
Young Writers Society

Blind Leading the Blind #1

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Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:17 pm
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sokool15 says...

This is the story of what I think would have happened to Jacob Black if Bella had never come into his life. Sort of. What I mean by that is: in this story, Jacob isn't languishing over Bella or hating Edward with a passion, or anything like that. I didn't even want to do this as a fanfic because it's not really about Twilight characters at all except Jacob and LaPush. So yeah. Without further ado...


When I first saw her, all I thought was… Wow. Double wow. Triple wow.

Okay, well, that’s not the only thing I thought. I may have also been thinking, Sheesh, that’s a lot of freaking dogs. ‘Cause she was surrounded by the things. Tall, short, skinny, tubby, huge Great Dane types, fluffy poodle-types… I’d seen people with that many dogs before. Usually they were teenagers walking them for money. They would be pulling on the leashes constantly, yelping and peeing on every fire hydrant in sight.

Not so with her dogs. I’d been staring at them long enough to get a head count and there were eleven of them. They were walking in orderly rows on either side of her, with a large German Shepherd stalking directly behind her. By the time I had surveyed her dogs at my leisure, she was already halfway down the block, long auburn ponytail waving down below her waist as she walked. How lucky - she was going directly towards my car, parked in the lot of Fork’s small grocery store.

I jogged quietly down the sidewalk, squinting in the light drizzle that pattered from the gloomy sky. I quickly caught up and slowed to a walk a few paces behind the German Shepherd. The girl was wearing a long, colorful skirt that was obviously supposed to be loose and flowing. Apparently she hadn’t realized that the damp conditions had glued the skirt firmly to her legs, leaving nothing to the imagination. I almost couldn’t tear my eyes away.

We had reached the store and I jogged over to my Rabbit. I grinned when the girl turned in towards the store, her orderly array of dogs anticipating her turn with ease. I didn’t know why I was so fascinated by this girl - except for the fact that she had a bazillion dogs - but I was determined to introduce myself. She was definitely new to Forks. I was surprised that I hadn’t heard of her arrival yet. But then, sometimes we got news later down at La Push.

I still couldn’t get a glimpse of her face as she came towards the store. I lounged against the car, leaning my legs out in front and folding my arms. I knew what a picture I made when I lounged. The girl didn’t even look up. I gritted my teeth, frustrated. How could she miss me? I was huge, twice as tall as her and more ripped than any human male; a fact emphasized by the fact that I wasn’t wearing a shirt. Why wasn’t she looking?

She was at the door, now - just standing there, waiting as her dogs politely fanned out single file to either side. Only the German Shepherd remained with her. I sighed and straightened. This was getting out of hand. I decided to take affirmative action and walked forward toward her, clearing my throat noisily.

“Excuse me, miss,” I said as I came up behind her. I didn’t know what to say next so I stuck my hands into the pockets of my shorts and looked around awkwardly. She still hadn’t turned around.

“Yes? What is it?” Her light, clear voice sent a thrill through me, shaking me to the bone. I felt a flash of heat along my spine and reigned it in firmly. Now was not a good time to phase.

“Um… do you need someone to watch your dogs while you shop?” I asked desperately.

The German Shepherd looked me over, recognizing my own inner wolf self. I gazed deep into his eyes, giving him my carefully cultivated Alpha glare. It worked. He lowered his eyes, whining in submission, then turned to his mistress and wagged his tail three times. It was like some sort of signal - as soon as she felt his tail against her legs she finally - finally! - turned to face me. I looked at her from bottom to top, slowly taking her all in. Her long, shapely legs showed through her wet skirt and her black T-shirt clung to her upper body. Across the front, in a strategic area, was written “The blind lead the blind all the time and nobody gets lost.” Her neck - long and white and smooth. Chin - pointed and delicate. Lips - rosy and soft. Cheeks - pale pink, sprinkled with freckles. Beautiful. Eyes - and that’s where I stopped. It was like being punched in the gut by Paul or Embry, only a lot more pleasant. I took an involuntary step forward, drawn inexorably by those soft, green depths. They pulled at me, beckoning with a siren call.

