
Young Writers Society

Luminescence: Part One - A Twilight Fanfic [POLL]

Should I attempt to get this published?

Yes, self publish
Yes, send it to a publishers
Yes, but I don't know which option would be best
I don't know
Total votes : 13

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Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:04 pm
wookielover17 says...

This was great!!!! I loved it!!!! You got me hooked!!!! And trust me I know my twilight fan fiction!!!! :wink: I really loved the fact that you gave Edward a sister. It's super cool. I also like that fact that you have everybody in their. Edward Bella Renesmee Emmett etc. I really really LOVE that ending!!! It was soooo freaking cute!!!! I love love loved it!!! And Emmett is soooo perfect. Goofy funny and cute!!!! So great job!!! I'm off to part two!!
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

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Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:38 pm
PatriciaTina says...

Hey there! Here I am to review, as promised! I'm sorry if I go a little overboard on the nit-picks, but I am seriously a grammar freak. So if I find anything that needs saying, I'll say it for you. But here we go!


Carefully, as stealthily as I could, I crept through the meadow.

Description is always good, but you already said that she was trying to be unnoticed. Just choose one description and use that, otherwise it'll be awkward.

Taking off my jacket, I arranged it fussily on the back of the cream couch, tucking the arms in and smoothing out the creases, before sitting down, carefully crossing my legs to avoid creasing the fabric.

Run-on! Ahhhhhhh!! Run away from run-on sentences!! :smt005 Anyways, this sentence can be easily split up, and that would help the flow of your piece.

As the key turned in the lock I held my breath, and then suddenly he was stood there, Edward Cullen, shielding Bella behind him, and her shielding Renesmee in turn.

Another run-on!! Uh-oh...

Also, the bolded words do not make sense. 'he was stood there'??? Choose one. Either 'he stood there', or 'he was there'. If you have both, it really doesn't make sense.

He recovered himself almost instantly. Seizing my arm, he pulled me into the lounge and forced me down onto the couch, into the seat I had vacated only moments previously. “Explain,” he hissed. “And do it fast. You should be old. You should be dead. You shouldn’t be here, and you definitely shouldn’t be able to do what you just did.” He hissed into my face, still clenching my shoulders tightly between his fingers. “Edward, you’re hurting her. Let her go.” Without looking up, I recognized the speaker. Dr Cullen was tugging on Edward’s arm, to little effect. Fuelled by his fear and shock, Edward’s already tremendous strength was more intense. Edward stared into my eyes, and I stared back into his. I knew he was shocked, as my eyes were not the usual nomadic crimson, but instead a “vegetarian” light gold. Finally, he blinked and released his hold, and the relief of it was tremendous. I had seen the thoughts he had had, and they were tainted by rage and hate. He had seen himself attacking me, and although he still did, he had seen one outcome in Alice’s thoughts. And so had I. It was awful, and I was glad when moments later it changed to another, happier prospective future. So it was a mixture of shock, relief and happiness that caused me to burst into tears a moment later, and as Esme rushed to comfort me, I felt a sense of deep longing to belong here, to be part of this happy family. “I’m not wearing contacts, by the way,” I stated, tearfully, in answer to their unspoken question. Once again, they looked dumbfounded and as my tears eased I ordered my thoughts and began to tell my story.

This is an extremely long paragraphs, that has places in it where it can easily be split up. Remember the rules for paragraphs:

~ Make a new one every time the topic changes
~ And every time the speaker changes

There were multiple speakers in this paragraph, so just split it up so there's a new one every time the speaker changes.

Also, I noticed that there were a few awkward sentences. Maybe go over it again and fix those up. :D

“I was born in Chicago in 1905, to Elizabeth and Edward Masen. I was their second, and last, child, the first being a boy, four years older than me. As soon as I was old enough to walk I would run to him, reaching out my arms to be picked up, and he would swing me on his shoulders and tickle me, all the things a brother should do. We became close, and I would follow him wherever he went. And even if he was sad, when I cried he would hold me in his arms and sing to me until I was happy again. I remember one time, he was crying so hard, with tears streaming down each cheek and he held me on his lap and sung, and his tears dripped into my hair, and I turned and hugged him…”

Awwwwwwwwwww! That's so cute! :) But wasn't Edward's mom's name Elizabeth? And wasn't he like 17 then only? I might be mistaken though. It's been a long time since I've read the Twilight books.

“She was heading to meet a Dr Carlisle Cullen, a “vegetarian” vampire, and after the meeting she came back, full of tales of the good doctor and the strange bronze haired boy who was with him, Edward Masen, as he was known then. She convinced me to go with her when she moved in, but as we neared the house, I became horribly nervous, and so I wiped Alice’s mind of her memories of me and left her. I travelled for years, forgetting Edward Masen, until a few days ago in New York. I heard a nomad talking about this coven, and I set off to find you. I wanted to meet someone else like me, but besides that, I wanted to see the boy I had once made mud pies with in the back yard, had tied the neighbors’ front doors together with, had gone to the park with, had ridden my bike with. The boy who is now a man in his own right, with a wife and daughter to support, who doesn’t want to think about those times, or the sister he shared them with, who even now is planning how to get rid of me.

