
Young Writers Society

The X-Men: Revolution Era, Chapter One

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Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:10 pm
HorsebackWriter says...

A/N: Rated 16+ for later chapters.

Chapter Two- Flight or Fight

A/N: /if words are in between these two guys they either are Spanish or translate into Spanish/



She was breathing hard. And running again. Katerina was always running. It had been nearly two months and she was still running. {But what am I running from?} she wondered. {Is it that man who always seems to find me no matter where I go? The man with eyes like mine?} For Katerina's eyes had changed, just as everything about her had changed. They were now red on black, demon eyes, as they were called by nearly everyone who had seen her who wasn't a....person like her. There had been a few kind ones who had offered her a place to stay, but she had always refused. Katerina still didn't understand why she always said no. Hell, most of the time she didn't understand their offer. 

At least no one knew she was a girl. Katerina had sacrificed her long brown tresses for safety's sake. Many a man in the towns she stopped at would have taken advantage of her had they know the truth, but be that as it may she only had several offers from women, all of which she hadn't understood. No one she met, or at least hardly anyone spoke Polish or Spanish, the two languages Katerina understood. {And if my parents hear some of the things that I say now, /Madre de Dios/ they'd kill me. Or at the very least lock me in a nunnery.}  

Katerina shuddered at the thought. Rising up from where she had slept that night, she stretched her limbs. Glancing left and right up the street, confirming that now the town was waking up and it was time to move, she gracefully lept down to the balcony below the rooftop Katerina had spent the night on. {Good, I still have food for several more days.} She thought as she rummaged through her pack. {Enough to last to the next town, I need to leave. I've spent a week here. How could I have been so stupid? He could've caught me. /El Diablo/} She spat bitterly.

Unfortunately for Katerina, she had a right to be worried. For the moment she jumped down from the balcony and rounded the corner, a silent figure moved from his place on the wall, and followed her, careful to not let her know that she was being followed. As he walked, anything that seemed to be metal on the street trembled as he passed it. 

Katerina took in her surroundings. People were staring at her, but they were always staring. {The eyes. It's always the eyes} she thought. Sometimes she wore a hat that she could pull down, but today was not one of those days. She stopped at a store an glanced at the clients, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw how wealthy they looked. {Even though I have plenty of food, enough to get me out of here, I'll need more soon.} Katerina waited in the shadows for a target, and when she spotted one, she quickly darted out and slammed into him. Quickly cutting his purse from his side and stowing it away, she stepped back, mumbling apologies. Darting away, she didn't notice a man step up to the person she had just robbed. "Looks like the kid stole yer purse, Slim." He nodded. "Did you see his eyes, Logan? He has to be a mutant." Logan nodded in agreement, sniffed once, and started after Katerina.  


Katerina was strolling along the outskirts of the town, walking through the alleyways while she planned her next move. She didn't get far. A hand shot out of the shadows, and grabbing her wrist, pulled her into a building with it. Her scream died in her throat when the formetioned part of her was suddenly grabbed by a large, furry hand. Katerina didn't even blink as she looked at her captors. There was the one who held her, he looked like a giant fur-ball. Another was leaning against the wall, twirling a box of matches in his hands. 

A man stood beside him, made of metal, and at least six feet tall. And the last person in the room was covered in armor, with what looked like a bucket on his head. Buckethead waved his hand, and Fur-ball dropped her. Metal-Man and Matches just stood there. "Hello, young lady, I....." Katerina cut him off. /"Yo no se, señor."/ His eyebrows tightened into a thin line. /"Yo comprende Español y Polish."/ his face git somewhat brighter. ::You speak Polish?:: She nodded. ::Well I obviously don't speak English.:: she stated sarcastically. 

His frown returned, deeper this time. ::It does not matter what language we speak, as long as you can understand me. I am here to offer you the chance of a lifetime. I.....:: She cut him off ::Not interested.:: Katerina said firmly, and turned to go. Her path was blocked by a wall of fire. Buckethead's eyes darkened. ::I wasn't giving you a choice. I am Magneto, child. You can come willingly, or I will force you, one way or another. You choose.:: Magneto gestured to his cronies, who glared at Katerina menacingly. She laughed, and cast her bag on the ground. ::Do you think that I am afraid of you? Try to catch me, if you can!:: Katerina leaped into the air, and caught the beam that was hanging there.

 Swinging up onto it, she grinned slyly at them. ::Though I wouldn't mind being caught by Metal-Man.:: She stated as she waited for them to try to catch her. They didn't have to. Clutching her head against the sudden intense pain affixed there, she fell to the ground screaming, somehow managing to land on her feet. Metal-Man made as if to go to her, but was stopped by a threatening glare from Magneto. He then glanced at Fur-Ball. "Sabertooth," he said, speaking English now. "Bring him." Sabertooth made his way over to the crouching girl, but he was cut off as a body crashed into him. "Sorry to break up your little pow-wow, bub, but you're not taking the kid anywhere he doesn't want to go." Logan growled. Slim stood beside him, somehow failing to look menacing. The two groups glared at each other for a minute, and just as Katerina sat up, headache gone, they were all thrown back by a small explosion. "Gambit don' like people who mess wit' his family." Remy stated from his place at the door. 
"So it all comes down to this, doesn't it? Does the wand in your hand know it's last master was Disarmed? Beacause if it does...I am the true master of the Elder Wand."

"And quite honestly, I've had enough trouble for a lifetime."

~Harry Potter

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Gender: Male
Points: 1040
Reviews: 3
Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:16 am
Krokee64 says...

Godd writing, just a couple of suggestions. First of all, your a good writer but your idea isn't original at all. It's Xmen. If you would want to publish that you would have to get permission from god knows how many different people. Also, when you write people's ideas, it's a lot better if you just write them, no brackets or parantheses or anything. You should trust your readers to understand it when you write a thought, instead of having to point it out to them.

Excuse me I have never *lied* about a character I just don't tell the truth
— AceassinOfTheMoon