
Young Writers Society

Snowhite the true story ch1

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Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:11 am
Windy Silvermist says...

I hope you like it. Don't beat me up too hard

Chapter 1: The beginning before the beginning

Its time to tell truth. The truth about what really happened when I bit that apple. Yes, this is coming from me Snowhite. It’s all his fault that stupid little- I can’t even say it! He so awful He spread this rumor and made me look like the girly girl princess. I was the hardiest of them all! Everyone calls me the prissy princess, just because I had a high voice! I’m tired of being made fun and here all these lies about stepmother, the dwarfs, the prince and me. So here's the real Story because the public deserves the truth whether they want to hear it or not.

One day my Mother was out carving a wooden toy for when I was born. ( Carving was one of her favorite pastimes she carved under the tables during boring banquets, and council meeting, since she was not included in any of these things and was only there as a public figure.) Right now, she was making a buck for the set of woodland creatures she was making since she didn’t know if I was a boy or a girl. As she was carving the antlers, her hand slipped and she cut herself. In surprise, she dropped the figure and her knife. She watched as a line of blood ran off her finger and dropped onto the snowy ground. (Don’t ask me why she was outside, in the middle of winter, probably hoping to find a buck to carve off of.) When she looked at the ground she looked at the wooden carving made of ebony, (ebony was her favorite wood to carve with, she was also carving with here favorite knife with a gold handle and a blade of silver, it was an anniversary present.) and thought “My goodness what their was a girl like that with skin as white as snow, hair like ebony, teeth as shiny as silver, lips as red as blood, and a heart as pure as gold! Why she would be the prettiest and nicest thing on the planet!” The young queen was suddenly filled with a desire for such a daughter. She called on her fairy godmother to grant this wish. (For every member of royalty by birth rights of marriage have a fairy godmother.) Her fairy godmother agreed to this but told her that bringing a creature so good into the world would cause her a considerable amount of pain. My mother just nodded and looked back down at the almost finished buck and another thought struck that would make her perfect child complete. “I want” Mother stated, the fairy was already looking upset at what my mother was going to say “My daughter to be able to talk to animals and have animals lover her and understand her.” The fairy crying by now, the fairy managed to sob out the words “ The ch-child would b-be too per-perfect to be born in-into the w-world without, without, without you dy-dying!!” fairy was sobbing this hard because she loved the queen and knew the queen would do anything to have this child even give up her life. Since what the queen wanted, the queen got. Mother just lifted her head high and accepted death like that.

After the fairy left my mother made her will, along with a paper that stated her dying wishes. She started making things that only girls would want. Like necklaces and bracelets out wooden beads, she had carved. She painted pretty designs on the beads. My father was to busy to notice that she was now referring to they baby as “she” and only making items girls would want. But her best friend Melissa, noticed. Melissa was mother’s friend since she was a young duchess; they had grown up together, playing in the passages, and the gardens. Only Melissa was not of royal personage, she was the daughter of a maid. As soon as Melissa was old enough she became Mother’s maid, actually Mother insisted that Melissa would be her maid. Today Melissa still was Mother’s maid, though she rarely played the part. Mostly she was doing whatever Mother was doing since it was Melissa who had taught Mother how to carve in the first place.

