you can let them go is to come and have yourself destroyed. We will do the honors as painless as possible. Come alone, or your family will be no more. You will be watched, so we will know if you bring someone. And if you come with your beloved Mr. Edward Cullen, he will also be destroyed with the rest of them. You broke the rules and went against us. Now it is time to pay the price.

I tried to keep my face expressionless, but Edward sensed my worry.
“Is everything okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” I lied, feeling awful doing so.
“Well, what does it say?”
“It’s kinda personal,” I fibbed again, every word burning as they slipped out of my mouth.
“That’s fine.” He wrapped his arms around me as I quickly folded the letter and put it in my pocket. I had to keep this a secret from him. I didn’t want to, but it was for the sake of our family.
Later that night, while Edward was hunting, I asked my mother if I could go to Italy.
“Italy?!” she exclaimed, “How in the world are you going to get there?!”
“Tanya’s aunt is taking me,” I explained. Tanya’s aunt did travel a lot anyway.
“Well,” she sighed, “As long as I don’t have to pay for it.”
“Thanks, Mom,” I said as I hugged her for a quick moment, knowing that I would never see her again as soon as I left.
The next day, I got tickets to Volterra, paying with my hard-earned allowance. I started packing my stuff, although I didn’t need it. While I was packing, I was trying to think how I could get away from Edward without hurting him or making him suspicious. I finally decided that I would tell him that I was going to visit my aunt for a very personal reason.
The next day, a few hours before my departure, I told Edward my excuse.
“Well,” he sighed, “if you say so.”
“Don’t worry,” I said, trying to soothe him, “I’m only going to be gone two weeks, then I’m coming straight home to you.”
He looked up at me and smiled. I knew that it would be the last time I would ever see him ever again. I forced my tears to wait until I was on the plane.
“I’ll miss you,” he whispered as he rested his hand on my cheek.
“So will I,” I sighed. I stared into his deep, golden eyes.
He then pulled me close to him and kissed me very tenderly, like I was leaving for six months. I kissed him back, my fingers entwined in his hair. I would regret kissing him back, but I couldn’t resist.
When his lips left mine, he grabbed my hands and held them in his.
“I’ll see you when you come home,” he smiled.
I smiled back and looked at the clock.
“I better get going,” I sighed, “It takes a while for us to get there.”
“Alright,” he sighed. He lightly kissed me again and led me home. While he wasn’t looking, I left a note for Edward in our little house. I wrote it after my mom told me I could go.

My dearest Edward,
I have gone to Italy to save our family. The Volturi has them hostage in Volterra. Please don’t follow me, or else they will kill you and the others. I’m only doing this for you and our family. They will have me destroyed. It’s the only way I can save them. What ever you do, please don’t kill yourself. I would hate myself if I was the cause of your nonexistence. I’m so sorry.


