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My Saving Grace - chapter 1

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Fri Dec 28, 2007 9:01 pm

A Dr Who ff. Featuring a Rose/10 relationship.

Set after Doomsday. The Doctor and Martha struggle to get Rose back to their world, just as everything seems to be going to plan a fatal mistake leads to disaster. Will a strange new enemy bring an end to our heroes? Everything has consequences.

Disclaimer: God knows how many times you’ve all read these disclaimers but I’m going to say it all again just coz. I don’t own these characters or the story line this fanfic is based on. They belong to our lord and master ‘The BBC’ ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The Doctor charged through the Tardis doors and flung his body against them, forcing them closed. Leaning over he rested his hands on his knees and breathed deeply, trying to catch his breath. He thinks over how nice it is to visit old friends, Wirrn always did have anger issues. Looking up he sees Martha slumped against the console gasping for air. Smiling with satisfaction at their latest escape from death, the Doctor walks over to Martha and offers her his hand.

‘Right then’ he says, pulling her to her feet. ‘Where to next?’

Martha straightens her clothes and glances over at the Doctor as he whispers gentle words to the Tardis. She sighs quietly to herself, if only she could swap places with the Tardis, for just one day.

‘Are you going to pick somewhere or do I get two goes?’ the Doctor asks, Martha sees the playful glint in his eyes and blurts out the first place that comes to mind.

‘London present day. You know my present day.’ He raises an eyebrow in her direction, and she wishes she knew some more interesting planets by name. The Doctor folds his arms across his chest and leans against the console.

‘Feeling home sick?’

‘No not really, just be nice to see my home planet, that’s all.’ She gives him a look, daring him to say anything against her destination choice. He smiles at her and turns to face the console.

‘Right, London it is then.’ He makes sure his back is too her before closing his eyes and sighing to himself. This was going to be tough.


Rose Tyler strode briskly down the corridors of a London office, Thomas her deputy of sorts, jogged behind her trying to keep up with her in a dignified manner. Stopping at an elevator, Rose pushed the button and folded her arms, the meeting with UNIT had not gone to plan. They where defiantly not what she had been expecting and was a little disappointed. After all the Doctor had said about them she thought they would be a little less egotistic. She taps her foot in irritation as the elevator door opens for her, Thomas squeezes himself inside as the doors began to close. Rose leans against the back of the elevator and listens to Elton John sing her a chorus of Can You Feel The Love Tonight. She certainly wasn’t going to be feeling any love tonight, she’d remained strictly single after she’d been left here and work kept her more than occupied most of the time. Mickey had a new girlfriend, she was expecting their first child. Mum and Dad had April and each other, she’d made sure she had no one, she never wanted his memory to tarnish, her Doctor, somehow being with someone else made her feel unfaithful. Thomas cleared his throat and Rose turned her head to face him, letting him know she was listening.

‘There’s been a development with the Krillitanes Ms Tyler. The one we captured and tagged has just moved off the Mars surface, it looks like it’s heading this way.’ Thomas waited for her reply. Rose stared straight ahead listening in cold silence.

‘The peace treaty you organised between us and the Flog system has been signed and is awaiting your counter signature, that’s back at the office.’ He ruffled some papers as her searched for the note he’d stuck to his clipboard that morning.

‘And the Police Public Call box you had us search for still hasn’t been sighted, we’ve had all our surveillance equipment on it but there’s still no sign of it Ms Tyler.’ The elevator doors opened and a sweet, young voice told them to mind their step and have a nice day. As Rose strode across the police parquet floor of the lobby she dictated her latest orders to Thomas.

‘Have the Army notified that the Krillitanes might be on their way back for a visit and tell the Japanese satellites to keep their noses out of it this time, the last thing we want is Japan making a counter attack on them. Oh and make sure the Air Force keeps scouting the skies for it. Make sure UNIT knows that we have everything under control, I don’t want them capturing and blasting the crap out of anything before I get a chance to question it first.

