
Young Writers Society

Chapter 2 - The Last Gosu

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Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:30 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

This is the old version. The new version is much more accurate and understandable. It is titled "Ayumi."


“Now, tell me again: how’d you manage to heal so quickly?” Itachi mused two weeks later.

“I’ve told you five times! I have a special ability called ‘Flames of Life.’ If I get hurt, all I have to do is be near fire for a second and I’ll start to heal instantly! Now, you tell me: how’s your hand?”

“Better. Still restricted to mild activity,” he shrugged. He turned around and leaned against the pier railing. Ayumi sighed and stared out over the bay. Ayumi felt beautiful in her cotton kimono of a raspberry hue. Beneath it was a silk tunic and a pair of khaki Capri. Her hair hung loose about her face, framing it delicately.

Itachi was wearing a simple, blue, long–sleeved shirt, loose fitting cargo pants, and a maroon sweater. As always, he kept his hair pulled back into a horsetail with his bangs hanging in his face. He had left his headband on his bed at Mrs. Takeda’s, who had been taking care of them since their teleported arrival.

For no absolute reason, Ayumi began to sing. Her voice started soft and low, but as she continued through the bridge into the chorus, it rose high and angelic. Before she realized it, a small crowd had gathered on the pier to listen to her.

She jumped sideways into Itachi when the applause rose at the finish. She blushed scarlet and hid her face in his shoulder, only looking up to laugh at her own embarrassment. When she looked among the friendly faces, she thought she saw a dark haired twin of her mother. Yet, when she looked again, the person had disappeared.

(Who was that?) Ayumi couldn’t keep his face out of her mind. She knew him from somewhere, but the name evaded her every time she tried to say it.

Itachi put his arms around her waist and a faint smirk crossed his lips. “You know what I feel like doing?”

Ayumi leaned into him, putting her hands behind his neck. “What?”

"I'll race you to the beach. Shall we run?"

Ayumi raised an eyebrow. “Just running? Like…around?”

“Of course. Shall we?”

Ayumi tore out of his arms and took off down the pier. She leapt off the steps and into the road, Itachi on her heels. Down the main road, dodging carts and livestock the entire time, Ayumi led the way to the beach. Itachi kept up with the girl, occasionally close enough to reach out and grab her
hand, which he did.

It only took them five minutes to run that mile from the pier, through downtown, and to the beach. Laughing and panting, they collapsed hand in hand on the beach. There they lay seemingly forever, dozing, even after Ayumi shifted so she could lay her head on his shoulder.

That’s when Ayumi saw the stranger again. He, or she, was watching them from the walkway, dark eyes gleaming caringly. Ayumi lay still, trying to ignore the spy, but his presence chilled her to the bone. Finally, when he turned to leave Ayumi acknowledged his presence by rousing Itachi.

“I’m following him. He’s too familiar!” she rose from the comfort of Itachi’s arms. She pat sand from her skirt as she made her way down the walkway the stranger had taken. Ayumi kept her distance, but she could still see him. Itachi caught up with her just as they pulled free of the crowded village. There, he walked with her, hands in his pockets.

Through the forest, into the hills, Ayumi wondered about everything. Where was Emi? Had “the ice” melted? Where was Haku? Who was this stranger? Where was he leading them?

Ayumi gasped when the road disappeared into an untouched clearing. She froze in her tracks, her gaze fixed on a single structure. It was a half collapsed shack. The door and windows had been torn out, and gaps lay between the boards of the walls and roof. Enormous holes allowed the sun’s rays to shine down on the mess of its interior. Ayumi bit her lip to keep from screaming, but Itachi felt her tense.

“Ayumi?" he whispered in her ear. “Are you all right?”

She gulped. “This is my home…”

Itachi was silent as Ayumi slowly moved toward two low mounds marked with branch crosses. The stranger was placing wild flowers on the graves. He continued to watch as Ayumi knelt beside the figure, and he stepped closer so as to hear their words. The stranger spoke first.

“You look just like her, except with shorter hair,” his voice was soft and feminine despite being a boy’s.

“You’re a darker version of Mother…” Ayumi responded.

“I’ve missed you…Ayumi.”

Ayumi looked up. “Haku?”