The car ride was long, and so was the flight. Throughout the whole trip, all I could think about was saving my family. This trip was for them. I also thought of Edward and how harshly he would take the news that I was dead. When I thought about it, I pushed the thoughts away. They were too awful.
I finally got to the Volterra airport. There was a man in a black robe holding up a sign with my name on it.
I walked up to him and whispered, “I am Miss. Sheila Winston.”
“Come,” the man said, “We have been awaiting your arrival.” I recognized that the man was Felix. I walked next to him like he was my father, not wanting to make anyone suspicious.
We arrived in the Volturi’s abode by noon. I was quiet until we came to a room where Aro and Demetri were standing.
“Where is my family?” I demanded.
“Sorry, Sheila,” Aro laughed wickedly, “Your family isn’t here. We never even came in contact with them.”
“You monster!” I exclaimed as I tried to charge at him, but Felix held me back. “This was all a trick to make me come and be destroyed!”
“Very good,” Aro commented, “You are very smart. Too bad they weren’t here to see you end your life for them.”
I snarled harshly at him.
“Let’s end this now so we can get the pain over with, shall we?” Aro smiled.
As he walked towards me, my snarl quieted and tears were threatening to burst any second.
“Any last words?” Aro asked me when he was standing in front of me.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered.
“’Sorry’?” he questioned, “For what?”
“For leaving Edward. I’ll never be sorry for you.”
They all snarled at me in rage. I snarled back at them fiercely and darkly.
While we were snarling at each other, I was able to slip out of Felix’s grasp and run for the door. I smashed through it and shut it quickly, shoving a stone chair under the handles. I ran for the way out, hoping that I would make it.
All of a sudden, when I was just a few feet away from freedom, a figure in a black robe leaped in front of me. I came to a stop and snarled at him harshly.
“Get out of my way!” I roared.
He just shook his head and held out his hand.
I laughed, “You think I’m going to fall for that?! Ha!” The man stood there, his hand still extended towards me.
All of a sudden, there was a smash on the opposite side of the door behind me. Aro, Demetri, and Felix were trying to get through. The man quickly glanced at the door, then grabbed me and held me tight.
They broke through the door, snarling uncontrollably. Aro noticed I was captured and was trying as hard as I could to break free.
“Good,” he said, “You caught her. Now finish her off!”
The cloaked figure nodded then looked at me. He held my head back and lowered his head towards my neck.
“Act like I’m killing you,” he whispered, soft enough for only me to hear. His voice was just barely similar.
I followed his orders as he lightly kissed my neck. I was struggling, trying to push him away, hoping that they would believe it. And instead of being appalled by him kissing my neck, I enjoyed it so much. I hated myself for it.
“Act like your getting weaker for a moment, then die,” he whispered again, “Try not to breathe when you do.” He gently kissed my neck again.
I quit fidgeting as much and made my arms limp. I quickly glanced at the Volturi. They were buying it. I finally “died” as the cloaked figure held me in his arms.
“She has been destroyed,” he informed Aro.
“Good,” he replied, “Now dispose of the body properly.”
The man nodded and carried me away. I made my legs and arms limp and held my breath until we were out of their range of hearing.
“Thanks for saving me and all,” I said as he set me down.
He looked at me and nodded. He then placed his hands on the sides of my face and pulled my face towards his slowly.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” I exclaimed as I stepped away from him, removing my face from his grasp, “I know you’re my savior and all, but that doesn’t give you the right to kiss me. I am married you know!”
He rested his finger on my lips and nodded. Again, he softly rested his hands on my cheeks. And pulled my face towards his. When his lips met mine, my heart felt full again. My love for Edward was replaced with love for the mysterious cloaked figure. I couldn’t believe myself, although I didn’t feel like I was betraying him. I hated myself even more.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer. I was enjoying this moment. I would never tell Edward, but it was the best kiss I’ve ever had in my life. He moved one hand to the back of my neck as the other wrapped around my waist.
When he pulled away, I gasped, for his kiss was breathtaking. He touched his forehead to mine, matching my breathing.
“Don’t ever do anything like that again.” He whispered sternly.
“I won’t,” I gasped softly, “but you have to tell me who you are first.”
He entwined his fingers with mine, not saying a word. I looked down and saw a ring on his finger. I knew who it was from that small detail.
I looked back up at him. “Edward…I’m so sorry.”
“You scared me, Love.”
“They made me think they had our family. If I had known that the Volturi didn’t even touch them, I never would have gone.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want you to get killed.”
“Well, just don’t do anything like that ever again,” he warned, “If you need to see the Volturi, at least bring me with. You never know what they will do.”
“Yeah,” I sighed in defeat, “I know that now.”
He chuckled as his face softened.
“I’m so sorry, Edward” I apologized as I looked into his deep, golden eyes.
“It’s alright,” he whispered. He caressed my cheek, making me blush.
I rested my hand on his cheek and pulled him closer. He chuckled softly as his cool lips pressed against mine softly, yet abruptly. Tears started building in my eyes and sliding down my face.
Edward pulled away and whispered, “What are you crying for?”
“I’m just so happy that I don’t have to leave everyone I love in pain,” I sobbed. I wiped the tears off my face, but it was quickly sodden again.
Edward slightly shook his head and again kissed me softly. My fingers entwined in his hair as I lost some control. He lost some, too, for he leaned in a little and was kissing me a little more passionate than needed. I didn’t mind at all.
He picked me up and cradled me in his arms as he pulled away a second time, resting his finger on my lips.
“How about we get back home first?”
“Well,” I whispered, “my mom won’t be expecting me to be back for another two weeks. Might as well have a little vacation.”
We stayed in Volterra for a little while, and then we headed home. I told my mom that we came back earlier since our plans were a little messed up. It felt good to be home with all of my loved ones. Thanks to Edward, he saved me, again, from the Volturi. Now that they think I’m dead, though, they’ll never bother us again.

