
Young Writers Society

A Half-Hearted Engagement, chapter one: New Life

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Fri Dec 05, 2008 4:14 am
bella_cullen89 says...

I looked up from the sketch I had been working on; only to see that Edward’s fate was merely inches away from mine. He smiled.
“What could possibly be the inspiration behind this, Bella?” Of course, he should know by now that he was my inspiration. The most beautiful being I’d ever seen, in all of my seventeen years. How could he not be the source of my artwork?
The sun was high, over a glittering lake and whispering meadow, the time I had first truly seen him in his entirety. Ms. Tennenbaum, Forks High’s art teacher, would say that I had promise. If she only knew exactly where this memory had come from.
“Edward?” I asked.
“Yes, my love?”
“How many kisses would I have to give you in order for you to take me to see Alice?”
“But of course, Bella, you realize that, with only one wrong move, I could kill you?” This question had become more of a joke between us, as many times as we’d kissed before. Of course, Edward was truly dangerous for me. He was a vampire, of course. A beautiful, smart, eccentric, majestic and loving vampire.
I pushed my drawing of the meadow aside, beckoning Edward to come closer. He obliged, giving me the sweetest kiss a girl could ever have.
* *
After remembering that moment from so many years ago, I felt a small twitch of pain. It hurt recollecting those three years we’d spent together, only to end in agony. I needed to get back to my work. Jacob had been threatening to return my laptop if I failed to make any progress with my project. His recently purchased auto repair shop needed a whole new interior design, and since art was my best subject in high school, Jacob had recruited me to layout a plan. Of course, old reliable Bella had agreed, and here I was, going through my old paintings and sketches from high school. I had wanted some motivation for the project, and I figured that my seasoned artwork was the best bet.
Unknowingly, I had stumbled across the picture I had created from the early spring of eleventh grade. It was the picture of the meeting in the meadow where Edward had shown me that he truly was a vampire. How times had changed. I had been a shy, clumsy girl in awe of newfound love. Now I was still a shy, clumsy girl, but instead of being in awe of love, I ran from the mere idea of exposing my inner feelings to another person ever again.
Broken with the past, I decided to put away the artwork for now. I went over to the window and looked out. Of course the weather was dreary; it was November in Forks, after all. Luckily, the sky had decided to hold off the rain for another day. I grabbed my jacket and put on my sneakers, then stepped outside.
I find it much easier to think about things when I am out in nature. The forest has always been a special place to collect my thoughts and contemplate on life. Of course, there were many dark memories of this place, which were too hard to forget. For one, although I had long since forgiven Edward for his lapse in judgment, it wasn’t something that I could forget so easily.
As I walked deeper into the woods, I thought of something Alice had told me when we had met up for lunch a few weeks ago. She reminded me that not long after my nineteenth birthday, I had been awarded first place in Peninsula College’s art show. Alice was reminiscing of a time when I had been much happier. A time before the ultimate betrayal occurred.
Only Alice would be able to find something good out of the worst cataclysm of my life, the period where I lost my beloved. The era of my greatest sorrow. The day Edward killed himself.
* *
I must have lost track of time in the woods, as I heard Jacob’s frantic voice upon answering my cell phone.
“Bella! Is everything all right? You were supposed to meet me for lunch at one o’clock,” he exclaimed.
“Oh, Jake, I’m very sorry. I went off for a stroll at around eleven-thirty. I must have lost track of time,” I confessed.
“It’s okay, Bella. I’m just content that you’re safe. Don’t worry about the blueprints. We can work more on them this weekend.”
“I apologize. I truly meant to make some progress.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Bella. I understand…Would you like to go out for dinner tonight? If you’re out of the woods, that is.” I couldn’t help but smile after that remark.
“Certainly, Jacob. I’d love to have dinner tonight. Where were you thinking?”
“Actually, there’s a new German restaurant in Port Angeles. I sort of promised Embry I’d go. He’s bringing Serena.” Not a double date. Please, anything but that. I’d had enough embarrassment this past Valentine’s Day, when Alice had set up a special rendezvous between her new neighbor and I. Much to my chagrin, it hadn’t ended well. After learning that I was, as one would say, “damaged goods”, my date ran off with a local model, leaving me to pay the bill.
“Well, I was sort of hoping that we could go somewhere a little more private. Like the diner.”
“I suppose I could cancel with Embry. I’ll tell him I have too much work at the shop to go out tonight.”
“Thanks, Jake.”
“Be ready at seven, Bella. Call if you’re running late,” he told me.
“See you later, Jacob.” I hung up my phone. I started walking towards home. After walking a few minutes, I spotted a single chrysanthemum. Edward’s favorite flower. A single tear ran down my cheek. I brushed it away, not wanting to remember.
I couldn’t bear seeing the beautiful plant here, all alone. It seemed so out of place. Like me, Bella Swan, in a little town called Forks, in the middle of nowhere. In all these six years, I’d never gotten too used to Forks. Yes, it may have been the right place at the right time, but it was my home away from home. I was never able to finish college after the tragedy with my Edward. I thought of moving away after the misfortune, but I couldn’t bear to leave my father, nor Jacob, nor Alice. If it were not for Charlie acquiring a job at the Thriftway for me, I would have had no solid ground to fall back on.
Reaching the edge of the woods, I stopped for a moment. In three years time, how can so many things disappear from your life? Maybe I had pushed myself too much in my time with Edward. I had felt he was so perfect. Yet, he couldn’t live up to my expectations no matter how hard he tried.
I entered the house I had shared with Charlie for the past six years. I plopped back into the easy chair, and turned the television on. Of course, the news was always the same-more animals disappearing into near extinction. I couldn’t watch. I only sat in front of the screen and waited for Jacob to make his appearance. After all, how much longer could I focus on the reasons for Edward’s self-death without blaming myself? I just couldn’t carry the weight of his decision for all of eternity.
It was time for me to move on to better and bigger things than the morose vampire. I could take a chance at a new life, one better than the broken one I had been living for the last three years. I would become someone better than I had ever been before.