The day after mother had made her wish Melissa confronted her in the nursery where Mother was rocking in a rocking chair that she knew she would never use . “Gabbie what are you up to?” Melissa demanded in a stern voice, she had a glint in her hazel eyes that meant she was going to get the answer out of Mother whether she liked it or not. Mother sighed knowing Melissa wasn’t going to like what she heard “I’m going to die when I give birth to my baby” Mother mumbled from somewhere inside the curtain of thick blonde hair that covered her face. “Oh, no Gabbie no,” Melissa moaned” Why? Why here? Why now?” Melissa was more than just anguished for the lost of her friend, she was also mourning the lost of a happy future, for she was having a child due in the same month and they had planned for the children to be friends and have play dates together while they talked about what their children had done, and how they acted. If Mother died, Melissa wasn’t sure she could make it through the loss of her only friend. Mother than explained the whole thing while Melissa ran her fingers through her chocolate hair and tears pouring down her face as she learned the fate of Mother, though the not the whole time did she make a sound, for she knew that if she started weeping out loud Mother wouldn’t finish and she wanted to know every detail. Finally, when Mother was done Melissa let it all go sobs racked her body as she fought to breathe through her wails. Concerned for her friend showed in Mother’s sapphire eyes as she wrapped an arm around her friend. Secretly Mother was frightened since Melissa had always been the strong one. She wrapped an arm around her sobbing friend. “ Lissy, Lissy” Mother whispered “I thought you would take this better” Melissa looked up when she had calmed down enough to speak understandable words “ I’m sorry I’m sorry” Melissa’s voice cracked, hoarse from all the crying “ I should take this better, its just you’re my only friend and I don’t think I can stand to loose you.” Melissa looked up. Hazel eyes met sapphire, the hazel eyes bloodshot from crying, sapphire filled with concern and they both understood. Their lives where so irrevocably linked together that it would be impossible for one to live without the other. “What are you going to do?” Mother asked as Melissa got up dusted of her close and started to head for the door. “Die with you of course” Melissa stated as she left the room and walked down the corridor a plan forming in her head. She left Mother alone in the nursery to think of how she had caused the death of her best friend.

Melissa was running down the corridor as she finished her plan she thought a loud “Gabbie obviously hasn’t seen the flaw yet.” she muttered as she slowed down to a walk, out of breath still thinking. She kept walking until she reached her bedchambers, which were much more lavish than normal bedchambers for a maid. She sat down on her queen-sized bed and called upon Mother’s fairy godmother, since Melissa wasn’t royalty the Queen shared hers with Melissa. When the fairy popped up she sighed in relief seeing that it wasn’t Mother.” What can I do for you?” Melissa didn’t really want to break the fairy’s happy mood, she sighed. “Well it’s about as fun as a task as that Gabbie gave you.” The fairy's face drooped. “Not you to?” she asked in a quiet voice. Melissa nodded slowly. “Here is what I want, I want to have a baby boy that is to be born on the same day as Gabble’s baby, and I want him to have hair the color of carrots and tomatoes, eyes blue or green depending on his mood, the build of one who can run fast, teeth as shiny as silver, a heart of gold and her should be able to shape shift, also can you let the girl shift into any animal, can you do all that?” The fairy nodded her head “I would like to request one more thing” Melissa leaned up close to the fairy and whispered something in her ear. “I can do all this child” The fairy said gravely “But you do know that you, will-““Die?” Melissa answered, “Yes I do” and with that, she returned to the nursery and explained every thing to Mother. They both decided that they would live out of the remainder of there life as if nothing had changed. They set down to make things for their children that they would never see.

It was the Month of April when we were born. Fathers tan faced was flushed with worry, as was Melissa’s Husband, as they watch their wives scream in pain that was ten times worse than normal labor pains. As we were pushed out, bother or Mothers declared or names with their dying breaths. “Call her” Mother gasped, “Call her Arabella Cassandra Gabriella Sara Whitney” on the other side of the room, Melissa had quite a less mouthful to say, “His name will be Aymery,” Melissa stated and with that they both died. Melissa maid of the queen was never to be again. While Queen Gabriella Diane Fiona Rebbecca was dead as well leaving behind to perfect (literally) children. The female child was of course me.

to be continued
“The truth is, of course, that what one regards as interruptions are precisely one's life.”

"You must ask for God's help. ... After each failure, ask forgiveness, pick yourself up, and try again."
-C.S. Lewis

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33 Reviews

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Reviews: 33
Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:23 am
StolenHearts. says...