14. Bella

The Volturi have done nothing to us. Edward and I think they bought our little show and believe that I’m dead. My life feels easier knowing the Volturi won’t interfere.
But although we took care of them, we had another problem a month later.
Edward and I were talking while we sat in the little house. We heard a knock on the door, but it sounded like who ever they were was either desperate or angry.
The visitor was both.
I opened the door to find Bella Swan. Her face was calm, covering up the anger that raged inside her.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“Bella?” Edward exclaimed as he almost jumped out of his seat.
Bella ran past me into Edward’s arms. I stepped out of the way. He hugged her close and she tried to kiss him. He stopped her, resting his finger on her lips.
“Bella,” he said softly, “I remarried.”
“What?” she said, surprised, “You…You what?”
“I remarried to Sheila,” he explained as he glanced at me. He let Bella go and walked to my side.
“Hello,” I smiled, extending my hand towards her.
She stared at me blankly for a moment, then looked back at Edward.
“How could you?”
I dropped my hand to my side as Edward spoke. “You left me for Jacob. It left me heartbroken. Sheila filled in the cracks in my heart.”
I blushed at his remark, hoping Bella didn’t notice. Obviously, she didn’t.
“I know, Edward. But how could you remarry?”
I snarled quietly.
“Sheila,” Edward whispered.
“No,” Bella exclaimed, “let your new wife say what she wants to say.” She stared at me, her eyes darker than coal.
The anger I had boiling inside me exploded. I growled, the sound gradually getting louder, then roared in complete anger. “What do you mean, ‘How could you?’?! How could you?! You left him for Jacob! You took his only daughter away from him! You left him in so much pain! He left Forks because he couldn’t stand being near you! He’s lucky he came by here. If he didn’t, he would have probably had the Volturi destroy him! You obviously don’t remember what happened when he thought you were dead!” I felt Edward wince by my side as the last sentence slipped out of my mouth.
“I remember it just fine!” She interrupted, “I had to go after him! I was the one who stopped him! I saved him from killing himself! I bet you never saved him from anyone as dangerous as the Volturi!”
“I have, actually! I saved him three times, and each enemy was a part of the Volturi! Demetri, Caius, and Aro!”
As we quarreled, I noticed that our rage was getting worse and worse. I tried to keep calm, but Bella’s thoughts were angering me.
“She is such a liar! Yeah, right she saved him from Demetri, Caius, AND Aro at the same time! Like she could even fight them. I could just see them kicking her…”
I growled in uncontrollable rage, interrupting her thoughts. I pounced at her, both of us tumbling out the door. Edward ran out after us. We fought as we came to a stop.
“Both of you, stop it! Now!” He commanded as he pulled us apart. While Bella was unscathed, I had a black-and-blue eye and a scar across my cheek. Neither injuries hurt at all because of my fury. We both were still snarling at each other.
“Enough!” Edward exclaimed, snarling louder than both of us. I silenced myself, while Bella still snarled very softly.
“Bella,” he growled through his teeth. She glanced at him, then became silent.
He let Bella go and looked at me. “What is wrong with you?!”
“I’m sorry Edward,” I whispered, “I just-“
“Fighting with Bella over me?! I know you love me, but that doesn’t mean you have to fight to keep me!”
Tears were threatening to burst any second. “Edward, if you would just listen-“
“No, you listen! I thought you would stay calm, even though Bella betrayed me and hurt me very deeply. I guess I was wrong. Now you were the one who betrayed me. I can’t believe you, Sheila.”
A tear slid down my cheek. “Edward-“
“Don’t even say it in your head. I don’t want to hear it. If you have just been fighting for my love, then you don’t deserve me. Not one bit of me.”
He pulled off his wedding ring and threw it to his side. Another few tears came.
“Goodbye, Ms. Winston.”
He turned and walked away, holding Bella close to his side. I bursted into tears and fell to me knees. As I cried, I looked to one side and saw Edward’s ring sparkle in the grass. I crawled over to pick it up. I stared at it, remembering those precious moments with him. I began to sob even more.
I ran home, taking Edward’s ring with me. I pulled out an empty ring box and put it there. I took the box, along with some pictures of him, and ran to the little house. The sky was beginning to darken. I didn’t even bother to bring anything to keep me dry from the rain that was about to come.
Beside my father’s pictures, I set up Edward’s pictures. I hid the box behind one of the pictures. I sat in his chair as the rain began to fall heavily. I sobbed for the rest of the day, crying myself to sleep.


