
Young Writers Society

Adventures with Captain Kirk (Chapter 2)

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:55 pm
Forestqueen808 says...

I need a series name, since there will be more stars and fictional characters from movies in other books. Anyway, PM me if you think of one!

Here’s the second Chapter! Enjoy!


The ship was even more grand then the girls had thought. From the moment they took off into space to go onto the ship, they were fascinated by the stars and the amazing sky. “There it is…my ship,” Captain Kirk smiled.
His eyes met both Denise’s and Emily’s and their cheeks heated up immediately.
As they stepped onto the ship, they were greeted by no other than Spok. “How are you Spok?” the captain asked and clapped a hand on Spok’s back. Spok let out a grunt but smiled. “I’ve seen you brought a few more crew member on our ship?”
“Oh, yeah.” The captain cleared his throat. “This is…” he looked at the girls and they told him their names. “I met them on the road in Iowa.”
“Well, no turning back now. We’re about to take off. Lieutenant Ahura will take you to your rooms after the take off,” Spok smiled. “We’re very happy to have you aboard.”
“Wow, he’s cuter than I thought,” Emily mumbled to Denise.
“Well you better watch out, cause remember about Ahura!” Denise laughed.
“Yeah I guess. And besides, we always have the captain!” Emily said a little too loud. Captain Kirk turned to them, smiling and Emily’s cheeks grew red once more.
“What was that I heard?” he laughed.
“Uhhh nothing! Nothing at all! I was just saying how…how I can’t wait for us to take off!” Emily smiled.
The Captain laughed once more and went to sit down in his chair, spinning around. “Ready for take off,” he said. Emily and Denise neared closer and saw the crew. They saw Checkoff, Ahura, and so many other people they had only dreamed about!
Everyone was talking and sound could be heard throughout. Captain Kirk spun his chair so he could face the girls. “Brace yourselves ladies,” he smiled. The ship lurched and Emily and Denise were thrust against a wall, and they were suddenly zooming through space.

“Here’s where you two will be sleeping ladies,” Lieutenant Ahura smiled.
“Wow. Thanks!”
“Don’t thank me,” Ahura smiled. “It was all the captain’s doing.”
“Oh well you tell him thank you then,” the girls replied.
“Well, since we have two new smashing young ladies aboard the ship, we will have a great dinner tonight. We’ll see you in about two hours?”
“Sounds great,” Emily replied.
“Yeah, thanks Ahura!” Denise smiled, and then Ahura was gone.
“Wow! Look! We get a crew outfit!” Emily opened a small closet and saw a bunch of female crew uniforms.
“Awesome! I’ve always wanted to wear one of these!”
The girls found a small bathroom in their room and Denise ran in and changed. The outfits were red, like Ahura’s and fit them perfectly.
“This is so awesome and amazing,” Denise said once Emily had changed into her uniform. “I still can’t believe we’re really here.”
“Me neither,” Emily told her. “Me neither.”

The feast was marvelous. The food tasted…different to the girls, but they couldn’t have been happier.
“So! Where are you girls from?” Dr. Bones asked.
“I’m from Florida,” Emily said, putting a bite in her mouth.
“Yeah, and I’m from New York,” Denise smiled.
“So how did you two end up in Iowa? And how do you know each other if you live so far away?” Captain Kirk asked, not taking his gaze away from them.
“Well we met on this website called Young Writers Society,” Emily began and they explained the story of the storm together.
“Its kinda strange if you ask me. It was pretty stormy in Iowa too before I saw you guys on the road,” James said, puzzle written over his face now.
“Yeah,” suddenly, the girls began to think of their parents. Were they okay? Did they even know they were missing?
“I’m going to radio American Headquarters okay?” the captain said and stood up.
“Can we come? I want to know if my parents are okay. I mean…if they know we’re missing or anything…if that’s possible.”
“Yes its okay,” the captain led them into the communication room and began to radio American Headquarters.
“Yes, this is Captain Kirk speaking. We have two young girls on board.” He began talking to the American Headquarters and told them their names.
“Yes, they’re parents will be notified of their whereabouts, thank you Captain Kirk. Is there anything else?”
Captain Kirk turned to the girls. “Go check if Ahura is okay with duty at 12:00 AM,” he told them and they left.
“I think he’s telling them about the storm,” Denise suggested.
“Yes, I think you’re right,” Emily replied and returned to where the rest of the crew was eating happily.
Sorrow lasts through this night
I'll take this piece of you,
and hold for all eternity
For just one second I felt whole... as you flew right through me.

~Sorrow by Flyleaf

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Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:36 am
Genevieve :P says...

I really liked your story, though there are definitely some places where it you wording could be rearranged. I would nit-pick through it, but I don't really see the point, your story sounds cornier if I don't (I like the fact its really corny :D), and I doubt I would find much. Glad you wrote a second chapter, you should write more, I'm really interested to see what happens with Emily and Denise. Good job. :smt003
Thanks to Kamas who drew my avvie

I'm lost within the magnificence of my pancakes, taken over by complete silence, only interrupted by the sound of my munching!
:smt103 :smt081

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Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:11 am
wookielover17 says...

Hi Forest!!!!! I LOVED this chapter!!!! (I put caps that's how good it was) I love the part wear Emily talks a little to loud and Captain Cutie hears her!!! I was laughing so hard I think I almost fell of the bed!!!! Ooooo a mysterious storm... :lol: I soooooo wanna know more!!!! This is soooo awesome!!!! I'm glad they're parent were notified. I love Spok!!! And I love how you put the story of how they met!!! I have a question though. Will there parent like communicate with them? Will they get in trouble? Will Captain Cutie get even hotter? Find out on the next episode of Adventures with Captain Kirk!!!! Sorry couldn't resist!!! Oh and I'm pretty sure that was more than one question!!! Hope your writers block is gone and you update soon!!!! Bye and see you next time!!!!
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

it's ok, death by laughter was always how i've wanted to go out
— Carina