
Young Writers Society

My Saving Grace - Chapter 2

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Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:20 pm
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Title: Reunion


Series: Doctor Who

Rating: K+

Genre: Romance/ General

Spoilers: Some spoilers for Doomsday and very, very subtle spoiler for The Age of Steel ( I know the episodes are ages old, sorry folks!)

Characters: Doctor (Tenth), Rose Tyler and Martha Jones

Disclaimer: God knows how many times you’ve all read these disclaimers but I’m going to say it all again just coz. I don’t own these characters or the story line this fanfic is based on. They belong to our lord and master ‘The BBC’ ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Summary: After Doomsday Rose goes to work for Torchwood. The Doctor and Martha struggle to get her back to their world but when everything seems to be going to plan and fatal mistake leads to disaster, and the Doctor must fight to keep his companion and love alive.

Dedications: Everyone who’s read anything I’ve done over the years and gave their constructive criticism.

Warnings: May contain a little bad language further along in the story.


As the Tardis began to slowly materialise into office number 48, Rose stood watching, hardly daring to believe what was happening. Her heart hammered in her chest as she revealed in the familiar sound of the Tardis’ engines, at last she was going home.
The engines roared one last time and fell silent, Rose didn’t dare breathe, the anticipation was too much. The Tardis door opened and he stepped out. Her Doctor, untouched by time, in all his magnificent glory, restored to her. No sound could be heard everyone in the room stood amazed at what had just occurred in front of them. Rose and the Doctor stared at each other, taking each other in. Rose studied the Doctor, he hadn’t regenerated again that was a small blessing, the same as the memories engraved in her mind. His eyes sparkled in that way only his could, his lips curved into the gentle smile she knew so well, it made her heart soar as she walked towards him.
She looked incredible, five years had only improved her already polished features into perfection. Her gorgeous blond hair now waist length. Fuller curves, hugged by her black silk suit. She walked with all the grace and authority of a woman little emotion, but her eyes still held that familiar warmth that glowed from within and melted his heart. She stopped in front of him and reached up, never taking her eyes from his and touched his cheek with her finger tips. Sliding her hand up she rested her whole hand against his face, her touch calming his raging heart beat.

‘Your real, your really here.’ She whispered, tears of joy filling her eyes.

‘Hello’ He whispered back to her before sweeping her up into a desperate hug. Her arms flung around his neck as he lifted her off the floor, pulling her closer than ever. His arms around her waist warmed her through, the familiar feeling of his skin next to hers made her want to cry with relief. She wept as her face found the crook of his neck. His own tears dampened her shirt collar as he consoled her.

‘Shhhh, Rose. It's alright, shhhh.’ he whispered gentle words to her, as he set her on her feet. Her head found his warm, firm chest, she wound her arms around his torso and breathed him in. He pulled her even closer with an arm around the small of her back and the other around her shoulders. He rubbed the back of her neck soothingly as she continued to hiccup gently in a way he found sweetly endearing. His fingers found a warm chain against her skin, he removed his hand and pulled out her Tardis key. Turning it over in his fingers he tilted his head to one side to get a better look at her.

‘You kept it, all these years?’ She looked up at him from under her hair.

‘Of course I kept it. I would never get rid of it, it was my connection to you.’ She snuggled deeper into his embrace as he smiled and placed the key back next to her chest, before kissing her hair gently.
Thomas looked on, along with the other members of Torchwood and various members of security. This man, who ever he was must be quite extraordinary, to melt the stone cold Ms Tyler’s heart. He didn’t look like much but there was something about him, something that made you trust him instantly and his large blue box was rather impressive, unfortunately Thomas wasn’t the only one to think so. An armed guard approached Thomas from behind and clapped him on the shoulder making him jump. Whispering something into Thomas’ ear he threw him a pointed look and backed away looking expectant. Swallowing hard, Thomas nervously made his way top Ms Tyler and her ‘friend’.

‘E- excuse me, Ms Tyler?’ Rose turned to look at Thomas and smiled at him.

‘Thomas, this is the Doctor. I’m sorry but there’s somewhere I need to be. Could you do me a huge favour? Go to the top draw of my desk and get out a letter addressed to my family. Oh and in there are the forms I’ve signed giving you the place at the head of Torchwood.’ Thomas stood open mouthed.

