
Young Writers Society

Suite Life of Z&C --- Dark Intentions - Chapters 1 & 2

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Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:26 am
brianbags says...


Chapter 1 OP: topic53806.html

Chapter 2 OP: post615311.html#p615311

Hi guys,

This fanfiction goes under the suspense/drama category. It is based off of the show "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" on Disney channel. In case some of you are not familiar with it, I typed up a little summary that should include all you need to know to understand this:

The show revolves around two 14 year old twins who live in a hotel with their mom. Their parents are divorced. Since their mom is a singer, she was hired for daily entertainment at the Tipton. Their dad is in a band, and neither of the parents are very successful/in good financial condition. Carey especially, we're not entirely sure about Kurt. The Tipton is a hotel, so yes, they live in a hotel.

A few characters and their personalities portrayed on the show...most of these people will come into play later in the story.

Zack: A troublemaker. Tough, doesn't like to listen to anyone.
Cody, Zack's twin: A nerd, more girly.
Carey: The twins' mom. Caring and overprotective.
Kurt: The dad. Divorced from Carey, they do not have a very good relationship. Lives by himself somewhere unknown...is in a band. We do not know much else about him.
Mr. Moesby: Manager at the Tipton. Does not like the twins, mostly because they are troublemakers.
London Tipton: Spoiled daughter of the man who owns the hotels, Mr. Tipton. An idiot.
Maddie: Candy counter girl at the Tipton. Sweet, and Zack has a crush on her. [/i]

I give a few hints and the beginning and end of the chapters because I can tell you right now that this story can get a bit confusing. It's not that it won't make sense or come together, it's just that most of you will have to think outside the box at times. I like it when the writer challenges me, which is why I do it in my writings.

So here is chapter 1...


Chapter 1:

“Zack! What are you doing?! You can’t keep doing that!” mother-like twin brother, Cody, scolded. Zack didn’t need any more of those. The one he was already stuck with was more than enough trouble. “What?” Zack asked, playing stupid and trying not to break his rare-to-find concentration.

“Note cards! You’re cheating again! Haven’t you learned yet?” Cody spazzed.

“Cody, seriously, shut the hell up.”

“What are you going to do in high school next year? Where you can’t cheat? Where they actually watch you, unlike the teachers here,” Cody said, rolling his eyes. He thought it was ridiculous that kids got away with this, in his mind, criminal act of injustice.

“Once again, shut up. And you don’t have to worry about–”

“Zackary Martin!” Ms. Turner shrieked. “What makes you think what have to say is more important than what I’m teaching?”

“What I’m saying might actually be remotely interesting,” Zack shot back.

The class cracked up while Ms. Turner just gave a blank stare, as usual. “Is that your vocabulary book on your desk? Last time I checked, I teach a math class,” the teacher remarked, holding up her math textbook.

“Well, last time I checked, you don’t teach math. You attempt to teach it,” Zack muttered. Again, the class burst into laughter. Zack had no problem making fun of this new teacher. She didn’t know how to yell or get angry. All she did was come up with a lame comeback or make weird faces, which ended up making the whole situation even more hilarious.

Ms. Turner, who was definitely familiar with Zack’s rude and undermining remarks, did her best to ignore the class. Trying to croak up a response to his shot at her, she then spotted the note card Zack was working on, which was sitting adjacent to a small, open bright orange vocabulary book. Zack swiftly closed the book and slid it in his bookbag when he saw her eying him out, trying not to draw any more attention.

Ms. Turner thought for a moment, gave Zack a mean look, and then, with a sick smile on her face, she announced, “Class, start your homework. I’ll be right back.”

“I wonder what she’s doing. Did you see the way she looked at you?” Cody observed. “Can’t be good.”