The next morning, my mother was standing in front of my dad’s pictures, staring at them. She heard me move and glanced back at me.
“Good morning, honey,” she whispered.
“’Morning, Mom.”
“Where did you get these pictures?”
“I got them from photo albums I found with his pictures. I brought them here so they wouldn’t be destroyed.”
She nodded and came to sit in the chair next to me.
“You know, a few months after your father and I got married, we got in a big fight.”
I was shocked. They never really fought, even when they were mad at each other. They always had calm fights, never raising their voices.
“Yeah, your father wanted live back in Oregon. You know, in Salem. But I wanted to stay here in San Francisco. We had a massive fight about it for almost an hour. He ended up leaving for home as I stayed. It broke my heart and I was crying for days. I loved your father like no other.” A tear escaped my eye, memories of Edward leaving me coming back again.
“About a week and a half, two weeks later, he came back and apologized. He said that it hurt him, staying away from me. We thought everything out, and decided to stay in San Francisco. Your father regretted his choice to leave me for the rest of his life.”
I noticed that I was lightly crying a little.
“Mom, I-I never knew you two fought before.”
“Not many people do. The fight I keep in my heart because it makes me think positive. Now, when something bad happens, I think of that fight, and smile. I wait for the good ending to come, and one always comes. Never think that once something awful happens, it will never get better.”
“Alright, Mom,” I whispered. I stretched my legs and rubbed my eyes, when a sharp pain swept over my left eye.
“I looked at that when I came in here,” my mother said as she lightly brushed my eye, “Just be careful when you touch it. It’ll be fine in a few days. But where did you get that scar?”
I traced the scar on my cheek with my finger.
“Oh, this? I got it from a branch. I was running and it scratched my face, I guess.”
“Well, I put some medicine on that. It might take a while to heal, though.”
“Ah, I’ll be fine,” I laughed.
My mother laughed with me. “Good. I’m going to head home. You can come when you’re ready.”
I nodded, and then I noticed something. “Hey, Mom. How did you know where I was?”
“Let’s just say this area is between the three of us,” she smiled, winking at me. I should have known my father told her. Silly me.
As she left, I thought about what she said.
When something bad happens, I think of that fight, and smile. I wait for the good ending to come, and one always comes. Never think that once something awful happens, it will never get better.
I wait for the good ending to come, and one always comes.
One always comes.
Hopefully, my problem will be the same as hers. Edward will come back to me, saying he’s sorry. It would just be good if he came back. But after thinking about the day before a little longer, I noticed something.
Now Edward betrayed me.
He left me for Bella, just as Bella had left him for Jacob. He went to Bella because I fought for his love. I know that I shouldn’t have done that, but he didn’t have to leave me for it! He should’ve known I would blow up!
After thinking about all this and more, I became angry at him. I then hoped that he never came back. I hoped he would suffer. I even hoped he would kill himself a little.
Yet, I left his pictures where they were. Something kept me from tearing them apart, from burning them, from destroying them. Like my soul knew that if I got rid of them, awful things would happen.
I took the keys to the little house and locked it up. I walked home, a burning fire of anger wanting to grow, but my soul kept it from getting any bigger than a small campfire.

