
Young Writers Society

It Wasn't Supposed to End This Way (Chapter Six)

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Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:29 am
Confused.pirate says...

Potions 5
Charms 5
Herbology 4
Transfigurations 4
History of Magic…

My Herbology and Transfigurations classes had been switched just like I had asked, which was fine because I wasn’t that interested in ridiculous plants anyway.

I packed up my things after lunch and started to head towards my first Transfigurations Year Four class, with the ever-famous Harry Potter. My goal wasn’t to become friends with him, which would ruin my cover. I had lately been forgetting my goal of remaining in the shadows. I had given up completely on avoiding my growing feelings for Cedric, but I had been successful at only making one real friend, since Gia was kind of an amoeba, growing on you until there was no turning back.

Walking into the Transfiguration’s classroom was kind of awkward. Who changes classes to a younger grade after a few weeks into the school year? Then again, who else is secretly spying for the Dark Lord?

“Oh Miss Silenda, you will be sitting here for this class period,” Professor McGonagall motioned to a desk in the second row near the side. Students began slowly filing in and slumping into their seats. Nobody really paid any particular attention to the random fifth year in the fourth year class, which was perfectly fine with me. Finally, Harry Potter walked in with who I assumed was Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, the three friends Gia had told me about. Hermione sat to my left, but to my right was a student who looked familiar…and it wasn’t from seeing him in the hall every once in a while.

“Do I know you?” the slick blond Slytherin spitted in my direction.

I nervously scanned him up and down one more time. Where have I seen him before??

“Well, don’t just stare at me like a git!” he continued to insult. So are all Slytherins this evil? Oh wait…the Dark Lord’s from Slytherin…forgot about that minor detail.

I finally found my voice and cracked, “Um, not sure. Who are you?”

The boy smirked, “You should be answering that very same question. I’m Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.”

He’s a Malfoy! I knew his parents; used to be dedicated Death Eaters alongside my parents. I had seen Draco at occasional Death Eater gatherings from way back when. This was when the Dark Lord was in his prime, but since the Potter incident, the Malfoys and many other Death Eater families had failed to remain as loyal to the Dark Lord as my parents were.

“I do know you…” I replied in a small voice. How was I supposed to tell him how?

“Well,” Malfoy continued threateningly. “Who are you?”

Since he was a part of the Death Eater family, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to tell him my name. He probably wouldn’t care about me after this anyway. “I’m Trista…Trista Silenda.”

His eyes widened, “You! I do know you! You’re with…” Malfoy’s voice lowered to a whisper, but before he continued I put my finger on my lips to signal to stay silent. I nodded with a reply, hoping the conversation would end at that note.

Thankfully Professor McGonagall began the lesson, “Students, today we will be learning about the spell Snufflifors. With two taps and a flick, you should successfully transform your books into mice. I will show you an example, then give you retired and outdated textbooks to practice on.”

“Now why would we want to do something like that?” I turned to my left and found Hermione with a worried expression on her face. This was the perfect time to do some research.

“Um, what’s wrong?” I questioned innocently, trying to break the ice.

She looked at me curiously, “Oh, well I don’t understand how anyone could transform books into mice…for any reason besides to feed a pet snake. Books are too precious.”

I giggled to myself silently, “That’s very true. Seems pointless.”

Professor chose three students to help her pass out the old musty textbooks; two boys and a red headed girl. As the dark haired Ravenclaw gave Hermione her book, he gave her a wink, which made her turn bright red, “Oh dear…” she muttered to herself with a small smile.

“And who was that?” I grasped the opportunity for another subject.

She began to flip through her ancient textbook, “Oh, that was Peter George…we’ve been secretly together for a few months. Met at the library in London over the summer.”

“Well that’s cute,” I smiled encouragingly.

“Yes, but my friends Harry and Ron don’t know about it. I don’t know how long I can keep it a secret,” she sighed and flipped through the pages some more.

I became puzzled, “Why keep it a secret?”

“Er…” she began slowly. “I can’t believe I’m telling you all this…but Viktor Krum has also had his eye on me since he came for the tournament.”

Perfect, we’re on the tournament. Now to switch it to Harry… “Oh I see. What does Harry think about being chosen as a fourth contestant?”

Hermione was slightly taken aback from the sudden change in subject, but continued to answer anyway, “He was stunned, and still absolutely baffled by the situation. He didn’t have anything to do with the selection or entrance into the competition, no matter how much the rumors say. Don’t believe them.”

I nodded, “Yeah, I didn’t think he did.”

“Anyway, I’m going to help him as much as I can with the challenges. He won’t be able to survive on his own,” she finally closed her book and tapped her wand twice. With a final flick she announced, “Snufflifors.” Immediately, her book morphed into a tiny brown mouse, scurrying rapidly around her table.

Hermione sighed, “Poor thing.”

I made a mental note on the brilliance Hermione contained, and decided to secretly write a note that she was going to help Harry with the tournament.

After a few furry books and exploding papers, Professor McGonagall concluded the lesson and asked for everyone to return either their mice or their books, and everything in between. I pocketed my note about Hermione and began to walk out of the classroom on my way to History of Magic. While making my path, I was stopped suddenly with a tap on my shoulder.

“Silenda,” a voice muttered. I turned around hesitantly and noticed Malfoy standing before me. “I feel like we need to get to know each other more.” He smirked knowingly.

I didn’t know what to think of this. Was it good to get to know a member of the Death Eater family, or better to stay hidden? I didn’t have much time to answer, and just as I was about to respond he interrupted, “This weekend. Hogsmeade. We’re going to talk.”

With this announced, he walked down the hall alone.
"The differences in life are what create the challenges which open the door to discovery."

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115 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 6915
Reviews: 115
Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:50 pm
LittlePrincess says...

I'm back yet again! I'm finding myself very invested in your story...

I don't really have that many nitpicks except one:
I made a mental note on the brilliance Hermione contained, and decided to secretly write a note that she was going to help Harry with the tournament.
Note is a little repetitive... also the whole sentence could be phrased a little differently to make it less bumpy.

The plot is moving along nicely, I love how you threw Malfoy into the mix and how Trista is attempting to befriend Hermione. I don't really have any criticism for this part, keep up the good work!
"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."
The Little Prince

have u ever noticed how ugly rosy-lipped batfish r? and not like in the “aw ur so ugly ur cute” way that like opossums r — no they’re just hideously ugly beasts that should never have existed and r the epitome of evolution fails. the stupidity, blank look, head emptiness. they’re horrible n everyone who likes them r horrible too. they truly have the worst fan-base >:[
— Shady