“I dunno,” Zack mumbled in reply, ignoring the fact that he knew exactly what she was doing. Zack assumed she was going to walk down the hall, to Mrs. Thomas’ English classroom, and ask if she was administering a test during that day. Zack’s pulse began to race. With his forehead sweating profoundly, he wondered what his mother, Carey, would do if she found out about this. Last time he was caught cheating, she grounded him for a month. Zack could hardly imagine what course of action she was going to take this time around. Not to mention all the drama that has been taking place in the Martin family over the past few weeks…

“How do you think the situation with mom and dad will play out?” Zack asked, just trying to make small talk and only half interested in Cody’s opinion.

“Well, they are divorced, and sometimes issues with the–”
Before he could finish, Ms. Turner butted in. “Zack, honey, could you please join me in the hall? Bring your vocabulary book too, with the note card.”

“Uh oh,” Zack thought. “I’m busted now.”

As he waltzed out of the room, trying to look confident, all his classmates jeered and laughed. This had been the third time he'd been caught cheating on a test – in a few different ways, in a few different classes.

Zack’s face quickly straightened up when he saw Mrs. Thomas’ ancient, mean, ugly face glaring up at him. “Hand me that book, Zackary.”

Zack’s heart went into freefall mode as she flipped through the book, finally finding the note card. She looked up at him, and with the most serious face he’s seen on her so far this year, she said, “This has happened twice before. The first time I just took the card from you during the test, just gave you a simple look. I guess I didn’t get my point across. The second time, during the following vocab test, you used your book to cheat. I wrote a note home to your mother saying that I would have to take further action than just communicating with her if anything of the sort happened again. You may remember that she wrote a sincere apology back, telling me that she had a very long talk with you about your punishment and what will happen if you ever do it again. Well, what do ya know? You did it again. And the worst part is that you seem to be less intelligent about how you do it each time around.”

Zack just nodded, recalling the all-night shouting contest between him and his mother last month.

“What do you suggest I do this time?” she asked, acting like she would give him another chance.

Zack just shrugged his shoulders while Ms. Turner chuckled.

Following a ten second awkward silence, Mrs. Thomas spoke up again. “Ok, well if you can’t come up with something, then I’m afraid I’m going to have to do something about it myself. Go and get your books, we’re going downstairs.”

“I don’t know what his problem is,” Ms. Turner whispered to her colleague, loud enough for Zack to hear. “His brother’s just so much better than him in, well, everything.” Mrs. Thomas nodded her head in agreement. Zack turned furiously while walking to his desk, made eye contact with his math teacher and then cursed her out under his breath.


Chapter 2:

Mrs. Thomas walked swiftly down the hall in route to the principal’s office, while Zack turtled behind. Mrs. Thomas was sick of Zack’s daily shenanigans. Not only did he goof off in her class, but he also thought he could take advantage of her good nature. Mrs. Thomas did not like when people tried to take advantage of her.

“Although I doubt you’ll care because you obviously have no qualms for anything you do wrong,” Mrs. Thomas blurted, acting like a smart-ass. “We are going down to see Principal Morris about our third predicament in only two months of school. Zack, I’m not the only teacher who’s sick and tired of your attitudes. We just can’t deal with you anymore. It’s too much, and maybe a suspension or something more serious than us scolding you, a detention, or a note home to your mom is the only thing that will do the job. You’re driving us crazy, and we just can’t deal with it anymore.”

Zack let out a little giggle while Mrs. Thomas turned and shook her head slowly, thinking of how ridiculous this kid is. Zack loved pissing people off.

“Whatever Zack. All I know is that I’m not the person who’s going to have to deal with administration.” She paused, waiting for Zack to answer. When no reply came, she added, “Do you have any idea what the consequences for an act such as cheating on a test are?”

“I don’t wanna even begin to guess,” Zack said, rolling his eyes.

“Well, let me enlighten you, even though I feel like we have had this conversation before,” Mrs. Thomas uttered. They stopped outside the main office. The old, mean lady looked Zack in the eyes saying, “If the teacher decides to report you, an offense such as cheating will earn you three detentions. Recall that five detentions in a quarter gets you a suspension. Ten detentions––expulsion. We’re almost halfway through the second quarter and I have given you one detention for throwing a seventh grader in a locker, and another for simply messing around in class. I also know for a fact you have been in trouble with other teachers.”

