
Young Writers Society

~What We Fight For~ Chapter 1 & 2

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13 Reviews

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Points: 2422
Reviews: 13
Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:18 am
Jackie_Perez09 says...

*-ish. For those that don't know the anime, look it up. It's really old{ak.a. the animation in the action scenes are horrible in the first part but cuz of a lawsuit it improves dramatically in the 2nd season} but the character development/drawing style for our four bishies is really good. So check it out and tell me what you think XD!!!

Rated for scenes of extreme violence and language. Also I decided to add Chap 2 along with Chap 1 so sorry if it might be too long. For those who have no inkling of this anime {or even of what anime is} I tried my best to convey all the main characters personalities so you don't have to look up the anime, though it might help you a little bit. Enjoy and tell me what you think.
Sakura pulled out her Glock 19, the sun glinting off the black metal. It was a now or never deal. One shot one kill. And at all costs her use of the jagan must be avoided, especially if the enemy has a physic. What was it Haru-chan had told her? When you kill someone aim for the head but never look in their eyes? Be calm under pressure?? Fuck that shit! Haru’s a part-time chemist and a gym teacher! He’s never had to shoot someone point blank,” she hissed and once more fought down her lunch. Ok, so she was new at this assassin thing, but then again so was Haru-chan and he seemed to be handling it like a pro.

“Minase! You there,” Haru-chan’s voice asked, the bad reception making it crack through the walkie-talkie. “Repeat, are you there?”

Sakura inhaled deeply and pressed down on the button of the walkie-talkie. “Yeah,” she said in what she hoped was a cool voice,” What’s up?”

“I think they know about us! We got a dozen bogies at nine o’ clock carrying M-16 assault rifles, heading in your direction. Can you make it out of the office?”

“WHAT?! How can they know about us,” Sakura almost screeched and then cringed at her mistake. Haru-chan had always told her no matter what happens she should control her emotions. Emotions like rage or sorrow only lead to the innocent dying or the mission being fucked up. The walkie-talkie warbled for a minute or so and then Haru-chan’s voice came out in frightening clarity:


“Wha-“ Sakura began to ask but her question was drowned out by the machine gun fire that seemed to erupt from the walkie-talkie. And then Sakura did something Haru-chan would have been proud of; with her body on auto-polit, she flung open the door, rolled out, and in a low stance began to fire with none of the apprehsion she’d felt only a few mins before. She could feel the bullets whizzing by her but she never stopped moving serpentine style, from desk to file cabinet to a casually open door, everything was a shield.

A soldier spun around a corner at the same time Sakura was turning and if this hadn’t been a life or death situation Sakura would have the expression on his face{Big fishy lips pursed with soft brown eyes wided to the size of a baseball} comical. But this wasn’t a comical situation. Sakura jammed the glock 19 into the guy’s chin and pulled the trigger. The blood and gray brain matter went everywhere; on the wall sliding down, behind him, on her face. She hastily wiped her face and continued her mad dash through the science lab, praying to God that Haru-chan would make it. After all, Haru-chan had to make it. He’d been in this business longer than she had {By a year at least}. But even though she prayed for Haru-chan’s safety it didn’t quiet the nagging reality that a dozen bogies against one good guy wasn’t good. And that at any cost she wasn’t allowed to use her jagan.

*Present* Kasumi POV

“AH! A FLOWER SHOP! WE GOTTA GO TO A FLOWER SHOP,” Sakura-san screeched and Kasumi was able to suppress a giggle at her elder’s expression of horror. No matter what training Sakura-san would be put through she would always be a tomboy. To Sakura-san flower shops and malls were the same thing as being thrown into a 3rd World prison with nothing but a low-cut gown on. And as luck would have it, they were in a small time mall that at the moment was very crowded. And the only reason Sakura-san was here was because Kasumi didn’t want to be near her brother Ichigo at the moment.

“Hai Sakura-san,” Kasumi replied back coolly and tucked back a lock of obsian colored hair. “That’s what normal people do when someone they care for is in the hospital.”

“Yeah but I’m not normal,” Sakura-san huffed and drew herself up to her full height: a whopping five feet compared to Kasumi’s 5 ‘7’. This time Kasumi couldn’t help but laugh.

“So you say Sakura-san, so you say. But that still doesn’t change the fact that we have to go to a flower shop so your comrade can get some get well flowers. He’ll enjoy it.”

“Enjoy it my ass,” Sakura –san snapped back but Kasumi noticed the faint smile on her lips. “Where’s the stupid shop at,” Sakura-san asked.

Kasumi shrugged and pulled out the wrinkled notebook paper one of her classmates had given her. “Ummm, this says the House of Kittens and-,” Kasumi read and then looked up to her headstrong superior who was ahead, charging through the crowded mall center. “S-sakura-san please wait for me! Please before you beat someone up again!”
Yoji POV

It was a pretty slow day for the House of Kittens. Aya hadn’t been harassed and was currently somewhere at the supermarket and Omi was finally able to focus on some computer program though Yoji knew the sneaky guy was probably looking at porn. Why else would a healthy 17 year old spend most of his day in a closed room with a laptop? Ken was down by the soccer felid somewhere and Yoji himself…not one single lovely legal lady had come by. Sure a few local high schoolers came by but they were mainly Omi’s classmates or Aya’s ever rabid fangirls. And the only reason Yoji was still here was because they needed someone to man the counter in case they did get an actual customer. But at the way things were going Yoji seriously doubted it. He yawned and lowered his head on the cool counter. Aya wouldn’t mind if he caught a few z’s. But just as he closed his eyes the bell over the door tinkled and Yoji stood up and rubbed his eyes. “Konichwa and welcome to the House of Kittens,” he sighed and almost gasped at what he saw; one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen.