M- Ms Tyler, I - I.’ Rose smiled even wider and gently pulled herself away from the Doctor to take Thomas by the hand.

‘I never thanked you. All these years, everything you’ve done for me and I never thanked you once. I couldn’t have done it without you.’ Rose leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek. As she turned back to the Doctor, Thomas called her back.

‘They want to ask your friend some questions. Ms Tyler, I think you’d better leave, quickly.’ Rose looked over at the armed men, their was something threatening about the way they looked at her.

‘Thanks Thomas, don’t forget will you.’ Thomas smiled at Rose for the first time in all their years together and shook her hand.

‘Good luck Ms Tyler.’ Rose turned back to the Doctor an old flame relit in her eyes.

‘You ready to run?’ Rose asked, the Doctor looked at her a confused smile flashing across his face.

‘Oh, I’m always ready.’ Grabbing Rose’s hand the Doctor took off towards the Tardis.

‘Don’t kill them, we need them alive!’ The largest armed guard yelled over the deafening sound of gunfire as the armed guards opened fire in a desperate attempt to prevent the Doctor from reaching his Tardis.
Propelling himself and Rose through the doors of the Tardis, the Doctor yelled for Martha.

‘We’ve got trouble!’

‘What else is new?’ Martha muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes. She sneaked a quick look around the Tardis’ control panel to get a look at the legendary Rose Tyler. She was beautiful, the Doctor hadn’t spoken about her much but from the precious little information she’d obtained she’d built up a rather overemphasised image of the Doctor’s former companion. She’d expected Jordan mark two, with a large vocabulary and irritating habit to make the Doctor drool over her every move. Watching her re-familiarise herself with the Tardis, Martha couldn’t help but feel slightly ashamed at the way she’d misjudged her, she didn’t want to admit it to herself but Rose actually looked like quite a decent person.
Rose strode around the console with an ease that only comes with years of time travel and watched the Doctor prance around his Tardis, punching in coordinates and giving her a smart tap with his mallet every now and again.

‘Hello old girl. Did you miss me?’ Rose asked the Tardis, she hummed gently in reply giving the back of Rose’s mind a nudge.

‘Yeah I missed you too.’ Martha couldn’t help but feel jealous. Not only did Rose share a special bond with the Doctor but his time machine too. She was awoken from her daydream by the Doctor’s hand waving in front of her face.

‘Hello, Martha! Danger this way comes! I need you to hold down that lever and pull down the one you were holding before, when I say go. Then on three, press down the button you were holding before four times, but don’t push the one next to that or bad things happen. Got all that?’

‘Err..’ The Doctor beamed at her.

‘Great, here we go!.’ The engines started up, Rose stood listening happily as the Tardis kicked into life. The Doctor pranced merrily about, tapping buttons, hitting the monitor and shouting out random phrases in Gallifreyan. Martha struggled to hold down the two levers and press the little red button about two meters from her finger tips. Suddenly the Tardis hit a patch of ‘time turbulence’ the Doctor informed them by yelled over the roaring of the engines. Martha who was desperately trying to reach her button, slipped as a large jolt rocked the entire ship and left Rose and the Doctor on the floor and Martha clinging to the console. Slamming her hand down Martha pressed the button, hard and grabbed a hold of her levers as the Doctor and Rose jumped to their feet and tried to beat the Tardis into submission.
Soon enough the Tardis found a smooth piece of time vortex to settle in and floated quite happily through, oblivious to the mess that her interior was in.
The Doctor reached out a hand to Rose and hauled her off the floor.

‘Nothing like a bit of turbulence to get you going.’ Rose caught his eye and spluttered with laughter. She’d forgotten just how much fun he could be. Martha coughed quietly to get their attention.

‘Hey, Rose, this is Martha Jones. We’ve been travelling together for a while.’ Rose eyed up her opponent, not quite sure whether she liked her or not.

‘How longs a while?’ The Doctor raked a hand through his hair. He looked so adorable that Rose felt herself falling in love all over again.