Yay, first to review this story (=
Hey windy (; I loved the story first of all now to review ;D

Its time to tell truth. The truth about what really happened when I bit that apple. Yes, this is coming from me Snowhite<- I believe her name is two words, Snow White. It’s all his fault that stupid little- I can’t even say it! He's so awful He spread this rumor and made me look like the girly girl princess. I was the hardiest of them all! Everyone calls me the prissy princess, just because I had a high voice! I’m tired of being made fun and hear all these lies about stepmother, the dwarfs, the prince and me. So here's the real Story because the public deserves the truth whether they want to hear it or not.

First of all The clumps of words do not attract many readers, it's better to separate them. If you don't understand pick up a book (any) and study how they word things such as, indentations and where they go. I'm studying writing styles now because my English teacher doesn't really help me....Any-who some grammar/spelling errors in this paragraph. (I'll just use italic/bold text.) ^___^

One day my Mother was out carving a wooden toy for when I was born. ( Carving was one of her favorite pastimes she carved under the tables during boring banquets, and council meeting, since she was not included in any of these things and was only there as a public figure.) Right now, she was making a buck for the set of woodland creatures she was making since she didn’t know if I was a boy or a girl. As she was carving the antlers, her hand slipped and she cut herself. In surprise, she dropped the figure and her knife. She watched as a line of blood ran off her finger and dropped onto the snowy ground. (Don’t ask me why she was outside, in the middle of winter, probably hoping to find a buck to carve off of.) When she looked at the ground she looked at the wooden carving made of ebony, (ebony was her favorite wood to carve with, she was also carving with here favorite knife with a gold handle and a blade of silver, it was an anniversary present.) and thought “My goodness what their was a girl like that with skin as white as snow, hair like ebony, teeth as shiny as silver, lips as red as blood, and a heart as pure as gold! Why she would be the prettiest and nicest thing on the planet!” The young queen was suddenly filled with a desire for such a daughter. She called on her fairy godmother to grant this wish......

Sorry tried to keep it cut short, but you get it. Even though the arrangement of the story was in huge blobs I really found this enjoyable.

The biggest advice I could possibly give you would be to look over it once more and correct all your grammar mistakes and spelling errors. Oh, and sort out your lines in a neat fashion.

I really love this idea and think you could go very far, I look forward to reading more!

Stolen (=
See you round' buddy ;D

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17 Reviews

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Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:39 am
running_with_the_devil says...

Really fantastic.
There were a few interesting grammatical errors, but nothing that murdered me.
I like this.
I always love a new spin on a classic tale.
And this certainly was one.
The sacrifice the mother made was intense too!!
It actually talks about why Snow White didn't have a mother.
The film doesnt address that and no version that I have read really has either.
Really great, thought, I loved it. (:


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Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:38 am
Warrior Princess says...

Hey girlfriend--this is the most interesting thing I've read on YWS in quite a while! Personally I'm like running_with_the_devil; I always love twists on fairy tales and such. And the Snow White story really needed someone to rescue it from the jaws of cliche-ness and how-the-heck-did-this-perfect-girl-even-get-here backstory problems. And the plot line of the young queen and her maid giving their lives for their children was really riveting and touching. Let me guess--are Aymery and Arabella C.G.S.W. gonna get together? Hmmm, animal shape-shifting, interesting.
I would advise you to separate the long paragraphs into smaller clumps like StolenHearts said, it makes the story much easier to read. You have a few probs with run-on sentences and punctuation, but overall the story is great--please PM me when you post more!
Hey, add me as a friend while you're at it! :)
You must be swift as the coursing river,
With all the force of a great typhoon,
With all the strength of a raging fire,
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

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Thu May 21, 2009 4:28 am
Octave says...

Hi Windy! I think this should be in fantasy. Just my two cents, of course, but I think it's kind of original. A remake of sorts, right? But anyway, on to the story!

Yes, this is coming from me Snowhite.

Snow White. Her name is two words. ^^

He so awful

You forgot is, and you forgot the period. ^^

I’m tired of being made fun and here all these lies about stepmother, the dwarfs, the prince and me.