Zack looked up at the clock while she was lecturing, again, half listening. “Uhhh, only 9:17. It’s Friday, almost the end of the week…can’t wait till this day’s over…” Zack thought. Then he decided to think about it a little bit more. No matter how much he loved to screw around in school, he finally came to realize he just couldn’t keep this act up and not expect there to be serious consequences. Zack’s lucky he'd gotten away with all the crap he's pulled thus far.

Mrs. Thomas noticed his concern, so she put him in the hot seat, acting as though she would actually let him slide. “So, right now, tell me why I shouldn’t march you into that office and tell the principal what you’ve been doing.”

Zack was shocked. Zack was shocked he was shocked. He never really thought about the consequences of his actions. The boy had nothing to offer. She then opened the door to the office, letting Zack walk in first. The principal of Pattison Middle School, Mr. Morris, stepped away from the copier and approached the two. Mrs. Thomas reported the happenings to the principal. “I’ll take it from here,” he replied. “You may go.”

Mr. Morris and Zack stood there, waiting for a hesitant Mrs. Thomas to leave. Something then caught Zack’s attention. Outside, there was a man, someone he had seen many times before. He couldn’t quite place the face…

When she was finally out of sight, big Principal Morris turned to Zack and interrupted his chain of thought, saying, “Follow me.”


“Did you know fungi can reproduce both sexually and asexually?” Cody asked his friend, Bob excitedly.

“No, but thanks,” Bob said emotionlessly, rolling his eyes.

Zack walked slowly into the room, dragging his feet. He looked upset about something.

“What’s the matter?” Cody asked worriedly. “Are they gonna do anything to you this time?

“Why are you so much better than me?”

“Huh? In what?” Cody asked, entirely confused.

“Everything. I’m sick and tired of everyone saying how much smarter you are. How you’re so much better behaved. How you are the twin who will get somewhere in life, while I’m the one who’ll be living on the street.”

“Zack, who’s saying that? You are better than me in many things. Video games…better sense of humor…you’re more popular…” Cody said, struggling to think of areas Zack actually in which Zack actually has talent.

“No Cody. I didn’t ask you that for a heartwarming list of crap that doesn’t even matter. When it comes right down to it, all that stuff is…pointless. Video games aren’t going to get me into college. My sense of humor or popularity isn’t going to get me a good job in the real world.”

“Zack!!” Mrs. Thomas shrieked.

Zack picked up his books and began walking fiercely out the room. “Where are you going?” Cody asked sadly.

“Where do you think, idiot? Zack said harshly, still walking until he saw Cody’s gloomy face out of the corner of his eye. He hesitated for a moment, until hearing Mrs. Thomas’ whiny voice call for him again. Zack just continued on his path out of the math room.


“So, Zack, how’s life?” Principal Morris asked as he sat down at his desk.

Zack stared at him. He didn’t seem to be all that mad…

“Uhm, not good,” Zack finally croaked up.

“Really? What’s wrong?”

“Well, besides the fact that I just made another huge mistake that’s going to cost me big time, there’s trouble at home too. With the parents."

Principal Morris sat patiently, waiting to see if Zack was going to expand on that. When nothing came, he asked gently, “Do you want to talk about it?”

Zack ruminated whether or not he wanted to share this information with someone he had only had to talk to when he was in trouble.

“Okay,” Zack said, still pondering the extent of which he should share. “My dad, who left us when Cody and I were really little, came back unexpectedly about two weeks ago. He said he just wanted to see us, but that’s not what we’re––”

Mrs. Friendly, the secretary of the school, interrupted over the loudspeaker. “Please pardon the interruption, but Mr. Favinger, if you could please come to the office immediately. Thank you.”

Principal Morris’ face lit up. That was the code for a code-red lockdown emergency.