‘Well about... a year and a half.’ The Doctor looked at her warily, unsure how she’d react. Rose took a deep breath. Eighteen months was a long time, by the time she’d been travelling with the Doctor for that long she was sharing his bed every night. She couldn’t help but get the feeling that Martha had something for the Doctor, she’d seen the look in her eyes when she’d entered the Tardis holding the Doctor’s hand. With a huge surge of self control and the urge to be mature, Rose decided that at least the Doctor hadn’t been on his own, she probably owed her lovers sanity to this woman. She reached out a hand to Martha.

‘Hi, I don’t know how much he’s told you about me, but..’ Martha cut her off in mid sentence, grasping her hand a little harder than necessary.

‘He’s told me all I need to know.’ Rose shook Martha’s hand politely and smiled, before withdrawing her own. She turned to the Doctor and raised her eyebrows, he shrugged discreetly. Moving off around the console the Doctor checked over his precious time machine, leaving the two women alone.
Rose stroked the time machine affectionately, her Mum was right she was turning into the Doctor. That was so long ago now, the battle at Canary Warf, so long since she’d last seen her Doctor. She discreetly took a look at Martha, he could have picked worse people to travel with, she looked like a nice enough girl. Her comment about knowing all she needed too had thrown her a little, what was that supposed to mean. Rose looked up as the Doctor approached the panel Martha had been minding, he took out his sonic screwdriver and ran it over the console, he frowned slightly to himself.

‘Martha did you push that button that I specifically told you not to touch? That one that if you pressed it, very bad things would happen.’ The Doctor fixed her with a look of concern and impatience. Martha rewound her memory, of course she hadn’t pressed his stupid button, I mean she’d only been knocked off balance for a second. Then again, she just might have accidentally knocked it, had she? had she really knocked it? For the life of her she couldn’t remember, what damage could it do anyway? It was just one little button.

‘Nope , didn’t touch it.’ The Doctor looked at her for a long moment, before a huge smile took over his face.

‘Good, excellent work Martha Jones. On we go, planets to see, species to save!’ Martha laughed nervously still unsure whether she’d pushed that button or not.
Rose rubbed the small of her back that still ached from her heavy fall onto the Tardis floor. Flopping down into the chair facing the console she moved her hands over the faded fabric. Tilting her head back to face the ceiling, she closed her eyes and smiled.

‘God, I’ve missed this.’ The Doctor sat down heavily next to her.

‘Yeah?’ Rose’s smile widened.

‘Yeah.’ He took her hand in his and kissed it.

‘I’ve missed this too.’ Rose lifted her head and opened her eyes, meeting his. She could drown in his eyes, chocolate brown, shining with warmth and care. Martha chucked some of the Doctor’s tools back into their box, reminding them both that they wern’t alone.

‘Well, I’m off. I’m going to go see what you’ve done to my room. I swear if you’ve chucked any of my stuff into the time vortex, I’ll throw your tea in after it.’ The Doctor’s eyes widened in mock horror.

‘You wouldn’t dare.’ Rose smiled slyly back at him.

‘Wouldn’t I?’ The Doctor laughed hartily as Rose turned her back on him and made her way down the winding corridors of the Tardis. The Doctor placed his arms behind his head and leaned back in his chair, watching Martha clean up what was ultimatly his mess.

‘So what do you think of Rose?’ Martha straightened up a mallet in hand.

‘She seems nice enough.’ Martha walked over handing the Doctor his mallet and sitting down next to him.

‘Martha... I know this has got to be difficult for you but...’

‘No it’s fine Doctor, she’s your girlfriend, she deserves to be here.’ The Doctor turned his mallet over in his hands not quite wanting to meet his friends eyes. Martha sighed, she always knew that if the fabled Rose returned things would be difficult for a while, but she’d never counted on feeling so damn jelous. The Doctor stood, the air surrounding them and their previous converstaion still stiff.

‘Well then, I’m off to make some tea, you want some?’ Martha shook her head, the Doctor frowned, worry nagging at the back of his mind.
Martha listened to the Doctor’s converse all stars squeak on the grated floor as he made his way to the kitchen. Before she knew it she was alone in the control room, crossing her arms across her chest she thought to herself, yep difficult defiantly doesn’t cover it.


Rose lifted her head as someone knocked on her door, she was about to tell them to come in when she reminded herself that the Doctor and herslef where no longer alone in the Tardis. Padding over to the door she opened it and poked her head out. The Doctor stood holding a hot chocolate, wearing blue pin strip p.j’s and a smile. Rose moved aside to let him in.