“I never thought I’d see you again, either.” He smiled warmly, smiling.

“Oh my gosh, Haku!” Ayumi embraced her long lost, only living relative. Her brother! He was alive! “Brother!”

Itachi smiled. He had never seen Ayumi so overjoyed.

Later that night, in the shelter of Mrs. Takeda’s living room, Haku and Ayumi caught up on each other’s adventures. Ayumi listened, mouth agape, as she heard of her brother’s life since the betrayal, as Ayumi thought of it.

He had been the one to send towers of ice through the house, thus killing Father. He had then been taken care of by the rogue Zabuza Mamochi, who trained him to be the Jounin he is now. In much the same manner, Haku listened very attentively as she, and occasionally Itachi, shared their story. Itachi never thought he’d learn so much about her past in one night.

“When I got home, I was terrified, “Ayumi began. “All I could see was the ice towering into the sky, the bodies of our parents and a few others frozen in it. I don’t know how long I stood there, but I could hear more of the men coming. I could hear them calling us demons and monsters, but I couldn’t move. Only when a katana split the doorframe did I move.

“I took off running, to where I didn’t know. All I knew was that those men were following me, intent on killing me. I ran and ran even after I was tired, and the entire time they were behind me.

“Only when I entered an obsidian cave did I stop. I stayed there for four days, and when I finally left, I got out of the country as fast as I could.”
Haku, the little girl Suri, her brother Yuma, and Itachi all stared at her. Itachi had known she left the island in a hurry, but he had never known why.

The next four months were like a dream. Spring came with warm weather, and Ayumi, Haku, and Itachi spent most of their time outside, along the beach, and in the meadows. They would run, laughing and joking, and wrestle in the fields of flowers. Ayumi felt ten years old again, being reunited with her dear brother. She smiled more and laughed sweeter, but Itachi felt alone.

One May morning, Ayumi went to the beach with Suri and a few other ten-year-old girls. She felt good about herself, for in the past three months she had worked enough to have the money for a red, bikini swimsuit. Now that she was wearing it, she felt proud of her slim but mature body. She swam as Yuma and Haku tossed a football on the beach and Itachi leaned on the pier railing.

At sunset, Itachi confronted Ayumi. “I never thought you'd be so attractive in a swimsuit." He looked away.

"What's wrong?" Ayumi approached him.

"It’s just…you’ve been spending a considerable amount of time with Haku lately. You're ignoring me, it seems.”

Ayumi scoffed. “I am not!”

“Yes, you are" - he sighed - "Never mind.” He turned to walk off, fully aware of the fact he was jealous.

Ayumi jumped at him, putting her arms around his shoulders and chest. “Well, I’m sorry, sweetie,” she said in a cute voice. “I don’t mean to.”

Itachi grabbed her wrists as he leaned over, picking her feet up off the ground. Ayumi squealed, holding onto Itachi tighter. He set her down when she started to kick and thrash. Linking his arm with hers, he walked with her back to the Takeda’s.

Ayumi had a bad night full of frightening dreams. Yet, all of them were about Haku. The first two only woke her slightly, but the last few scared her out of her wits. When she could bear then no longer at three in the morning, she slipped into a silk kimono and entered Itachi’s room.

“What’s wrong?” Itachi asked, sitting up.

“I’m scared. I keep having this same dream over and over again!” she answered, trembling.

Itachi shifted so Ayumi could sit beside him. He put a protective arm around her as she cuddled into him.

“I keep seeing Haku with some other ninja. He’s got on his headband, and he’s fighting. Fighting to the death! It’s been the same thing: he has a hole blown through him by some white haired man just to protect Zabuza!”

“Where are they?” Itachi held her closer.

“It’s always on a misty bridge in midday.”

“Hmm...I’ll keep an eye on him.”

Ayumi rested her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat until she fell asleep. She didn’t hear a pair of soft, well placed footsteps leading out of the house.

Ayumi found a note on her bed that morning, and she felt her heart stop. Note in hand, she flew out of her room and to Itachi, trying not to panic. “Itachi! It’s Haku! He-he’s left!” she screamed, holding the note out for him to read. Itachi read it to himself, then aloud for the Takeda’s to hear:


I’m sorry, but I must go my way now. There is something I must do for someone precious to me. If I don’t survive this mission, know that you’re the greatest sister anyone can have!