I’ll sign the peace treaty tomorrow, send a message to the Flog system letting them know that I’m glad they backed down and I’ll try my best to locate their leader.
The Police Call Box...’ Rose paused unsure what she should do. Her heart told her to keep searching, that one day he would come back for her. Her head told her that they needed the equipment for other things, they couldn’t keep wasting resources on this. She pictured the Doctor standing on the beach in Cardiff, telling her he could never come back.

‘Ms Tyler?’ Thomas looked at her anxiously as she stood with her hand on the door of London’s UNIT headquarters.

‘Call off the search, use the satellites to track the Krillitane, I want to know exactly where it’s going to land.’ Finishing their conversation with a tone of finality, Rose pushed the door open and strode off down the streets of London, tears in her eyes. She was finally starting to let him go.


The Tardis touched down in London with a dying screech of it’s engines. Martha jumped up from the sofa and launched herself at the door, the Doctor watched her in silence. He’d kept a good deal of distance between himself and London since he’d set off with Martha. There was no other place in the universe that could effect him the way London could. All the other places he’d lost companions where shut away in his memory, but London couldn’t be shut away somewhere dark. It was her home, her life and her death all mixed up together and it gave him the most mixed up feelings.

He walked slowly towards the door and placed his hand on the white panelling, he felt the Tardis give him a little mental push, maybe this was the first step of letting her go. He stepped out into the bright sunshine of London’s high street. Martha was checking out some of the stalls, already spending the money he’d given her on the way here. He remembered taking Rose here sometime after his regeneration, they shopped together, holding hands in the last minute Christmas rush. He lent against the Tardis doors and watched the people pass him by, not giving him a second glance. Not one of them knew what a sacrifice she had made for them in the Torchwood tower. God the nights he’d spent thinking about every second of that day, trying to think of something he did wrong, he couldn’t let himself believe it was a fluke, that it was destiny, that he and Rose were never truly meant to be together. On the street corner the Doctor could see a young woman singing Over The Rainbow for money. He walked closer, hands in his pockets listening to the beautiful young woman sing. He sat on a wall near her and waited for Martha to come and find him.

He liked Martha, she had a brilliant mind and personality, but she wasn’t Rose and never would be. He raked his hands through his hair and glanced up at the skyline, he could just make out the tip of the deserted Torchwood tower in the distance, the sun reflecting back off it’s many windows. He pulled his eyes away just in time to see Martha bound over to him already weighed down with bags.

‘Come on, plenty more shops left to tackle. Do they have a HMV near here? I’m only just surviving on last album.’ The Doctor smiled at her and pointed her in the right direction, following her slowly up the street. Martha looked back at him every so often, he wasn’t himself, off in his own world somewhere, maybe London hadn’t been the best choice. She shook herself that couldn’t be it, London was just as good as anywhere else, it wasn’t as if anything special happened here recently now was it.


‘Another meeting? Sweetheart it’s four in the afternoon, come over just for a while. It won’t hurt if you miss one little meeting.’ Rose sighed as she made herself a coffee, her Mum’s voice filled her large, empty flat resounding off the walls. If it wasn’t for speaker phone Rose would never have got anything done, so many people wanted her attention, the army, UNIT, Torchwood, paparazzi, the president, Mum, she never got any peace.

‘I can’t Mum, this one’s important. Besides if I’m not there, they’ll do something stupid and discover another alien race living in the sewers or something and start an intergalactic war.’

‘They work you so hard darling. If I were you I’d tell them to screw their high and mighty job and settle down somewhere quiet. Oh speaking of settling down you know Harry from the estate down the road? Well he just got engaged to the barmaid Tara, she’s a piece of work, if I was her...’ Rose wasn’t listening, there weren't many times when she did, it made her feel so guilty they way her mother bad mouthed . She hadn’t exactly lied about her work, she’d just not told her the whole truth. She volunteered to work the long hours, the overtime, go to all the meetings no one wanted. It was the only way to switch off the memories, the only way she could beat the sleepless nights. Tonight's meeting was signalling a break through she’d secretly been hoping for, it broke her heart that she had to fight against it, bring the project down. No one wanted it to succeed more than she did and she couldn’t allow it, seeing what it had done to her home all those years ago. It couldn’t happen again. Gulping down the last of her coffee she addressed her mother.

