
Young Writers Society

Love is Sweeter the Second Time Around: George Weasley Love

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Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:32 pm
Megan834 says...

I always knew there was something special about me, and soon after my parents died some strange things started happening to me. Everyone became scared of me and from that day on I was all alone, until one day, when a sweet looking old man came into my room. This old man seemed nice enough so I decided that it was in my best interest to go along with him than be in my room with my shaggy room mate.

I had learnt that the man's name is Albus Dumbledore. He spoke of a gift I possessed and said it was nothing to be ashamed or scared of as there were millions of others just like me, living in secret. I was enrolled in a school named Hogwarts. He needed to set some things straight at the school, so, he set me off to a wizarding family for the summer.

I stood outside, what looked like a several storey shack. All of a sudden a kind-faced woman came out and hugged me, welcoming me into the house. I was escorted through the kitchen and up the stairs into a room. It was fairly large, had two single beds.
"I hope you don't mind sharing a room" the woman asked.
"Of course not, thank you so much for having me Mrs. Weasley."
"My pleasure dear, and you can call me Molly"
I smiled in return and placed my bags against the wall as Molly walked out. Looking out of the window, I noticed what a beautiful view this house had around it. Wonderous fields of never-ending greenery as I sighed, taking in all that happened to me in the last few weeks. I woke up this morning to the new home I would be inhabiting till September. It was quiet this morning because no one was up yet seeing as it was only seven. I decided it would be rude to make lots of noise, so i went back up stairs. I walked up and down halls, u till i found my way back to my room.
I didn't want to be rude but I couldn't find the bathroom so i had to wake Ginny up.
"what is it?", she asked groggily, "couldn't this wait until the morning?"
"It is morning Ginny" i responded with a giggle.
"No like morning morning, like after nine" She replied with a yawn.
"Its almost 8:30, and all I need to do is find the bathroom" I said back to her finding it funny that most people in the house didn't wake up until mid-afternoon.
"Its down the hall to the right. I'm normally the first to shower but you can take the job now." she said with a sleepy smile.
"Oh...one more thing, i forgot shampoo and conditioner"
"Its in the bathroom, in the shower" she said with a you should have known that tone.I got in the shower and washed myself. i found a small bottle of shampoo and conditioner and used them both. I only put the conditioner on the ends of my hair like I would normally do.
I got ready for the day and left my hair wet. The only bad thing about the bathroom was that there was no mirror, so I couldn't tell how I looked. But in all honesty, I couldn't think of any reason to why I would needed to impress anyone in the house anyway. Since I was still ready before anyone was up, I took a walk around the grounds and began to read some of my school books since I would need to at least know the basics.I found a nice sunny spot outside and relaxed.
(about after an hour or so...)
"ROBYN!" a voice yelled and woke me from my unexpected slumber "BREAKFAST IS READY!!!!!"
I jumped up and walked to the door seeing as i didn't want to run, trip and hurt myself and create a bad first impression about myself. Once I got inside the room was so busy i tried to stay out of the way. I quietly grabbed a plate sat down when i heard Molly scream.
I stood confused for a few moments wondering what she was talking about and i look around the room in confusion, I lay my eyes on two boys, who looked my age, snickering and murmuring to each other. The next thing I knew Molly grabbed rag and began rubbing the ends of my hair.
" I CANT BELIEVE YOU BOYS HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER SHE IS OUR GUEST!!!!!!!" Molly screams out (still i have no clue what is going on at this point.)
"Mom it was not meant for her it was meant for Ginny!" one of the twins said
"Yeah, mum we didn't know that Robyn would shower first!!!" the other twin said.
"um... not to be rude molly but what is wrong with my hair???" I said beginning to freak out a bit.
Molly stopped rubbing my hair and I took some of my hair in my hand, which had turned bright blue on the ends. "hahaha, oh..this? Well this isn't that bad. I thought it was on fire or something" I say as I started to giggle.
"See mum not that bad." one of the twins stated.
"Fred, George...you know I hate blue!" Ginny stated matter-of-factly. " I would have hated that. "
"well, to be honest...I like it." I said with a small giggle.
"Good job George. She likes it, now we have got to try harder to get them both" Fred says to George.
"Don't you try or I will get back at you! But I really do like how this looks." I say back with a wink.
"I think I'm in love" George whispers to Fred
I over hear this and giggle as George blushes.
I make a mental note of which twin is who so I wouldn't get confused. The rest of breakfast was relatively quiet and I was introduced to the rest of the Weasley family.
The next day was a beautiful Saturday morning. The sky was completely cloudless, the sun shone brightly and there was a refreshing cool breeze. I had finally adjusted to the life that the Weasleys had. I got up at around nine every morning, and got ready, making sure not to let my shampoo or conditioner out of my sight again. I love my new hair(it's pretty cool.. lol) but it's not like I want something else to happen to it.
I walked down the stairs to find everyone already around the table and I quickly took my place. A few mouthfuls of delicious, sticky jam tart, an owl was seen flying in our direction off in the distance. George must have seen it too because all of a sudden he shouted out...
"INCOMING! EVERYONE WATCH OUT!" I ducked under the table and I heard crashing noises above me and saw the floor instantly being covered with food and beverages which were once on the table.
"Well...there goes breakfast" Ginny said leaving the table.
"Bloody bird" Ron muttered.
" Ron watch your language!" Arthur ordered
Fred and George were just laughing at how clumsy the bedraggled bird while Percy was just glaring at the poor thing.
Molly looked at all of us saying that she had set our letters on the little table near the entrance of the house. The boys rushed to the table, nearly knocking it over to see who would grab their letter first while I silently waited on the sofa, not wanting any of them to hit me by mistake. I took my letter. It was smaller than of the others so I quickly put it into my pocket so I could read it in some privacy.
I excused myself from breakfast after we had decided that we would go and get our school equipment and daily necessities. I jumped onto my bed, opening the letter to find a small key and words written in the neatest French Script I had ever seen.
Dearest Robyn,
I hope this letter finds you in good health.
It has truly been a few quiet weeks here at school without you. I hope that you are getting along with everyone splendidly although I did hear about the incident that took place on the first day. I knew those boys would be a problem. I will have to keep a lookout for their mischievous acts around the school. Included in this note you will find a key to your parents safe at Gringotts bank. I trust you will have more than enough money in there to last you through your school years and at least a few years on your own, but for now you may get out only what you need for books and a bit of extra spending cash, I hear that teenage girls enjoy spending. I also have a little present for you when you arrive. I will see you in a few months and I hope that you will be no worse than you are now. Meaning, well you understand what i am getting at. Just stay out of trouble.

