
Young Writers Society

Geek o' Gaming Part One

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Reviews: 30
Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:46 pm
TalaPaulwic says...

Hey all, this is a little fan-fiction of a game I play called World of Warcraft. This is a parody of those who play it like me. Please take note that when I say "World of Warcart" it is not a typo, I'm being funny.

The character is a mix of me and a mildly more obsessed player. I will be writing two more parts of Geek o' Gaming, so if you like it, be prepared.(Go boy scouts go!)

Part One.

“It’s more then a game to me, it’s a way of life. I love it more then my own life. When I log on and play, I feel like I’m really there, like I can forget about my drab, wretched life. I made a funny! I’m killing some wretched goons while I’m recording this. I’m Ameilia, or in my game, World of Warcart, Ameilialer. This isn’t my first character, this is about my seventh. I have a short attention span so I have lots of characters. I’m playing a troll hunter right now. I play on a role-play server, so if anyone asks me who I am I reply; ‘I am Ameilialer, one of the last few Darkspear trolls, and a proud hunter.’ I’m only level five right now, almost level six, so when I do a dungeon I’ll get to add onto it. I have no intention on getting offline, so when you meet me in person and I look nice, please note that I will look much worse every other part of the day.”

A small smile spread across her lips, Ameilia had her eyes glued to the screen. Her left hand moved from the W, A, S, and D keys to press F2, this was to stop the voice recording. As her eyes danced around the screen her hand returned to the W, A, S, and D keys. Every time she pressed one her character would go forwards, backwards, or turn to either side. With her right hand on the mouse she moved it to move the pointer on her screen, she would use the left click button to attack the computer generated enemies, cast spells, or eat something in her virtual inventory to cause a positive effect to her character.

The character on the screen was a blue skinned female troll, her hair was bright green, it had been styled into a Mohawk. Plain brown armor covered the character, a large axe stayed across her back in a diagonal line. A quiver full of arrows was also strapped to her back. In the left hand of her character was a simple short-bow.
The area she was in was called ‘The ruins of Silvermoon’. Green grass was scattered around the area as well as some tall trees. A few small structures were placed every fifteen feet or so, they were made of stone. Most of them had cracked and collapsed, however there were three still standing. Thin cobblestone roads led around the ruins, into the structures, around them, everywhere that one would walk. At random spots on the road brooms would be sweeping by their lonesome. Two main structures stood out, one was a dome with missing walls, it had three floors that could be accessed by narrow ramps on either side of the structure. A few of the support beams had cracked and fallen, fortunately it was enough to keep the structure up. The other was a stature made of gold, an elf woman with an extravagant bow was pointing up at the skies. The local elves called it the ‘Huntress of the Sun’.
These ruins however were not empty. Elves and some of the guardians of the area before the city was destroyed all wandered through the grass and the roads. Elves with grey skin were bent over, their eyes were glowing blue, and they wore red tunics. Red text floated above their heads; ‘Wretched Goons’. There were also creatures made mainly of stone, they stood at roughly ten feet tall, red crystals floated where the joints were. The stones did not touch one another though, they merely hovered close together. These had red text hovering above their heads as well; ‘Arcane Patroller’.

The troll on the screen moved quickly through the masses of creatures, every so often she would stop and move the cursor over a Wretched Goon. When she clicked on the monster a red circle appeared around their feet, their portrait appeared on the upper left side of the screen. This displayed a green bar and a blue bar, the green bar displayed how much Health the monster had left, the blue one represented how much ‘Mana’ or Magic Points the monster had. The troll fired an arrow at the Goon. The second arrow she fired was glowing bright green at the tip. Upon hitting the Goon as it ran towards her the Goon started to glow dark green and lose some health.

“How do you like my Serpent Sting sucker?! Taste my poison damage! You’re eating my arrows and fury! You’ve got no chance when you’re fighting Ameilia!” The second the words had left her lips a laugh of mild evil rose from the back of her throat. “As soon as I kill you I’ll have made level six in thirty five point two minutes!” From that point she held her breath until the Goon she had been attacking dropped dead and let out a cry of defeat.
Golden light and some golden butterflies swirled around the troll, “level six! Take that random Japanese people forced to grind in order to make money!” After the light had come and gone she moved the troll towards the main structure, the cursor once moved over what she wanted to attack. This time it was something similar to a Goon, but this one had a staff. The text over this one read; ‘Frederick the Banished’. Like she had done with the Goon the first shot from her bow was normal, the next one was bright green. However before he had gotten close enough to attack her she fired another one of her spells. This one sent an arrow that was bright purple. Instead of poisoning the monster it did an increased amount of damage to the monsters health. It fell to the ground in a dramatic death not nearly as quickly as the Goon she had fought before, however it was still fairly quickly. The troll turned around and looked at the golden statue. Green balls of light appeared in her hands, leaves swirled around in the light. A small bar at the bottom of the screen read; ‘Hearthstone’, the bar slowly filled with blue. Once it had finished filling entirely her character had moved from where it stood to an inn. The walls were blue. It was simple, there was a bar, and a few tables and chairs. Stairs lead up to a second floor, this was where the beds were.

Ameilia pressed the escape key a few time, then some text appeared on the screen; ‘Quitting Game in 20 seconds’.

“Blotting bladder, I’ll be back soon you Chakking noob.” As she rose from her chair she spoke directly to her CPU. Slowly walking towards her bathroom she stared at the dark hallway leading towards the bathroom. Towers of dirty laundry were scattered through the house.

After using the bathroom, I assume I don’t need to explain, we all know what it looks like, she left the bathroom. Standing in the hallway was a figure with a black ski mask and all black clothing, blue eyes showed clearly through the mask. The figure was clearly a male, in his left hand a dripping white cloth smelt like rubbing alcohol. Without giving her the chance to move, or even scream, he lunged at her and pinned her to the wall. One hand kept her from moving, the other kept the cloth pressed to her nose and mouth. Her attempts to get free only sped up the effects of the alcohol, her eyes rolled back into her head, her mind could only feel as her body was dragged.
All I can hear; "I me mine, I me mine, I me mine". Even those tears; "I me mine, I me mine, I me mine". No one's frightened of playing it. Everyone's saying it. Flowing more freely than wine. All through your life; "I me mine".

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8 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 2233
Reviews: 8
Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:55 pm
fruityminyi says...

Hello there, your story is nice and full of description about gaming but to me, it's seems too much. Maybe not more actions but turn it into a story as the character 3rd person instead of i played a game called and you keep talking about the game. With the introduction as about the game that you play then bring the game into a story.

Just an suggestion, perhaps those who played WOW will love it as its excites them.

Thanks for the great story though :)
A good story is something that is readable and understandable regardless of the length

I would like to be the air that inhabits you for a moment only. I would like to be that unnoticed and that necessary.
— Margaret Atwood