15. One Always Comes

It’s been about a week. I’m still boiling over Edward betraying me. I was reading a book in the backyard, when a familiar scent filled the air. I thought I was dreaming, but the scent was still there. I snarled as I recognized whose it was.
I followed the odor all the way to the little house I locked up. I looked for the key under the window ledge, but it was missing. I tried to open the door, and it creaked open. I looked inside, the smell very strong here. There, in his chair, was Edward. His face was miserable. He looked up at me and smiled slightly. I snarled at him harshly.
“Well, look what the vampire dragged in,” I growled.
“Sheila, I” -he hesitated- “I’m so sorry.”
“Sure you are,” I retorted.
“I really am sorry!” I exclaimed. In a split second he was right in front of me. “Please believe me,” he whispered. He slowly lifted his hand towards my face, but I pushed it away.
“How do I know I can trust you? You hurt me just like Bella hurt you: by leaving one for the other. How do I know that this isn’t some kind of trick or something? You said I betrayed you, and two seconds later you betray me. Do you really think that I would trust you after all that?”
He sighed, “I can see why you wouldn’t. But I’m not lying. I really want you back. My heart feels like it’s been shattered into trillions of tiny pieces. Now I’ve noticed that Bella only wanted me for how I looked, this time. You, on the other hand, wanted me for who I was. You actually loved me. I can’t believe that I was so blind.
“All I want now is for you to take me back, Sheila. I’ll make everything better again. Please, Sheila. I’m so sorry.” He fell to his knees. It almost sounded like he was crying, only without tears. He took my hand and held it in his, looking up at me. “Please.”
I was touched that he came back for me. Tears wanted to burst, but I forced them to stay hidden.
My face grew angered, Edward’s slight smile disappearing.
“Edward-“ I began furiously, but I stopped. My face became miserable. I pulled my hand away from his and collapsed onto my knees. I started sobbing, releasing the tears.
“Oh, I don’t know what to do!” I cried, “I’m afraid that if I trust you, you’ll just break my heart again. But if I don’t trust you, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life!”
I sobbed on as Edward picked me up in his arms and sat in his chair, gently rocking me. I cried all my anger for him out of me. Everything made sense now. Edward blew up and lost control of his actions at the time. He barely knew what he was doing.
After crying for two, maybe three hours, I fell asleep in Edward’s arms.


When I woke up, the room was very dim. Only the light next me and Edward was on. It wasn’t very bright, but bright enough for us to see each other.
“Are you okay, now?” Edward whispered, smiling just slightly.
I smiled in return. “Yes. I have made my decision, too.”
“What is it?”
I sat upright in his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him towards me. When our lips met, everything felt normal again. Like we never had that fight. Like I never fought with Bella. Like she never came.
As I pulled away, Edward’s smile became brighter.
“I’d say that is a very good choice,” he chuckled. I giggled as I leaned onto his chest, my head lying on his shoulder.
“Do you think we’ll have to remarry?” he asked after a few minutes.
“I don’t know,” I sighed, “I mean, I still have my ring. Do you have yours?”
He looked at me, thinking this was a joke.
“If you need a ring, I can get you one.”
“No, I’ll get it.”
“Too late. I already got you one,” I smirked as jumped off his lap and went to the pictures of my father and Edward. I grabbed the box from behind a picture and smiled. I looked back at Edward and showed him the ring box.
“Sheila, you didn’t have to spend your money-“
“I didn’t spend a penny,” I interrupted.
I handed him the box, happy that I found it in the grass and kept it.
Edward looked at me, his face looking a little confused. He opened the box and gasped softly.
“Sheila,” he whispered, “You…You kept this after I hurt you so much?”
“I found your ring in the grass. It made me a little happier. I cleaned it off and kept it in this box ever since that day.”
He picked it up and examined it carefully, smiling brighter than ever. He looked like he would cry with joy if he could.
“And here’s the proof that it’s yours,” I smiled as I pointed on the inside of the ring, where carved in the ring were four words:
Edward and Sheila Cullen
He glanced at me and smiled. “After everything I’ve done to you, you keep this ring,” he laughed softly. “Well, at least it’s proof that you still love me.”
“And you coming back is proof that you still love me,” I sighed happily.
Edward slipped his ring back on his finger and smiled, setting the box on the table.
He stood up and hugged me close to his chest, whispering, “It’s good to be with you again.”
“It’s good to have you back,” I smiled. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him tenderly.
Mom was right. Good endings always come after awful things. From that day on, I was never negative when something bad came along. I always waited for the happy ending, and, like my mother said, one always comes.

16. Never the End

So much has happened in my life. I saw Edward. We fell in love. We got married. I was transformed into a half-breed. Edward saved me from killing Melissa. I saved Edward from Demetri, Caius, and Aro. He stopped me from killing myself. Bella stole him away from me. We fell apart. He came back and we were together again, and many other things. My life has been adventurous, all of it starting over two years ago, when I met Edward. Many more things might come and go, but for now, everything is simple. Me and Edward are living a happy life together. And we will never part.

