
Young Writers Society

Born from Revenge chapter 2

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13 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1240
Reviews: 13
Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:27 pm
Teigue says...

Ok uhm....I don't know if I did this right, am i supposed to put up the second chapter in a different way? please tell me if I am, But here's chapter two.
Recap: “This is Tommy. I met him at work,” I looked at him. His black hair was far from groomed, his clothing looked far from professional, and his cologne was far from sparsely used. And he gave me a feeling that made me not want to be around him. A feeling of caution.

“Hey there kido, how you doing?” Tommy extended his hand to me. I stared blankly at him.
“Sweetie, don’t be rude. Say something to him,” I looked at my mom. I could tell in her eyes that she didn’t really like this guy. She had the same look with all her boyfriends. Why would she waste her time with such losers? And if she didn’t really like him but was willing to burn time with this guy, then I wouldn’t. So I didn’t respond to Tommy. With a short breath, he lowered his arm and placed his hand around my mother’s waist.
“Aw its ok, she’s just shy,” he said. This man hadn’t known me for five minutes, and he knew I was shy? There was a long list of words in a very specific order that I wanted to say to him, but then I remembered that I wasn’t going to waste my breath on this guy. I merely glared at him. “Well…,” he said trying to shake off my stare. My mother gave me a warning look, and I stopped. “You sure made a pretty kid there Tracy,” he said with a laugh.

I despised the comment. I was starting to like this guy less and less, but my mother laughed. It was a fake laugh, but Tommy didn’t seem to notice
“Oh, you’re so sweet,” she said. I scoffed and left the house. I didn’t want to stick around to watch Tommy snuggling with my mom. “Don’t go far!” I ignored my mother’s command. I was too upset to heed anyone’s instructions. I stormed around and then ran into the forest. I yelled at the sky.
“This is stupid!” Birds fled from the sight in fear at the sudden disturbance. I sat down on the summer leaves covering the ground. Then I got that feeling of apprehension. “Here we go again…,” I whispered exasperated. But instead of some falling tree, I saw a boy running by me. He held a sword in his hand that blazed like lightning. “What is that?”
“Hey! Look out!” he didn’t need to tell me, I had sensed some creature flying through the air. I had heard it also. It screeched loudly yelling in a rancorous way. It looked like an oversized crow with the face of an old woman. I recalled it in some of the books I’d read.

“What a perfect opportunity! Two for the price of one!” The bird lady thing flew past me. It could talk? That freaked me just a little bit more than I thought it would. The boy glanced at me with a puzzled look, but that thing was coming at him quick.
“Two? But that would mean-,” the boy dodged the bird by half a step, and thrust his sword through the creature. It fell to the ground with a blood-curdling scream and then perished into the earth.

Lucky me, I finally got a chance to see what was attacking me. Lucky me, this boy with a blazing sword was here to kill it for me. If it weren’t for him, I’d probably be the one on the ground dead. My mind was racing. What had just happened? The boy put a cap to the sword and it transformed into a blue pen. He looked at me for a minute. “Who are you?” he asked me. I didn’t respond to him. Partially because I was marveling at the fact that his once lightning struck sword was now a pen.
“Percy! Hey Percy! Are you alright?” Someone was running to the boy.
“Yea, I’m fine,” he called back.
“That’s the third time this week! It might be best if we head back to-,” he stopped seeing me.
“Adalyn! Adalyn were are you?” It was my mother. De ja vu ran through my mind. It was like four years all over again. My mom running through the forest trying to find me. But this time when she saw me she didn’t hug me, instead she looked at the boy, and then at the second boy who ran to him. “You two…,” she started to say. “Thank you,” what was she thanking them for? Had she seen the event that just took place?

