
Young Writers Society

The Pirate and the Sister: Chapter 3

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Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:04 am
Ladynagrom says...

Hi again! Sorry I'm taking so long to post, but school keeps getting in the way. So without further ado, the third installment of The Pirate and The Sister.

Chealsi opened her eyes. This proved to be a useless gesture as the place- wherever that was- was pitch black.
"I 'ave a feelin' I know where we are." Sparrow muttered, making Cheasli jump.
"Where?" She asked, willing her heartbeat to steady. "We're on the ocean's scream
, captained by a man named Antwan. This is the ship I stole from him."
"The one you used to get off the island?"
"Aye. I told the crew of his ship that I'd reward them richly- not very bright men- but they had to leave their captain behind, me and 'im had bad blood between us. So they did, left him on that island. Unfortunately, one of the crew knew me. A few miles from shore, they threw me in the ocean, and turned to retrieve their captain. Now Antwan has even more of a drive to kill me."
"I see..... well, since this is your fault, you get us out of here." Chealsi said angrily.
"M'kay love. Already got a pretty good idea as to how I'll do it."
"You'll see."
"And so I set off in search of the fountain of youth, with the center of the map Barbossa had. So, I've told you my tales, now do you believe me?"
"No. How am I supposed to believe that you were marooned, escaped by lassoing two sea turtles together, became immortal, then mortal, retrieved the black pearl, met a dead-"
"Not dead. I already told you. He sold his soul to Davy Jones!":
"Captain Sparrow, I'm sorry, but I don't believe any of it."
"Fine! Don't believe me! It's your choice." He muttered dejectedly.
"Good night."
Chealsi squinted her eyes at the sudden bright lights filtering through the door a few days later. Her eyes snapped open as hands grabbed her. Her scream lasted for as long as it took one of the men to clamp his hand on her mouth.
"No screamin'" He said gruffly, leading her up the steps and onto the deck. She heard Sparrow being pulled out behind her. Soon she was out in the blazing sunlight. She looked around the ship, seeing nothing but gruff and dirty men. She turned to see Sparrow walking up the stairs with his wrists tied and a large man behind him. Her own captor released her, and she sucked in a breath of fresh air quickly.

"It's been a while, ain't it Jack?" A male voice said, coming closely from Chealsi's right. Chelasi swiveled her head to see a sun tanned pirate with light brown hair, and gray eyes. He walked forward, pulling a scimitar from its sheath. He walked up close to Sparrow, and held the blade against his throat. Sparrow fidgeted nervously under the mans gaze. "I think it's about time for you to hand over all ye've got and jump ship, aye? Perhaps ye could swim back to shore again."

"Well, you see, it just so happens that that time just so happened to be around noon yesterday, so perhaps we could try this again another ti-" Antwan- or at least who Chealsi guessed to be Antwan- pushed the blade closer to the captain's throat.
"Alright, alright. Here, I've got a proposition for you, if you'll just step back a little. I'll trade you something, and you give me one of your little dinghy's and I'll be on my merry way, and you'll never hear from me again."
"What's yer proposition?" Antwan asked, letting his guard down for a second. At that moment, Sparrow lunged and grabbed Chealsi, pulling the ropes that bound him tight around her neck.

"Here's my proposition: You were already planning on keeping the woman for enjoyment purposes, but she won't be much use if she's dead now will she?"
"You liar!" Chealsi gasped. "You said you were getting us both out of here."
"No, I said I was getting us both out of the cages. We're out, and you'll probably occupying a bed from now on instead of a cell, so quiet." He hissed into her ear, and looked up. "So what's it going to be Antwan? Me or this lovely woman? Make your choice quickly, she's running out of air." It was true. Chealsi was already gasping for breath as the Sparrow wound the rope tighter and tighter. The crew became restless, waiting for their captain's orders. Antwan's face grew red, and he yelled:

"Let the wench go Sparrow! Crew, get 'im a boat!" The crew hurriedly prepared one of the small dinghy's, and Sparrow led her by her neck until the rowboat was withing reaching distance.
"Haven't had a woman in a while?" Sparrow pushed her into a group of pirate's who grabbed and held on tightly. Chealsi screamed, struggling like mad. Already they were beginning to shred her clothes with their hands. She felt bile rise in her throat.
How could he do this?! One part of her screamed, the frantic part. The other, more logical part, said: Because he's a pirate, and pirate's aren't to be trusted. And you, my dear, are stupid. So you trusted him. Hands on her chest. But he promised!
And he fulfilled it through a loophole. Arguing among the pirates.
But it's not right....
[i]You're a twit, you know that? He lied, he's gone, and now you're going to be raped.