“We have to find him!” Ayumi cried when he finished.

“That was my intention. Get your uniform.” He returned to his room. Ayumi darted into her own, where she quickly changed into her battle uniform. It was a pair of black cargo pants, flat-soled black boots, and a black halter tank. The shirt was leather but lined with red silk that extended halfway down her arms. For a belt that also held her Kagekizu’s sheath, she wore a red sash. Her final garment was the Hidden Mist headband tied about her forehead.

Itachi joined her on the porch, decked out in the usual black cloak that only barely showed the black net–like tunic and black pants. His boots were identical to hers.

They searched for four days before they found him. He was making his way through the forest, dressed in a sweater, green shorts, blue kimono, and sandals. His hair was pinned up in a bun, and a Hunter Nin mask hung at his side. When Ayumi went to stop him from going any further, he attacked her.

She hated fighting Haku, thus she let him sling her into a tree. Itachi moved to aid Ayumi, but he too was knocked over by the fifteen-year-old boy, senbon driven into his side.

Haku turned his hard gaze on Ayumi. “You may be my sister, but anyone who tries to keep me from my dream is my enemy. This is my choice, and I’m going through with it whether you like it or not. Farewell, Ayumi.” With that he disappeared. Ayumi slid down the tree, put her head on her arms, and cried. She sobbed even after Itachi went to her and tried to console her. All she could think of was Haku and her dreams.

It was that day on the bridge that showed her those dreams were visions.
She heard the shouting first. It was faint, but steadily grew louder as she and Itachi got closer. In the distance, near the source of the sound, a thick mist shrouded a half built bridge extending across the sound to the main land.

Ayumi heard a boy cry out in pain, but it was Itachi who acted. He didn’t wait for her, and they ran up the slope and onto the bridge. They only followed it for a minute when they saw seven figures scattered across the bridge. Two boys, one who resembled Itachi and a blonde, were crouching in the center of an array of ice mirrors.

“I knew it! That’s Sasuke!” Itachi exclaimed.

“And Haku…that’s his Demon Ice Mirrors. He’s an original.”

“An ‘original?’”

“Yes. Fire is only a brand new variation that’s never been heard of before. That doesn’t mean it’s not as deadly.”

Itachi watched attentively as Haku used the jutsu against the boys, ruthlessly tearing into them with senbon. Ayumi knew the effects of that jutsu, so she didn’t bother to keep watching them. She looked into the mist, using her Byakuugan to find the two men; she was astounded to find a white haired Jounin clashing with Zabuza.

Suddenly, the air grew hot and thick as a bright red glow emanated from the mirrors. Looking again, Ayumi noticed that Sasuke was down, five senbon embedded in his chest. It was the blonde whose chakra had formed a dense, malevolent aura.

Ayumi watched, wide eyed with horror, as the boy tackled and tussled with Haku, even after being pelted with tens of senbon. Finally, the blonde threw a heavy punch that not only split Haku’s mask, but sent him flying through a mirror, shattering the jutsu altogether.

“No…” Ayumi whispered. “No!”

Itachi caught her arm to keep her from running into the battle.

“Let me go! Haku! Itachi, damn it, let me go!”

“Ayumi, they’ll kill you, too!”

“I have to help him!” She fought in vain against Itachi’s firm grip. She watched as Haku darted away from the blonde, who had calmed down, and in front of Zabuza. The white haired ninja, Kakashi Hatake, ran forward, a blue ball of lightning in his hand, and toward them, unaware of the boy that had leapt in the way.

Ayumi’s scream echoed across the bridge as a flash of blue light blinded everyone…She screamed again as she fell to her knees, her hand still in Itachi’s…Haku lay motionless between the two men, a river of blood pouring from a gap in the center of his chest.

Ayumi’s mind wandered; she couldn’t believe her eyes or ears. She didn’t hear Zabuza’s pained battle roars as he fought off a gang of swordsmen, finally collapsing beside where Haku had first lain. She didn’t see Kakashi go to him and carry him to his adopted son…nor did she hear his last words as snow began to fall in the middle of May.

