
Young Writers Society

Chapter 4 - Encounters

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Wed May 02, 2007 4:42 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

This is the old version. The new version is much more accurate and understandable. It is titled "Ayumi."


Ayumi liked being back in the desert; it was warm, and she could use her fire jutsus more often.

They had been traveling for two weeks, their only breaks to get water and sleep. They ate while they walked, and Ayumi would replenish her nut and berry pouch every night. Now, a little weary from all of the movement, Ayumi perked up when she saw the cave.

“Hey! Look!” she said, gesturing toward it. “A cave!”

Itachi followed her gaze. “We’re stopping; we could each use a few days off.”

Kisame and Deidara didn’t object, for when the group reached the cave, they were the first ones asleep. Ayumi settled against the wall near the entrance, and stared out across the desert.

She had begun to doze when she felt Itachi slipping his arm behind her, pulling her into him. She didn’t struggle against him, but leaned into him. She let her head fall on his shoulder as he rested his on her head.

“Are you all right?” he wondered, rubbing his thumbs along her arms.

“Yeah,” Ayumi answered. “Just tired.”

“We all are. Did you not notice Kisame and Deidara?”

“Yeah, I saw. I’m just glad...they’re asleep.”

She didn’t hear his response, for in that moment she had fallen asleep. Itachi just smirked and leaned back against the cave wall, falling asleep with Ayumi still cuddling him.

Ayumi woke later that afternoon to a sudden nearby cry of pain. She sat up, looking around vainly for the source. She continued to search, eventually standing so to gain a better perspective.

Itachi stirred when he noticed she had risen. “What is it?”

Ayumi continued to stare out over the dunes. “I heard a girl…in pain.”

Itachi stood, not noticing that Deidara was awake. He went to her, and listened to the wind for himself. No cry came to him.

“I know I heard it! It was real!” Ayumi insisted.

“You were more than likely dreaming again. You keep waking, screaming since…the battle…”

Ayumi shrugged, and embraced him. “I know. I just can’t get over it, no matter how hard I try!”

Before Itachi could respond, Deidara’s snicker echoed through the cave. He was still sitting, but he had been wide-awake. Itachi whirled around to face him as Ayumi hastily let him go.

“Now I see why you were so eager to stop at this cave!” Deidara mocked. “You could have some alone time with our little princess after we fell asleep!”

Ayumi heard Itachi growl as he curled his hands into fists.

“So, tell me: what all did I miss?”

Itachi lunged, fists ready, but Ayumi stepped between the men. She put her hands against Itachi’s either shoulder, sweetly pleadinging for him to relax. Deidara had risen to his feet, as had an oblivious Kisame, but Ayumi had done as she wished: prevent a fight.

“And there you go again! Interfering as usual,” Kisame snapped.

“And you’d better stay outta this!” Ayumi replied just as haughtily. She then turned on Deidara, whose eyes glinted with laughter. “If you’re so sure we’ve done anything, then you need a newsflash!”

“Huh! Don’t think I don’t know about you two! I saw your little moment back at Waterfall.”

“Oh, you did, did you?” Ayumi glared at him.

“Of course! I saw that kiss, and I knew then you were a problem!”

“Well, I’ve got news for you, you insolent pervert! Itachi can love me if he wants! I’m not going to change him just by being here!” – Kisame began to comment – “Shut up! And second, if you’re so jealous of us, go out and find your own girlfriend!”

Deidara was speechless. Itachi tried to conceal his grin. Something past the entrance then caught the blushing blonde’s attention, and he gestured towards it. “We have company.”

The men saw the spy dart away from them, and they acted. They leapt, kunai drawn, and took off up the dunes. Ayumi, hesitantly following, noticing something familiar. This girl had extraordinary hair. Ayumi continued to watch their quarry, gasping when she glimpsed her face. “Shit! Emi!” (Why'd I have to start cussing again?! Dang!) Ayumi blinked and disappeared in a burst of flame.

She appeared beside Emi. “Emi! Take my hand!” she quickly offered her hand, which Emi took. Making sure she had Emi still in her firm grip, Ayumi teleported to the Kagekaze’s door.

There she left Emi, teleporting back to the cave where she was sure Kisame, Deidara, and Itachi were waiting for her. (I’m going to regret doing that.) Ayumi thought as she entered the cave. Kisame was steadily ranting to Itachi, more than likely about her. Her assumption was confirmed, for, when she stepped up beside Itachi, Kisame pointed his sword at her angrily.

“She’s done nothing but get in our way! We would’ve had that Sukotto girl were it not for her!” he yelled.

“Calm yourself, Kisame!” Itachi spoke up warningly. “I will deal with this.”

“You won’t,” Deidara stepped in mildly. “She’s softened you too much.”