‘I’ve got to go, I’m going to be late. I love you, talk to you later.’


‘and so we should just be able to fit several people, pioneers if you will through to the other side. This could provide us with information that could advance our society thousands of years. Mister President this is an opportunity too great to ignore.’ The scientist twisted his pointer around in his hands and anxious look upon his face, Rose stood to the back of the darkened room, watching in sombre silence. The President moved toward the large glowing hole in the wall, studying it careful, Rose hoped he wouldn’t reach out and touch it, that was the last thing she wanted, a full scale riot when their president disappeared. She could guarantee she’d be left to pick up the pieces and get the President back. He turned sharply on his heel and asked Rose to step forward.

‘We’ve heard the argument for this... experiment. Ms Tyler please present your argument against to us.’ The President took a seat in front of her and regarded her carefully from behind his glasses. He was the peoples choice after the previous President died at the hand of the Cyber men, she liked him, he reminded her of the Doctor and it made her job all the more easier for it.

Rose stepped toward the bright hole that burned in front of her, she felt the Tardis key on it’s chain bump against her chest reminding her of what she was about to do. Taking a steadying breath she turned to face the President, gesturing at the hole she addressed her small audience.

‘This is no mere gateway to another world, this is a hole in time. A hole into what is known as a time vortex. This will lead you into a parallel universe, you’ve discovered a crack in time. If used this will only lead you into a world exactly like our own, there will be no knowledge, no other natural resources, nothing that you can use that you don’t already have. Every time you open this hole you crack more of time itself, opening the bridge to this other world, will mean disaster for us. There is no other way to fix this crack in time once you have abused it enough. It must be closed, for good if you fail to do this out world will collapse and will be the end not only of our lives but of our planet. Once this world collapses there will be no where to hide.’ Rose turned to the President and captured his eyes imploring him without words.

‘Please, Mister President, with all respect if you allow this, you condemn us all to death.’ A voice addressed her from the group of important people she was trying top convince to shut down the bridge, forcing her to break her contact with the President.

‘Ms Tyler, how can you make such wild allegations. How could you possibly know this will happen, this is our first documented incident of a ’hole in time’ What proof do you have that this will come about?’ Everyone turned to face Rose, expectation and curiosity in their faces. The secretary of defence sat back down in her seat looking triumphant, Rose shot her a stony look before answering her question.

‘I have no evidence to prove these claims. I can only give you my word that it will happen.’

‘Why should we believe these claims, we have hard proof of what I am saying to you. This will help us greatly Ms Tyler’s claims have no scientific weight. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that what she claims is correct.’ The scientist that had spoken before caught Rose’s eyes and looked away, unable to hold her gaze. Rose looked back at the President.

‘Sir, I am certain, please don’t do this.’ He held her gaze searching her. He stood and walked over to the hole in time and space, Rose stood next to him, the paused and held a silence for a few minutes. Rose gasped and clutched at her chest, the Tardis key was hot against her skin, pulling almost at her mind telling her desperately that what she searched and longed for was on the other side of the crack in time. The President turned to her, concern etched slightly upon his face.

‘Are you alright Ms Tyler?’ She looked up at him and smiled slightly.

‘Fine Sir. I’d feel a lot better thought if you demanded that this project be shut down and the hole closed for good.’

‘You know that I value you your word and expertise Ms Tyler. Can you promise me that closing this hole would be for the greater good?’ Rose started deeply into his face, trying to make him believe her and see her honesty.

‘I promise you sir, that if you do not act we will die.’ He nodded at her seeing her truth. Turning to the expectant scientist he spoke.

‘I want this project shut down, you have one week to close this place down and seal the whole for good. I will have this project monitored to make sure that it is done correctly, Ms Tyler here will lead the supervising group. I shall return in one week to see if it has been done.’

‘But Sir!.’ The President glared at the scientist and he fell silent.

‘I’ll see you all in a weeks time.’ and he left.


