
Young Writers Society

A Sire's Blood And A Mate's Love chapter 1

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Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:19 am
Pink Horse says...

My friends recently got me into BTVS and Angel which gave birth to this story. This is my first work of fanfiction. This story is a mesh on all the seasons of Buffy, more or less, and at least through Angel season two. I don’t know how long this will be but, a least more than 15 chapters I know for sure (I hope you don’t mind). A Sire’s Blood and A Mate’s Love centers around my original character Marian who you’ll meet in a bit :D . So enjoy and please tell me what you think.

The beach had an almost eerie silence as the Slayer climbed amongst the jagged rocks of the cliff face, towards the cave below. There was a light inside and as Buffy Anne Summers reached the cave mouth she could see the demonic forms circling a large bonfire and chanting. Her Watcher had said these demons were trying to resurrect some sea god or something to bring about yet another apocalypse. All in a day’s or rather night’s work for the Chosen One.
“Now boys and girls, didn’t your mommies ever teach you not to play with fire?” With that Buffy jumped from her hiding place axe in hand.
Twenty minutes later a slime-covered yet, satisfied Buffy looked over her handy work. “Ha! That ought to show the Hellmouth that the Slayer isn’t sleeping on the job.” She began to explore the cave. It wasn’t every day that a sea god was going to be resurrected after all. Why this cave? She decided to investigate after grabbing her flashlight from the entrance she was surprised at how big the place was. Buffy heard a soft scraping sound farther in the back, where the light of her flashlight disappeared. She frowned; had she missed something? Whipping out her axe again, Buffy stealthily maneuvered herself to a safe position in the shadows and listened as she edged closer to the sound. She crouched down on her knees for a second as the scraping got louder. Finally, she approached a long stone alter and found the source of the noise. It was a girl, no older than she was. She was strapped from the arms and legs to the four corners of the alter. The girl was terrified as she stared up at the Slayer.
“Don’t hurt me. I haven’t done anything wrong,” she begged.
“I’m not going to hurt y-,” Buffy began. It was then that she watched the girl’s eyes light up at the sight of the axe in her hand and … vamp out. “WHOA!! Vampire!” She pulled out her stake and the girl began to scream.
“NO!! Please! I didn’t do anything,” she repeated. Tears began to fall down her cheeks and made her seem so pathetic to Buffy. Why was a vampire crying? True, she wished more of them would fall to their knees and stake themselves in her presence, but this vampire was just weird.
“Okay, Okay stop with the crying, it kind of ruins the ‘I’m a terrifying vampire image’ I won’t stake you unless you try to hurt me.” At the Slayer’s words the vampire hiccupped and slipped back into her human mask.
“Hic … I’m sorry.” The girl sniffled. “Are you the slayer?”
“Uh … yeah,” Buffy said. “Look, you seem to know who I am. Who are you?”
“Marian.” The girl sniffled and hiccupped again.
“Great, so if I decide to let you go, do you promise not to go all fangy on me?” Marian nodded her assent. “All right, then I’m going to untie you.” Then Buffy picked up the axe, Marian hissed and vamped out. “Hey, what did I say?!” Buffy yelled.
“Sorry I just… the demons they…” Embarrassed the vampire looked away. Buffy sighed and cut the bonds holding the girl.
Two hours later Buffy and Marian walked into the Summer’s household. Or at least, Buffy did. Marian started to follow and crashed headfirst into the invisible barrier that guarded the doorway, ticked, she vamped out for a third time. She winced in pain as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.
“Ow! Slayer! That hurt.” Unfortunately for her, it was at that precise moment that Xander and Willow walked into the room.
“Buffy, look out!” Willow yelled. Xander grabbed a couch cushion to guard himself and pulled out a stake.
“Back! Back demon scum.” Marian cocked her head to one side and raised an eyebrow in confusion. It wasn’t like they were in any danger from her. She couldn’t get inside anyway.
“Xander, put the cushion down. Guys, this is Marian. Yes, she is a vampire, but I don’t think she’s going to try anything.”
“I can’t ‘try’ anything anyway, Slayer. I can’t get in,” the girl said, clearing her throat.
“Oh right. I knew that.” Buffy winced and whispered, “I hope I don’t regret this.”
“You won’t,” Marian replied. She pointed at her ears. “Super hearing, remember?”
“Marian, come on in.”
“Buffy have you lost it she’s a VAMPIRE! Xander yelled.
“Ooh! Does she have a soul like Angel?” Willow asked in a chipper tone and a wide smile on her face.
“Souls, what is so special about a soul doesn’t everyone have them?” Marian said as she walked in.
“Uhh, human’s do, vampires not so much.” Xander said finally lowering his weapons.
“I hate to interrupt this little interrogation session but, as you can see Marian could use a nice long bath. Buffy said pulling the girl up the stairs.
