
Young Writers Society

Naruto - New Generation X Chapter 6

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Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:45 am
ElementalBlood says...

Chapter 6

Location: Leaf Village Forest

Komadori walked towards the forest with Shadow. They were looking for Rein. Ah, there she is! she thought as she started to run over to Rein. "Hey Rein!" she called.

"Hey Komadori!" Rein smiled.

Komadori smiled. "What's up?" she called as she continued running.

"Not much, just talking to Alister, why don't you join us?” Rein replied with a smile.

Komadori finally reached Rein. "Sure." She sat down in the grass next to her.

Alister sighed softly.

Komadori looked at Rein. "Hey what happened to your bandages?"

"A squirrel happened...." Rein pointed to the tree above her and the squirrel sitting in the branches watching them.

Looking up to where she was pointing, Komadori saw a squirrel. She started to laugh uncontrollably. "Did it attack you or something?" she asked, still laughing.

Alister chuckled.

"Not attack, it just... it wanted a peanut... I didn't have any so it settled for my hair tie and then tried to get my bandages too..." Rein chuckled.

Komadori started to laugh even harder. "So... you were beaten by... a squirrel...?"

Rein looked at Komadori. "You could say that... They can be quite annoying actually..." she paused, "especially when you don't have any peanuts handy..."

Komadori finally stop laughing, although a few small giggles kept escaping. "OK then, I'll make a mental note to always have peanuts with me."

Alister laughed at that comment.

Rein chuckled. "Ooh and by the way, is there a place to buy new bandages around here?" she asked.

Komadori started pondering. "You could go to the leaf hospital and ask if they have any spare bandages."

"Yea, I guess that will work." Rein chuckled. "I'll go ask for some later." She smiled.

Komadori laughed lightly then looked up at the sky. "It's so beautiful out today," she said as she lay down on her back.

"Yeah." Rein laid back down as well now.

Alister thought, Awkward silence.

The squirrel decided it had been in the tree long enough and darted deeper into the forest, knocking a leaf from the tree that landed on Rein's nose. "A-CHOO!" She sneezed once the leaf landed on her nose and jumped slightly, having somehow managed to scare herself.

Komadori laughed. "Bless you."

Rein sniffed. "Thanks..." She couldn't help but laugh.

Komadori suddenly remembered something. "Oh yeah. Rein, the Kazekage wanted me to tell you she apologizes for her...harsh treatment."

"I should be the one apologizing after I stormed out like that. It was disrespectful." Rein looked at Komadori.

"Oh yeah, there was one more thing that she said,” Komadori added.

"What is it?" Rein looked at Komadori curiously.

Komadori gestured for Rein to come closer. “I don't know why but I didn't think she'd want me to say it out loud with other people around.”

Rein leaned towards Komadori.

Komadori whispered it in her ear, "She said that her tiger wanted to have another conversation with you."

Rein leaned back and chuckled. "Sounds like a plan then." She smiled under her mask.

"Apparently Shadow is our link to finding her," Komadori said while laughing slightly. She glanced over to him. He was sleeping in the shade.

"Makes sense." Rein looked at Shadow.

Komadori turned to the Mizukage. "You don't happen to know anything about the Kazekage, do you?”

"What do you mean?" Alister asked.

"Any information on her. Things along that line," Komadori explained. Her curiosity about the girl had been increasing. She was rather strange.

"All I know is that she is a descendant of Gaara, has one 24 year old brother in the Anbu and one 13 year old sister ranked as the youngest person to ever become a Jonin in the village. Other than that, nothing. It is difficult to find information on her. Reminds me of myself," Alister added with a chuckle. "She is a powerful Kage.”

"Hmmm. I see," Komadori said. "Gaara huh? I think I've heard of him before. He was a previous Kazekage I believe?"

“Yes, he was. Also a Shukaku vessel,” Alister said with great respect.

"I'm beginning to wonder how she became the Kazekage,” Komadori wondered.

“Who knows? It’s difficult to say how another village chooses their Kage,” Alister said, sighing.

Komadori sighed herself. "I guess I'm going to have to question her about that the next time I meet her.”

"What for?" Alister asked softly.

"Well, I'm quite new to the position of Kage myself. Even though I'm younger then she is. I'm curious as to how she was able to acquire the position," Komadori said calmly.

"I see...” Alister said.

Komadori smiled. "Oh well, no use worrying about it right now. I can always find out later. So…what were you guys talking about before I got here? Besides the squirrel." She was still lying on her back, looking up at the sky.

The shadows moved unnoticed by the casual observer. Ears twitched gently to pick up any extra words that could be delivered to her master. Hearing none, she slunk away silently and back-stepped to cover her tracks for a hundred metres.
She tracked her way back to her waiting mistress.
"Thank you Shin-chan. I appreciate your efforts," Tsuki congratulated Shinryoenbou in a whisper before cancelling her jutsu, allowing the lioness to go back to the Sand Village. To herself, Tsuki muttered, "We could use her."

"Alister wants me to join the academy." Rein sighed. "Told me to ask you if that was alright?"

Komadori turned to face Rein. "Yeah, it's fine with me. Were you never in a ninja academy?"

"No... I learned most of the jutsu I know by creating and teaching them to myself." Rein chuckled and then she looked at the ground and sighed.

Komadori laughed too. "Well, you’re the first ninja I've met who never attended an academy. But if you want, I can get you enrolled in the Leaf’s.”