Only when the bridge was deserted did Ayumi finally look up. She kept her gaze fixed on her brother’s lifeless body as she stumbled forward, knees buckling at the form’s side. She laid her head on Haku’s stomach, and silently cried into him. Now, she was alone…she was finally the last Gosu…

"I'm sorry," Itachi whispered. "There was not much we could've done."

Ayumi sniffled. "I know that...But I still failed, again!"

Itachi put a hand on her shoulder as her sobs began to echo.

Itachi stood with Ayumi, waiting for her. She seemed to have become a zombie, set in a trance so that she wouldn’t move, speak, or look anywhere but at the grave. It was as if her own will to live died with Haku.

When they finally returned to the house, Ayumi put her bag on the floor by the main entrance before removing her headband. She didn’t lay it down as she normally would, but she let it clatter to the floor. She ignored Suri altogether, and stalked into her room. Itachi stood on the threshold, his gaze distant and mournful as he watched Ayumi close the door behind her.

Yuma approached Itachi, gesturing to Ayumi’s door. “What’s wrong with her?”

Itachi stammered, then closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. “Haku…was killed in battle.”

Everyone within earshot froze and stare at Ayumi’s door. They had all grown to love the young man, and the thought of Ayumi losing her only relative was a heavy blow to them all.

For days Ayumi barely ate, and Itachi took note of it. She wouldn’t sing or laugh, and when Itachi tried to cuddle her, she would just stand there and stare out across the landscape. Her temper was extremely short, in turn. Itachi couldn’t believe his ears when Ayumi jumped all over a couple of boys when Suri came home crying. Itachi never thought he’d hear Ayumi cuss so much at one time.

One night, in late May, Ayumi slipped out of the house and went to the obsidian cave. Itachi, soon to be eighteen, had heard her wandering around outside. He knew where she had gone, so he was able to follow her through the moonlit night all the way to the back of the cave. There she stood with her back to the entrance, a kunai in her hand.

“Ayumi?” he asked softly, moving forward.

She whimpered. “Why me? Why does all this happen to me?” She gripped the kunai.

“Everyone has something happen to them, wonderful and dreadful. Either way it begins, it always works out.”

“But there’s been so much! It’s always me!” She began to sob. “I just feel like I want to die! I don’t want to live in this life any longer!” She fell to her knees as the sobs grew loud, the kunai falling across the stone as she rocked back and forth, crying. Itachi knelt beside her, putting an arm around her, and pulled her close. She buried her face in his chest, and she clung to him as if her life depended on him.

Itachi held her against him, whispering soft, loving reassurances to her. “Your brother chose to die a warriror's death, and through that he became a true ninja. It’s not your fault, Ayumi, but you've got every right to cry. Go on; cry all the pain out, because I hate seeing you suffer.”

Ayumi stayed there, by his side, until the sun rose that morning. Even then, she felt safe in his arms and regretted that the moment had passed so quickly. She had cried all her pain and sadness away, leaving her with only a blank gap where her blackening heart used to be, letting that natural, original white light fill it in again.

“How do you feel?” Itachi inquired after a while.

“Better. Much better,” was Ayumi’s confident reply.

Hearing that the girl was over her depression, Itachi squeezed her against him, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.
Last edited by AyumiGosu17 on Sun Jan 06, 2008 11:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:20 pm
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

Ayumi-san, I'll be frank with you.

This story is driving me crazy.

***SPOILERS AHOY, for all who have not been reading Naruto***

Your style and everything is okay, but there are so many holes.

How did Ayumi gain the Byakugan? You must be a member of the Hyuuga clan to have it. And if someone "Obito"'d, the Byakugan must always be "on", like Kakashi. Another thing, I'm not sure that one person can have TWO Kekkei Genkais, so that doesn't work either.And then you lump on this "Flames of Life" things.
Ayumi is too powerful. In order for a character to be believable, she has to have flaws, and those flaws include battle patterns. She can't keep dealing hits without gaining some in return- including loss of Chakra.

And then there's Itachi.