As I stared into her eyes I came to two separate life-changing realizations. First: I had imprinted on this lovely, dog-crazy girl. Second: she was blind, so she couldn’t really imprint back. So to speak.


I widened my eyes, staring at the blank, empty space where the voice had come from, hoping the grey mists would clear at last and I’d be able to see the stranger. I clenched my fists and concentrated hard, blowing at the mist with my mind’s eye. No good. Sighing, I relaxed and blinked several times. I always had to remind myself to blink - it never made any difference to me, but they said if I didn’t blink my eyes would dry out and then there’d never be any hope. For sight.

Something about this stranger’s voice sent a thrill through me and renewed my frustration at my blindness. I felt a niggling sensation at the back of my mind - like it was really, really important that I be able to see this man. Then I shook my head - he was talking again.

“Um… do you need someone to watch your dogs while you shop?”

The more he spoke the deeper that thrill went, striking to the very core of my bones. It was so deep, and full, and throbbing. He sounded sort of desperate, though. Weird.

Well, Meth had said he was okay - we had a signal system worked out - so I figured it was all right. Hopefully I could get out of the encounter without him figuring out I was blind, though. That was always embarrassing.

“That’s all right, thank you,” I returned, trying to keep my voice steady. I hoped to heaven he hadn’t moved, because I was staring fixedly at where the voice had first come from. “They’re very well behaved, as you see.” I gestured to either side of me where I knew the dogs would be standing, looking at him and panting. Secretly I exulted in the fact that he was willing to watch all my dogs - he must like animals, then.

“Ah, yes.” He cleared his throat and shifted from foot to foot. I was glad he was as uncomfortable as I was - it put us on somewhat equal footing. “You’ve got a lot of dogs here,” he said awkwardly.

I couldn’t suppress a grimace. Typical line, there. “Well observed,” I congratulated him sarcastically.

“Sorry, I guess that was sort of obvious,” he said. I could hear the smile in his voice and I wished desperately I could just see. For one minute.

“That’s all right,” I assured him. “I’ve got some shopping to do, though. Excuse me.” I turned exactly ninety degrees and took one step forward. By my calculations, the door should be right here… I stepped on something warm and furry and fell backward heavily. As I fell, I bit my lip to suppress my cursing. I knew it wasn’t one of my dogs - they knew better than to get underfoot - so it must be a stray cat or something. I hoped it wasn’t hurt.

I braced myself for the smack of cold cement. When I fell I completely lost all sense of direction, so I didn’t know which way to turn to catch myself. One of the many curses of blindness. Then - surprise - I felt two enormous, calloused hands braced against my back. I could feel the strength and power running through those hands, and the heat that burned through my damp shirt. I scrambled to regain my footing and only succeeded in stepping on his foot - he wasn’t wearing shoes - and falling back against his chest. I gasped at the burning heat and the writhing muscles under his warm skin. I wrenched away from his enormous hands and stared wildly around, trying again to see him.

“Are you… naked?” I asked breathlessly.

He laughed, the sound rumbling out of his chest like a train emerging from a tunnel. “No, but I could be if you wanted.”

Ugh. “No thanks,” I said quickly, turning away. Then I stopped, curiosity overcoming me. “Are you sick?”

“Excuse me?” he asked politely, puzzled tone in his voice.

“Your skin is so hot - I thought perhaps you had a fever,” I explained.

“Oh. Nope, no fever,” he said cheerfully.

“Aren’t you cold without a shirt, in this weather?” I asked, frowning.

“Aren’t you cold in this weather with only a skirt on T-shirt?” he countered triumphantly.

As a matter of fact… no, I wasn’t. I certainly had been before, but I could still feel the burning warmth of his hands against my back, and that warmed me to the core. The size of his hands was another thing I was curious about. I figured - since life had cursed me so roundly already - I could afford to be a little rude.

“How tall are you?” I asked.