I was appointed to lead this mission, and I’ll make the decisions,” Itachi snapped. Ayumi knew he was getting irritated.

Another person entered the cave, and Ayumi’s heart sank. “Then decide.” It was Emi.

Kisame looked at Emi, awestricken. “You. We have business with you.”

“I’ve heard,” Emi responded. “Unfortunately, I did not receive your note, though I assume you were testing my skills when you stabbed me.”

Itachi seemed to be taken by surprised at that fact, for Ayumi felt him shift uncomfortably beside her. He pulled out a scroll and let Emi read it. Ayumi watched, forlorn and nervous, as Emi read the message. She did not know what it said or why, but she figured it was asking for her allegiance.

Emi finished reading the scroll, and she rolled it back up, letting it drop to the ground.

Ayumi braced herself. (Don't do it.)

“Do your worst,” Emi stood firm.

Ayumi saw Kisame and Deidara grasp their weapons, and she stepped between them and her only relative, arms outstretched in absolute defiance.

“Ayumi…” Itachi breathed softly.

“She’s all I have left,” Ayumi remained in her stance. She tried to ignore the startled expression Emi was giving her.

Kisame’s jaw tightened in rage. “I told you! She does nothing but get in the way!”

Ayumi cocked her head slightly, but her gaze was locked with Kisame’s. Ayumi spoke quietly out of the corner of her mouth. “I’ll see you soon, Emi, now get out of here. I’ll be fine.” Ayumi waited until after Emi had hugged her and misted away to move.

Kisame gripped his sword and took a step closer to her. “Itachi, don’t you get in the way this time. She’s mine.”

Ayumi shifted, preparing for the inevitable battle. She got in her stance, right foot turned to the side beneath her body. Her left she put out in front of her, toe pointing and bent both knees. Her right arm she bent so that her hand was in front of her face, palm facing out. The other she stretched, bending the elbow slightly, so that hand was out in front of her. She glared at her opponent, focusing her chakra in her legs.

Kisame lunged, swinging his sword wildly. Ayumi darted, avoiding his attacks with ease. She recalled her first tussle with him, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to use any jutsus as long as he had his sword…

Ayumi cried out when she felt its edge tear gashes across her back. She leapt back, retreating momentarily so she could summon Hokizu. Scimitar in her left hand, she leapt back towards Kisame while drawing her katana, Kagekizu.

Blades clashed, their sharp ring enough to disturb the sand and send chills of anticipation down the onlooker’s spines. Their battle cries rose with their efforts, and Itachi soon realized this battle was over. He grinned at the red haired kunoichi as she threw her weight, launching forward so as to pin her opponent to the stone. Silence pulled at their ears, the ninja’s panting the only sound other than the breeze.

“Do you yield?” Ayumi snarled, putting pressure on the hilts of her swords. The Hokizu was driven deep into the stone near Kisame’s head, and the Kagekizu held him at his side.

“You are indeed a formidable opponent, Ayumi…” Kisame shamefully, and reluctantly, acknowledged her. “I was wrong to underestimate you.”

“Now, we’re even.” She released the scimitar, letting it burst into flame that returned to her ruby ring. She then pried the Kagekizu from the rock, returning it to its sheath. Without another word, just a glance at Itachi, Ayumi strode out of the cave.

Itachi followed her over the dune, finding her focusing her chakra. Her eyes were closed, but she still knew he had arrived. “Use the Fireball Jutsu, but keep back. I’m about to summon Argor.”

Itachi quickly made the hand seals for the Fireball Jutsu, performing it with ease against the sand near Ayumi’s foot. Ayumi seemed to be able to focus better with the wounds on her back healing.

“Why are you summoning Argor?” Itachi inquired.

“To fly. You coming?” she looked at him as a great cloud of smoke surrounded them.

Itachi looked aghast at her proposal. “Fly?”

“Yeah. Fly.” She looked up at the great creature she had summoned. A great, black and red dragon towered almost two hundred feet above them, his length and wingspan twice that height. Gold wings and claws glistened in the sun’s rays, and his emerald eyes shimmered with definite loyalty to his rider. Argor looked at her affectionately before turning to Itachi.

(Well, if it isn’t Itachi! I’m glad to see you’re up and around this time!) a mature, tenor voice boomed in their ears. (Last time I saw you, you were unconscious and bleeding profusely.)

“Ayumi told me,” was the friendly reply.

Argor turned back to Ayumi. (And why is it you summoned me this time?)

“I need to get away from Kisame and Deidara. Today’s been too much for me, with seeing Emi and fighting that shark face!” She pat his thick foreleg. “And I missed you.”

(Where shall I carry you, Princess?) Itachi cocked his head at that.

“Anywhere you wish as long as we’re back here by midnight.”