I'm tired of being made fun of and hearing all these lies about my stepmother, the dwarves, the prince and me.

( Carving was one of her favorite pastimes she carved under the tables during boring banquets, and council meeting, since she was not included in any of these things and was only there as a public figure.)

Carving was one of her favorite pastimes. She carved under the tables during boring banquets and council meetings, since she wasn't included in any of these things and was only there as a public figure.

Run-on, dear.

“My goodness what their was a girl like that with skin as white as snow, hair like ebony, teeth as shiny as silver, lips as red as blood, and a heart as pure as gold! Why she would be the prettiest and nicest thing on the planet!

"My goodness. What if there was a girl like that; with skin as white as snow, hair like ebony, teeth as shiny as silver, lips as red as blood and a heart as pure as gold? Why, she would be the prettiest and nicest thing on the planet!

*** Every time someone speaks you should make it a new paragraph. ^^ New speaker = new line

“Gabbie what are you up to?” Melissa demanded in a stern voice, she had a glint in her hazel eyes that meant she was going to get the answer out of Mother whether she liked it or not.


...demanded in a stern voice. She had a glint in her hazel eyes that meant she was going to get the answer out of mother whether she liked it or not.

Mother sighed knowing Melissa wasn’t going to like what she heard “I’m going to die when I give birth to my baby” Mother mumbled from somewhere inside the curtain of thick blonde hair that covered her face.

Mother sighed, knowing Melissa wasn't going to like what she heard. "I'm going to die when I give birth to my baby," Mother mumbled from somewhere behind the curtain of thick blond hair that covered her face.

Melissa was more than just anguished for the lost of her friend, she was also mourning the lost of a happy future, for she was having a child due in the same month and they had planned for the children to be friends and have play dates together while they talked about what their children had done, and how they acted.

Loss, not lost. ^^

Mother than explained the whole thing while Melissa ran her fingers through her chocolate hair and tears pouring down her face as she learned the fate of Mother, though the not the whole time did she make a sound, for she knew that if she started weeping out loud Mother wouldn’t finish and she wanted to know every detail.

Mother then explained the whole thing while Melissa repeatedly ran her fingers through her chocolate hair, tears pouring down her face as she learned Mother's fate. All the while she remained silent, for she knew that if she started weeping out loud Mother wouldn't finish and Melissa wanted to know every detail.

Finally, when Mother was done Melissa let it all go sobs racked her body as she fought to breathe through her wails

Finally, when Mother was done Melissa let it all go. Sobs racked her body as she fought to breathe through her wails.

Concerned for her friend showed in Mother’s sapphire eyes as she wrapped an arm around her friend.

Concern shone in Mother's sapphire eyes as she wrapped an arm around her friend.

It's repetitive if you put for her friend. We sort of understand. ^^

She wrapped an arm around her sobbing friend.

You already said it before. ^^

“Here is what I want, I want to have a baby boy that is to be born on the same day as Gabble’s baby, and I want him to have hair the color of carrots and tomatoes, eyes blue or green depending on his mood, the build of one who can run fast, teeth as shiny as silver, a heart of gold and her should be able to shape shift, also can you let the girl shift into any animal, can you do all that?”

"Here is what I want. I want a baby boy that's to be born on the same day as Gabbie's baby, and I want him to have hair the color of carrots and tomatoes, eyes blue or green depending on his mood, a build that would help him run fast, teeth as shiny as silver, a heart of gold."

I don't understand who you're talking about in the shapeshift part anymore, though.

Fathers tan faced was flushed with worry, as was Melissa’s Husband, as they watch their wives scream in pain that was ten times worse than normal labor pains.

Father's tan face was flushed with worry, as was Melissa's husband. They watched their wives scream in pain ten times worse than those of normal labor.

As we were pushed out, bother or Mothers declared or names with their dying breaths.

...both our Mothers declared our names with their dying breaths.