No need to be so blunt....
Everything froze as the ship rocked. Chealsi looked frantically around, and saw that the dinghy was gone. A eerie feeling enveloped the ship, and the pirates looked around nervously.

Chealsi was the first to see them. She let out a loud scream, her eyes wide, staring at the rotted...things climbing aboard the ship. The pirates looked over where she was, and dropped her as Antwan shouted orders to man the cannons, and get the weapons. Chealsi sat on the ground in shock, gaping. The things-they were shaped like men for the most part, but mixed with creatures of the deep- ran at the pirates, attacking them. Chealsi crawled, trying to get up, across the deck. Suddenly, she was jerked up by her hair. Another scream escaped her, this one out of fear and pain. This thing had a head in the shape of a hammer, but with teeth like sharks were supposed to be.

"Round up all the survivors." She heard a voice say. The hammer-shark-man-thing carried her to a group of men huddled together and tossed her next to them.
"What happened?" She wondered aloud.
"D-Davy Jones." One of the men stuttered, terrified.
"But, he's not real!"
"She's right. Davy Jones is dead, and I have taken over in his place." The voice said again. Chealsi turned her head sharply, her drenched hair sticking to her face. A good looking man with shoulder length brown hair, a beard and moustache, sun tanned skin, and dark brown eyes stood over her. She flinched back from him, even though he looked down at her gently. She feebly attempted to cover her exposed body with what was left of her uniform. His eyes flashed as he saw the state of her clothing. He knelt down on one knee, and looked her in the eyes.

"Did they do anything to you?" He asked softly.

"They didn't get a chance, your monsters attacked before they could." He placed his hand on her head and stood, his eyes dark.
"Men like these do not deserve life." He growled, looking over to some larger men. They all nodded, and sliced the men's necks, throwing them overboard. Chealsi watched, horrified.
"The captain's always 'ad a soft spot for the lasses." One of the men said, looking down on her. The man helped her up, and pulled off his large jacket.
"Here, you can use this until we find you some decent clothes." He said. She took it, thanking him and wrapped it around her shivering body. "My name is William Turner, and you?"
"M-my name is Chealsi Near." She said.
"Well, Ms. Near, I'll take you over to my ship and get you on dry land, alright?" Chealsi nodded, and followed him, holding the jacket tightly around her.


"Jack?" William asked, dumbfounded. The pirate captain looked up from the open ocean with a lop sided grin.
"Will! How's being Captain of The Flying Dutchman treating you?" William walked in long strides and clapped the captain on the shoulder.
"It's been dreadful, but we can get to that later." The two men began chattering like long lost friend. Chealsi felt anger rise up in her. She strode toward the captain and raised her hand to slap him hard. She felt a hand grab her wrist. She screamed a string of curses that weren't very nun-like at all, and then struggled against her captor.
"I'm going to kill you!" She screamed, trying to pull away. William looked over at Sparrow with a questioning look.
"Will, meet Chealsi. Chealsi, Will. Now that all that's settled you can throw her over."
"You left me there! Do you have any idea what they were about to do to me?!"
"I actually have a rather good idea..." He murmured, looking at the jacket she wore around her,
"Jack, you know her?" Chealsi's screams were mostly ignored as they began to talk.
"Eh, well, sort of. We met, we were kidnapped, and then...." He trailed off.
"You left her on a ship with them?"
"Well, I figured you would- probably-show up." Sparrow avoided his friend's gaze, becoming seemingly intrested in the rigging.
"You left her on a ship full of pirate's so you could get away. Wait 'til Elizabeth hears about this, she'll wring your neck."
"Is it that time again?" Sparrow murmured, looking out to the ocean.

"Lexru, take Ms. Near to my cabin, she can use it for the night." William said, turning towards them. "I'll be talking with Jack for the time being." The large man that held her nodded, and led her to the captain's cabin. She stumbled in and heard the door click behind her.
She gave a scream of anger and frustration, grabbing one of the pillows off of the bed and hurling it into the corner. She paced around the room heatedly, muttering to herself. She heard shouting from outside the room.
"What did I do to deserve this?" She asked aloud. "I'm a good person.... sort of. I pay tithe, I make sure my kid is doing well, I feed the hungry." She fingered the ring she wore around her neck and sat down on the worn bed. She took the wet jacket and tattered clothing off of her and pulled the blanket around her. She closed her eyes, letting the warmth of it seep into her. She lied down on the bed, struggling against sleep. Her exhaustion won and she was soon slipping into her subconcious.