Carey Martin came to a rude awakening on this Friday morning. She had the day off, but she must have forgotten to disable her alarm clock. Without looking, Carey slammed the snooze button, giving her five more minutes. Hearing the ringing in her head again, she flipped over, saw that it was already 9:15 a.m., and decided just to get up. Walking slowly to warm up the shower, the mother of twins continued to wonder exactly why Kurt came back for the first time in years two Saturdays ago. Could it be because he really did want to see the boys and be with them a little more while they grow up? Or did he in fact have dark intentions? As much as she did not want to believe it, the more she contemplated it, the more she thought that his coming back had nothing to do with the boys.

Carey stumbled out of the shower, got dressed, made her coffee and, sipping her morning treat slowly, and turned on the morning news. What she heard next made her cup plummet to the ground, splattering her steamy drink all over the sofa.

“Yes Tom, thank you very much. I am getting news in that Pattison Middle School went into an emergency lockdown situation approximately 15 minutes ago. There are reports of apparent gunshots, and also reports that some students or staff may be seriously injured. We’ll be sure to keep you updated on this most severe developing story.”

Last edited by brianbags on Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:07 pm, edited 12 times in total.

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Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:53 am
PatriciaTina says...

Hey! I'm Trish, and I'll be reviewing your fanfic this evening! :D So let's get started!


So, first I'll go through some nit-picks, though there really weren't many that I could find. But I'll try!! :smt005

Trying to croak up a response to his shot at her, she spotted the note card Zack was working on, sitting adjacent to a small, open bright orange vocabulary book.

This is a bit of a run-on and awkward sentence. Maybe try rewording it a bit.

Before he could finish, Ms. Turner butted in. “Zack, honey,

could you please join me in the hall? Bring your vocabulary book too, with the note card.”

Not sure why this is separated into two paragraphs.

As he waltzed out of the room, trying to look confident, all his classmates jeered and laughed; this is the third time he’s been caught cheating on a test – in a few different ways, in a few different classes.

The semi-colon is unnessesary. A period would work best.

Zack furiously turned around while walking, made eye contact with his math teacher, and cursed her out under his breath.

Also a bit awkward and run-on-ish.

That's it for the nit-picks. Wow! Usually I can find like 20! Good job!


Overall, I think that you did a pretty good job here. Just fix the few awkward/run-on sentences, and it'll be perfect! The Suite Life is one of my favourite TV shows, and I like seeing a good quality fanfic about it. So good job!

Just one more thing I noticed was the teacher names. It was a bit distracting how the two names were so alike. When choosing names, you want to avoid that. Maybe change the names a bit so it's not as confusing to tell who's who. But that's totally up to you.

So that's about it! I can't wait to read the next chapter! Make sure you PM me when it's up! Good luck on your future projects, and the future chapters in this story as well! I hope I will see you around the site sometime. See you later!

~ Trish :smt006
~ Patricia Tina :smt006

Don't look in the spoiler.

Spoiler! :
I lost the game.

"I always hear punch me in the face when you're speaking, but it's usually subtext."
~ Dr. John Watson

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Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:45 am
brianbags says...

Haha, thanks Trish. You were right about everything. I altered all the things you commented on at least a little bit. Thanks for the review and chapter 2 will be up soon...it's finished. :wink:

And good comments about the teachers, I understand what you're saying. I'm not going to change the names now since I've already written a few future chapters, but I'll definitely keep that in mind for other stories I'll be writing. :D

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Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:47 pm
Pretty Crazy says...

Hi brianbags!
I enjoy the show too, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a Zack and Cody fanfic.
One little thing that bugs me though is this:
“Cody, seriously, shut the hell up.”

They wouldn't use that word in the actual show. It's a too strong a word for even Zack's character, I'd say.
Other than that I liked it and look forward to reading more.
Looking for someone who won't disappoint you?
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Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:32 pm
brianbags says...