Pacing down the streets of London the Doctor and Martha stopped in front of UNIT base 2. Martha licked her ice cream thoughtfully.

‘So, what is this place again?’

‘UNIT, United,Nations, Intelligence, Task force. The best at what they do, and about the only people in power that will believe you if you ran down the streets screaming that aliens had landed.’ Martha smiled.

‘Your type of people then?’ The Doctor grinned at her.

‘Oh yeah.’ Martha looked back up at the huge building. It was a little bit over done, little but too big for her liking.

‘We stopping in for a social call then?’ She asked. The Doctor shook his head.

‘Nah, the old Brigadier moved on ages ago. Not really got close with anyone in UNIT since, still if your ever in a tight spot their the people to call.’ They started to walk off down the street , Martha turned around to get another glance at the huge building and was just in time to see a young man run out of the door of UNIT and look frantically down the street and then right at them, grabbing his papers close to his chest he began to run after then. Martha reached out and grabbed the Doctor’s sleeve.

‘Doctor, that guy’s running after us.’ The Doctor pulled his glasses out of his pocket and put them on, squinting into the distance he studied the man running towards them, until he was almost on top of them. He took off his glasses quite calmly and turned to Martha.

‘So he is.’ Martha sighed in exasperation, as the man reached them, gasping heavily and
bent double. The two waited for him to catch his breath and straighten up.

‘Are you the Doctor?’

‘Yes’ A small frown appeared on the Doctor’s forehead.

‘Sir, UNIT need to see you, now. It’s a matter of extreme importance.’ The Doctor studied the man for a moment, suddenly is mega watt smile appeared on his face.

‘Lead on sir.’ As Martha and the Doctor followed the man into UNIT Martha leaned over to whisper to the Doctor.

‘If this is an abduction attempt, I’m trading you for my freedom.’


A large man than resembled Simon Cowell’s bodyguard approached them, the tight army uniform he was wearing did nothing for his figure and only seemed to be succeeding in making him hot and angry. He approached the Doctor and addressed him in a agitated voice.

‘We have a situation Doctor, a very serious one here in an office just down the corridor.
Before I show you there I must ask for your word that you will not disclose this
information to anyone.’ The Doctor nodded at him, keeping his gaze.

‘I give you my word.’

‘Follow me then sir.’ The officer held the door for them and strode off down the corridor, the Doctor raised his eyebrows at Martha who stifled a giggle.

‘You never know’ He whispered to her ‘Maybe we’ll save the world before tea this time.’


‘I can’t believe it.’ The Doctor stood in front of a large glowing circle in the middle of UINIT’s offices. Martha came up behind him a put a hand on his shoulder.

‘What is it?’ Donning his most serious face the Doctor turned to Martha and gave her a look that to her only meant trouble. He turned to officer.

‘Could you give us a minute.’ Grumbling a little to himself the officer left them to it. The Doctor without wasting a second, whipped out his glasses and sonic screwdriver and began examining the hole. Martha crouched down next to him and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. The Doctor studied her, she was so like Rose when she did that.

‘So what is this thing then?’ The Doctor sighed and sat back on his heels.

‘It’s a hole in space and time, leading to a parallel world.’

‘You mean a world exactly like this one? Like in the movies?’ The Doctor gave her a look.

‘Yes just like in the movies. Only if this is used to much the world will collapse and that’s not good for us.’

‘So get rid of it then.’ He looked at his companion and she saw the look in his eyes.

‘You don’t want to, do you?’ He looked away and started to fiddle with his screwdriver.

‘Doctor what’s going on?’ She placed a hand on his shoulder. Looking straight into the vortex he spoke.

‘Without going too much into it, this could be my only way back to Rose.’

‘But, by using it you could destroy the world.’ She frowned, there wasn’t a situation in the world that could be worse than this one.

‘Theoretically.’ He started probing the hole again with the sonic screwdriver. Martha watched him not wanting to say anything for fear of upsetting him.

‘Yes!’ Martha jumped.

‘What, what is it!?’