The letter made me laugh to myself. He never knew what to say...he didn't even know what to address himself as on the paper. I could see where he had crossed out care taker.... father... dad..... Albus and then, he simply decided to sign it from "you-know-who but not the bad one!" He is a real funny one isn't he? I laid down on my bed just to feel a burning feeling on my back. Instantly, I jumped up and start itching uncontrollably. I knew right away that it was the twins' doing I ran out the door scratching in search for them. It must have been a really strange site to see. I had no clue what I would eventually do once I caught them out but I can assure you, it was going to be something!
I hear a door slam shut behind me. It was obviously them. I was so furious from all the scratching I wouldn't even call them by their name. I slowly entered the room in which I thought the twins might be hiding...Ron's room. The itching had finally stopped and i looked over at the one hiding spot I knew they would both be in. So I just sat on Ron's bed and stared at the spot. I sat there for at least an hour till finally, George came falling out of the closet. I jumped over and did the only thing I could do...tickle him to death!! Moments later I was pushed to the ground by Fred and he and George ganged up on me and began tickling me until I was absolutely out of breath and surrendered.
The first day of school soon arrived. After the first years were sorted, McGonagall came up to me and said that Dumbledore wanted to see me.
" Well look what we have here…" a boy named Oliver said. "Gotten in trouble on your first night?"