Sheila’s Biography

Sheila Marie Winston was born to the parents of Kevin and Marie Winston on May 5, 1994. She is 5’8” with blond hair and bright, blue eyes. She has been home-schooled her whole life, but she is a very smart woman. When she was very young, around the age of five or six, her father died of cancer. She didn’t know he was dead until weeks later, for her mother was keeping the awful truth away from her. Soon after, Marie remarried to a man named John Hampton, but Sheila kept her original surname. John was cruel towards Sheila’s feelings for her late father, ripping and burning any pictures he found of him. In the story, Marie divorces John soon after Sheila runs away. Later in her life, after Chapter 16: Never the End, Edward fades from her life as she grows older and falls in love with a man named Sora Dickinson. She promises Edward that she will always remember him by the wristband from Carlisle and Esme, which she wore ever day of her life.
Later in life, when she is 26, Sora proposes to her, and she says yes. Coincidently, the date was set on the same day Sheila and Edward got married. At the wedding ceremony, Sheila was walking down the aisle, when she saw Edward leaning against the wall next to the church doors.
She smiled at him slightly, thinking to Edward, “Thanks for coming to my big day. It’s great to see you again.”
Still having a strong connection to him, Sheila was able to read his thoughts. “I had to. I didn’t want to miss my girl’s wedding. I’m so proud of you.”
The wedding went on, and Sheila married Sora. After the wedding and reception, Sheila went out in the forest of her old home. There, in the same clearing where she and the Cullens fought the Volturi, was Edward. He told her that as soon as midnight hit, it would be his time to leave. He promised her one last dance. He was dressed in a formal tux. They danced away, to the song he proposed to Sheila with, Love Story.
“I feel like I’m fifteen again,” she laughed.
“You always will be,” Edward smiled.
Just before it struck midnight, Sheila wanted to do one last thing. She wrapped her arms around his neck, for she was still a little shorter than him. She pulled him close as he slid his hand behind her neck. They shared a final, tender kiss. Her fingers knotted in his hair as he pulled her closer.
The bell from the town church began announcing midnight. Edward began to fade. They pulled apart, tears beginning to slide down Sheila’s cheek.
“Don’t cry,” he whispered, “It’s your big day. Go enjoy it.”
She nodded, but kept crying anyway. “Goodbye, Edward. I’ll miss you,” she sobbed.
“I’ll always be with you,” he soothed, pointing to his ring.
Sheila looked down at her ring from Edward’s wedding. She looked back at Edward, who was almost invisible now.
“I love you, Edward!”
“I love you, Sheila!” He exclaimed, his voice fading.
“With all my heart…!” Sheila began.
“With all my soul…!” Edward replied.
“With all my life!” they both shouted softly together.
He then faded away for good. It was the end of her Edward Cullen for Sheila. She sat on a tree stump and cried. After a few minutes, she looked up at the stars, and they seemed to be moving. A bunch of stars were forming into the shape of a heart. Inside the heart were two initials:
Sheila smiled, knowing it was from Edward. She began to sob again. The day of her wedding might have been the last day of Edward Cullen for Sheila, but she always thought of him every single day for the rest of her life.
Sheila lived happily with Sora and their two children, Kevin and Edmund, until she died at the age of 48 in a grave car accident. Sora and their children mourned her death for days. When Edward faded back into Sheila’s life for an unknown reason, he looked for her everywhere.
When he looked in the graveyard, thinking that she was mourning her father, he found a new tombstone. Edward collapsed onto his knees and cried. He actually cried with real tears, for written on the tomb was the worst thing he has ever read in his eternal life:
Here lies Sheila Winston,
A beautiful and brave woman.
Although she is with us no more,
She will be with us in our hearts.
He cried so much. But as he kept reading, a smile began to cross his face.
She left a message in her will for one named Edward,
A message that shows much love.
“My dearest Edward, I’m so sorry.
I never wanted to die, but that’s life, I guess.
Please don’t kill yourself, and you know why.
I’ll remember you always, even though I’m gone,
And I hope that you will never forget me, too.
I love you.”
Edward smiled and laughed lightly.
“I won’t, Sheila. I promise. I love you, too.”
He lightly brushed his fingers over Sheila’s name. He went back to Forks with the rest of his family. He never forgot the one love that took care of his once shattered heart.



To my mother, Donna, for supporting my story.
To Stephenie Meyer for giving me the idea.
To Robert Pattinson for just looking cute -hehe-.
To Mrs. Baker, one of the Literature teachers at Drexler Middle School, who helped inspire me to write.
To my friend, Michaela Hoeger, for supporting my story, even though she thinks I’m insane, which is true -hehe-.

All the turtles are related.
— Jack Hanna