‘This hole in time hasn’t been used yet. Nothing gone through it, nothing’s stretched it. Now if I can stabilise it with the screwdriver and the Tardis for one trip in and out again, I could... I could get her back.’ He flashed her another huge smile before turning all his attention back to rescuing his old companion. Martha’s heart leapt and sank at the same time. She was so happy for him and sad for herself, with Rose back there was no way she was ever going to have a chance with the Doctor. Taking a deep breath she decided that it was her job as his assistant and friend to help him and support him.

‘So what do we need to do?’ The Doctor gives her a smile, not a mega watt, slightly over done smile but a gentle caring smile. Martha smiles back, that what Rose must have had all the time, lucky girl.

‘Okay well the first thing I’ve got to do is stabilise the crack enough so that the Tardis turning up won’t split it wide open.’ A little tinkering later and the Doctor straightened up.

‘That should do it, now back to the Tardis Miss Jones.’ Running to the door the pair charged out of it and down the corridor, the Doctor shouted at the officer over his shoulder demanding that no one be let in on pain of death.

Outside UNIT the Doctor took Martha's hand and ran down the high street and to the Tardis. Quickly unlocking the door he rushed inside to the console. Martha stopped inside the door and leaned against the railing to catch her breath.

‘You know we really need to break you of this fetish for running.’ The Doctor grinned at her as he fired up the engines.


‘Okay Martha I need you to hold down this lever and press this button when I say, you got that?’ Martha nodded and gave him an encouraging smile.

‘It’s really important that you don’t push the button next to it okay.’ Martha nods again. The Doctor gives her an excited smile. He makes his way quickly to the door carrying an arm full of pipes.

‘Doctor?’ He turns to face her a questioning look on his face.

‘What happens if I hold this down.’ He shrugs.

‘Something bad. Tried it once before with an assistant of mine, didn’t turn out so good.’ Martha gives him a shocked look as he leaves. After he wires up the pipes and double checks everything he takes a second to think about what he’s doing, he’ll see her again, that beautiful smile. He grins to himself and calls back to Martha.

‘Alright Martha, fire her up!’


Rose filed her nails and watched the scientists removing all the research equipment from the room. Two armed guards stood at the door making sure nothing was checked in or out that shouldn’t be. The hole in time would still work, without the stabilising equipment, Rose couldn't help but be tempted to throw herself into it. The Doctor taught her better than that, she knew that throwing herself into the vortex would kill her, besides there is no guarantee to where she would turn up. Sighing she set her nail file down.

‘Are you nearly done?’ The scientist that had spoken against her earlier looked up.

‘It takes a long time to shift weeks worth of research Ms Tyler.’ The scientists poisonous tone had no effect on her. Rose shrugged and walked over to the vortex. Folding her arms across her chest she stared into its depths. Suddenly her Tardis key came alive, it pulled against it’s chain and became almost unbearably hot, a gentle breeze began to flow through out the room, Rose backed away from the vortex not daring to believe what could be happening. She smiled as her ears picked up the faint sound of the Tardis engines.
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Thanks so much for reading. I hope I didn't bore you too much!

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Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:32 pm
Blue Fairy says...


most people prefer to read things if they don't have to download them. it could contain a virus (not saying that you would send a virus) and that stops more people from reading it.

I would definietly read it the description sounds good but not downloaded.

Fairy :)

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Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:04 pm
bluecows says...

Another Dr who fan, YAY!!!

I liked the idea of the Tardis encouring the Doctor to get on with things, I never thought of them comunicating on that level.

However, why does the Presidant listen to Rose about shutting the time vortex with no evidance to back her story? Unless she managed to build hersef a repution in those circles almost as good as the Doctors it doesnt make sense.

Love the idea of the Doctor having a chance to go after Rose, thats deffinatly what he would do, esspecially after messing up the chance to tell her he loved her.

A few grammer mistakes, nothing serois that i could see.

Keep it up!!!!!

Oh yeah, the Drdrdrdrddrdrdr to seperate the sections of the chapter was a really great idea :lol:
To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour. – William Blake

I was lying in bed, watching the stars and i thought, 'where the hell is the ceiling?' :wink:

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Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:31 pm
The-Phantoms-Thorne says...