"I’m sure it’s nothing like that, after all…these two are the trouble makers." I said patting Fred and George’s backs who were sitting on either side of me.
"She’s right" They both said simultaneously while smiling.
I laughed and got up to go see that Dumbledore wanted. I walked into his huge study, to find him petting the cutest kitten I have ever seen. It’s brilliant blue eyes complemented it’s soft looking fur. He smiled and stood up giving me the kitten to hold in my own hands. He told me it’s name was Skchizo and that I could change it whenever I felt like but the name suited it.
"She’s adorable isn’t she? Reminds me a lot of you” Dumbledore said.
“…Umm…thanks.” I silently giggled when he realized he just said I looked like a cat, and after a few more laughs, I made my way to the Gryffindor common room.
Each summer, I ended up spending it at the Weasley's.Ginny was pretty bummed that she was stuck at home with her mom and dad while everyone was going off to Hogwarts to explore and enjoy it there. I felt bad for her but Fred and George kept going on about how the were going to send her a Hogwarts toilet seat. That night was spent sitting around the fireplace with the twins, discussing how the year was flying by ever so quickly. I looked at Fred, he seemed to be contemplating about something… he kept narrowing his eyebrows until he stood up with a sudden jolt and announced that he had to leave. George and I just sat there in an awkward silence. We began to giggle a bit on Fred’s sudden outburst and soon became quiet once again.
"The fire is lovely to look at" I said absentmindedly.
"It’s not the only thing that’s lovely to look at" George muttered randomly.
I was surprised by what he had muttered. The rest of the night was quite and uneventful until George gingerly took my hand in his.The next day, we immediately packed our things and set off in search of the train at platform 93/4. We all said our goodbyes while Fred and George…once again tricked their mother with another "I'm not Fred, he is!" joke and she obviously fell for it. Some times I feel bad for her, and yet, I don’t know how she can keep her nerves under control around them. The ride on the train was quiet enough. George and I sat next to each other and Fred and Oliver were across from us. We all talked about our summers and enjoyed all of Oliver's fantastic and enthralling stories. Once we got to school, we all sat in the beautiful Great Hall, and waited for the new students and first years to be sorted into their houses. Hermione was the first to be sorted into Gryffindor, followed by Ron and another young boy that Ron had befriended who turned out to be none other than Harry Potter! Soon enough the feast began, squidgy pizza, juicy grapes, gooey gateaux sizzling beef and delicious looking chicken. The meal was absolutely mouthwatering plus I had entertainment right before as Fred and George began fighting over a chicken wing. I must say it was a hilarious sight to see! Moments after Percy took the first years up to the dorms while George and I stayed behind talking and walking across the halls together. We reached our destination and stopped at the common room when he did something that suppressed me … He kissed me!
“I’m sorry” George said as he quickly turned away into the opposite direction.
"Don’t be" I replied quietly grabbing his arm, making him look at me.
"I just…couldn't help myself." He said looking into my eyes. "You and I have known each other for a while now and I just… couldn't help myself."
“You said that already” I smiled.
He blushed a deep shade of red, it was so obvious he was nervous…and adorable.
“I was to shy to even try anything." I stated and began to blush too.
"So… are you saying you enjoyed it?" he said with his famous jokester smile
"Yes, I did" I replayed with another smile. George began to grin wildly as I turned to walk up the stairs to my dorm room. I had only walked about two steps when I heard George’s voice.
"Do you…want to be my girlfriend?" he asked hopefully.
"Well…"I said turning ever so slowly trying not to seem too eager. I saw a bit of disappointment written on his face when he winced at my remark, thinking I was going to turn him down. I could tell he really meant it so, I said…
“Yes I do."
"Brilliant! I’m glad I don’t have to hide it anymore. Fred was going to tell you about how I felt yesterday… finally found a use for the toilet seat we were going to send Ginny." He replied with a brilliant and kissed me once more.
"What took you so long?"
"Wasn't it worth the wait?" He says picking me up and twirling me around. Once he set me on the ground I kissed him passionately.
"You tell me"
He smiled "I have a feeling that we should be getting up to bed now my dear" he says quietly.
"I guess so." I say a little disappointed.
“Don’t be sad my love I’ll be here tomorrow" he said with his classic smile.
“Are you attempting to sound like Romeo?” I asked in a rather criticizing voice.
“Are you stating that Romeo is more hunky than I am?”
I just couldn’t remain serious after that and burst out laughing.
“What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving, how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals?!”
I laughed and said "Goodnight, George,” leaving him at the bottom of the staircase yelling out random Shakespeare quotes.
“Good Night, Good Night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow”
Once I arrived in my room, I did a small dance, while Hermione stared looking at me like I needed counseling. I told her what had happened but all she could muster was,
"Humph, I haven't the time to worry about boys, I’m here to work on my studies"
After that she went to bed. The next day, it was announced that Harry would be on the Quidditch team with Fred and George. George gave me a warm loving smile while Fred made a face like he was about to puke, in retaliation I just stuck my tongue out at him.
“Nice puke face Fred!”
“I prefer to call it a Technicolor yawn”
Nothing really major occurred till the night of Halloween. There was an announcement that there was a massive troll in the building. George and I decided to use our spare time responsibly and cuddled up next to the window to see if we could view anything but we had no luck.
"Well how’s this for fun… A troll is destroying Hogwarts and we are stuck in our dorm. It’s just not fair." George said angrily.
"Georgie…" I say kissing him “isn’t it more fun being with me?" I said in the fakest girly voice I could muster.
His face immediately changed and replied “Yes, it is a treat being with you" and we continued to kiss passionately once more.
"EWW! OH GET A ROOM!" Fred yelled, “I rather not see my brother snogging, thank you oh so very much!”
"We have one. You just happen to be in it." I say smiling triumphantly. Suddenly my smile faded as I come to a grim realization. "Guys...where is Ron??"
McGonogall entered the Gryffindor common room, advising us that the situation was dealt with and that Ron, Harry and Hermione were safe and all was well. So we all said our goodnights and went off to our respected rooms.
I skipped down to breakfast after a brilliant night’s sleep, sat down next to George and kissed him lightly on his cheek.
"Hello love, you’re perky this morning." He said with a smile
"I had a great night last night" I smiled.
" Oh?...Well that’s good" he said as he turned and practically inhaled his food.
”harbrt ve hbrang ourt roudart" He mumbled, his cheeks almost bursting with the amount of food in them.
"Uh... yes?" I replied confused
"How about we hang out today" he clarified after he finished chewing.
"Oh… then, for sure yes!" I said happily.
"Cool. Meet me near the lake at one." he smiled, got up and walked away.
I quickly finished my breakfast, a few gossips along the way…, and went up to my dorm room to get ready for my date with George. I wore a beautiful yellow dress along with some boots to boy it up just a bit. I got butterflies in my stomach as I walked to the lake just by simply thinking of George and I came to a realization… I had been bitten by the love bug, and I’ve been bitten bad!
I made my way down the grand, stone stairs and took in the wondrous view before me. As I jumped off the last step I saw a red-headed boy sitting on a beautifully woven picnic blanket along with a picnic basket and some candles.
He stood up, walking towards me and asked with visible nervousness…
"Do you like it?"
“George, of course I like it! I can’t believe you went through so much trouble just for me.”