Unique twist, it made me laugh every now and then. ^^ Just careful with the eyes changing color thing. And why is her name so long? oO

Anyway, good job! Just check your grammar. And remember, new speaker new line.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Sun May 24, 2009 10:54 pm
XYZinnia says...

To start off, I would just like to say that I really liked this. :D It explained a lot of things that the movie didn’t, like the animals and what happen to her mother. However, it can still be improved, so here we go!

First off all, I just went through and corrected some grammar and stuff like that.

[spoiler]Chapter 1: The Beginning Before the Beginning
Its time to tell truth. The truth about what really happened when I bit that apple. Yes, this is coming from me, Snowhite. It’s all his fault! That stupid little- I can’t even say it! He’s so awful. He spread this rumor and made me look like the girly girl princess. I was the hardiest of them all! Everyone calls me the prissy princess, just because I had a high voice! I’m tired of being made fun and here all these lies about stepmother, the dwarfs, the prince and me. So here's the real story. [s]because[/s] The public deserves the truth, whether they want to hear it or not.
One day my Mother was out carving a wooden toy for when I was born. ( Carving was one of her favorite pastimes. She carved under the tables during boring banquets, and council meeting. ( Since she was not included in any of these things and was only there as a public figure.) Right now, she was making a buck for the set of woodland creatures she was making, since she didn’t know if I was a boy or a girl. As she was carving the antlers, her hand slipped and she cut herself. In surprise, she dropped the figure and her knife. She watched as a line of blood ran off her finger and dropped onto the snowy ground. (Don’t ask me why she was outside, in the middle of winter, probably hoping to find a buck to carve off of.) When she looked at the ground she looked at the wooden carving made of ebony. (Ebony was her favorite wood to carve with. She was also carving with her[s]e[/s] favorite knife with a gold handle and a blade of silver, it was an anniversary present.) She thought “My goodness, what if [s]their[/s] there was a girl like that. With skin as white as snow, hair like ebony, teeth as shiny as silver, lips as red as blood, and a heart as pure as gold! Why she would be the prettiest and nicest thing on the planet!” The young queen was suddenly filled with a desire for such a daughter. She called on her fairy godmother to grant this wish. (For every member of royalty by birth rights of marriage had a fairy godmother.) Her fairy godmother agreed to this but told her that bringing a creature so good into the world would cause her a considerable amount of pain. My mother just nodded and looked back down at the almost finished buck and another thought struck her that would make her perfect child complete. “I want” Mother stated, the fairy was already looking upset at what my mother was going to say “My daughter to be able to talk to animals and have animals lover her and understand her.” The fairy, crying by now, [s]the fairy[/s] managed to sob out the words “ The ch-child would b-be too per-perfect to be born in-into the w-world without, without, without you dy-dying!!” fairy was sobbing this hard because she loved the queen and knew the queen would do anything to have this child, even give up her life. Since what the queen wanted, the queen got. Mother just lifted her head high and accepted death like that.
After the fairy left, my mother made her will, along with a paper that stated her dying wishes. She started making things that only girls would want. Like necklaces and bracelets out wooden beads[s],[/s] she had carved. She painted pretty designs on the beads. My father was to busy to notice that she was now referring to they baby as “she” and only making items girls would want. But her best friend, Melissa, noticed. Melissa was mother’s friend since she was a young duchess; they had grown up together, playing in the passages[s],[/s] and the gardens. Only Melissa was not of royal personage, she was the daughter of a maid. As soon as Melissa was old enough she became Mother’s maid, [s]actually [/s]Mother insisted that Melissa would be her maid. Today Melissa still was Mother’s maid, though she rarely played the part. Mostly she was doing whatever Mother was doing, since it was Melissa who had taught Mother how to carve in the first place.