He laughed again - I had a feeling he did that frequently. “Well over six feet, and that’s all you need to know.”

I frowned, shaking my head. “Are you sure you’re not well over seven feet?”

He stopped laughing abruptly. “How could you tell?”

“Your hands. My father is six feet five inches tall and his hands aren’t nearly as big as yours,” I explained, feeling foolish. What seeing person would notice the size of somebody’s hands?

“Ah. Well, you’re right. I’m seven two,” he said quietly. I had a feeling he was staring at me intently, and it made me uncomfortable.

I shifted from foot to foot, then sighed and held out my hand. “Well, thank you very much for catching me,” I said. I waited for his hand to engulf mine, and blinked when I felt my shoulders gripped in his iron fingers. He turned me gently thirty degrees. I blushed.

“You were a little off,” he said, and I heard the teasing lilt in his voice.

Oh, well. Now he knew. There was no help for it. “Yeah, I’m blind. It’s recent,” I explained. “But I’m getting better. It’s just hard to keep track of where I am when I fall.”

“You do a very good impression of a seeing person,” he offered. “I’m Jacob Black, by the way. I live down at La Push, on the reservation.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful,” I said. “I’ve always loved the ocean, especially since… yes, well. The sound is very soothing, don’t you think?”

“The waves, the salt, the driftwood, the clouds,” Jacob - I savored his name on my tongue - Jacob said enthusiastically.

“Exactly,” I agreed, smiling.

“You’re new in town, aren’t you?” he asked curiously.

I could tell he was going for my name and personal information. He could just die of curiosity for all I cared. “Yep,” I said cheerfully. I carefully turned again and started towards the door. Meth ran around me and nosed out the door. I followed her sniffing noises and found the handle.

“Look - I don’t know how you usually do this sort of thing, but I’d be happy to help you out if you’d like,” Jacob offered from behind me.

“Help me shop?” I asked, dubious.

I felt a wave of heat pass me as his bare feet padded against the wet cement. The door creaked as he opened it and stood expectantly, waiting. Meth was just standing there - she must really like this guy. “Sure, why not?”

I knew why not. Because he was an enormous, muscled, hot, Native American stranger with no shirt on who might be a rapist in disguise for all I knew. Because I was incredibly attracted to him and I really felt like I needed to see him, just once. Because I was small and scared and blind and… well, I hated to say it, but… practically helpless, except for my dogs. And Meth wouldn’t be any help here, obviously.

Before I could try to explain all this to Jacob, I heard Mrs. Dangly’s voice behind me. “Jacob Black, shut that door this minute! You’re letting the rain in.”

I heard her approaching across the floor, heels tapping impatiently on the linoleum. “Good morning, Mrs. Dangly,” I said politely. I stepped past Jacob Black and into the warm store, sighing in relief. Meth followed closely behind me, and Jacob followed close behind Meth.

“Sorry, Mrs. Dangly,” he said, deep voice especially loud in the quiet of the store. “It’s not my fault that this girl here is exceptionally confused.”

I blushed again and brushed my hand against Meth’s coat, trying to draw comfort from the familiar wet coat of my favorite dog.

“How did you meet Heather, Jacob?” Mrs. Dangly asked curiously. She was a gossip and a meddler, but kind at heart and a good judge of character. I relaxed somewhat, knowing that these two knew each other. Jacob must be all right, then.

“Well, we haven’t officially been introduced,” Jacob drawled back. I heard him turn towards me and the heat of his hand approached. I felt around in front of me, trying to locate it, before I felt him clasp my hand gently in both of his. I gasped again, staggered by the warmth. “I’m Jacob Black,” he prompted. I heard the grin in his voice and couldn’t suppress a smile in return. He was so likeable.

“I’m Heather Champion,” I returned, shaking his hand firmly before drawing away from his grip. I liked it far too much for my own good.

“Heather… Champion…” He seemed to be tasting the words on his tongue. I blushed at the feeling that rushed through me as his rich voice rumbled out my name. “Heather Champion, I would love to help you shop today.”