Oh lol well it'll be like that all the way through. Best to just pretend that it's not on Disney Channel...more of a PG-13 movie or something. :wink:

I'll probably end up posting all the chapters in this one thread because I can't review as much as it requires to post new topics (or as much as I understand it requires). But I'll make it as easy for new readers as possible by posting new links to other posts and such.

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Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:05 am
brianbags says...

I wanna say something about my comma usage because it'll be obvious to some in this chapter. I put a comma where I want you to pause. If I'm saying "No Zack" I don't want you to pause. But if I write "No, Zack", pause. I know it's not "grammatically correct" but this isn't a college level essay. I want the reader to read the sentence the way I intended it to sound. :)

Also, I'd rather have each chapter in its own thread but as I understand from the error I got this place requires many many reviews to be able to post as many topics as this story will take. I'll try to figure it out but if I can't, I'll post links to each chapter post in the OP and also all the chapters in there.


Chapter 2:

Mrs. Thomas walked swiftly down the hall in route to the principal’s office, while Zack turtled behind. Mrs. Thomas was sick of Zack’s daily shenanigans. Not only did he goof off in her class, but he also thought he could take advantage of her good nature. Mrs. Thomas did not like when people tried to take advantage of her.

“Although I doubt you’ll care because you obviously have no qualms for anything you do wrong,” Mrs. Thomas blurted, acting like a smart-ass. “We are going down to see Principal Morris about our third predicament in only two months of school. Zack, I’m not the only teacher who’s sick and tired of your attitudes. We just can’t deal with you anymore. It’s too much, and maybe a suspension or something more serious than us scolding you, a detention, or a note home to your mom is the only thing that will do the job. You’re driving us crazy, and we just can’t deal with it anymore.”

Zack let out a little giggle while Mrs. Thomas turned and shook her head slowly, thinking of how ridiculous this kid is. Zack loved pissing people off.

“Whatever Zack. All I know is that I’m not the person who’s going to have to deal with administration.” She paused, waiting for Zack to answer. When no reply came, she added, “Do you have any idea what the consequences for an act such as cheating on a test are?”

“I don’t wanna even begin to guess,” Zack said, rolling his eyes.

“Well, let me enlighten you, even though I feel like we have had this conversation before,” Mrs. Thomas uttered. They stopped outside the main office. The old, mean lady looked Zack in the eyes saying, “If the teacher decides to report you, an offense such as cheating will earn you three detentions. Recall that five detentions in a quarter gets you a suspension. Ten detentions––expulsion. We’re almost halfway through the second quarter and I have given you one detention for throwing a seventh grader in a locker, and another for simply messing around in class. I also know for a fact you have been in trouble with other teachers.”

Zack looked up at the clock while she was lecturing, again, half listening. “Uhhh, only 9:17. It’s Friday, almost the end of the week…can’t wait till this day’s over…” Zack thought. Then he decided to think about it a little bit more. No matter how much he loved to screw around in school, he finally came to realize he just couldn’t keep this act up and not expect there to be serious consequences. Zack’s lucky he'd gotten away with all the crap he's pulled thus far.

Mrs. Thomas noticed his concern, so she put him in the hot seat, acting as though she would actually let him slide. “So, right now, tell me why I shouldn’t march you into that office and tell the principal what you’ve been doing.”

Zack was shocked. Zack was shocked he was shocked. He never really thought about the consequences of his actions. The boy had nothing to offer. She then opened the door to the office, letting Zack walk in first. The principal of Pattison Middle School, Mr. Morris, stepped away from the copier and approached the two. Mrs. Thomas reported the happenings to the principal. “I’ll take it from here,” he replied. “You may go.”

Mr. Morris and Zack stood there, waiting for a hesitant Mrs. Thomas to leave. Something then caught Zack’s attention. Outside, there was a man, someone he had seen many times before. He couldn’t quite place the face…

When she was finally out of sight, big Principal Morris turned to Zack and interrupted his chain of thought, saying, “Follow me.”
“Did you know fungi can reproduce both sexually and asexually?” Cody asked his friend, Bob excitedly.

