
Young Writers Society

Azula - Story of a Princess (Part 3)

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Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:01 am
Hawkie says...

This is the last installment. :cry: Still, it's been an absolute joy writing this. I'm interested to know if you want me to keep writing Avatar fanfiction and posting it on here. It's definitely fun to write. ^^

Okay, I have a confession to make. I rather enjoy writing intense, violent, bloody scenes . . . I'm a bit distubing that way . . . :twisted: So of course I had to milk Aang's death for all its ugly potential. This is also rather long (three pages on Open Office).

Enjoy, though!


Agni Kai. The words had such great meaning to a firebender. Many times had Azula seen the spectacle; two men would face each other, shed their shoulder garments, stare into each other's eyes . . . and then the fever of fire would begin. By now Azula was so used to the flames that she hardly batted an eye.
But today was different. Today she fought to look over the heads of the many spectators that filled the long rectangular arena. Her heart skipped in anticipation. She could just make out the massive figure of her father at the far end of the arena. He was bathed in shadow, surrounded by raging flames.
“You shouldn't look, dear Princess,” Admiral Zhao wheedled at her side. “It's not going to be a fit sight for a girl.”
Azula bit her lip, irritated, still hypnotized by her father's glory. “Stay in your place, Zhao.”
“As you wish, Princess.”
Her eyes glinted when she saw her brother, standing at the other end of the arena. Slowly he shed his own shoulder garment and stood. A drum rolled loudly somewhere, and a low murmur filled the air as a Fire Sage led the ritual chant.
“Eye for eye, arm for arm, blow for blow, flame for flame . . .”
Zuko was turning around now. Azula smirked; he had no idea what he was about to see.
“Come what may, do what we must, the Flame burns strong . . .”
Zuko's face showed confusion when he was his opponent. The huge, shadowy figure standing to face him certainly didn't look like the old, war-wearied general he had insulted.
It most certainly wasn't.
Zuko's whimper of shock and terror was almost inaudible. His father was advancing on him step by step, numb to his pleas for mercy. Visibly shaking, the boy bowed his whole body to the floor.
“I meant no disrespect . . . I am your loyal son . . .”
His voice cracked and tears rolled down his face. Still Ozai pressed down on him.
“You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher.”
Zuko gulped and choked at the sound of his father's voice. Sparks flared in the Fire Lord's massive palms. The Fire Sages chant turned into a frantic wail.
“Come what may, do what we must . . .”
Zhao was grinning widely. Azula raised her first.
Next to her, Iroh turned his face away.
The first blast of fire lit up the whole arena. The crowd gasped and groaned as Zuko's scream met their ears, rising into a high-pitched wail that was repulsive to hear. Azula felt a thrill of delighted horror as more fire blasts were unleashed.
Then, her father's voice: “Enough.”
The fire extinguished as quickly as it had started. Zuko lay unconscious on the ground, his chest shiny red, the left side of his face horribly disfigured by the fire. A collective shudder passed through the onlookers, but none of them dared make a sound or a movement.
The Fire Sages rushed out onto the arena. They raised Zuko off the ground with deliberate force, laying him down on a stretcher and hurrying him out of sight.
Gradually the crowd found their voices. They moaned, screamed, gasped in shock, chattered hysterically at what they had just seen. Still, their voices disguised a deep respect of their ruler's power, his certainty.
No one felt that respect deeper than Azula. She loved the glory of it, the thrill.
Her lips formed the words.
“Come what may, do what we must . . .”
The Flame had done its work.


“Hi, Zuko.”
Azula's voice was oddly reserved. Zuko's eyes slowly blinked open. He moaned unhappily, one hand straying up to the thick bandage that covered the side of his face.
“Does it hurt a lot?” said Azula, still in that reserved voice.
“L-leave me alone.”
“Zuko, I'm here for a reason.” Azula's voice snapped back until its usual cold, clear tone. “The Fire Sages want to meet you in the throne room, so come on.”
“But I'm so tired . . . I hurt . . .”
Azula spat the words. “Father wants you.”
Zuko's eyes widened. “B-but . . . what does he want?”
Azula shrugged. “How should I know? You'd better go fast, or he might be mad . . .”
She had said the magic words. Zuko struggled to sit up, and do his amazement, Azula actually assisted him and supported him as he walked dejectedly out of his room.
The giant throne room door loomed in front of them. Azula opened it.
“After you,” she said with a shrug.
The throne room was alight with flames as usual. Zuko's eyes flashed fear at the sight of them, and once again he clutched at his bandage.
“Prince Zuko. Son of the Fire Lord.”
The Fire Sages spoke with one voice. Zuko shook where he stood.
“The Fire Lord has made a decision.”
Zuko stared up into his father's meancing eye, unable to tear away his gaze.
“Three weeks ago, you lost your honor in an Agni Kai,” said Ozai. “Would you like to restore that honor?”
Zuko nodded. The Fire Sages clucked their tongues rather ominously. Azula raised her eyebrows.
“I have decided,” said Ozai, “that you are to leave this place. And you must not come back. Not until you have completed . . . a certain task.”
“Anything, Father.”
Ozai's command was brief and harsh.
“You must capture . . . the avatar.”
Zuko's gaped at his father, winced and cried out. It was well known that the avatar hadn't been seen for 100 years; most thought that he was dead.
“The avatar is not dead,” Ozai continued. “He is an airbender, an Air Nomad” – Azula's eyebrows traveled even higher – “and he is hiding. And you must find him. Until you do, you are banished.”
Tears sprung to Zuko's eyes, but he nodded and abased himself before his father.
“I'll – I'll do as you ask . . . but Father . . .”
“Silence.” Ozai's voice was cold. “After tonight I don't want to see you here again. Iroh has agreed to go with you on your search. You will have a reasonable crew and a ship, and supplies for several months.”
“We wish you luck,” chorused the Fire Sages.
“You are dismissed,” said Ozai.
Zuko left as quickly as he could manage, choking back tears and terror. Azula watched him go
“That was a reckless act, Father,” she said.
“Even so, Azula.”
“I know. I am your loyal daughter, Father. Ask me anything and I will do it.”
“My dear Azula, I know that only too well. Your time will come.”
“I know.”
Ozai smiled at his daughter's face. It was bright and fiery and filled with loyalty. Maybe the girl was still a bit uncertain, a bit naïve, a bit over-ambitious, but he would snuff all that out. She was everything Ozai had ever wanted in a child.
“Your time will come,” he repeated, in such a quiet voice only he could hear it. Azula was ready.