The day after mother had made her wish, Melissa confronted her in the nursery where Mother was rocking in a rocking chair that she knew she would never use . “Gabbie, what are you up to?” Melissa demanded in a stern voice, she had a glint in her hazel eyes that meant she was going to get the answer out of Mother, whether she liked it or not. Mother sighed knowing Melissa wasn’t going to like what she heard “I’m going to die when I give birth to my baby.” Mother mumbled from somewhere inside the curtain of thick blonde hair that covered her face. “Oh, no! Gabbie no,” Melissa moaned Why? Why here? Why now?” Melissa was more than just anguished for the lost of her friend, she was also mourning the lost of a happy future, for she was having a child due in the same month. [s]and[/s] they had planned for the children to be friends and have play dates together while they talked about what their children had done, and how they acted. If Mother died, Melissa wasn’t sure she could make it through the loss of her only friend. Mother than explained the whole thing while Melissa ran her fingers through her chocolate hair and tears pouring down her face as she learned the fate of Mother, though the not the whole time did she make a sound, for she knew that if she started weeping out loud Mother wouldn’t finish, and she wanted to know every detail. Finally, when Mother was done, Melissa let it all go. Sobs racked her body as she fought to breathe through her wails. Concerned for her friend showed in Mother’s sapphire eyes as she wrapped an arm around her friend. Secretly Mother was frightened, since Melissa had always been the strong one. She wrapped an arm around her sobbing friend. “ Lissy, Lissy” Mother whispered “I thought you would take this better.” Melissa looked up when she had calmed down enough to speak understandable words “ I’m sorry I’m sorry” Melissa’s voice cracked, hoarse from all the crying “ I should take this better, its just you’re my only friend and I don’t think I can stand to loose you.” Melissa looked up. Hazel eyes met sapphire, the hazel eyes bloodshot from crying, sapphire filled with concern; and they both understood. Their lives where so irrevocably linked together, that it would be impossible for one to live without the other. “What are you going to do?” Mother asked as Melissa got up dusted of her [s]close[/s] clothes and started to head for the door. “Die with you of course” Melissa stated as she left the room and walked down the corridor, a plan forming in her head. She left Mother alone in the nursery to think of how she had caused the death of her best friend.
Melissa was running down the corridor as she finished her plan. She thought alou: “Gabbie obviously hasn’t seen the flaw yet.” she muttered as she slowed down to a walk, out of breath, still thinking. She kept walking until she reached her bedchambers, which were much more lavish than normal bedchambers for a maid. She sat down on her queen-sized bed and called upon Mother’s fairy godmother, since Melissa wasn’t royalty the Queen shared hers with Melissa. When the fairy popped up, she sighed in relief seeing that it wasn’t Mother.” What can I do for you?” Melissa didn’t really want to break the fairy’s happy mood, she sighed. “Well it’s about as fun as a task as that Gabbie gave you.” The fairy's face drooped. “Not you too?” She asked in a quiet voice. Melissa nodded slowly. “Here is what I want, I want to have a baby boy that is to be born on the same day as Gabble’s baby, and I want him to have hair the color of carrots and tomatoes, eyes blue or green depending on his mood, the build of one who can run fast, teeth as shiny as silver, a heart of gold and he should be able to shape shift. Also, can you let the girl shift into any animal, can you do all that?” The fairy nodded her head “I would like to request one more thing” Melissa leaned up close to the fairy and whispered something in her ear. “I can do all this, child” The fairy said gravely “But you do know that you[s],[/s] will- “Die?” Melissa answered, “Yes I do.And with that, she returned to the nursery and explained every thing to Mother. They both decided that they would live out of the remainder of there life as if nothing had changed. They set down to make things for their children that they would never see.
It was the Month of April when we were born. Fathers tan faced was flushed with worry, as was Melissa’s husband. [s]as[/s] They watch their wives scream in pain that was ten times worse than normal labor pains. As we were pushed out, bother our Mothers declared or names with their dying breaths. “Call her” Mother gasped, “Call her Arabella Cassandra Gabriella Sara Whitney.On the other side of the room, Melissa had quite a less mouthful to say. “His name will be Aymery.” Melissa stated. And with that, they both died. Melissa, maid of the Queen, was never to be again. While Queen Gabriella Diane Fiona Rebbecca was dead as well, leaving behind two perfect (literally) children. The female child was of course me.
To Be Continued.[/spoiler]

Nit-Pick time! :)

One day my Mother was out carving a wooden toy for when I was born.