In here, she says that he was her brother, but didn't she say that he was her father earlier?

Bella ran after him, carrying Renesmee, followed by Emmett and Jasper, and finally Carlisle, whilst Rosalie moved to the other side of the room and eyed me suspiciously.

Beware the evil run-ons!

Esme stayed sat on my left, and Alice came and sat on my left.


“I can read thoughts, like my brother, and I can talk to people in their thoughts too. I can make people forget things too, which can be useful, although I’m sorry I did that to you, Alice.” I thought to them. Out loud I continued: “I can talk to more than one person at the same time too, which is how Esme heard that, and how you all heard my name earlier. It was difficult to learn to control, because although Edward would answer the things people thought rather than said out loud, I used to think responses to them. It was kinda awkward…” Here I stopped, letting them imagine their own endings.

Maybe put thoughts in italics or something, so it's less confusing to tell thoughts from speaking.

Last to come was Bella, Nessie behind her, and whilst Bella went to talk to Jacob, the strange wolf-boy who had imprinted on her daughter, Nessie came and sat at my feet.

Little bit of awkwardness and run-on there.

Carlisle began to talk, completely calm, as though it was the most natural thing in the world, to sit there with the sister of the boy he saved from dying, all those years ago, now a vampire herself, discussing whether she should stay or go.


“Carlisle, that’s very kind of you, but I’ve seen my brother doesn’t want me here. For that reason I’ve decided to go back to New York. So thank you, but no thank you.” Standing, I made my exit. I stepped over Nessie, out the front door, past Jasper and Emmett wrestling in the meadow, to the beginning of the drive. And that was as far as they let me get. Alice leapt from the trees in front of me, landed lightly and clutched hold of one arm. Esme, who had silently come up behind me, laughing and smiling, grabbed the other and as they dragged me, somewhat less than kicking and screaming, back to the house, she explained: “You are most definitely staying. You’re family, the only close biological family member any of us have left, and you’re not going anywhere!”

Again, this paragraph can also be split up.

There was nothing he could do, and as my momentum pulled him down, he grabbed hold of Jasper, who was clutching Alice’s arm, who in turn grabbed Esme, who had been stood with her arm around Carlisle.

Run-on again, and the bolded word should be 'standing' not 'stood'.

That's about it for nit-picks though, so I'll go on to the overall.


Okay, so there isn't much to say here. I really liked your writing style! You described the settings perfectly, and this was an incredibly entertaining story! (Even though I'm not that big a fan of Twilight anymore.)

But as I said earlier, there were a few problems with run-ons, awkwardness, and paragraph separations. Maybe just fix those up, and your story will be great!

Oh, and as for the poll. I don't know if you should publish this. I don't think that people necessarily publish fiction based on a book that's already published. You would probably have better luck sending in an original story. I mean, who doesn't like an awesome original story by an amazing writer like you? I would totally read books by you!

But just make sure you fix up those few problems, and you're on your way to having an amazing story!

I better get going though! Good luck on your other stories, and I will see if I have time to review the rest of this one. I might review them all over the course of a few days. I only have one more day of school this week anyway, so I'll need something to do!

But again, I must be off! As I said before, good luck on your writing, and I'll see you around! Bye bye!

~ Trish :smt006
~ Patricia Tina :smt006

Don't look in the spoiler.

Spoiler! :
I lost the game.

"I always hear punch me in the face when you're speaking, but it's usually subtext."
~ Dr. John Watson

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Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:30 am
MissMiaFacinelli says...

Sorry about the left and left thing. It's edited out on my edited manuscript. I have broken up the paragraphs in my edited manuscript too!
And Edward's father is also called Edward Masen! Edward Snr.
I'm glad you liked it! :)

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Previously known as Pgsgirl7

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Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:00 am
Kamas says...

Here as requested Mia!

Now, you've gotten a lot of really decent reviews, and I personally am terrible with critiquing long stories so I'll give you a few tips/ stuff I noticed.


It's a bit bland. As you give use the story of who this girl is more gradually instead of an information dump at the beginning (which is nice) you need a more 'oomph' when they speak.
The way characters interact with one another is the mold for the character you create. It gives the reader a really tangible being to work with. I'd really work on developing your characters, it's really what can make or break a story.


The grammar is nice. Sort of basic, but it being a Twilight fanfic I didn't expect you to stray too much from the grammar was used in the book itself. But just as a favour, try to develop your vocabulary.

Also, at some points the story was a bit rushed. Just pace yourself, and if a part is almost over but irritates you take a break. More simple shorten it down, don't rush it. It's a little hard to distinguish the difference but once you understand it really does make a difference in your writing. Think: Cut on the complexity of the plot not the words. If you cut on the plot, you will automatically cut on the words.


Decent idea - another slightly cliche character. Really is she automatically accepted? Positively, incredibly beautiful? Super powerful? There aren't really any flaws in your character which is always a little annoying and hard to imagine. Try to work on that.

That's all I got for you. Keep up the good work.

Quick note: I'd suggest you stop asking for reviews on this part. Maybe the other parts. Just too stop bumping this thread and work on your other pieces.

"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world - not even our troubles." ~ Charles Chaplin


For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
— Audrey Hepburn