This may be your average fangirl he's-got-to-have-a-better-side thing, but this is Uchiha Itachi we're talking about. He murdered his clan to find out how strong he was, and tortured his brother to madness. This isn't the kind of guy who would just start liking a Otonin who popped out of nowhere.

And, excuse me here, but you say he's "wearing a sweater and jeans".
This is the Naruto world, not our own. Cloaks are definitely preferable to sweaters.

Back to your version of Itachi.

When he saw his brother in Haku's jutsu, why didn't he try to rescue him or at least show signs of concern?

And the Ice Mirrors.

If Ayumi is the sister of Haku, it's obvious her element would also be Water/Ice. As mentioned in the anime, Haku's ability to manipulate water is his Kekkei Genkai. A Genkai doesn't deviate from brother to sister- and her using this Fire Mirrors thing when her Genkai should be Water is simply preposterous. You can't contradict Chakra elements like that.

And, back to the Chakra thing. From what I've read of the battle scenes, she never runs out of Chakra, or gets a really bad hit.

And if Itachi is this nice guy, well, guess what?

The Naruto series has NO point whatsoever.

You'd have to be keeping up with the manga to know it, but Naruto gets a brainstorm and realizes that where Itachi is, Sasuke will follow. And he has to shake Akatsuki off anyhoo.

******END SPOILERS***********

I think you have a nice writing style, but there are so many holes it hardly feels like a story. Patch it up and start again, that's what I suggest.


EDIT: :bemusedly: Oh, well, I've been put in my place, haven't I? :lol: ;)
All that mail doesn't stop your characters from being Mary Sues and Gary Stus...and it's certainly not improving your image. Ah well. Do as you will, I won't try to stop you.

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Mon May 21, 2007 1:02 pm
theron guard says...

All of the above! :lol: I have to agree with Ink on this one. Itachi being nice? :? Ayumi and the Byakugan? :? some of it was to unbelievable. Hope you change that. :? :)
Ohhhhhhh YEAH!!!!!!

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Tue May 22, 2007 1:36 am
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AyumiGosu17 says...

Yeah, peoples who post in the future:

I'll admit, I hadn't seen the Uchiha brothers episodes the introduce Itachi when I wrote this. I just made the conclusion he may be a little soft because 1) "he hates fighting", 2) he left Sasuke alive when he could have killed him, and 3) he didn't kill Kakashi when they fought.

So, sorry for "Itachi being nice" and Ayumi's powers. I'm trying to tone everything down now by adding handicaps (which you'll read in future chapters).
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:37 pm
PsychicNinja says...

I have to agree with Sumi about Itachi.
I really like your style of writing, though.
Sorry...but to tell you the truth....i burst out laughing a few times, because of Itachi's lovingness..... :D
It's ok......and people can have 2 kekkei genkai. It's possible.
I really like Ayumi's character!
Character, I think, is the key to a good story!
"Look, Ma. No hands"
"You haven't got a ma."
"Maybe a nice old lady will adopt me. I'm very loveable."
―Fi and Darman

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Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:33 pm
Dynamo says...

Let's not forget: right now Itachi is like, what, 20, 25? He was about the same age sasuke is NOW when he killed his entire clan, maybe older.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:02 pm
ninja-Z says...

:D it was okay, but I agree with sumi. I hope you improve, but it was interesting. :)

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Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:10 am
PsychicNinja says...

Before I start my new and improved crit, I have to say one thing.

Sumi-chan>You never know, Audra-chan could reveal later that Haku wasn't really her brother or something of the sort..or she was adopted because she had the kekkei genkai and he mom adopted her, pretenting it was her child (because of her father). **NOT TRUE, JUST GIVING AN EXAMPLE**

Just don't jumped to too many conclusions. We're only at chapter 2!!

"Look, Ma. No hands"
"You haven't got a ma."
"Maybe a nice old lady will adopt me. I'm very loveable."
―Fi and Darman

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Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:26 am
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PsychicNinja says...

Konbanwa, Audra-chan. I am here for your next crit. :wink:

Again, I'm critting as I go along:

“I’ve told you five times! I have a special ability called ‘Flames of Life.’ If I get hurt, all I have to do is be near fire for a second and I’ll start to heal instantly! Now, you tell me: how’s your hand?”