‘Hey, that for me?’ The Doctor nodded and passed her the cup. Rose moved to sit on her bed crossed legged and took a sip.

‘Can I still make a decent cup of hot chocolate? Martha hates the stuff and you know me, I’ll drink anything.’

‘Don’t worry, you still got it.’ The Doctor beamed at her and sat next to her leaning against the head board. Rose eyed him up and down.

‘Nice p.j’s. You’ve really got a thing for pin strip don’t you?’ The Doctor’s eyes sparkled at her.

‘This regeneration seems to like ‘em. Besides your pyjamas aren’t exactly flattering.’ Rose looked at him indignantly, warning him with her eyes not to say another word. They were a old pair of Jack’s, about three sizes too big and black with big boy written across her backside.

‘Would you rather I was naked?’ The Doctor blushed and ran a hand through his hair. Rose stared down into her mug and took a long drink, she couldn’t believe she’d just said that!

‘So, I noticed you didn’t toss any of my stuff.’ The Doctor looked up at her and grinned.

‘Have you checked the wardrobe yet?’ Rose’s face fell.

‘You didn’t?’ The Doctor just continued to grin at her. Rose lept up and crossed to her wardrobe, flinging the door open and sticking her head insisde, muttering to herself as she did a quick equiptment check in her mind. Satisfied that nothing was missing, Rose shut her wardrobe and fixed the Doctor with a glare, he continued to grin back at her.

‘Had you there didn’t I?’ Sitting back down next to him to lean a head on his shoulder, she hit him playfully on the chest.

‘You ever pull something like that again and you’ll regret ever coming back for me.’ Putting an arm around her shoulder, the Doctor pulled Rose close to him.

‘Nothing could make me regret that.’ Rose smiled, she loved it when he sweet talked her.

‘How was ’Pete’s World’ then?’

‘Hard at first, it was never easy but I got used to it after a while.’ The Doctor rested his chin on her head and sighed contentedly into her hair.

‘Torchwood was a hard place to work, you know in a male orientated company, surrounded by raging testosterone.’ The Doctor couldn’t help but picture Rose, his Rose surrounded by men, with some pencil pushing office junkie.

‘Then was never anyone else.’ It amazed him the way she could almost read his mind. He tightened his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

‘I never wanted you to be alone.’

‘And I never wanted anyone else but you.’ The Doctor smiled, it was nice to know your missed.

‘So where d’ya go want to go tomorrow? Newbie privialges you pick the first destination.’

‘Hey less of the newbie. I’ll show you I’m just as good as I ever was.’

‘We’ll all be dead by tomorrow then, you always were attracted to the more dangerous buttons on the console.’ Rose laughed.

‘Could we... go and see London. I’d like to see home again.’

‘Sure, anywhere you want.’ Rose knew that her old estate wouldn’t be the same. Half the people she grew up knowing wouldn’t be there anymore, after the Cybermen and Daleks purged the entire world. There might be someone else living in her old flat, sleeping in her room. The idea was too strange to think about. Rose yawned and the Doctor pounced on her.

‘All this time travel wearing you down already, your getting old Rose Tyler.’

‘Says the nine hundered year old Time Lord.’ The Doctor grabbed her around the middle and pulled her down to lie next to him on the bed, spooning himself around her from behind he lay his head in the crook of her neck.

‘You’ve hit the nail on the head. Time Lord, I’m as sprightly as I was when I was two hundred, I’ll have you know. Your human kind has nothing on me.’ The Rose smiled into her pillow. Reaching up she touched his face, feeling an overwhelming desire to turn around and hug him hard, just to make sure he was there filled her.

‘I really did miss you so much you know.’ The Doctor turned his face into her neck and kissed her skin.

‘I know love, get some sleep. I’ll still be here in the morning.’