This sentence makes it sound like Snow White’s mother was carving, and then Snow White was born. :) Why don’t you say something like, “Before I was born,”

Right now, she was making a buck for the set of woodland creatures she was making

Why don’t you change that first “making” to “carving”.

(Don’t ask me why she was outside, in the middle of winter, probably hoping to find a buck to carve off of.)

“To carve off of” make’s it sound like she’s hacking away at the actually deer. Maybe you should use “To be a model.”

She was also carving with here favorite knife with a gold handle and a blade of silver, it was an anniversary present.)

This sentence reads a bit funny to me. Might you change it to something like, “She was also carving with her favorite knife. It had a gold handle, and a blade of silver. The knife was my Mothers __th anniversary present.”

Since what the queen wanted, the queen got.

Mother sighed knowing Melissa wasn’t going to like what she heard

“Heard” sounds a bit funny to me, as if Gabby had already told Melissa. Maybe you could change that to “what she was going to say” or something like that. Also, I don’t know if you would want a comma after “sighed”. Oh, and you need a period.

though the not the whole time did she make a sound,

This sentence sounds funny to me. Mayhaps you could reword it?

Concerned for her friend showed in Mother’s sapphire eyes as she wrapped an arm around her friend.

I think you mean “Concern”. Also, I would replace the second “her friend” with “Melissa”.

She wrapped an arm around her sobbing friend.

You already said that.

“ Lissy, Lissy” Mother whispered “I thought you would take this better”

“ I should take this better, its just you’re my only friend and I don’t think I can stand to loose you.”

I agree with Kara. How do you think your friend would react if you told her you were going to die? Also, I think if someone was that upset, they wouldn’t be so quick to say sorry.

she thought a loud

I’m really sure what this is doing here, because you say right after that she muttered, and they’re kinda the same thing.

She kept walking until she reached her bedchambers, which were much more lavish than normal bedchambers for a maid.

I would change the second “bedchambers”, to avoid repetition.

.” What can I do for you?” Melissa didn’t really want to break the fairy’s happy mood, she sighed.

I know it’s kind of obvious, but you might want to tell that the fairy is specking. Also, I’m not sure if “break” is the right word for that sentence.

born on the same day as Gabble’s baby,

Who’s Gabble? :wink:

also can you let the girl shift into any animal, can you do all that?”

Since you used the word “also”, you might want to said that she paused. Oh, and you might want to get rid of “can you do all that?”, because it reads strange to me.

they watch their wives scream in pain that was ten times worse than normal labor pains.

This reads funny to me.

As we were pushed out, bother or Mothers declared or names with their dying breaths

I don’t really get this sentence.

Melissa had quite a less mouthful to say,

This reads funny to me.

. While Queen Gabriella Diane Fiona Rebbecca was dead as well leaving behind to perfect (literally) children.

She only had one child, so why did she leave behind two?

So that’s it. Again, I like this. Can’t wait for the next chapter!

Se ya around! :D

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31 Reviews

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Mon May 25, 2009 1:13 am
huggybear123 says...

This is genious! It is good humored, well told, descripitve, and overall awesome. I think you should cover more fairytales. you are an awesome writher and i just loved this please please please please please please please please please please please please please please pleease do more1 :D

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Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:57 am
PuffSammy says...

I loved it! Please write more!
"Ask not what your teenager can do for you, but what you can do for your teenager."

-My English Teacher

I'm also not sure why but even though I normally wear cool tones I have a feeling red would have been my color in the 1860s.
— Elinor