
Young Writers Society

Silent hill Girl in the Fire ch 5

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Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:25 am
Maki-Chan says...

Chapter 5
The monster bash

Lying against the cold and hard mattress, Allie opened her eyes. “Ali! Crimson! Lizzy!” She called out.
Looking around, she realized she was in her bedroom. A thought popped in her head, how did she get here? Everything was normal, but a strange white light poured from the window. Walking over to the window, she saw that a strange fog had covered the land. Hardly being able to see five feet outside, a cold chill slithered down her back. She whispered, “What the hell?”
Slowly, she sat back on her bed wondering what happened. Suddenly a light turned on. “Who’s there?” Nervously, Allie asked.
Walking towards the light, she noticed a note besides a flashlight. Picking it up, she began to read it.

Allie, take this. You’ll need it to see in the dark. Good luck with finding your friends and stopping the ritual. I hope you make it out.

Staring at it, Allie pictured the little girl as Alessa. She held the flashlight in her hand, determined to find her friends. Quietly, Allie opened her door and out into the hallway. It was incredibly dark; none of the lights were on. She held the flashlight tightly; it was her only light in the darkness ahead of her. Lighting the way, Allie headed towards the rooms her friends stayed at. Stopping, she took a quick glance at her room number. Number 309, room-number nine on the third floor. Crimson’s room was number 201, Lizzy’s was 205 and Ali’s was 104. Allie decided she would check the rooms closest first. It was her only lead, and she had to see if anyone else had somehow in their room.
Gazing around, she wondered where everyone was. Allie continued down the hallway towards the stairs. The hallways were desolate and silent. The bizarre quiet made Allie uneasy. She opened the door to the stairs. It was pitch black in the room. Allie quickly moved the flashlight around looking for the first step. Carefully, she walked down the set of stairs to the door labeled ‘second floor’. Before she opened the door she looked around through the door’s mirror. The hallways on the second floor were lifeless, and dark. Pushing the door open, Allie dashed towards room 201, which was right by the stairs. Allie turned the knob and she was surprised when it opened. “Crimson?” She called out, but it was nothing more that a whisper.
The room was empty, making Allie stomp her foot. “Dammit where is she?”
She quickly left the room and headed to Lizzy’s room. However, this time the door was locked. Lightly knocking at the door she called out, “Lizzy are you in ther…”
She stopped, remembering that the men had taken Lizzy. Sighing, she turned around and ran back to the stairs, begging that everyone would be ok.
Searching the hallway through the window, Allie spotted the light from flashlights. She smiled, thinking it was one of her friends, but it faded away. It was the men in the mining suits. They were looking for something, or someone. She noticed that they were right outside of Ali’s room. A loud thump made her jump. The men were trying to kick her door down, and with great success. The door dropped in front of them, and they rushed inside. Allie continued to watch; making sure that Ali wasn’t in there. The men reemerge carrying someone. She gasped. “Ali.”
A bright light shined against her back, making her turn. “Hey it’s Sutich.” A man shouted.
Quickly, she opened the door and ran out towards the men with Ali. She screamed. “Ali!”
Opening her eyes, Ali shrieked at the men holding her. “Let me go!”
Squirming, she kicked the man holding her feet in the face making him drop her. The other man held Ali tightly. Running at full speed, Allie slammed into the man’s side. He grunted as he dropped to the floor releasing Ali. Grabbing her hand, Allie pulled Ali into a run. “Come on we have to run!”
The two ran down the hall and towards the exit of the dormitory. Unfortunately, two more miner men blocked the doors. “What now?” Ali asked.
The men inched closer and closer, suddenly the exit doors crashed into pieces of wood. A strange screaming filled the hall. Everyone looked over at the exit, seeing something monstrous. A strange apelike brute staggered inside. It looked like two humanoid figures, one male and one female back-to-back, horrifically fused together and tied with a series of bondage gear and straps. The male side arms were morphed into huge, club-like appendages. It’s chest covered by body armor. The female side arms were tied above her head, dangling over the male’s head. The monstrosity of nature’s skin was rotting, making a repulsive stench. Charging ahead, the beast rammed its clubs at the men in front of the door. It’s clubs made contact with one of the men’s back, making a loud crack. Running past Allie and Ali, the other miner men fled. The girls watched helplessly as the monster smashed the man to death. Gurgling on his own blood, the monster stopped pounded him. It made a strange noise that sounded almost like a chuckle. Ali shrieked in utter terror, making the monster stare at them. “Oh shit.” Allie muttered.
She grabbed Ali’s hand and they began to run away from it. It’s loud stomping and screaming revealed that it had started chasing them. Running with Ali, Allie led towards the stairs. She hastily tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. “No, no, no!” Ali whispered.
Looking around, Allie spotted an open door. She swiftly grabbed Ali and ran into the room, closing the door behind her. They were standing in an empty dorm room. Allie pointed to the window. “Ali open the window!”
Ali nodded as Allie pushed the bed against the door. “Come on Allie!” She shouted as she began to climb out of the window.
Allie was right behind her, and made it out just before the fiend crashed into the room. Screaming, the beast knew it had lost them. Though it had unparalleled strength, it was slow and clumsy. Panting, Ali and Allie only stopped when they were far from the building. “What the hell was that?” Ali asked, “And how did we end up back at the dorm?”
Allie shook her head. “I’m not sure, but I got a note from someone. I think it was the ghost girl.”
Looking around hastily, Ali said. “What? She’s helping us?” She paused. “What is with this mist? I can’t see five feet away!”
Hearing the tone of her voice, Allie knew she was freaking out. “Ali, please calm down. We can get through this.”
Nodding, tears trickled down her cheeks. “I-I understand but, but.”
Allie embraced her friend in a hug. “It’s ok. We can find Crimson and Lizzy and get out of here. I promise.”
Ali nodded again, trying to relax. Using her sleeve as a tissue, Ali wiped her tears away. “You better turn off the flashlight. It’s bright out here.” Ali said.
Turning off the flashlight, Allie smiled. “You gonna be ok?”
“Yeah, we have to remain calm, otherwise we won’t be able to find Crimson and Lizzy.”
Allie patted her friend on the back. “Ok we should get moving.”
“B-but where do we go?” Ali asked.
“I think we better head to the main building and try to find Mr. Macular the security guard, or the principle.” Allie suggested.
“That sounds like a good idea.” Ali agreed.
They started to walk in the direction of the main building following a path that lead to it. The sounds of distant screams, made them walk faster.

*How well did I describe the monster?*
check out my deviantart account ^_^

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53 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1734
Reviews: 53
Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:56 pm
defendthelegend says...

hello :)
again this was really good!
I love the fact that you are giving the other characters a chance to shine through, by only mentioning Lizzie but not having her there
keep writing :D

I wrote your name in the sand and the sea washed it away! I wrote your name in my heart and there it will stay.

You know what the big problem is in telling fantasy and reality apart? They're both ridiculous.
— The 12th Doctor