“No, but thanks,” Bob said emotionlessly, rolling his eyes.

Zack walked slowly into the room, dragging his feet. He looked upset about something.

“What’s the matter?” Cody asked worriedly. “Are they gonna do anything to you this time?

“Why are you so much better than me?”

“Huh? In what?” Cody asked, entirely confused.

“Everything. I’m sick and tired of everyone saying how much smarter you are. How you’re so much better behaved. How you are the twin who will get somewhere in life, while I’m the one who’ll be living on the street.”

“Zack, who’s saying that? You are better than me in many things. Video games…better sense of humor…you’re more popular…” Cody said, struggling to think of areas Zack actually in which Zack actually has talent.

“No Cody. I didn’t ask you that for a heartwarming list of crap that doesn’t even matter. When it comes right down to it, all that stuff is…pointless. Video games aren’t going to get me into college. My sense of humor or popularity isn’t going to get me a good job in the real world.”

“Zack!!” Mrs. Thomas shrieked.

Zack picked up his books and began walking fiercely out the room. “Where are you going?” Cody asked sadly.

“Where do you think, idiot? Zack said harshly, still walking until he saw Cody’s gloomy face out of the corner of his eye. He hesitated for a moment, until hearing Mrs. Thomas’ whiny voice call for him again. Zack just continued on his path out of the math room.
“So, Zack, how’s life?” Principal Morris asked as he sat down at his desk.

Zack stared at him. He didn’t seem to be all that mad…

“Uhm, not good,” Zack finally croaked up.

“Really? What’s wrong?”

“Well, besides the fact that I just made another huge mistake that’s going to cost me big time, there’s trouble at home too. With the parents."

Principal Morris sat patiently, waiting to see if Zack was going to expand on that. When nothing came, he asked gently, “Do you want to talk about it?”

Zack ruminated whether or not he wanted to share this information with someone he had only had to talk to when he was in trouble.

“Okay,” Zack said, still pondering the extent of which he should share. “My dad, who left us when Cody and I were really little, came back unexpectedly about two weeks ago. He said he just wanted to see us, but that’s not what we’re––”

Mrs. Friendly, the secretary of the school, interrupted over the loudspeaker. “Please pardon the interruption, but Mr. Favinger, if you could please come to the office immediately. Thank you.”

Principal Morris’ face lit up. That was the code for a code-red lockdown emergency.
Carey Martin came to a rude awakening on this Friday morning. She had the day off, but she must have forgotten to disable her alarm clock. Without looking, Carey slammed the snooze button, giving her five more minutes. Hearing the ringing in her head again, she flipped over, saw that it was already 9:15 a.m., and decided just to get up. Walking slowly to warm up the shower, the mother of twins continued to wonder exactly why Kurt came back for the first time in years two Saturdays ago. Could it be because he really did want to see the boys and be with them a little more while they grow up? Or did he in fact have dark intentions? As much as she did not want to believe it, the more she contemplated it, the more she thought that his coming back had nothing to do with the boys.

Carey stumbled out of the shower, got dressed, made her coffee and, sipping her morning treat slowly, and turned on the morning news. What she heard next made her cup plummet to the ground, splattering her steamy drink all over the sofa.

“Yes Tom, thank you very much. I am getting news in that Pattison Middle School went into an emergency lockdown situation approximately 15 minutes ago. There are reports of apparent gunshots, and also reports that some students or staff may be seriously injured. We’ll be sure to keep you updated on this most severe developing story.”


Wow, does anyone else love cliffhangers?!

Review please :mrgreen:

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Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:01 am
PatriciaTina says...

Hey again! Sorry it took so long for me to review this, but I got a little sidetracked. But here I am! So let's start, shall we?


Mrs. Thomas walked swiftly down the hall in route to the principal’s office, while Zack turtled behind.

Should be 'en route', not 'in route'. Also, that's quite an odd way to say that he was slowly walking behind, but I like it!

