
Young Writers Society

Moon (Prologue)

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Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:13 am
Monday says...

The sky was a dark abyss of stars over the quiet forest, the half-moon’s beams sending down a silver glow upon the seemingly blue trees. There was a slight chill as the wind blew, announcing to the whole forest autumn was drawing very near.

Underneath the beautiful canopy of trees, figures moved ever so softly through the tall grass. Her steps were silent, but her snow-white pelt made her look completely out of place in the night’s shadowy land. Her brilliant blue eyes showed she was not scared, but really very calm, as if she had walked these woods thousands of times over. Which, she very well had.

Just behind the beautiful she-cat padded a much darker tom, his amber gaze locked on his mate and her large bulge of a belly. She was clearly very soon to kitting.

“Please, Icefeather. We must stop so you can rest” the grey tom told the blue-eyed she-cat.

“Blaze” Icefeather started, her meow was kind and gentle, “I mustn’t rest now, we’re so close to the camp and I need our medicine cat.” The dark tom made a muffled meow that sounded like a ‘fine’ and kept walking behind his mate who seemed to start getting slower and slower in her pace.

Icefeather?” asked the confused cat as she jumped out of a nearby bush, a much larger cat following right behind her.

“Thank Star Clan, a night patrol…” the white cat panted. “Honeypaw, Stormwhisker, I need to get to the camp. Our kits are coming.”

Our kits?” hissed Stormwhisker, the larger of the two other cats. “He smells of rogue!”

After a few moments of arguing with her mentor, Honeypaw was able to help Icefeather and Blaze to the camp, completely against Stormwhisker’s wishes of course. Where, once there safely, Icefeather started kitting and awoke the entire clan where many confused and angry yowls broke out across the clearing, mainly from elders and apprentices. None of the clan-cats were too happy to see Blaze because of his scent and the clear way he even looked like a rogue. But once Morningstar, the clan leader, and Whisperleaves, the medicine cat appeared from their dens it settled down a bit.

“Whisperleaves, take Icefeather to the nursery and you-?” Morningstar looked to Blaze, asking for his name.


“I see. Blaze, come with me.” The long-legged, ginger she-cat padded forward, back to the den she had appeared from. “Swallowstream, you too!” she shouted out to another cat, a tom with unnaturally long fur came out from the crowd of annoyed cats.

As Blaze sat in Morningstar’s den he started to feel agitated, he wanted to see his mate and he’d never been around so many cats before. It had been so many moons since he’d met Icefeather, although she was called Icepaw back in those days. He still didn’t get clan-cats and their odd ways of life. It was all so strange to him. Living with so many other cats had to be a pain and having to feed every mouth within that clan, how hard that must be in the dead of winter! But, the far most absurd thing Blaze had ever heard of was of the medicine cat and Star Clan. A cat who knew of healing herbs and who spoke to the dead ancestors of the clan-cats. And Icefeather had told him all four clans in the forest had a medicine cat. Ridiculous, he had thought.

When Blaze had first met Icefeather, or Icepaw, they’d both been simple kits. Blaze had lived with his father in a small cave at the edge of Icepaw’s clan territory, he’d tackled her because her white pelt made him think she was a pile of snow like every other inch of the forest in that time. The two had made quick friends of each other and when Icepaw became Icefeather a couple of moons later, she’d told Blaze the story of the clan-cats and the four clans that ruled over the forest.

“So, you and Icefeather are mates. Those are your kits she is having, yes?” Morningstar asked Blaze after a few moments of annoying silence. He gave her a slight nod, not sure what to say. “You do know it is against the warrior code for a clan-cat to mate with a cat outside of their clan, even a rogue. As yourself.”

“Icefeather and I have discussed the consequences of our actions moons ago. I love her and I’ll fight anyone who tries to say other whys” growled the grey tom.

“You may not have to pay for what has been done, but Icefeather and those kits will!” hissed Swallowstream, glaring at Blaze with his blue eyes that so resembled Icefeathers’.

“Hush, Swallowstream. Your sister clearly knew what she was getting into.” With that Swallowstream dipped his head, another hiss escaping his silver muzzle. “Swallowstream, it isn’t too late to find a new deputy” Morningstar told the silver tom.

“Morningstar! Morningstar! Icefeather, she’s dying!” went the shout of what Blaze thought was another apprentice because of his small size, but he didn’t dwell on the thought but instead leaped out of the den and ran to the nursery that his mate had disappeared in.

The smell of blood was everyone, that and the now faint scent of warm milk from the other queens who were now trying to keep their own kits away from Icefeather. Blaze first saw three, lifeless kits by the entrance. All of their pelts were dark like his and a shot of sadness went through him. Those were his dead kits, his and Icefeather’s. He was their father and they would never be able to see him or speak to him or even play with him. They were dead.

“Blaze” went the familiar meow of his mate from behind him, grabbing his attention away from his dead kits. When Blaze looked at Icefeather and he almost didn’t recognize her because her white pelt was now stained with crimson and her bright, blue eyes were for the first time, full of fear. A single kit lay beside her, looking to small and frail to look like a kit. Blaze thought the kit was dead like the others at first because it wasn’t mewling but when he looked more closely, it was breathing very faintly. “Blaze” Icefeather repeated, only more quietly this time. “I love you.”

“No. No! Icefeather don’t say that, you’re not going to die!” Blaze shouted his eyes full of passion and love.
“You’ll be a great father to her, you know. Our Moonkit” she said and looked to the medicine cat that sat watching Icefeather and Blaze hopelessly. “Whisperleaves, make sure they let Blaze join the clan. He must watch over our daughter she’s-“ Icefeather let out a series of horrible coughs and more blood started to flow from her body. “She’ll be a great warrior someday…” Icefeather finally let out her last breath and with that Blaze let out a yowl that would scare any predator - no matter how big - away for many moons.

Whisperleaves took the limp body of Icefeather out into the clearing where the moonlight made her glow a beautiful silver. In her own thoughts she didn’t think that Moonkit was going to make to morning, and that’s when a cat spoke to Whisperleaves.

“Moonkit shall not die, but live on and be one of the greatest warriors Fire Clan has ever seen. For the blood of Firestar and his kin run through her veins, she was a true leader when she took her first breath and shall be alwaysm even when she joins the ranks of Star Clan many, many moons from now.”

“Oh, Star Clan. What are you up to now?” Whisperleaves asked the stars above and swore she saw a single light flash across the night sky.


So, please comment on this! I need to know what people think so I can post the first chapter. :)
Last edited by Monday on Sat Mar 14, 2009 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Love of mine, someday you will die. But I'll be close behind, to follow you into the dark.
- Death Cab For Cutie

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Gender: Female
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Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:17 pm
fire_of_dawn says...

Ninepaw turned a slow circle. Her head pounded, and her vision swam. "Tiger... Tiger cast..." she choked out. Then she fell alseep.

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32 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1509
Reviews: 32
Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:22 pm
fire_of_dawn says...

"Nine, are you ok?" Sep asked.

Ninepaw didn't reply. Why couldn't she breathe?
"Do? I'll tell you what we'll do! We'll be ready!"
Matthias, from Redwall

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You may deem me romantic, my dear sister, but I bitterly feel the want of a friend.
— Mary Shelley, Frankenstein