
Young Writers Society

My Saving Grace - Chapter 3

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Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:40 pm

Set after Doomsday. The Doctor and Martha struggle to get Rose back to their world, just as everything seems to be going to plan a fatal mistake leads to disaster. Will a strange new enemy bring an end to our heroes? Everything has consequences.


Rose lay, unconscious in the Healing Halls of Madion. The resounding silence filled every corner of the unbearable white room. The Doctor slept with his head on Rose’s bed, parallel to her hip, his deep breathing mingled with hers was the only sound that was heard. A nurse entered, covered from top to toe in white, her face veiled, almost like a child at Halloween who uses his mother’s best sheet to pretend to be a ghost. She glided silently to Rose’s bedside and checked her pulse. Pressing two fingers to Rose’s forehead a green light glowed from under the nurse’s fingers. Rose gasped slightly in her sleep, waking the Doctor.
Sitting bolt upright he tensed his back ready for a fight. Catching sight of the nurse he relaxed, gently removing his hand from Rose’s he walked around her bed to the tall white lady.

‘How is she?’ The nurse nodded, maintaining her rigorous silence. The Doctor smiled tiredly at her, looking back at Rose. Once again the nurse bent over to check Rose’s pulse, seeming pleased with the result she moved away from the bed and bowing low to the Doctor, left the room.
Taking his place once again at Rose’s side the Doctor studied his lover. He should never have let Martha give her life. Rose had made it here because of her sacrifice, but the vision of Martha’s face, filled with undying fear plagued his mind. Leaning back in his chair he rested his elbows on the arms and linked his fingers together. Sighing, he thought of his dead companion, alone in her last moments. He was so lost in his guilt and reflection that he didn’t notice Rose stir on her bed until she turned to look at him. Immediately he was standing by her side, her hand back in his unrelenting grasp.

‘Hey.’ Rose smiled up at her Doctor.

‘Hi’ She whispered, her eyes glanced around her, taking in the surroundings.

‘Where am I?’ Squeezing her hand gently the Doctor reached behind him to draw up his chair.

‘The Healing Halls, just like I promised. I told you I would never let you down.’ Sitting up slightly Rose carefully stretched, testing everything for long term damage. Finding no complaints apart from a few stiff joints she turned back to face the Doctor’s grim expression.

‘Did the doctors… or whatever they have here, cure me?’ Grinning the Doctor nodded.

‘Yep, they gave you regenerative drugs, and repaired your internal damage with something called mental re-growth. Basically it’s a tropodic telepathic link that connects the cerilumtitis in their brains to your mind, and stimulates the geralatithic natural reapair system, that you kind of absorbed when you looked into the heart of the Tardis.’ Rose stared at him, desperately trying to get her sleep muddled mind to catch up with his last sentence.

‘Sooo…basically, I’m okay?’ Smiling the Doctor nodded. Rose grinned and relaxed back into her pillows.

‘Good.’ Another silence fell upon them, a comfortable silence that both enjoyed, just to be in each others presence spoke volumes.
Rubbing her fingertips against her thumb Rose filched as dull pain hit her. Glancing down at her burnt fingertips, she remembered what Martha Jones had done for her. Looking over at the Doctor who was busy studying the pattern on his tie she called his name gently.

‘How is Martha?’ The Doctor’s face grew stony. He met her eyes with a cool gaze that he usually saved for the enemies they encountered something that reminded him that he was the last Time Lord.

‘She’s dead Rose. She gave her life, so that you could live.’ Rose turned her face away into the rays of sun that streamed through onto her pillow. Unsure what to think, she thought back on Martha Jones. The cold look she had given her, the harsh words she had spoken, her lovers pain at her loss. An immense guilt filled her and she quickly swiped a few tears away from her face before turning to look at the Doctor.

‘I’m so sorry love.’ She squeezed his hand weakly. He smiled tiredly at her, as if all the weight of the world hung around his neck. Leaning up he placed a gentle kiss to her forehead.

‘Get some rest love.’


Deep in the heart of the Tardis, a new Martha Jones stood, wreathed in darkness. A few tears pain fell down her cheeks, she could feel the Time Vortex running through her head. The power was stifling, her head was throbbing, blood whooshed in her ears. Still she thought of him, the Doctor, through the blinding pain, she remembered that she had died, the memory of her life tumbling out of her fingers, draining her dry was still fresh in her mind.
She was back now, back for a reason, for a purpose. He could tell her, the Doctor could help her, take away this pain. Still silently crying Martha stumbled barefoot through the halls of the Tardis to the control room.


Two weeks had passed and Rose had gained strength every day. The rose colour of her cheeks living up to her names sake once again. The Doctor beheld her with growing joy and love as she unsteadily tried her feet out for the first time in fourteen days. Holding her hand he helped her across the floor and down the corridor to the canteen, where they drank piwert juice and talked.

‘We should get back to the Tardis soon. Spending this long in a hospital is starting to rub off on me.’ Rose rolled her eyes and smiled affectionately at her lover.

‘Careful, people might start think you actually know a thing or two about medicine.’ She drained her cup and stood with the aid of her chair. Teetering on her feet she wobbled over to the Doctor, who watched her with a smile, amazing at her strong will. Glancing up from her feet to meet his eyes with a triumphant look on her face, Rose offered the Doctor her hand. Taking it he stood and helped her down the hall.

‘Being an invalid is so boring. I can’t wait to get back on the open road.’