“Uhm… no problem?” The boy with the pen said confused. He apparently didn’t know either.
“Percy,” the boy standing next to him nudged his shoulder. “We uhm… we should go,” the boy who I assumed to be Percy walked off, but the second one looked at my mother for a little bit and gave her a slight nod before leaving. I don’t think my mom knew that I had seen this nod.
“Adalyn, how many times must I tell you to not go here unless you tell me? And I told you not to go far!” She practically yelled, turning to me with her angry expression. She sighed. “Tommy’s back at the house. He really wants to get to know you, come on let’s go,” she reached for my hand but I pulled away, shaking my head. I didn’t want to spend any time with that thing in the house. I’d rather be chased by that freaky bird lady.
“Can I go to the woods?” I asked her. Now that I had asked, surely she would let me stay.
“No, you need to come home,” she said with a reprimanding voice. Guess I was wrong. I didn’t disobey my mother, and I didn’t argue. I walked solemnly behind her. When we got back home, Tommy looked annoyed that my mom had gone and chosen me over him.
“Well, well. I told you she was fine Tracy. You gave your mother a big scare kido.” My eyes were like daggers toward him. “Make sure you don’t run off like that again,” Who was he to tell me what to do?

“You know, it’s hot outside I’m sure everyone could use something cold to drink right?” My mother said coming in between my death stare and Tommy. How lucky Tommy was at that moment. She mouthed the words ‘be nice’ to me while she went into the kitchen.
“Listen, I really like your mother Adalyn,” and this matters to me why? I thought. Everyone ‘liked my mother’ but that’s the thing; they ‘liked’ my mother, something would happened, and they’d leave. Though my mother was the one to break it off they didn’t beg to stay. “So why don’t you try to be happy for us? I make your mom really happy,” those words infuriated me. I gave him my best stony look.
“No you don’t,” I said curtly and caustically. Tommy inhaled a breath of hot air.
“Are you two having a nice conversation?” My mom came back, but I didn’t answer her. I went up to my room in silence. You don’t make her happy. I repeated to myself. I wanted to write something, but my dyslexia wouldn’t allow me too. I’ve always wanted to write I’ve just never been able to, so I kept them all inside my head. I wrote in my mind

Something’s not right.
There’s a hidden darkness in my light
He’s different than the others.
Like a red among blue colors
I hate him! I do, I wish he’d vanish into infinity
And how? How! Could he ever make her happy?

I didn’t get to finish, there was a knock on my door.
“Lynnie?” my mom came in. I greeted her with a smile. “I’m heading out for a little bit. Tommy’s in charge while I’m gone,” my smile faded. “And I want you to listen to him do you understand? I know you’ve just met him, but just stay up here alright?” I sighed. She’d only known him for so long, and she was leaving me alone with him? “Adalyn,”
“Alright,” I said. He didn’t deserve my mom. She was a precious jewel that would never fade while he, himself was a worthless rock being eroded by the water, so he would soon measure to less than nothing. It was a cruel analysis but I saw it fitting.
“Respond to him Adalyn,” I blinked slowly and rolled my eyes, which usually meant that I’d comply with my mother’s wishes but I would do so with great disdain. “Thank you,” with that she left in a great hurry. I knew something was wrong; she seemed unusually agitated in the way she spoke. While in thought she re-opened my door “I love you,” she said with a smile.
“I love you too,” I replied. She left again. Did she return just to say that? Why did she feel the need to say that anyway? She’d only be gone for a little while. Right? A few moments passed after she left and I heard a voice call me. It was the awful, dreadful, terrible voice of Tommy. Something about him wasn’t right. How could my mom ever even think to date this guy?
“Adalyn,” I stood before him. “So as you know I’m in charge while your mother’s gone,” I suddenly got that feeling of worry. I slowly inched to the door and he grinned. “And I say tonight is where you die!” Uhm… how about not? In a fit of adrenaline and sudden fear, I bolted for the door and started running. I didn’t know where I was running, but I knew I had to get away from Tommy or whatever he was. “Die you worthless half-blood!” I ran into the forest. All those self-defense moves emptied out of my head. I was too scared to think of them. Besides, I only knew how to fight humans, and something told me that Tommy was far from human.

“No! Get away from me!” I yelled. Something grabbed hold of my ankle and I tripped. Tommy was quickly approaching. I struggled to break free but saw that my shoe was caught on a tree’s root. As I pulled, the root came loose as a very strange and odd staff looking item. Tommy lunged for me and managed to cut my face with a knife, but I swiftly recovered as I swung at him with the large branch. It made powerful contact with his skull. He let out a loud yell cursing at me.
“Why don’t you die you worthless monster,” I said softly as he flew backwards and hit a tree. The sting of the knife didn’t hit me till a few moments later.
I shook all over. Had I just killed someone? I dropped the branch and ran back home, tears clouding my vision. Run, run, run, I ran. I felt awful, I felt like a murderer. The tears that streamed down my face stung my cut, but I didn’t care. I slammed the door and collapsed on the ground. I had killed someone. Or something. I covered my face as I cried uncontrollable sobs. But why? He deserved what he got; he was trying to kill me!