“I wouldn’t do it for anybody else” he smiled.We sat down and ate a few snacks which George had prepared. It was delicious!
"What is it George?"
He took my hand in his and asked hopefully…
"Robyn, will you please go to the Yule Ball with me?"
"Of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way” I smiled to myself.
I leaned in and kissed him gently on his lips. He licked the bottom of my lip, as if he was asking permission to slip his tongue in... I opened my mouth in response and our tongues danced together... I began to shake from a mixture of nerves and excitement. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tightly against him. He pulled away and smiled at me... My mind was reeling. That was my first real French kiss ever... AND IT WAS AMAZING!!!
I was left in a daze gazing into his tremendous green eyes when he leaned near the lake and splashed me! I grabbed the only bottle of Soda Pop left in the basket, shook it and drenched him in the sweet sugary taste of the drink. As I was laughing at the site, he grabbed my waist and threw me into the lake. My clothes were absolutely soaked! He put his hand out to help me up for the sandy ground. I took it and with all my might pulled him down next to me. The water fight continued for another several minutes until I noticed him staring at me and smirking.
"Tell me whats wrong George!"
"For me, nothing .. but you might want my jacket before we set foot in the school"
I looked at me dress and noticed that it was absolutely see-through! My black lacey underwear was showing! Cringe much?! I punched him playfully and wringed my dress dry, covering up with George’s jacket as we walked back up into the common room, hand-in-hand.
The next day, I went to Dumbledore’s office. I knew he would be there, so I just went on up and walked around.
"Robyn" I hear my name called by him "I know your in here. The paintings have eyes you know" he says and I could just tell he was smirking.
"I just wanted to come for a visit and to ask you something…" I said as I sat down in front of his desk.
"Go ahead my dear"
"Well… you know you are the closest thing to family that I have that…" I said, not really looking at him.
"But I have always wanted my father’s approval on who I’m dating… I know it sounds silly but-"
"It’s not silly at all, my dear. I assume this is about George?" he asked, knowing I was nervous.
"Yes" I reply sheepishly.
"Well then, I approve." He said with a smile, I got up and hugged him tightly."Thanks you’re the best sub- parent ever!"
"You do know you can call me dad right?" he jokes
"Yeah, I know but this if I started calling you dad, it could get strange."
"That is true. Good point. I knew I raised you right." he said with a smile just as Harry Potter walked into the room.
"That will be Ms. Robyn, don’t let me catch you doing that again." he said to me trying not to make is suspicious as to why I was there to see him. I nodded and walked pass Harry to go out from the main door.
"What did you do?" Harry whispered on the way out.
"Got in a prank war with Fred and Lee" I smiled in response.
"Nice one" he muttered as we fist bumped each other and continued in our separate ways.
The following week was full of boring school work and Quidditch Practice for George, so we didn’t get to spend a lot of time together, but he promised that he would do something special for me on Friday. He joked that it would be our ‘last date’ just incase anything happen to him in this weeks game against the Slytherins although I thought it really wasn’t funny at all. George lead me up to a random hall in the school. This was a hall that i had walked in many times and thought nothing of it. he stopped at a place in the hall and started walking back and forth like he was thinking of something. Al of a sudden two huge doors show up and he blindfolds me and brings me inside.
I smile at the smell of burning candles and flowers. I felt George’s soft lips touch mine. We both lost ourselves in the moment of passion, his lips on mine, mine on his. We broke apart breathing heavily while he pulled the blindfold off. My eyes took a moment to adjust to the room. There were lilies all over the room and bright pink roses along with what were roses dyed blue, the same color as my hair, resultant because of the little incident only a months ago.
“Wow…You pimped the room of requirements!”
“Haha, I’m glad you like it”
George led me to a beautifully set table and we ate till we just couldn’t eat anymore. He led me over to the bean bag chair and we sat there for what seamed like hours in each others arms. Suddenly the ceiling looked exactly like the night sky and there were fire works that George started setting off. They looked positively beautiful and I couldn't help myself but to kiss him once more. The kiss might have gotten a little bit too heated as I tugged at his silky red hair.
“That’s new” George muttered into the kiss. I smiled.
I knew it was getting late and that George had to be rested up for the big Quidditch match tomorrow afternoon, so we left the room. George made sure that I got all the flowers and we walked back to the common room hand in hand.
The next day was a little too girly for my liking. My best friends, Katie, Lauren and I went out to buy our dresses for the Yule Ball.
"Ooooooh," Lauren said, rifling through the dresses, and pausing, "I'm going to try on this one."
It was truly beautiful. It was long-sleeved, and made of white silk, and it had embroidered, barely visible flower patterns in a pearly grey color, different from the pure white of the dress.
As she went into the fitting booth, something caught Katie’s eye. The dress was dark blue, and single-strapped and tight around the waist. It was quite short for a ball but it was stunning.
All the sudden, Cho walked out in her dress, looking beautiful as ever.
"Wow, Rob! Go and try it on! I want to see you in it!" Katie said, pushing me into the other fitting booth.
"It’s really pretty Katie but it’s just not my style" I said sincerely.
"Robyn, you are my best friend! I know what your style is but I WILL NOT allow you to go to the Yule Ball in tight jeans and a tank top!"
"Yes ma’am"
Katie squealed with delight, and said, "Ha! I told you it was awesome! You look fantastic!"
"Yeah, what Katie said! George is going to drool!" Lauren agreed.
"Thanks, and I hope so! It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to do." I smiled.
Hogwarts was decorated beautifully for Christmas. There was a huge tree in the corner, and there were clumps of mistletoe in a few places.
"Hey! I pity Weasley’s taste. If he won't go out with me, how can he even think of going out with you?"
It was a girl from Ravenclaw, a lanky blonde named Amber. I just walked away hearing her mutter along with her so called friends and I shouted back "Keep talking, maybe someday you'll say something intelligent."
The next morning, was the day of the Yule Ball and I was utterly nervous. To help me forget about my small dilemma of being too girly for George’s liking in the evening, I announced that we shall be having a snowball fight a few yards away from Hagrid’s yard. It was not your regular snowball fight. Oliver invented the game during the winter of his 5th year. He made a snow cannon and filled it with bewitched snowballs to be shot at the 'enemy'. It was hilarious! Me, Oliver and Katie kicked butt against Fred, George and Lee.
Us girls went to get ready as it was about two hours before the Yule Ball started. I wore my dress and practiced walking in my new high hells and I was surprisingly good at it. Lauren and Katie were fighting on who was to do my hair and make-up and we finally came to the conclusion that Katie was to do my hair and Lauren was to do my make-up as she was slightly more advanced than Katie in that field of work. I walked down the steps to the common room along with my friends so they could meet their dates. (George was meeting me near the Grand Staircase) The boys kept gaping at me which made me a bit uncomfortable, even Lauren’s date was staring…that is before Lauren hit him on his stomach with her elbow. We made our way towards the Great Hall, meeting George along the way. He looked absolutely marvelous. His black tux made his green eyes glow, I couldn’t help but gaze into them as I stepped down. I even giggled when he first saw me, his mouth instantly dropped and his eyes grew wider. Maybe I should re-think this girly thing, it actually seems to work.