I quite liked this. You characterised well, spelling and grammar was good, would have liked more input from Martha. Perhaps the Doctor noticing that she was a little more quite than usual, a bit hesitant to get Rose back.

But still, it's a great story and I shall keep reading!
~@ Hyde's Classic Lines @~
“I must say, I enjoy a bit of carnage in the evening.”
“Well, this is the oddest angle I've seen London at, I must confess.”

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Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:29 pm
tdownes says...

I am loving this story - being totally obsessed with this topic...I tend to write fan-fictions like this, but I'm afraid to post them for fear of being mocked for sounding too sentimental..

Now, I have nitpicks - but I now am your fan.
It was her home, her life and her death all mixed up together and it gave him the most mixed up feelings.

Now, I like this sentence, because it does convey his heartache, but it's not exactly powerhouse regarding the latter part of the sentence. The end part... - I feel it ruins the whole sentence a little, meaning you didn't bring it off very fluidly... I think that if you worded a little differently it might sound better.
The way in which both Rose and the Doctor are both in the same frame of mind has been brought off very well - and Martha's pondering about their relationship. She could have had a bit more input though...

Rose leans against the back of the elevator and listens to Elton John sing her a chorus of Can You Feel The Love Tonight. She certainly wasn’t going to be feeling any love tonight, she’d remained strictly single after she’d been left here and work kept her more than occupied most of the time. Mickey had a new girlfriend, she was expecting their first child. Mum and Dad had April and each other, she’d made sure she had no one, she never wanted his memory to tarnish, her Doctor, somehow being with someone else made her feel unfaithful.

I liked the slight irony here - of the song [you couldn't have picked a better one]. Now that the end of series four had actually happened, it's even more coincedental of your story. She's very much lonely - and this pointed out in the last three episodes anyway.

There were some parts I considered unnecessary [which I won't point to -for my shame :roll:] and your style confused me at points. Your punctuation could do with a touch-up, of course, but in all, this is very good and well laid-out.

But the relentless "drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdr..." [and recurring] just annoyed me. If you wanted to siphone off the chapters, whatever - you could use multiple underscores or asterisks. I know you want it to add to the effect, but...
He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm and the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the center of time and he can see the turn of the Universe. And ...he's wonderful.

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Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:51 pm
Sakah says...

‘You know we really need to break you of this fetish for running.’

Ha, I love this :roll:

I really like your fic so far, the characterization is great, and the Doctor's as odd as ever! The only problem I have with this story is your grammar (I'd highly recommend searching for a beta, they are truly a life-saver!)

I really like your writing style and how you mix in descriptions and dialouge quite nicely ^-^ I can't wait to see what happens next.
Music is like candy, you have to throw away the wrappers ^-^

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." — Confucius

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Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:43 pm
Firestalker says...

Oooooh a Doctor who fanfic yay!!!!!!!!!1
And it seems your a doctor who Fan??

Martha straightens her clothes and glances over at the Doctor as he whispers gentle words to the Tardis. She sighs quietly to herself, if only she could swap places with the Tardis, for just one day.

I see you've got what Martha likes right.

Stopping at an elevator, Rose pushed the button and folded her arms, the meeting with UNIT had not gone according to plan.

‘The peace treaty you organised between us and the Flog system has been signed and is awaiting your counter signature, that’s back at the office.’ He ruffled some papers as he[s]r[/s] searched for the note he’d stuck to his clipboard that morning.

‘Please, Mister President, with all respect if you allow this, you condemn us all to death.’ A voice addressed her from the group of important people she was trying to[s]p[/s] convince to shut down the bridge, forcing her to break her contact with the President.

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!111 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

You got to be kidding where's the rest??
Well okay the fanfic was great and realistic, except for the fact that half of it was in present tense and the other half was in past tense. Well anyway keep writing, I see that you're a great fan of Doctor who or you could not possibly write like his. Keep writing. :wink:
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

A Prince of Darkness Is a Gentleman
— William Shakespeare