“What’s wrong kido?” My eyes widened as I controlled my crying. I thought I had killed someone. Tommy had somehow miraculously gotten back here, and he was indeed alive. He had blood trickling down his forehead. I was pressed against the door. “What’re all the tears for?” Tommy spoke in a way that made my blood feel like ice in my veins, the shards pricking my skin. We stood for forever and a second. But then time froze. Just stopped. It froze until the door gave way, and I fell forward.

“What’s going-,” my mother, it was my mother who had came back from wherever she went. Relief rushed over me, but it was quickly replaced with the most apprehensive question I’d been faced with. What if he hurts her? “Adalyn?” she helped me up and saw my tear and blood stained face. “Oh my-- what happened? Tommy what did you-,” Tommy had a face of shock
“I didn’t do anything I swear!” he took a step towards us but my mom pulled my behind her. “It was she who came up behind me and struck me in the head!” he said as his alibi walking closer.
“Don’t you dare come near us!” she yelled. Tommy laughed maliciously. “Who are you?”
“Alright, alright. You caught me,” he said. “What a shame, now the both of you have to die,”

My mother, who was always a kind, levelheaded person, and would never harm anyone on purpose or out of anger, pulled out a gun from her purse. I didn’t even know she owned such a devise for killing. The gun was coated in gold, and I wondered if it was heavy. “Ooh, mortal weapons I’m scared,” he said sarcastically.
“You should be,” my mother fired. And fired. And fired. Tommy was bleeding in three different areas.
“But… you’re a human,” he said weakly and he fell to the ground. My mom did something with the gun that made a clicking noise and three gold bullet shells dropped to the ground creating a white smoke that smelled of Easter lilies. Without a second thought, she grabbed me and pulled me outside and into her car.

Now my mother was a murderer, and she didn’t even hide the body.
Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections.

While I am busy with little things, I am not required to do greater things.
Saint Francis de Sales

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12 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1634
Reviews: 12
Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:20 am
outofthebox says...

First off, I want you to know that I love your avatar. I am a ninja, and have the utmost respect for others.
Now to the review. While the writing part of your story could be tweaked in places, the plot was amazing. It enthralled me within the first minute of reading your piece. I like it a lot, and can't wait until you post the next chapter.
Let's start of with my nitpicks.
Teigue wrote: And he gave me a feeling that made me not want to be around him

You almost never start a sentence with the word and. There are exceptions, but they are rare and few between. Take out the and and you'll be just fine.
Teigue wrote:Lucky me, I finally got a chance to see what was attacking me. Lucky me, this boy with a blazing sword was here to kill it for me. If it weren’t for him, I’d probably be the one on the ground dead.

There's a song called "Repetition Kills You", and it speaks the truth. Repetition distracts the reader from an otherwise great plot, taking away the adrenaline all of my fellow book nerds and I get when an action scene is happening. Repeating a word or phrase is okay sometimes, but I would always use the rule of three. You could be using sarcasm, but with less than three phrases, the reader always wonders if you are or not.
Teigue wrote:“Yea, I’m fine,” he called back.

This isn't as big of a deal to most normal, non-OCD people, but the word yeah is spelled with an h. It's nothing big, but it just bugs the crap out of me.
That's it for my nitpicks. Other than those said mistakes, there are only a couple grammar mistakes. I'm sure you would catch them if you were to read through your story again. It happens to the best of us. You get nearly immune to your own mistakes after reading your piece so many times.
Try adding a little more detail into your story, too. So much action in such little time can wear a reader out.
Overall, I really enjoyed your story. I haven't read the 1st chapter, but that is what I will be searching for as soon as I finish writing this. I can't wait for the next installment! PM me if you have any questions!
Your fellow ninja, and now devoted reader,
Beth :elephant: (This is me as an elephant, if you were wondering.)
!Me gusta bailar como un loco en el medio de la calle!

GENERATION 29: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

If you have a dream, you have a duty to make it come true.
— Marco Pierre White