It was a moment of perfect glory,
to be forever spoiled.
Azula could feel the rogue energy pulsing in waves through her body. Her eyes blurred slightly and her limbs felt a bit fuzzy, but other than that she had never felt more alive. Sucking in breath, she directed all the energy into one arm, then with a forceful thrusting movement, let it all loose toward the young avatar levitating in the air.
A scream of pain and terror filled the air for a split second, a cry of pure desperation, of Aang and all the past avatars and the great Avatar Spirit itself, all dying, all going up in flames. Then the voices were extinguished as the deadly energy cut into Aang's back, seizing his chest, stopping his heart. His body gave a final jerky twist as the remainder of the lightning cut out of his foot. Then he plummeted downward.
The waterbender girl was at his side, tears rolling down her cheeks, catching him, cradling him in her arms. Her face reflected pure horror as she saw his ruined body. Burns ran all the way up and down his arms and legs and his clothes were charred and singed. But what stole the breath out of her was what she saw on his back, about halfway down, between his heart and his stomach. The flesh was almost completely burned away, leaving a horrible gaping hole. Blood ran freely from it, down the small of Aang's back, all over Katara's arms. Other fluids were there, mixing with the blood, and Katara despaired to know that the wound had gone into his stomach as well.
Looking up, she saw Azula advancing on the two of them. She was completely paralyzed with shock, tears rolling down her face. Azula recognized the look in her eyes. It was the look of despair, of someone who had suffered so much the pain could hardly be felt anymore. It was the look that Azula had seen so long ago, the look on Iroh's face when Lu Ten had died.
Azula hesitated.
Was this pity?
But that wasn't right. A princess was immune to pity. A princess was glorious.
And she was glorious. She felt no remorse, no sadness for this first gruesome murder. Her eyes took in the dark glory of it all; Aang's body, cut and exposed, burnt down to the bone as if to reveal the one completely sure truth:
Princess Azula loved her nation.

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Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:06 am
Willgot says...

No end!!!!! Why must you do this to me Hawkeh? I was absorbed and then it ended!

Anyway... >.>

No grammar or punctuation mistakes! And I loved the discription of the Agni Kai! You hit that one home, girl!

Wow, my comments suck... I'll work on it sooner or later XD

Please for all that is good in this world, continue avatar fan-fiction!

Actawesome: Where's Mohave? I've never heard of that city. Is it near Vegas?
Willgot: ... You're surrounded by the Mohave, its the desert. XD
Actawesome: Show's how much I know XD

(P.E.T.A. - People Eating Tasty Animals)

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Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:04 pm
irishfire says...

W-O-E! Intense! :D I loved it! Especially when you described her shooting Aang! Awesome! Great job Hawkeh! :D :D
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. - Robert McCloskey

Teacher: What do we, in the U.S enjoy from places like Mexico?
Student: Wait, legally?

WARNING: This user carries a spatula.

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Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:23 am
Fortuna says...

Oh Azula, how I adore you. And yet...you're such a cold-hearted little *****. <3 Well, I've always liked her for that reason- never did fare well against a lady with a cruel red smile and a lust for blood. *sigh* be still, my beating heart.

But in any case, I did pick up one teeny tiny error- "Zuko's face showed confusion when he was his opponent." I think you meant 'when he saw his opponent'? Minor typo I'm sure. Moving on.

You depict violence so well! And that's not a light complement; sometimes it's very difficult for writers to dish out the bloody scenes, but you seem to have no problem with that, dear prodigy.

I think what I really like about your style so much is the constant use of active voice. You may do it without realizing it, but you've really mastered the use of strong verbs and you don't soften the blow with to be verbs (Am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been). That's certianly an impressive feat for any writer, especially one at your age.

I'm sad to see this series end, I actually felt my eyes misting up near the last sentence, but I know we must all go on. If you're interested in continuing work on Azula, might I suggest her final defeat and what happens to her afterwards? That was just such a powerful scene for me, I would love to see your take on it.

Anyway, wonderful job here! Keep writing!

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Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:56 pm
Celticmusicgirl says...

Hawkie wrote:
Zuko's face showed confusion when he was his opponent.

ok this is the first error i spotted as one of the other veiwers said is this supposed to be "saw"? if so please correct it may throw some people off track a bit. overall i think it is a good story even though I hate that Aang dies, but that is my opinion. you did a good job otherwise just a couple of spelling and grammar errors.
"No life is forever. We found and fought here. We loved and died here... The crops whither and the bones of hunger walk the sunken roads... The land has failed us... In dance and song we gift and mourn our children. They carry us over the ocean in dance and song.
-American Wake by Riverdance

Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you.
— Welcome to Night Vale