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Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:13 pm
Lilyy03 says...

Oh, this is interesting! I wasn't sure about it at first, but you're certainly going off the beaten path.

The first paragraph didn't really draw me in, though, since it was much like any other affectionate Bella/Edward scene. I'd suggest taking out the explanations of the obvious bits, like the mention of Edward being a vampire. (I'd say it's a safe bet that anyone reading this already knows.) Him being loving and beautiful is also a given, but since this is Bella's POV, I know she'd be frequently caught up with those things. I think it would be interesting if you'd somehow drop more hints that this is a memory of an older, jaded Bella.

The rest of it I quite enjoyed, and I am intrigued by what could have happened to Edward. It's refreshing to see him presented as a fallible, destructible character. It was also refreshing to see Bella becoming stagnated due to her relationship, and then deciding to pull herself into a better situation. Her character came through well, as did Jacob's--affectionate, eager to please, somewhat overbearing. I'd suggest maybe trimming down the descriptions of Bella's pain. Since this is Bella and Edward, we know how tortured she must have been; we don't need to be reminded of it quite so much. Sometimes less is more.

Overall, though, very nice, and I applaud you for making surprising choices. Keep it up.

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Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:11 am
Penelope says...

Oh my, I think I felt the tears coming there when I read it.

So, your a Jacob fan, I presume?

It's great! I agree, it is off the beaten path, I just don't like the idea of Bella staying with Charlie for much longer.

Other questions:

What happened to the rest of the Cullens?

How did Edward die? Is it the same as it were in the book?

Since when was Bella an artist?

What was the relationship between Jacob and Bella, now that Edward is gone? Just friends? Maybe more?

Other Comments: The first paragraph coud've been a little more alluring, but the rest was certainly heartbreaking!

Keep up the good work! I expect more to come!
Penelope <3

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Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:02 pm
Dreamwalker says...

First off, i will start with my general opinion of the story. I thought it was fairly well written. the idea is somewhat catchy and i did enjoy reading it after awhile although the beginning was fairly hard to catch onto.

Now for my critique.

bella_cullen89 wrote:I looked up from the sketch I had been working on; only to see that Edward’s fate was merely inches away from mine. He smiled.

The opening sentence was not very catchy in the least. it was fairly boring and pretty flat. you should try something more eye-widening or maybe a more interesting phrase. Also a spelling mistake in the first line tends to set up for a bad pretense to any of the readers. It makes them think that you are sloppy and dont re-read your work. of course your story was fairly well written and enjoyable but that line set me off a little in the beginning.

bella_cullen89 wrote:The sun was high, over a glittering lake and whispering meadow, the time I had first truly seen him in his entirety. Ms. Tennenbaum, Forks High’s art teacher, would say that I had promise. If she only knew exactly where this memory had come from.

then there was this line that kind of took me offguard a little. I didnt mind it so much the second time i read it and this might just be me being picky but it seemed kind of like you were sticking to completely different things together to make one paragraph. you go from a lovely thought to a teacher in a mere two lines. Also, this could just be my own conjecture but in the book it speaks of bella being not very good at any sort of art. Of course i wont get picky on that because the story is fairly interesting and there is quite a bit to do with her artwork in it.

bella_cullen89 wrote:“How many kisses would I have to give you in order for you to take me to see Alice?”
“But of course, Bella, you realize that, with only one wrong move, I could kill you?” This question had become more of a joke between us, as many times as we’d kissed before. Of course, Edward was truly dangerous for me. He was a vampire, of course. A beautiful, smart, eccentric, majestic and loving vampire.

Frankly, these couple lines bugged me a bit. I dont really see the connection between kissing to see alice and killing. I think you tried to make a connection with the 'how many kisses' ordeal but it just sounded completely off when reading the second line. You should have put something in there like Edward saying 'in the process of kissing for you to see alice' or something a little moe to connect the two areas.

bella_cullen89 wrote:Reaching the edge of the woods, I stopped for a moment. In three years time, how can so many things disappear from your life? Maybe I had pushed myself too much in my time with Edward. I had felt he was so perfect. Yet, he couldn’t live up to my expectations no matter how hard he tried.

Okay this is the last thing i'll really critique you on about this. It says that Edward was perfect in her eyes but then again he didnt live up to her expectations. That basically contradicts both lines. I'm unsure of you you were trying to word that.

Other then that it was fairly well done and i did enjoy reading it a lot. it has potential and a very interesting spin on what happes between edward and bella.
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

We're just all nosy little busybodies.
— SirenCymbaline the Kiwi