"I don't think I have any choice." Rein chuckled and glanced towards Alister.

Alister stared at the sky, watching the clouds. He was lost in it.

Rein chuckled quietly.

Alister realized then it was quiet. “What is wrong? Why is it so quiet?” He looked at both of them.

Komadori glanced to Alister. "...I don't know," she said quietly while stifling laughter.

"Perhaps, the silence before the storm? So to speak." Rein chuckled.

Komadori laughed with her. "Maybe. But if it is, let's hope that what follows isn't too bad."

"I'm hoping I don't have to deal with any more squirrels today though." Rein shuddered.

Komadori began laughing harder. "Yeah... let's not have any more unfortunate incidents today.”

Rein chuckled and began fiddling with her bandages to make them stay on until she got some new ones. Once she finished a new knot holding the broken pieces together she looked at her work and chuckled. "I look like something from back out of the grave." She wore a silly grin and chuckled.

Komadori looked at Rein. "No, you don't look that bad." She chuckled

"Well, my arm has certainly seen better days." Rein shrugged and laughed. "If the squirrel had chewed on it anymore the scar would probably been showing by now."

Komadori giggled. "Don't worry. We'll get you some new ones soon."

"Mhm, I'll be heading down to the hospital some time soon to see if they have any extra for sure." Rein chuckled again.

Komadori laughed and then turned her gaze back towards the sky. Looking back at Shadow, she saw he was awake again. She became curious when she saw him sniffing the air. He definitely smells something, she thought. Oh well, if he's not growling or barking, it's nothing to be worried about.

Shikabane stalked out from behind the bush concealing her figure. She arched her back when she saw the Mizukage staring off into space, paying no heed to her. Tsukimiya appeared behind her and quickly crossed the clearing over to where Rein sat and pulled her to a standing position.

Rein was pulled up from her sitting position abruptly and gave a confused look. "Um... hi?" She looked at Tsukimiya.

Komadori turned around to see behind her after watching Rein suddenly get pulled up off the ground. Well, I must say I didn't expect to see her and her tiger again so soon, she thought as she stood up herself. "Hello again Kazekage-sama," she said. Shadow had gotten up himself. So this is what you smelt huh?

Rein held her head for a second. Being pulled up so suddenly had made her a tad bit dizzy.

Tsuki was on edge. She saw the Mizukage completely out of it from the corner of her eye. She yelled at him, "Sorry! I'm borrowing your girlfriend for a while!" She quickly turned to the Hokage. "Same thing to you. Oh, hi and bye by the way Hokage-san!" She ran, still holding onto Rein as she disappeared back into the forest. She called not a moment after their figures could no longer be seen "She'll be back later!" Shikabane quickly followed, growling slightly at the Mizukage as she went.

“She is not my girlfriend!” Alister yelled at the Kazekage.

Rein suddenly found herself being dragged through the forest. What the heck? She was completely confused.

Komadori watched stunned for a moment as Rein was dragged off. "...Hey wait!" she yelled after them. "Shadow," she called to him. Within moments, he was running after them and she followed. Where the heck is she taking Rein? she thought to herself.

“This is so annoying,” Alister said with a sigh as he got up and followed the Kazekage. “I’m not done yelling at you!”

Location: Akatsuki Lair

Akashia walked soundlessly within the dim corridors. Her expression was concealed by the Akatsuki cloak’s collar but her eyes could be seen, looking ahead. She looked bored, as usual, for there had been no assignments of late. It was getting tiresome to be in the base for so long. With a deep sigh, Akashia pressed on, heading toward the exit for some fresh air.

Raal was outside. He held someone’s heart in his hand and five bodies surrounded him. His only expression was a smirk.

Once Akashia stepped outside, she did not even flinch, she had seen this happen before on many occasions in her time here. She merely walked by and jumped upon a tree branch. She began to dig in her deep pockets for her flute.

Raal inspected a deep wound on his right shoulder. “Damn,” he whispered. He dropped the heart and glanced at the bodies. “Blood Style: Blood Sacrifice.” Energy poured from the corpses and into his body, healing the wound.

Should be more careful, the fool.
Akashia brought the flute to her lips and began to play. The flute itself was quite pretty. It emitted a soft glow when hit by sunlight and had pearl-like texture.

Raal wiped the blood from his shoulder as he crouched, inspecting his victims.

Akashia lowered the flute from her lips to watch Raal. “Why don’t we go terrorize some Leaf villagers today?”

Raal laughed. “Sure, but try not to die.” He looked up at her and smirked.

“Me? Hah. You hardly take care of yourself as it is.” Akashia grinned and jumped to the ground. “Let’s go. I can already hear the fun getting away.” She started to run ahead.

Raal followed her. “Touché,” he remarked. “Try not to kill everyone.”

"Whatever. So, which shall it be? The forest or the village itself?" Akashia asked as she relaxed her speed a little bit so she would draw alongside Raal.

“The forest. An old ‘friend’ should be there.” Raal still wore a smirk.

"Well then we shouldn't keep them waiting," Akashia said with a dark smile.

"I'm right behind you.”
Who's ever name is written in this note shall die.
My allegiance is to L, the world's greatest detective.
But my twisted mind enjoys Kira's exploits.

To be a master of metaphor is the greatest thing by far. It is the one thing that cannot be learnt from others, and it is also a sign of genius.
— Aristotle, Poetics