Yoji was pretty good at guessing women’s ages, it came with the territory after all, and he was pretty sure the lady with ebony colored hair was in her twenties. She was tall for a woman {5’7’ at least} with wide, doe-like dark blue eyes and hair like black silk that shone in the sun. Even though she wore an oversized long sleeved shirt and an ankle-length lace skirt Yoji could see her curves. The only downside to such a beauty in the shop was that the girl standing next to her {must be her little sister} saw him staring at her friend and looked like she wanted to punch his lights out. Wonder what’s her problem? “Do you have any get well flowers,” the ebony haired beauty asked and Yoji gave his best smile.

“Of course! For a pretty lady like you, anything,” He said and the little sister shot him a look that could freeze liquid nitrogen. “My name’s Kudou Yoji by the way. May I have the pleasure of asking what yours is?”

The beauty nodded, a slight blush appearing on her face, and she whispered, “Huyamio Kasumi and this,” she mentioned towards the little sister, “is my best friend Minase Sakura.” Oh so the little girl was her best friend eh? The only thing they had in common was blue eyes but even then the little girl’s were an extremely light blue. Everything about them was different. Minase-san wore combat boots with camo pants and a sleeveless black wife-beater, her light brown hair {which only went to her shoulder blades unlike Kasumi-san who’s went to her waist} was nothing special, and her black beret was sloped to the right side of her head, along with her bangs. They were exact opposites.

“YO four-eyes! When ya gonna get the flowers,” G.I. Jane snapped and Yoji had to bite his tongue from snapping back at this rude girl. Even the beautiful Kasumi-san cringed at her insult.

“What would you like Kasumi-san,” Yoji said, doing his best to ignore Minase. “We have tulips, daises-“
“It’s for a guy,” Minase said and stepped in front of Kasumi-san, “And we don’t have a lot of time so get with it.”

“I didn’t ask for your opion,” Yoji said and bowed to Kasumi-san. “Forgive me Kasumi-san for asking this but is your middle schooler friend always this rude?”

Surprise registered on Kasumi’s face as she shook her head rapidly back and forth. G.I. Jane merely stood there with her mouth open and her tiny hands balled into fists. “Ummm, Kudou-san,” Kasumi-san replied softly, “Sakura-san is older than me. I’m only 17 and Sakura-san is 19.”

Yoji’s mind came to a screeching halt. Kasumi-san wasn’t legal? Damn it all to hell! This demon thing is 19!! Right when I thought today was going so well! “Ah,” Yoji sighed and said, “I didn’t know you were undera-“ but he never got to finish. That evil demon girl Sakura’s fist connected straight with Yoji’s chin, catching him off guard and sending him spinning. He crashed hard into the shelves, clay pots crashing down and shattering freshly potted soil on the newly cleaned floor. While his head swam he thought he heard Omi yell but he wasn’t quite sure.

“Leave her alone,” Sakura snapped as a small beeping sound went off. Both girls paled but only Kasumi-san looked deathly sick.

“S-s-sakura-san,” Kasumi-san stuttered, eyes wide in fear, “he’s calling us.”

Sakura nodded. “Let’s go Kazzie-chan. We’ll deal with this prick later.” Slowly the two girls backed off, Kasumi-san eyes wide in fear like an animal trapped in a cage, and Sakura ready for a fight. Yoji could hear Omi running now, the light patter of that computer nerd’s feet, but he knew he’d miss seeing these two girls. Sakura gave Yoji a thin smile and flicked him the bird, “Pick a girl in your own age group buddy.”
*************************************************************************************Sakura didn’t like Four Eyes. The way he was looking at Kasumi made Sakura want to do more then punch him and there was something about him that frightened her. Almost as if he was like them, an assiassn…

“S-sakura-san, why did you hit him,” Kasumi asked as they slowed to a halt, her pale pretty face in a deep frown. They weren’t far from the small time mall where’d they started from, a block away at least. Sakura looked in the direction of the flower shop and sighed with relief when she saw no one running after them. The last thing they needed was a pursuit when they just got a mission.

Sakura turned to look towards her friend and gave her her best don’t-worry-smile. “I had a feeling. And I just felt like losing some steam. ‘Sides Kazzie-chan, we got a bigger prob! Seems like Ichigo just got word from Kritiker that we’ve got another mission! Which means we should go to down to the ghetto and get some beepers that don’t warn us!”

Kasumi smiled, the color returning to her face, and for once, Sakura was glad she could lie so easily. If Kasumi ever knew the truth about Sakura’s “feelings” then her pain in the ass brother Ichigo would know and Sakura knew that Ichigo would stop at nothing to either outrank her or break her. Even if Kasumi was in the way. Defiantly if Kasumi was in the way.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. -Confucius

"Come on and Rock me Amadeus!"~ Falco's song :3

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13 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 2422
Reviews: 13
Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:51 pm
Jackie_Perez09 says...

BTW Forgot to put this...

DISCLAIMER::::: I do not own Weiss Kreuz no mattr how much I wish I did. I merely own Sakura Minase,Kasumi Huyamio, Lady Hisanna Minase, and Ichigo Huyamio.

Ok, alls good :o
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. -Confucius

"Come on and Rock me Amadeus!"~ Falco's song :3

Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it.
— David Foster Wallace