Chealsi opened her eyes and looked around. She sat on a large rock facing the sea. Behind her was a large jungle. She knew almost automatically that she was on an island. She wore no clothes, and her hair still clung to her face.
"What do you tink of my home?" A woman's voice asked from behind her. Chealsi looked behind her again to see a dark skinned woman with dreadlocks and a series of dot tattoos on her face. She wore a simple tanned dress wrapped around her body. She stood up, feeling like she should bow.

"It's beautiful." She said nervously, hoping not to offend the mysterious woman. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" The woman smiled, and looked Chealsi in the eyes.
"My name is Calypso, goddess of da sea." She said, sitting on the rock Chealsi had been sitting on. Chealsi stepped back. All of the people from Captain Sparrow's stories were coming into reality, and now she was standing next to the goddess of the sea. It was almost to much for her to take in. "Sit child, we have much to speak of and not much time 'til you wake up." Chealsi obeyed, sitting next to the sea goddess.
"Why do you wish to speak to me ma'am, and how are you here with me, and how am I on this island?"
"Because you travel with Jack Sparrow, and you are on da sea. I am a goddess but I can only be in my human form in humans dreams, and 'dis is a dream so I can take you wherever I wish. 'Dis island is my home in the Other world." She said. Silence fell over the two for a while. During the time, they both stared out to the water. "Be careful with Jack, he will mess with your mind. I have seen him break so many human women, it stopped being amusing several years ago. I have watched over him from my home, the water allows me to do 'dat." Calypso lifted her hands and waved them in the air. Water from the sea lifted and formed a circle of mist. An image formed on it.

Captain Sparrow stood on the deck of the Flying Dutchman pacing around muttering to himself. He pulled out a compass and looked at it, then shut it, frustrated. He shook it and opened it again, then stuffed it in his pocket. He looked to the right and sat down, contemplating something. Suddenly he stood and walked quickly to the right. Their view changed and Chealsi saw that he was heading towards the captain's cabin. The mist fell slowly and dropped back to the water, and the image was gone.
"What's he going to do?!" Chealsi asked, panicked. She stood up. "Is he going to- to- t-" Calypso grabbed her arm and pulled her down to the rock.
"Be still and stay calm. If you become to active you will awaken." Calypso held her gaze and waited for her to calm down. "Jack Sparrow will do noting; He is a good man, even if he don't seem so."
"Are you sure?" She asked, remembering all the things he had said, and the time he had gotten much to close.
"I am positive."
"Well, I'm not. If it's not to bold for me to say."
"You'll have ta deal wit it 'den."
"What was the advice you wished to give me?"
" I just want you to remember two tings: Lust is only physical, love is what you feel in your soul." She placed her hand on her heart. "If you ever forget that noting in your life will ever get better. And two: As long as you are near da sea, I will be watching you." She said. "I will see you again Chealsi Near, good bye." Chealsi's vision began to blur and the world spun.

Chealsi opened her eyes to the door opening. She squinted in the dark and saw Sparrow's outline.
"What is it that you need Sparrow?" She asked. A small smile formed on her lips as he jumped, surprised.
"I- Nothing, I just came to see if you were alright- Will made me."
"I see...." She sat up, pulling the blanket around her. "Tell me, did you know that William was close by, and that that ship was going to be attacked? Or did you just leave me to those pirates?" Captain Sparrow hesitated, then said:
"I left you to them." He said bluntly. Chealsi couldn't help but feel a little bit dissapointed. She scolded herself, then turned back to him.
"So what are you going to do when we dock?"
"I'll probably stay with Will until I find the Pearl again. What about you love, any big plans for your life when we stop?" The captain's question caused Chealsi to freeze. What was she going to do? She hadn't even thought about it.
"I'll probably go back to my son, and the convent." She said sadly, imagining the cold walls and monotonous schedule. "And then my life will go on, so will yours, and everyone else's, and... and..." She hit the bed in frustration.
"And you'll waste away in the covenant, you're son will be adopted and grow up with people you've never met. And he'll forget about you completely." Chealsi flinched under his words.
"Can you just, get out?" She said, tossing a pillow at him in anger. He stepped back, dodging the pillow.
"Fine love. I'll get out." He said, backing up. "I'm not sorry either, I did what I had to survive. If you had to, you'd learn to do the same."
"I take a long time in the bathroom. It's what girls do. Excuse me for my gender." - Me to my brother

I was never insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched.
— Edgar Allan Poe