“Oh, would you?” Mrs. Dangly interrupted us eagerly. “Usually I’m glad to help the poor dear, but I’m dreadfully busy just now.”

I frowned, recognizing that crafty tone of voice. She was trying to set me up with Jacob Black! I couldn’t believe it.

“Sure, sure,” Jacob said distractedly, attention still focused on me. “Like I said, I’d love to help you out, Heather.”

“Um, thank you,” I said, giving up. I couldn’t do it by myself - I wasn’t familiar enough with the store yet. I mentally swore to get acquainted with the area as soon as possible so I could refuse help from nerve-wracking strangers next time.


That's as much as I've got so far. What do you think? Should I continue?
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Reviews: 86
Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:53 pm
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Tabithalillian says...

THat was amazing! You got Jacob black down pat! Your writing style mocks Stephenie Meyer's perfectly. I love the description I love how well you know jacob to make him seem so real!! You were amazing! I think you should continue. Heather is terribly real and like a stephenie meyer charecter in teh flesh. You amaze me!
Living in a tower

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Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:38 pm
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Lilyy03 says...

Hee, I enjoyed this! It's refreshing to read Bella-free Twilight stories.

The first thing that struck me was how true to form your Jacob is. The voice, curiosity and sense of humor are spot on. His frankness about himself was quite entertaining, too. *laughs* It's a shame Smeyer never really showed him interacting with girls his age, other than Bella...

I was never a fan of the whole imprinting business, but I think you handled it pretty well. I was glad that he didn't lose his head completely.

Something about the switch to Heather's point of view threw me off momentarily. I think it was that it's not instantly clear where/when it fits in with Jacob's narrative. From the repetition of "Um… do you need someone to watch your dogs while you shop?”, I'm guessing you're backtracking to immediately after she hears the first words he says? I think it might flow better if Jacob takes in her appearance first, and then says something that would trigger her desire to see him.

I think it'd be more intriguing if you didn't reveal right away that Jacob knows she's blind. That way, it'd take the reader a minute to figure out that she can't see (that first paragraph from her POV does it pretty well, I think), and we'd be more caught up in her desperation to keep it hidden from him.

I couldn’t suppress a grimace. Typical line, there. “Well observed,” I congratulated him sarcastically.

:lol: I loved that line, but I think you could do without the "congratulated sarcastically" bit; the sarcasm is obvious on its own.

The rest... I liked it, but I thought the narrative could be tightened a little. Jacob repeats his offer a couple times; you could probably trim it down somewhat.

Other than that, good work. I'm quite intrigued by the girl, her dogs, and her blindness.

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Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:01 pm
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StarDuster says...

Loved how you got to Jacob. I found it a great read. You should definitely continue. I'm wondering about why Heather has so many dogs...I guess I'll just be waiting to read more, then. :)
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Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:09 pm
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writer_ally_reader says...

That was absolutely amazing!! definitly continue!! i thought that you got the characters exactly and it seemed exactly like the actualy twilight( i mean like the writing style and how real you made it seem).... I loved how you introduced heather and slowly brought out her character!! Really, really good!!!!!!

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Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:02 am
Kaylyn says...

Great job, although when you describe Heather I would suggest you show nat tell what she looks like. Ex. Showing- Her auburn hair swung as she walked.
Telling- She had auburn hair

Loved it and it made great reading. *puts on gold star* I hope to see more of your works! PM me if you have any questions.
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Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:13 am
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dommy65 says...

this was awesome! You captured Meyer's style of writing as Jacob perfectly. I can't wait for you to post more!!

Sorry this review isn't much help! Great Job!

~Dommy :P
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Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:59 pm
Carlito says...

I love it! You capture Jacob very, very well.
I haven't read many stories from his POV and if they are I don't think they're that great half the time.
The story line is great, I can't wait to get to know Heather more. I'm also really glad that you didn't make Heather pretty much just a clone of Bella with a different name because that gets annoying really fast.
I can't wait to read more! :D
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