‘These past two weeks have been surprisingly uneventful.’ As soon as the words had left his mouth, the floor began to shake from under them. Rose instinctively clutched at the Doctor coat. Nurse walked briskly down the hall, using their telepathic capabilities to keep the patients calm. The shaking began to worsen, tossing the gurneys in the next room into the wall. The Doctor and Rose landed heavily on the floor, crawling out of the way as a piece of the ceiling fell. The Doctor felt Rose press her face into his chest, wrapping his arms around her he protected her from the falling debris. Patients screamed and objects crashed to the floor around them. The Doctor squinted down the dusty corridors, he could just make out the room in which he’d left the Tardis. Straining his mind he reached out to Rose, the basic telepathic field the Tardis had provided Rose with all those years ago when she first boarded the Tardis was still intact, just.

‘R…. Rose?’ Rose nodded into his chest, letting him know she could hear him.

‘I….. I’m goi…. Going to pi…. Pick you up and carry……. You to the Tardis. We’ll be …safe there, we…….. We can help from there.’ Again Rose nodded into his chest and tightened her grip around his neck. Slipping an arm around her waist and under her legs, he hoisted her up and ran. Dodging pieces of ceiling and several terrified patients, they made it to the door, kicking it open the Doctor pushed inside.


Pulling open the door of the Tardis the Doctor was almost thrown off his feet as a particularly strong tremor shook the time machine. Placing Rose against the railing he stumbled unsteadily to the control panel. Checking his time machine’s database for any anomalies or rifts in time and finding none the Doctor frowned, something wasn’t right. Stroking the Tardis he pondered the matter, the trembling lessened under his hand, bringing him out of his thoughts. Bending at the knees he knelt in front of the panel and stroked his machine again, whispering gently his face grew dark. Eventually the tremors faded into nothing and the ground beneath their feet was still again.
The Doctor hoisted Rose to her feet and checked her over for injuries before carrying her to the sofa.

‘What happened?’ Rose brushed some stray hair out of her face, trying to regain some composure.

‘It was the Tardis, trembling. She was frightened.’ Rose met the Doctor’s eyes and saw his concern.

‘What could do that?’ Taking a deep breath the Doctor raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders.

‘Nothing’s ever frightened her like that before. Something phenomenal must have happened. The Tardis is very sensitive, she could have picked up on anything, but what ever it was Rose.. It was bad, really bad.’ Knowing that this was the closest the Doctor was going to get to admitting he was frightened she took his hand and held it gently in her own. Smiling down at his love he squeezed her hand.

‘We need to get back to the Time Vortex, once we’re somewhere the Tardis feels safe I can try and work out what’s wrong with her.’ Rose nodded and let go of his hand, leaning back into the sofa. Starting the Tardis up the Doctor flew her into the vortex, keeping his back to Rose not wanting his concerns to show on his face. He continued to stroke his machine hoping that what ever it was that had frightened her so badly, he could track it down before it damaged his machine beyond his repair.


Martha stumbled across Madion, the dust of the planet’s desert making the soles of her feet sore. The heat and thirst burned across her teeming mind. Power coursed through her itching at every corner of her mind and soul. Tripping over a jutting rock she feel onto her knees, not having the strength to move herself anymore, Martha’s let the Time Vortex whisper the secrets of the Universe to her, comforting her. Since leaving the Tardis the boundaries that had contained her new found power had been removed, allowing the full power of the Vortex to fill her t overflowing, burning her mind. She was stretched to her limits, her body seeming to age years with every step. Exhausted Martha collapsed onto the dusty ground and resolved to meet death head on, which ever way it may take her, too tired to care.
Out of the raging sunlight and billowing dust, figures appeared, dark outlines on the horizon. They stood watching the young girl lying in the heat of the day. Expressionless, emotionless, they showed no concern for the humans well-being. One lifted their head, his interest peaked by what he sensed. Motioning to the others, they moved forward in silent unison, closing in on Martha Jones. Surrounding her they watched her, scrutinised her, the taller of the group reached into a pocket on the long white robe he wore, the other watched him intently. There was nothing that set them apart from the person next to them, the same white clothing, the same face, the same uncaring manner. The taller produced a small black sphere and rolled it in his hands, crouching next to the unconscious Martha. Teasing open her mouth he forced the little black ball into her mouth, making her swallow. Standing he motioned for her to stand, she did as commanded, a puppet in his hands. Glancing at his followers they began their slow march out of the desert, Martha Jones, the power of the Universe within her following in their wake.


Hey! I know this is a really short chapter, there are two reasons for that. One being that I’m very behind on homework and simple don’t have the time to write really long chapters at the moment, and two it felt right to end it here. Sorry if you were expecting more from me, hopefully the next one will be a little longer. Thanks for reading please don’t forget to review.
Thanks so much for reading. I hope I didn't bore you too much!

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Gender: Female
Points: 1049
Reviews: 52
Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:34 pm
bluecows says...

He let Martha DIE???? How could he? And why would she want to die for Rose in the first place, i know she probably wants the Doctor to be happy which means being with Rose but dying to make it happen? Doesn't really seem her style. Then again, i imagine the Doctor would do whatever it takes to not lose Rose a second time so.... Its intresting anyway, cant wait :)

Oh yeah, about Rose and the Doctor, if he had been sleeping with her all that time, how come he never got round to telling her he loved her, it was obvious he had never said from the big fuss made about it in the episode that Rose 'dies'. I always thought that he never said he loved any of his companions or slept with them was because a lifetime of watching everyone you care about die would be painfull enough without getting too attached.
And that had made him into the worlds worse commintment phobe, lol, anyway, nice work, can't wait to see where you're going with it :D
To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour. – William Blake

I was lying in bed, watching the stars and i thought, 'where the hell is the ceiling?' :wink:

France... doesn't exist?
— WeepingWisteria