"Hey George"
"George?" I said waving my hand in front of his face.
"Wow, Oh, Um... Sorry. You look...Wow"
"Thanks" I replied as Katie giggled next to me.
George took my hand and we walk together into the great hall. It looked entirely different without the long tables and hundreds of chairs, it looked immensely bigger too. Instead, there were only a few round tables with several chairs posted round it for whom got tired dancing or just plainly didn’t want to. The tables were covered with beautiful silk material reaching precisely at the bottom as to not get dirty on the floor. We found a table quite close to the dance floor, and just began to chat after we were introduced to Fred’s date, Angelina and to Lee’s friend from HufflePuff, Eric. They were both really nice and Angelina soon became one of my best friends.Eric was super funny and soon suggested that we should go to dance and his suggestion seems like a good one, so, we obliged. George took me by the hand and we danced to a slow, melodious song, his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. Once the song came to and end, I kissed him gently on the lips. The Yule Ball had ended, that’s when the after party began which would normally take over four hours since it was just 4th years upwards. All the younger students were sent to their dorm room. Tons of Rock and Pop songs played on the massive speakers, the teenagers jumping up and down and fists in the air which moved according to the rhythm of the song currently playing.
The boys got tired of dancing after the first two songs so we had to sit at the table and talk instead, that’s when Lauren’s mind came into action. She pulled Katie, Angelina and I into a corner.
“I’m bored just sitting there! I want to dance”
“Tell me about it” Angelina sighed.
“We can’t dance without a partner and they aren’t very willing to take the job.” I said as Katie shrugged.
“How about, we make them come to the dance floor?” Lauren said while smirking.
“Hold on...Do you think we can even pull that off?” I asked.
Angelina and Katie were lost as Lauren and I continued the conversation.
“What are you guys saying!?” Katie yelled in frustration.
“We should give them a dance, they’ll never forget.” She said with yet another smirk.
“Oohh!!” Angelina and Katie said in unison.
The girls and I went back to the table.
“Are you sure you don’t want to dance?” Lauren asked.
Fred looked at George who looked at Lee who looked at Eric, each giving a questioning look till they all turned to face us together and said no.
“Your loss.” Angelina smirked as we made our way onto the dance floor as a group.
They boys turned around when ‘The way I are” by Timbaland started, right on queue. We began to dance, super close to each other, shaking our hips and moving down along the music when it came to the ref. All of our dates just stared in awe as we moved around the dance floor, glued in their position. By the time half the song was over, most of the boys joined us and we danced with them and that’s when something triggered. The boys got up from the table and pushed the other guys away from their respected dates. George and I danced to the next songs, pressing our bodies closely to each other. After at least five songs we went back at table. I sat down with the girls, laughing about how awesome Lauren’s mind and joked around with Fred, Lee and Eric while George went to get himself a drink.
After a while I got quite thirsty too and I wondered where George was. It shouldn’t take 25 minutes to get a glass of water surely! So I went to get myself a drink and find him when I came across something I never expected to see. My stomach churned when I saw Amber's lips pressed to George's.I walked away silently, not wanting him to notice me.
"You should continue dancing with your friends, that was a brilliant show" Fred said, still laughing. I dropped my head; not responding and continued to head for my dorm room. His smiled automatically faded.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm going to change. I can't be here anymore... I'm going near the lake."
"What happened Robyn?"
"He kissed another girl, Fred and not just any girl but Amber!"
His jaw dropped. I'm guessing he didn't expect it either. When he just wouldn't respond I turned away.
I rushed up the stairs and into my dorm room.I quickly changed and threw my dress onto the floor and traded the heels in for sneakers. I couldn't help but cry, that's when I heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it" I said, my voice sounded cracked.
"Robyn, it's Katie, can please i come in?" she asked
"I really don't want to see anyone right now." I said quietly
"Come on Rob, I'm really worried, you can't keep me locked out forever."
I opened the door and she entered the room not really wanting to look at my face just in case she ended up crying too.
"I saw what happened, SON OF A BANSHEE!!!!" she said getting all angry.We both start laughing and Lauren walked in.
"Well, looks like you don't need any cheering up" she said with a hopeful smile, putting her stuff on the bed.
"Katie just called George a son of a"
"banshee" Katie finishes. Lauren started to laugh to but my face soon returned to the sad expression I had and I told them that I was going near the lake to think things through.
"Hey, Fred."
"What?" He said it with disgust in his voice while glaring, his face full of utter hatred.
"What was that for?" I asked.
"Like you don't know."
"I don't,"
"How could you do that to her, George?! She does everything for you. She loves you so much more than any girl ever has. And you just go around kissing other girls! Wh-"
"Whoa, what?"
"She saw you kissing another girl!"
"Fred, it wasn't my fault. I pulled away from her straight away." I knew how close Fred and Robyn were, probably as close to Fred as I was.
He sighed. "She's near the lake."
"It's raining outside."
"Don't think she really cares at the moment mate"
Rain poured down by the buckets. I completely ignored the cold rain touching my skin and began to run towards the lake. I saw a figure sitting down looking out towards the abyss.
The girl, that sat in front of the water, didn't respond. I knew it was her and she knew it was me but she wouldn't turn around. I called her name again, louder this time. She turned her head.It looked like I had put her through hell. No words could describe how horrible i was feeling. She stood up quickly and began to walk away and I that's what hurt the most. She wouldn't even look at me. I ran after her.When I reached her, I grabbed her wrist and spun her around, making her face me.
"Robyn, please. Just let me explain." She stared down at the wet ground.
"She came onto me." She shook her head. She's not going to believe me.
"It's true! Please, just listen to me. I would never, ever hurt you." She looked up into my eyes and my breathing stopped. She turned around. This time I grabbed her waist.
"Robyn, please don't walk away from me." She continued to look down and remained completely silent. I put my finger under her chin making her eyes meet mine.
"Talk to me." It came out in a whisper. I then realized that I was crying. She wouldn't talk. I crushed my lips to hers, putting as much passion as I could but it wasn't the same. She wasn't kissing me back. I pulled away and placed my hands on her cheeks and placing my forehead to hers.
"Please?" I asked in a hushed tone. The tears continued to stream down her face.
"I thought you said you loved me." Her voice sounded so broken.
That hurt me more than I can explain. I loved her with all my heart but the pain that shot through me was too much to bear, i couldn't move... couldn't speak.. She looked a me...waiting for a response. She put her hand over her mouth, crying as she turned for one last time and walked away. I sat down on the ground and put my face in my hands. I just lost everything.--A while had passed since that day. I just hung out with my regular girlfriends, Oliver and Fred. Oliver and I also got really close over the weeks that passed. He was like my brother and I told him everything. I stayed with him a bit more than Fred, I think I was just worried that he might tell George something I'd say. When walking in hallways, George would always look at me... always with the same look on his face. I had to move on, so, I acted like it didn't matter anymore. I'd joke around with other boys in the common room, to make it seem like I was forgetting it all and it seemed to be working because George stopped trying to talk to me.