Okay, if she already has amazing powers, I like the healing should take a while...and maybe with some other special condition or something. Something needs to have a flaw or setback here...

who had been taking care of them since their teleported arrival.

I had suspected that it was teleportation, but was it Ayumi? Itachi? random person? ^^ And how exactly to the Land of Waves (or Water)?

Ayumi tore out of his arms and took off down the pier. She leapt off the steps and into the road, Itachi on her heels.

I love this whole race thing ( :cry: ) but isn't Ayumi in a kimono? Wouldn't it be difficult to run in that. (you're doing Itachi-kun better now. like his personality)

Where was Emi? Had “the ice” melted? Where was Haku?

Now this is completely out of place. Or your just keeping me in the dark about something that happen between those two weeks...Doesn't she think that Haku's really dead?

She froze in her tracks, her gaze fixed on a single structure. It was a half collapsed shack. The door and windows had been torn out, and gaps lay between the boards of the walls and roof. Enormous holes allowed the sun’s rays to shine down on the mess of its interior.

I love the fact that she stumbles (or not :wink: ) on her old home, but then again it's not in the Land of Waves. Land of Water...

He had been the one to send towers of ice through the house, thus killing Father. He had then been taken care of by the rogue Zabuza Mamochi, who trained him to be the Jounin he is now.

1)'Mamochi' is a typo, I assume. (Momochi)
2)Haku is Jounin-level..not actually a real promoted Jounin

The next four months were like a dream. Spring came with warm weather, and Ayumi, Haku, and Itachi spent most of their time outside, along the beach, and in the meadows.

I'm a little confused about the the time-frame this set in. Is is before Naruto&co met Zabuza and Haku? Regardless of the answer to that question, I don't think Zabuza would let Haku spend four (in Zabuza's eyes) 'worthless' months with Ayumi.

She felt good about herself, for in the past three months she had worked enough to have the money for a red, bikini swimsuit. Now that she was wearing it, she felt proud of her slim but mature body. She swam as Yuma and Haku tossed a football on the beach and Itachi leaned on the pier railing.

Somehow, Ayumi's attitude has change considerably (I'm not really saying that this is bad or good)...

“I keep seeing Haku with some other ninja. He’s got on his headband, and he’s fighting. Fighting to the death! It’s been the same thing: he has a hole blown through him by some white haired man just to protect Zabuza!”

I'd just like to point out that Kakashi's hair..is..in fact...silver!! (or gray at the very least)..but not white.


I’m sorry, but I must go my way now. There is something I must do for someone precious to me. If I don’t survive this mission, know that you’re the greatest sister anyone can have!

Very Haku-ish. :wink:

Her final garment was the Hidden Mist headband tied about her forehead.

She has a Mist headband now?? Man, this is confusing...

Itachi joined her on the porch, decked out in the usual black cloak that only barely showed the black net–like tunic and black pants. His boots were identical to hers.

The 'net-like tunic' is, in fact, chain-mail.

“I knew it! That’s Sasuke!” Itachi exclaimed.

Okay, Itachi-kun would never say this. He's pretty shy about the whole "Sasuke" thing, so he wouldn't have said anything. Maybe, he could have glanced away for an instant and Ayumi noticed?

“And Haku…that’s his Demon Ice Mirrors. He’s an original.”

They're called Crystal Ice Mirrors.

The white haired ninja, Kakashi Hatake, ran forward, a blue ball of lightning in his hand, and toward them, unaware of the boy that had leapt in the way.

I don't think you should be mentioning the names 'Sasuke' and 'Kakashi Hatake'. Saying it's Kakashi is obvious to everyone who's known Naruto and saying those two names distracts from the real scene.



I really like the next part after Haku dies. :cry:

Good work!
Keep writing!

~the [s]great[/s] Psychic Ninja, Timea
"Look, Ma. No hands"
"You haven't got a ma."
"Maybe a nice old lady will adopt me. I'm very loveable."
―Fi and Darman

Remember when dad's shoulders were the highest place on earth and your mom was your hero? Race issues were about who ran the fastest, war was only a car game. The most pain you felt was when you skinned your knees, and good byes only meant tomorrow? And we couldn't wait to grow up.
— Unknown