Rose coughed hard, bringing her hand up to her mouth to stifle it in case she woke the Doctor. She frowned as she felt something wet against her fingers. Gently untangling herself from the Doctor she padded over to her dressing table and pulled out a box of tissues. Wipping her mouth and her hands clean, Rose reached out a hand to turn on her lamp, only to clamp it back over her mouth as another bout of hacking coughs over took her. The Doctor stirred under the comforter and sat up, sleepily. Finally her coughing subsided and Rose slapped a hand over the lamp’s switch, filling the rom with a soft yellow light.
Rose gasped as she caught sight of the bloody tissues she’d tossed onto her dressing table, looking up into the mirror, she watched litle rivers of blood run down her chin.

‘Rose?’ The Doctor’s anxious voice called her round to look at him. Rose’s panic was mirrored in the Doctor’s eyes as he took in the sight of her. Wrenching the bedclothes off he was at her side in an instant, mopping up her blood, ripping more tissues from their box. Tears formed in Rose’s eyes as she caught the Doctor’s.

‘What’s happening?’ She whispered. The Doctor gathered her to him.

‘I don’t know love, I don’t know.’


Chapter 2 is in the house! Sorry about the lack of Martha in this one, I thought that the Doctor and Rose needed a bit of a catch up. Please don't forget to let me know what you think.
Thanks so much for reading. I hope I didn't bore you too much!

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126 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Reviews: 126
Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:41 pm
Blue Fairy says...

I loved it. the interaction between the doctor and rose was great. I never thought how jealous martha would be if rose came back it was really good.
I couldn't find anything bad to comment on just some typo's.

what was that supposed to mean

you need a question mark at the end because it's a question.

Well, I'm off. I'm going to go see what you've done to my room. I swear if you've chucked any of my stuff into the time vortex, I'll throw your tea in after it.'

Because you were talking about martha just before this it makes it seem like this is martha speaking if you've never seen doctor who before.


spelling mistake. it's ultimately.



when you said 'yep difficult defiantly doesn't cover it'

did you mean defiantly (like refuse to obey)
or definitely?

can't wait to read more.


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Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:28 pm
bluecows says...

The Doctor and Rose sleep together???!!! I always thought of their relationship being pretty non-physical.

Apart from that little shock i loved it all, especially with Martha getting jealous 8)

Whats with Rose? And did Martha press that button or not????

I want to know what happens so don't keep me in suspense too long :D
To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour. – William Blake

I was lying in bed, watching the stars and i thought, 'where the hell is the ceiling?' :wink:

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28 Reviews

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Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:47 pm
tdownes says...

Excuse me, while I retire to a desolate room and scream the heavens:
That was beyond ingenious and brilliant. I can't think of a word to sum it up.
I too am in love with their relationship - but you've just put it in a completely new context. I doubt this piece would bring tears, but it made me laugh - but not so much 'ahh'...

She looked incredible, five years had only improved her already polished features into perfection. Her gorgeous blond hair now waist length. Fuller curves, hugged by her black silk suit. She walked with all the grace and authority of a woman little emotion, but her eyes still held that familiar warmth that glowed from within and melted his heart.

Now, I like the way you've put him as thinking her almost sensuous -something that would make a child cringe... Obviously, punctuation errors here, and you could plural the word 'heart' to make it fit the Doc's description [he he]

Now, after the -let me see- first relentless "drdrdrdr", I got muddled. One: *yells* they are sleeping together now???!!! :shock: Two: they're sleeping in one of the TARDIS rooms?Ohhh...now I see what you're saying. I am no longer confused.

The whole jealousy of Martha was carried off well [and to be expected; companion rivalry is quite frequent...]; oh! and the way the TARDIS recognises Rose's touch. But I feel you like her so much you're kind of putting Martha down a little:

The Doctor placed his arms behind his head and leaned back in his chair, watching Martha clean up what was ultimatly his mess.

Martha is cleaning up the Doctor's mess -and he's resing back on his laurels watching her. I see where you're coming from, but I don't think the Doctor would be like that,even if the love of his life returned...

And, there's a little irony in here. You wrote:

Eighteen months was a long time, by the time she’d been travelling with the Doctor for that long she was sharing his bed every night.

And then later they are...actually *ahem*

Thank you for thrilling me, and then making me have a panic attack on the last section.
'Tis beautific.
[But I feel that Martha-lovers [also, supposedly not liking Rose] would really hate you for this piece. I loved it! Keep writing! :D]
He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm and the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the center of time and he can see the turn of the Universe. And ...he's wonderful.

People find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right.
— Albus Dumbledore