Mrs. Thomas walked swiftly down the hall in route to the principal’s office, while Zack turtled behind. Mrs. Thomas was sick of Zack’s daily shenanigans. Not only did he goof off in her class, but he also thought he could take advantage of her good nature. Mrs. Thomas did not like when people tried to take advantage of her.

This paragraph sort of makes me go 'ugh...' because it's like Mrs. Thomas this, Mrs. Thomas that. Remember to use different sentence starters.

You’re driving us crazy, and we just can’t deal with it anymore.”

Already been said.

“I don’t wanna even begin to guess,”

Eeekkk... Awkwardness!

Mrs. Thomas uttered.

An odd way to say said. Don't try too hard to not say said. Trying too hard will just make your story worse than if you say said every time.

Zack looked up at the clock while she was lecturing, again, half listening.

only half-listening.

“Please pardon the interruption, but Mr. Favinger, if you could please come to the office immediately. Thank you.”

Usually, in the event of a lock down, the person over the intercom would say something like "Lock down. Lock down. Lock down.". The reason I know this is because I've actually been in one before. (Though if the person was actually in the building they would need a code, but still it would probably be something like a fire bell, except different.)

Principal Morris’ face lit up.

Is he happy that there's a lock down? Usually when you say that someone's face 'lit up' you're saying that they're happy or glad.

Carey Martin came to a rude awakening on this Friday morning. She had the day off, but she must have forgotten to disable her alarm clock. Without looking, Carey slammed the snooze button, giving her five more minutes. Hearing the ringing in her head again, she flipped over, saw that it was already 9:15 a.m., and decided just to get up. Walking slowly to warm up the shower, the mother of twins continued to wonder exactly why Kurt came back for the first time in years two Saturdays ago. Could it be because he really did want to see the boys and be with them a little more while they grow up? Or did he in fact have dark intentions? As much as she did not want to believe it, the more she contemplated it, the more she thought that his coming back had nothing to do with the boys.

This is a bit of an awkward and clunky paragraph. Maybe reword and split it up.

That's about it for the nit-picks.


Overall, I think that this was good, but it could have been better. But that can be fixed by fixing up the awkwardness etc.

I think that the cliffhanger ending was really good, and since I've been in a lock down before (though not as exciting as this one) I'm sure to enjoy it. Just a few tips to make it believable though.

First, make sure that you describe the situation. We want to know what happens, and we want it to be interesting.

Also, make sure that when you choose your words, choose them so that they make sense. It seemed like you used a lot of words in this chapter that didn't really make sense with the situation, and that's not good.

Thirdly, maybe just look up lock downs on the internet. This is just so that you know what exactly happens in an actual lock down, so that the people who have experienced this type of thing go 'Ha! Nu-uh! That does not happen!'. You want us to be interested, and not thinking about the fact that it doesn't really happen that way.

But that's about all I have to say about this for now. Good job, and I look forward to reading more!

Just a quick comment about your little blurp on the top though.

I noticed that you aren't putting the different chapters into different threads because of the review count. I know that it may seem like a lot of responsibility, but it's really not that hard to follow.

Currently, the ratio is 3:1, but it'll change to 4:1 in November and 5:1 in December. Right now you have 2 reviews, so that's a good start, but it will make us like you a lot more if you would try and keep the review ratio.

All you have to do is leave a comment on stories that you read. It doesn't have to be as long and in depth as mine are, you just need to say what you thought, and maybe suggest some things that they could do to make it better.

The reason we have this review ratio is so that everyone's work gets feedback. Normally, people don't like to review work by people who don't keep the ratio.

But please go here: topic53483.html for more information, and to ask any questions.

But anyways, I must be off. Good luck with your writing, and I guess I'll see you around! Bye bye!

~ Trish :smt006
~ Patricia Tina :smt006

Don't look in the spoiler.

Spoiler! :
I lost the game.

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Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:24 am
BethGoth05 says...