(Wonderful! Coming, Itachi?) Argor waited as the young man debated with himself. Finally, he threw out his hands and climbed up the dragon’s extended foreleg behind Ayumi.

Upon the dragon’s back, Ayumi and Itachi sat, side by side, in silence. They watched the sun set in the west, illuminating the sky with every shade of orange possible. Ayumi tried not to look at Itachi or let Argor into her mind, but she couldn’t resist the urge to glance at her love.

“I’m sorry Kisame is so aggressive. He just gets irritated and into a quarrelsome mood,” Itachi said, taking her hand. “How's your back?”

“I’m okay. Thanks for performing the Fireball jutsu.”

“As long as it helped.”

Ayumi laid her head on his shoulder as Argor entered their minds. (I can’t refrain from wondering: what happened between you and “Kisame,” Ayumi?)

“He…and I never really have gotten along with one another. I ticked him off by helping Emi escape.”

(Are you certain it was right?)

Absolutely! She’s all I have left! Aside from Itachi…” She stroked his bangs, pushing them out of his face.

(I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.) He emphasized his jest by ignoring them momentarily. He was glad he did in the end, for the two teenagers had kissed in the paused. (So, I assume you’re dating now? After all, I haven’t been summoned in two years!)

Ayumi blushed behind a faint smile. Itachi looked at her lovingly. “If she wishes it, as well.”

Argor roared his approval, and Ayumi nodded. They would have leaned to kiss again if an even larger blue dragon hadn’t flown up alongside them in that instant.

“Glacies! Long time no see!” Ayumi waved at the magnificent creature vigorously.

The pale blue dragon “nodded” at them. (And I’ve missed you, too, Princess Ayumi! Who’s you’re friend?) He eyed Itachi warningly.

“Don’t worry, he’s not going to cause any trouble! This is Itachi Uchiha,” Ayumi introduced them.

(Oh, that rogue. Emi talks of you frequently, Itachi.)

“I’ve no doubt,” he replied guiltily. Glacies then turned to Argor, and the dragons spoke telepathically amongst themselves. Itachi and Ayumi had their own conversation.

“Is Glacies one of Emi’s summons?” he asked.

“Yes. I think he and Argor are brothers or something, too.”

“That’s…interesting. Just answer me this: why do they keep referring to you as ‘princess?’”

Ayumi sighed, realizing the fact that she had kept a secret from him,
too. “Because I pretty much am one. I am the last of the Gosu clan.”

Itachi’s eyes widened slightly, mouth gaping. “You are a princess?!” He exhaled sharply, avoiding her gaze as well as he could. Ayumi quietly sighed her relief; he hadn’t lost his temper like she had expected him to. “Emi is, too.”

Before Itachi could respond, Argor and Glacies invaded their minds, telepathically speaking simultaneously. (Hold on tight. We’re in a sparring mood!)

Itachi, bewildered by their statement and Ayumi’s sudden reaction, took hold of one of Argor’s neck spikes just as the dragons dove.

It was a blur; to the youths, it was the most terrifying airborne roller coaster. They held onto the dragon’s neck spines as they were seemingly tosses into a fury of dives, spins, flips, rolls, and somersaults. Ayumi screamed when Glacies passed exceptionally close over their heads.

The mock duel was over after a few of those intense, petrifying moments. When Argor and Glacies began to glide, lips curling from the pleasure of sparring, Itachi and Ayumi were still. Itachi stared ahead as Ayumi clung to his wrist. They both trembled; from fear or excitement, they were unsure.

When Ayumi dared to release him, Itachi began to laugh. “That was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever been through! That was amazing!”

Ayumi began to laugh with him. “I know.”

They laid there, just watching the stars pass by overhead. When the moon was at its peak, the dragons landed just outside the rock cave.

(I am relieved to see you well, Ayumi. Emi worries about you constantly.) Glacies crooned.

“I worry about her. How is she?”

(She is well. She has found her destined man: Kakashi Hatake.)

Ayumi fell silent, heart seemingly stopping. (Him?)

(What is wrong?)

“N-nothing. N-Nevermind.”

(Very well. I will see you later. Argor, keep them out of trouble.)

Argor snorted, “nodding” his head as if obeying an order. (Farewell, Glacies.)

With a last roar, Glacies took flight and disappeared into the night sky.
Argor then turned to Ayumi. (You were silent with shock on hearing that
man’s name. Might I ask why?)

Ayumi sighed. “He…he…” She shook her head; she couldn’t continue. She couldn’t stop the tears from coming to her eyes. Itachi put an arm over her shoulders as she closed her eyes and covered her ears. He whispered, “He killed Haku.”

(Oh, dear. And Haku was her only living relative.)

There was a long pause while Ayumi wept into Itachi's shoulder. She couldn't help but cry at the mentioning of her brother.