I couldn't possibly go to the Weasley's again this summer for obvious reasons, including the fact that it would be really awkward. Katie was kind enough to make me a proposal to join her with her family, just for the summer holidays.
"Once again, Robyn...I know you are in here." he said with a small laugh.
"Stupid paintings! "
"I know why you are here... how are you doing?It's been a while now... after the..." He paused "Incident"
"I'm better than expected ." I said with a smile. "Katie wants me to stay with her this summer. That all right with you Gramps?"
"I think it'll be a splendid opportunity for you to see another side of the world, not many wizards get to live with a mostly muggle family" He says with a smile.
"Thank you sir." I say hugging him.
My luggage was now entirely filled with tank tops and jeans shorts. I met Katie in the common room and said goodbye to all of my friends. Lauren actually cried a bit. She was so sweet. I hugged Fred and gave a big hug to Oliver. I was going to miss his comforting and funny personality. George just stood in a corner, arms crossed with an angry expression on his face. What's his problem? Isn't it his fault we broke up? Summer was going by pleasantly. Katie’s parents were truly lovely and I was ecstatic to have made their acquaintance. I woke up to Katie’s continuous jumping on my bed and yelling “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” on the top of her lungs. I had almost forgotten about my birthday…it really was not a big deal to me, just another year of my life passing away. Katie along with her parents gave me a beautiful short red dress. I think Katie wants me to become her own dressing doll.
"So, we have your party tonight!" she said with a huge smile. "I have invited everyone! It’s going to be awesome!"
"Everyone?" I said, trying to sound a bit confident"Even, him?"
"I invited all of the Weasleys except him but he might show up anyway." she said as she sighed, realizing that I was still hurt by what I had witnessed just a few weeks ago.
"It’s ok. I need to get used to seeing him, I mean he is in most of my classes…Who else did you invite?"
“You want the entire list?”
“…ok” I said, not really knowing how many she actually did invite.
"Well, Harry, though I doubt he will come because of his uncle and aunt, Oliver and Lee, Hermione, Lauren, Eric and some others in our year. That’s really it actually. I wanted the party to be smaller." she sat down on my bed, looking at me, scanning me to see if I approved or not.
"Sounds great Kat." I said as I engulfed her in an enormous hug.
"Great!" She said as she hopped out if the room.
Katie’s mum took me out for the day while Katie and her dad set up for the party. I didn’t want to admit it but I was really excited! When I went back to their home, I just stared in awe. It was marvelous! A brand new stereo was placed against the wall, pictures of me and all my friends together, balloons everywhere! Huge tables of delicious snacks and beverages made my mouth water. Katie and I went up stairs to get ready and once we were, we went downstairs and the guests began to arrive.
Lauren showed up first, handing me a present after she greeted me with a hug and went over to Katie and began to fuss over her hair and dress which were both actually perfect. The next thing I knew, a set of warm hands covered my eyes gently.
"Guess who" The voice behind me was comforting and it made me feel happy. I knew who it was right away.
I knew that voice anywhere but I wanted to play with him a bit.
"Hmm… who could it be?" I said as I began to tap my finger on my chin.
"Oh come on Rob! You should know this." He said playfully in his amazing Scottish accent.
"Hmm… Alex!" I yelled. It was the first name that came to mind.
I quickly turn around and tackled him to the ground. I looked up to his face and said,
“Oh its just you.” sounding a bit disappointed."You’re not Alex… that makes me sad."
"Really? You thought I was this Alex fellow?" He said a bit hurt.
"Oliver, your voice is amazing, your accent is amazing, of course I knew it was yo!. Also your hands are super soft." I said as I got off of him. He held me on the ground on top of him before I had the chance to.
"No, you’re not getting away that easy," He announced and he began tickling me.
"Don’t kill her mate." I heard Fred say from behind us. I stopped laughing, stood up and looked behind me. No sign of George… Good, that’s how I wanted it.
I walked over to Katie and Lauren who were over in the kitchen giggling. "What’s up girls?"
"You were very friendly with the captain over there. I’ve never seen him be playful before, he’s always so serious around me." Katie said.
"I thought you guys were going to start making out, right then on the floor!" Lauren burst out laughing.
"Funny guys! Oliver and I have been talking all summer… Owling back and forth. He is super nice and he’s been helping me forget." I said looking at him, joking around with Fred and Lee.
"Do you like him?" Katie asked becoming all giggly again.
"To be honest, I do our relationship is more of a brother and sister." I admitted, feeling just a little sad about it.
Lauren and Katie both looked at each other and looked at me.
"We can fix that."
They both rushed out of the room but stopped in their tracks and ran back in.
“He’s here!” The girls hissed at me.
“Uhh…Yeah…he is. You were just giggling when you saw us together two seconds ago.” I said, making it sound as if I was talking to a stupid person.
“No Robyn! Him! You-Know-Who!”
"Katie, I don’t want him to know I’m here!!!" I whisper yelled at her.
"Robyn, this is your party for your birthday...You are obviously here!" Katie yelled.
"You have to face him some time." Lauren told me encouragingly as I turned around to face my "doom". As I walked forward to my possible doom, two sets of arms held me back as they hugged me.Ron and Ginny had come to my party, and even though they were both younger than me, we still had a strong relationship together.
"Hey guys, whats up?" I said as I looked over Ginny's shoulder. It seemed that George was having a hard time as he was getting reamed out by Oliver.I couldn't help but smile at how many brilliant friends I had.
"Well it is your birthday." Ron said as he removed his hands from around me, only to be engulfed in yet another hug from Ginny.
"I love you too Ginny, but can I be let go of please?" I giggled as she let go.
"Yeah Ginny, some people might think you're in love with her" Ron said when only a few seconds after he recieved an elbow in the stomach by Ginny of course.
"I'll leave you two to it then. I'll talk to you guys later." I walked away leaving the two constantly bickering and insulting and teasing each other.I slowly walked up to Oliver and he put his arm around my shoulder protectively. I grabbed his hand and asked him to let us speak outside alone.
We silently walked outside. I was trying my best to avoid his eyes meeting mine and just looked at the floor.
"Why are you here? Do you want honestly want me to feel horrible on my Birthday? If you didn't love me in the first place you should have just said so!" I said as I began to cry.
"I love you...and I always will. Amber kissed me, I pushed her away. I'm so sorry " He replied taking my hands. I tried to pull away but he only held them tighter.
"I'm sorry, but I can't trust you." I said trying my hardest to pull away from him.
I stared into his eyes, which seemed to be piercing into mine. Before I knew it, his lips were crushed to mine, his hands on my neck to pull me into the kiss more. The passion I had felt before was still there.I finally got a hold of myself and pushed him away as I ran inside, into the kitchen. I didn't want anyone seeing me like this on my birthday.
There was Oliver inside. He was talking to Lauren but as soon as he saw my face, his dropped and he ran towards me, engulfing me into yet another hug. That's exactly what I needed. I held onto him as tightly as I could crying into his shirt.
"Robyn what happened?" he said.