Well, it certainly brought back many memories. I used to watch the show when I was younger (but not as much as now.) I enjoyed this story very much! :D You've written the characters very to close to the original show. Maybe you could bring in Cody's hygiene habits or something? I noticed some grammatical/punctuation errors but I think the other reviewers corrected most of them :) Keep it up!! I'll be sure to read the next chapter!

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Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:02 pm
MissMiaFacinelli says...

This isn't really a review, but I thought it was against the rules to post the second part of a story on the same topic as the first part?
No one else has, and I once got told off for the same thing in the Poetry section.
Also, as you have posted it, why is it posted twice, once at the top and then again halfway down? Trish / other reviewers could have used the top one, or you could have just used the middle one.

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Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:05 pm
brianbags says...


I'd say this is more like a novel but that doesn't matter anymore because I'll just be reviewing more and posting new topics from now on.

I posted it twice simply because if a new person comes in they might want to read it all in a row instead of looking though all the comments and stuff. It doesn't make much of a difference though.

I'll reply to Trish's review later.

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Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:10 am
brianbags says...

thechocolatewritingcat wrote:
“Please pardon the interruption, but Mr. Favinger, if you could please come to the office immediately. Thank you.”

Usually, in the event of a lock down, the person over the intercom would say something like "Lock down. Lock down. Lock down.". The reason I know this is because I've actually been in one before. (Though if the person was actually in the building they would need a code, but still it would probably be something like a fire bell, except different.)

Nope. Just think about it. If someone's in the building, you don't wanna all of a sudden go in to lockdown with one announcement stating exactly that. Giving it away so easily would make it extremely easy for the person to do what they came for and maybe even more. If you have a code, the intruder doesn't know. It makes perfect sense to employ that in this situation because of the cliffhanger, and the fact that the reader doesn't know 1) what a code-red lock down is and 2) who is doing this and why. That second point in the big mystery overall in this story.

Is he happy that there's a lock down? Usually when you say that someone's face 'lit up' you're saying that they're happy or glad.

Well you can use "lit up" in different contexts. Yes, it could be that he's happy, but if the reader reads what's going on then they'll understand what it actually means.


Overall, I think that this was good, but it could have been better. But that can be fixed by fixing up the awkwardness etc.

I think that the cliffhanger ending was really good, and since I've been in a lock down before (though not as exciting as this one) I'm sure to enjoy it. Just a few tips to make it believable though.

First, make sure that you describe the situation. We want to know what happens, and we want it to be interesting.

Also, make sure that when you choose your words, choose them so that they make sense. It seemed like you used a lot of words in this chapter that didn't really make sense with the situation, and that's not good.

Thirdly, maybe just look up lock downs on the internet. This is just so that you know what exactly happens in an actual lock down, so that the people who have experienced this type of thing go 'Ha! Nu-uh! That does not happen!'. You want us to be interested, and not thinking about the fact that it doesn't really happen that way.

But that's about all I have to say about this for now. Good job, and I look forward to reading more!

Just a quick comment about your little blurp on the top though.

I noticed that you aren't putting the different chapters into different threads because of the review count. I know that it may seem like a lot of responsibility, but it's really not that hard to follow.

Currently, the ratio is 3:1, but it'll change to 4:1 in November and 5:1 in December. Right now you have 2 reviews, so that's a good start, but it will make us like you a lot more if you would try and keep the review ratio.

All you have to do is leave a comment on stories that you read. It doesn't have to be as long and in depth as mine are, you just need to say what you thought, and maybe suggest some things that they could do to make it better.

The reason we have this review ratio is so that everyone's work gets feedback. Normally, people don't like to review work by people who don't keep the ratio.

But please go here: topic53483.html for more information, and to ask any questions.

But anyways, I must be off. Good luck with your writing, and I guess I'll see you around! Bye bye!

~ Trish :smt006

Thanks, I'll do some reviews before I post the next chapter in a new thread.

We all share half a braincell that bounces like a windows screensaver
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