She pulled away from him after a moment, squaring her shoulders. She wiped a single tear from her eye.

“I’ve decided,” she said firmly.

Itachi and Argor waited.

“I’m going to Konoha, and I might stay there. I’m tired of running! I’m going to train in the Hidden Leaf village until I can be a Kage.”

Itachi smiled. “Sounds good to me.”
Last edited by AyumiGosu17 on Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Mon May 21, 2007 12:29 pm
theron guard says...

Why hasn't anyone critiqued this? :? :lol: Well, I'll do it.

It was very good, loved the story (I'm a Naruto fan! :D ) I didn't really see any mistakes, but then again, I'm not the best editor. :? But this is chapter four, so I better look at some of the previous work.
Ohhhhhhh YEAH!!!!!!

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Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:13 am
PsychicNinja says...

Hehe...that was my pathetic, immature outburst. **DELETED**

Last edited by PsychicNinja on Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Look, Ma. No hands"
"You haven't got a ma."
"Maybe a nice old lady will adopt me. I'm very loveable."
―Fi and Darman

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Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:33 pm
Dynamo says...

Well, it's about time you brought the story back over to Naruto. I think the dragons are OK storywise, but in battle I think it would be a little overpowered for your character... then again Naruto can summon a giant frog. Well, keep up the good work, I can't wait to see Naruto in this Fanfiction.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:51 pm
ninja-Z says...

yeah what dynamo said : finally your bringing the whole of the leaf village into the picture. one mistake, though:
They held onto the dragon’s neck spines as they were seemingly tosses into a fury of dives, spins, flips, rolls, and somersaults.

two mistakes: 1) tosses should be tossed. 2)fury could be flurry(not sure bout this one)

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Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:23 am
PsychicNinja says...

Konbanwa, Audra-chan.

Critting again, but these are getting WAY better as I go along!

“If you’re so sure we’ve done anything, then you need a newsflash!”

I confusing sentance. It may need rewording or something.

“Well, I’ve got news for you, you insolent pervert!

Maybe that's not pervy ness..more like curiousity...awkward, none the less.

Itachi can love me if he wants! I’m not going to change him just by being here!” – Kisame began to comment – “Shut up! And second, if you’re so jealous of us, go out and find your own girlfriend!”

I loved this.

She appeared beside Emi. “Emi! Take my hand!” she quickly offered her hand, which Emi took. Making sure she had Emi still in her firm grip, Ayumi teleported to the Kagekaze’s door.

this was good, but maybe you need the surprise of Emi somewhere in there.

Ayumi cried out when she felt its edge tear gashes across her back.

A big, important fact: that Shark Skin blade of Kisame's-it eats chakra. Key component.

The Hokizu was driven deep into the stone near Kisame’s head, and the Kagekizu held him at his side.

You need to explain more of this "Hokizu" thing.

They would have leaned to kiss again if an even larger blue dragon hadn’t flown up alongside them in that instant.

“Glacies! Long time no see!” Ayumi waved at the magnificent creature vigorously.

Dragons are one thing (not good :() to have in the Naruto relm...but non-Japanese sounding names!! That's bad, too. Summonings are basically only animals...or sorta demented animals..

(Oh, that rogue. Emi talks of you frequently, Itachi.)

I don't really get how Emi really knew who Itachi-kun is??

(She is well. She has found her destined man: Kakashi Hatake.)

Dare I say more? :shock:

(Oh, dear. And Haku was her only living relative.)

Way to go, Captain Obvious! That wasn't really needed.

“I’m going to Konoha, and I might stay there. I’m tired of running! I’m going to train in the Hidden Leaf village until I can be a Kage.”

A completely new, random twist to the story. It doesn't seem like its in Ayumi's character. Itachi shouldn't really be agreeing..since he knows he can't just waltz back to Konoha. I don't know is Ayumi wanting to become a Kage is a good idea also. She should have a different, more in-character kind of dream.

Well written, getting better. Now there are just a few plot line holes and errors. Started off on a good note...ended with a not-so-good note.

~the [s]great[/s] Psychic Ninja, Timea
"Look, Ma. No hands"
"You haven't got a ma."
"Maybe a nice old lady will adopt me. I'm very loveable."
―Fi and Darman

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Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:04 pm
NightsDreamer2277 says...

I have to say, I read all four before deciding to comment. Your story line is good, but it strays quite a bit from the Naruto main elements. However, it was well written. Having seen most of the Naruto episodes, I like the way you sometimes incorperate an episode into your story. Keep writing and I'll be waiting for the next chapter!
"When you need a stress relief, simply count to twenty. If you get to twenty and your still mad, go to a hundred. If you are mad after that, then go find some anger management, because we seriously have just wasted two minutes."-- Jazz

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.
— Captain James T. Kirk