I told him, not wanting to keep any secrets from one of my best friends. I could tell he was angry. His hands formed a tight fist as he gritted his teeth. He took me over to Katie and Lauren and told me to stay right were I was. I heard yelling once the door closed. Katie turned the music up to cover the yelling that is going on outside as we made our way into the living room. Suddenly the Door burst open, as George walked in with a scratch on his cheek and a busted lip. Everyone stopped dancing to look at him. Silence took over the room until yelled at Fred, Ginny and Ron to get up and leave but Ron stayed, refusing to abandon a friend. When the left he slammed the door. I hugged Ron and went outside to check on Oliver. He refused to look at me until I took his chin and lifted it higher so I could look at him properly. He had a black eye and quite a lot of bruises. I covered my mouth with my hands at the site of my friend being hurt badly because of me.
"Oliver, what happened?" It came out as a whisper.
"When you said he kissed you after all the pain he caused you, I just lost my mind. We fought. End of story." He said harshly.
"Oliver, you really didnt have to" I said taking his hand. "That was brave of you."
"I have something to confess Robyn." He said, looking into my eyes.
"What is it Oliver?"
“I really think you should give George another chance. I told him to stay away from you and he literally broke down.” He Whispered, he winced…George must have really went full out.
“How can I after he did this to my best friend?”
“Don’t worry about that I’m a big boy, ha-ha.”
“Oh Oliver…”
“Please, go talk to him…for me. I can’t stand to see you like this”
“Thank you” I said.
We both walked into a silent room, the people who came for the party must have been deeply disappointed. I Walked over to the fire place and hugged Oliver as he handed me some floo powder. I yelled out ‘Weasley’s residence’ and green flames engulfed me. When I arrived, Bill hugged me and said "Robyn! What happened? Are you ok?"He asked. His voice sounded conflicted. "George came home… he had blood on his face and bruises on his hands.
"I need to see him." I said as I walked up the stairs to the twin’s room, not really knowing what I was going to say.
I knocked on the door a few seconds later, I heard a very pain-filled "Go away, I don’t want to talk to anyone".
I decided to just walk in and there he was, sitting at the foot of his bed with his hands running through his hair. “Hey" was all I could muster up.
"I said I didn’t want to see anyone" he said in a harsh tone turning away from me. I walked up to the bed and sat down next to him.
"I know what you said to Oliver." I said looking at the floor. “But I need answers."
"About what?" His voice and tone was acidic.
"The kiss."
“… The kiss? I went to get some drinks, it’s as simple as that. Amber pulled me in a corner and just started talking to me about the party and school. Once she saw you, she kissed me. I was just shocked when she did it. I wasn’t expecting it but I pushed her off… I swear.” The last two words came out as a heart-filled whisper.
I stared into his eyes and suddenly, it all came back to me. The way he held me in his arms. The way he kissed me. The way I always felt him smile when he had his lips pressed to mine. Everything. "I'm sorry," I whispered, "I didn’t believe you. I just, I thought . . ." Before I knew it, his lips were crushed to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and moved my lips with his. "I love you so much," he said as he pulled me into his arms. He rested his head on mine. "George, I need you to understand. I didn't know." He kissed my forehead gently. "That doesn't matter anymore."
I packed up and left in the early morning because Hermonies family was leaving later that day, i simply didnt want to get in their way. I got to the Weasley house using the floo network again knowing how to use it this time without help. It was still early morning and i did not want to wake anyone so i just sat down on a chair closest to the fireplace.
suddenly i hear voices and hear ron say "Its not much but its home"
"I think its brilliant!" i hear harry say I get up to look at the boys, as soon as i get up Molly runs into the room
"Where HAVE you been?" In a worried tone. "Harry, how wonderful to see you, dear." she continued and i couldn't help but smirk seeing Ron, Fred and George getting scolded by their mother, it made me wish that i could remember my mother,
"Beds empty. No note. Car gone, you could have died. You could have been seen." Molly continues scolding, i just giggle seeing George act a bit frightened, "Of course, I don't blame you , Harry, dear. she said sweetly once more.
"They were starving him, Mum. There were bars on his windows." Ron replies in a sorrowful tone, with food in his mouth.
"Well you best hope i dont put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley." She says shaking her finger. I burst out laughing trying to imagine this, i was seeing Ron in a prison stripes like in muggle movies starting out a barred window.
"Robyn!" Molly says in a loving tone "how long have you been here?"
"Not that long" I say still giggling a bit.
"Well its time for breakfast, hurry up everyone sit down," she hurries us to the table, I take a seat next to George and Fred sits next to him across from me is Harry and Ron.
Ginny came down saw Harry and quickly ran back up the stairs. I giggled to myself at this seeing as she probable still fancied Harry . All of a sudden i hear Arthur come in through the door "Morning Weasleys"
"Morning dad" Everyone but Harry and i respond
"What a night. Nine raids, Nine!" he says excitedly.
I hear harry ask Ron what his father meant by raids and Ron explained his fathers job to him. I found it hard to believe that Arthur had never met Harry before, but there was a small introduction at the breakfast table and conversation about rubber ducks. Suddenly Errol, the blasted owl crashed into the window with the mail. Percy, who wasnt being fully unbearable got up and fetched the mail from the owl. he explained that it was our Hogwarts letters and that harrys letter and mine were also there. i quickley snatched mine from him not wanting him to see if Dumbledore had made special notes for me. This thim the note was about how proud he was that i am back with the Weasleys. and once again signed it "You-Know-Who. but not the bad one, do i even have to say that anymore?"
I laughed to myself, for an old man, i find that he understands me, he knows me better than anyone.
The next morning I awake to Molly Weasley bursting into the room and scooping me up in a big hug
"My dear it is so nice to see you!I'll go cook a big snack in celebration that you and George are back together! Oh its simply wonderful!" She says twirling me around and setting me back up on the bed. I swear that woman is just like mrs.Bennet from pride and prejudice.
We all go down stairs and im greeted by hugs from almost everyone in the Weasley family. There was such a vast variety of food spread out that i could not decide what to eat. The breakfast conversations swirled around the talk of Harry, Ginny could not stop talking about him. it was so adorable to see her having a crush on someone. I could tell the boys were getting fed up with Ginny's consent talking about how cute Harry is so i broke up the one sided conversation.
We all finished breakfast and I said that i had to leave.
Sure my birthday was not how i planed it, it turned out better than i could of ever imagined, I got the one person that had means the most to me back. After a day spent playing Quidditch in the yard and spending quality time with George's family, George and I went up to his room, switched on the radio and just cuddled together on his bed.
I started to hum along with the song while I rested my head on George's chest. Listening to the steady beat of is heart, I realized that this was the only place where I belonged and the only place I ever wanted to be in.
"Can we stay like this forever? In love and happy?" I whispered.
"Only if you want to." he whispered back, pressing something into your hand.
"Don't look yet. Follow me." he said, grabbing my hand and leading me away.
I followed him,my heart beating fast in my chest, out to the grounds. He pulled me close to him and looked me in the eyes.
"Robyn... I'm going to ask you a very big question. You don't have to answer it now if you don't want to." he said, getting down on one knee.
"Robyn Miller, will you marry me and be the amazing wife I know you will be?" he asked, holding my hand in his.
I was so over-whelmed I actually began to cry, nodding my head.
"All you have to do is promise to treat me right and be the amazing husband I know you can be." I cried, pulling him up and kissing him passionately.
He wrapped his arms around me, he whispered, "I promise."