“Oh a bath.” Marian took a deep breath. “I haven’t had a bath in weeks. It will feel so good.” She followed after Buffy much more quickly after that. “I’m loving this place more and more.” As soon as she stepped into the white tiled bathroom, however, her expression changed to one of confusion and then to fear. Marian’s eyes turned gold and she turned on the Slayer in full game-face. “You promised!”
“What?” Buffy asked. “It’s a bathtub.”
“A what?” Marian asked. “That’s preposterous. It’s in the floor. And how are you going to get the water all the way up here? By the time, that you even get this thing halfway full, the water will be cold.”
“What are you talking about? This is the 21st century, you idiot.” Buffy gave herself a head slap. “When were you turned? The 1700’s.”
“No, the late 1800’s,” Marian explained. “How do you propose I take a bath in such a contraption, Slayer?”
“Don’t call me Slayer. Only Spike calls me that and frankly, it’s annoying.” Buffy slowed down her voice like she was talking to a five year old. “I’m Buffy. Buff-y. Get it?”
Marian hissed at Buffy’s tone and replied. “What were your parents thinking? My mother gave me a sophisticated name.”
“Yeah, sophisticated, sure.” Buffy rolled her eyes and turned the knob for the hot water. Instantly, Marian was gone before Buffy could say anything. “Hey; where’d you go?” She went out in the hallway and still, no scary vampire girl. She ran back down the stairs and finally found Marian hiding behind Willow and Xander.
“The slayer’s some sort of witch.” At Marian’s squeak Willow laughed.
“No, actually, I’m the witch. She’s the slayer. That’s enough power for one girl to handle.” She looked at Buffy. “What did you do to her?”
“I turned on the water and she turned tail and ran.”
“Oh … you poor little thing.” Willow took Marian’s hand. “Come on, let’s take you back upstairs and get you cleaned up. I promise, you’ll feel better after you’ve had a bath. I can even tell you about a real witch. Me.”
A half an hour later Willow dragged a fighting Marian down the stairs. “Willow, are you absolutely crazy? I look like a boy.” The vampire whined.
“Yes, darling. But, you’re in pink. Most boys don’t wear pink,” Willow explained.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive.” With a tiny shove, Marian finally appeared in the room dressed in one of Willow’s fuzzy sweaters and a pair of jeans. She was still barefoot, but even in just that get-up, she looked cute. Xander’s eyes bugged out as he caught a glimpse of the now clean vampiress.
“Whoa. Hottie at 9:00” he said to Oz who had entered the house moments before.
“Who’s your friend?” Oz asked.
“That’s it?” Xander gaped. “Look at the girl.” Oz shrugged, but smiled in his own way.
“Well, at least we know that you’ve got Xander’s attention and approval; everything should be easy from now on,” Willow said to Marian. The vampiress looked embarrassed again.
“No one other than my sire has ever said anything like that. Well, there was Will, but mostly Sire,” she replied and promptly hid again behind Willow’s shoulder.
“Who’s Will?” asked Xander, a little sullen.
“He was courting me at the time I was turned.”
“So at the time?” Xander asked, hope flaring up in him once again. “As in, you’re single now?”
“Xander!” Buffy exclaimed, walking in. “She is still a vampire, remember? Leave her be.”
“Well, you’re one to talk, miss I’ve-dated-a-vampire-who-even-tried-to-kill-me-and-then-I-sent-him-to-hell,” Xander replied.
“Who mentioned the Great Poof and why?” asked a very familiar and sarcastic voice from the doorway. The bleached blonde vampire leaned against the doorframe, smoking the remainder of his cigarette. Marian hissed and bared her fangs instantly.
Buffy squeezed Marian’s hand, “Easy girl. Spike’s a pain, but all in all … harmless as a kitten… his fangs don’t work quite right.”
“HEY! Watch it! I’m the Big Bad, Slayer. Just because I can’t bite you right now, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be watching your back.”
“Mm-hmm,” Buffy said, turning her back to Spike and patting Marian’s shoulder.
“Where’d you find the pretty little vampire, Slayer?” Spike said looking Marian up and down for a second and smirking at the girl in approval, causing her face to get even redder.
“It’s a long story and one that isn’t worth telling to you,” Buffy said. In the background, the sound of the microwave could be heard. “Marian, that’s your dinner.”
“What?” she asked.
“Okay troupes, we need to get this girl acquainted with modern technology and fast. This could be a long night,” Oz said as he wrapped an arm around Willow and the other around Marian and led them into the kitchen. No one noticed the shock, followed by elation on Spike’s face as he quickly raced out of the house with no explanation.
“Whatever,” Buffy started, “has gotten into him?”
If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know
some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd be truly dead. ~ The vampire Angelus

It is most unlikely. But - here comes the big "but" - not impossible.
— Roald Dahl