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127 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 8947
Reviews: 127
Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:49 pm
Cotton says...

hello :) I'm definitely of the female species, so no worries :D

I'll point out a few things you should look at in the first section:

I always knew there was something special about me, and soon after my parents died some strange things started happening to me. Everyone became scared of me and from that day on I was all alone

Something about the use of "me" several times in quick succession seemed a bit - hmm. Something to reconsider, perhaps.

I had learnt that the man's name is Albus Dumbledore.

Careful, now - you're writing in the past tense, so make sure you keep it that way!

" I CANT BELIEVE YOU BOYS HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER SHE IS OUR GUEST!!!!!!!" Molly screams out (still i have no clue what is going on at this point.)

Firstly, you need to punctuate. Secondly, is this really the sort of thing Molly Weasley would say? Personally I'm not convinced - I have nothing wrong with the words, actually, mainly just you need to punctuate it so it reads as if someone was actually speaking, keep only one "!" (that many is really excessive) and again, make sure you're staying in the past tense - I'm thinking "screams" and "I have"

Finally, whoah. Huge!! This would be a perfect 3-part short story/novel so maybe cut it up a bit? If you do I promise I'll come back and review every part in nice, perfectionist detail :D

Here's a story of a brother by the name of Othello,
He liked white women and he liked - green jello... - Reduced Shakespeare Company

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Gender: Female
Points: 1103
Reviews: 3
Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:40 am
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islandsongbird says...

I liked Fred and George from the beginning of the Harry Potter series so i love that you used George as the main character.I was confused though on who was talking to Fred in this passage:
"What?"He said it with disgust in his voice while glaring, his face full of utter hatred.
"What was that for" I asked.
"Like you don't know".
"I don't,"

and since your telling the story through Robyn's viewpoint i thought it was Robyn and was confused to why Fred was mad with her until i read:
"how could you do that to her,George?! She does everything for you."

Then i realized it was George speaking,so if you could just tell a reader before hand on when you switch characters for example: Robyn as a sub-title and then start your story and when you switched to George's viewpoint in the story:George as a sub-title before continuing with the story.There were some spelling errors as well but we are after all just human ;)

i'm not sure if this helps or not but i hope it does.
pliz keep writing and i'll be looking out for more of your work.
"use what talents you posses
the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there except
those that sang best."
Henry Van Dyke

The most important thing is to preserve the world we live in. Unless people understand and learn about our world, habitats, and animals, they won't understand that if we don't protect those habitats, we'll eventually destroy ourselves.
— Jack Hanna