
Young Writers Society

Still Remains (Confessions of a Werewolf) Ch 5

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11 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 11
Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:10 pm
lisablack says...

I slowly moved my hands from my hips to the sides of his stomach, and crept my fingers up his sides, I softly dragged them up to where I could feel his hips and slowly back down to his waist. He shoke, and started to moan as we were still breathing each other’s air.

“Sirius how much have you drank.” I asked, as my forehead rested on his barely an inch from each other.

He laughed and I smiled.

“I… kind of don’t remember,”

“Ok how about another question,”

“Go ahead love.” he said as he took hold of my hand.

“Are you sober enough to remember if anything happens tonight?

There was a pause, and he looked down at my fingers wrapped around his he bought them up to his mouth and gave them a long tender kiss.

“I’m sorry if I …” he began to say but he would not let me.

“No moony, I want to answer your question.” he whispered, looking straight into my eyes.

“If anything did happen between us nothing would stop me from remembering,”

“Good.” I replied as I moved in for another kiss.

“Whooh! Guys!”

It was James who was clearly drunk, a cup of fire whiskey in his hand and a butterbeer in his pocket.

“Yes Prongsie?” I asked as soon as my lips parted from his.

“You guys! Are … kissing!” he said, then bent down to look at us, pointed at Sirius and said in a very serious tone, “You… are druuuunk,”

“Right on mate!”

“Whooo!” James shouted, kissed Sirius on the head and proceeded to run off to Lily.

“That was entertaining.” I said holding the bottom of my chin.

“Oh, I’ll you… come on,”

“Where to?” I asked as he grabbed my hand as he stood up.

“Mr. Moony!” Sirius shouted out as he tripped over the last step and fell face-first onto the soft red carpet of the boy’s dormauity.

“Yes Sirius?”

“Um… These roses are beautiful!”

I stood in the doorway for a second, thinking about what he said, and shake my head from side to side and asked, “What roses?”

“These ones I fell on!”

Then I noticed him picking strings of yard and placing them in his hand. I am not even going to ask. I thought to myself as I walked towards my bed.

“Remmy! Come and get me! Oh… No! It’s raining!” he said rolling over on his back, covering his face.

“Oh bloody hell,”

It was raining but of course, not in the boy’s dormitory, it was pouring outside so he easily heard it as it tapped at the window. It felt as if I were dragging a bag of clement across the floor; Sirius giggled and kicked the floor because he said I was tickling him. As he giggled, I kept a large smile on my face; I loved to see him laugh. We got up to my bed, and he grabbed a hold of the bed curtains as he laid half off.

“Woo, I’m falling!”

I just sighed and pulled him onto the bed, sitting with my legs pulled up to my chest, my chin resting on my knees, and I… just starred at him, his gray eyes closed. Those beautiful muscular arms folded behind his head. I sat there… Scared, scared to look at him, thinking I could never have him other than just his body. I did not want to admit it but I loved him, for such a long time too. I just would not amment it to myself, ever since I told him, James and peter about my secret. He looked at me with such trust and understanding in his eyes.

I would not doubt it for one second if it were he who came up with the idea to become animag. Being lost in thought, I did not even see Sirius sit up and put his hands over my knees until he kissed my arm.


“Yes Padfoot,”

“Do you like my eyes?”

“Of course I do,” with a bow of my head and a tough gulp I said, “Their beautiful,”

My head was still bowed, my eyes down in my lap, I felt his hand barely grace my chi and raise my head up.

“Close your eyes and make a wish,”

I closed them almost automatically; a second passed when I felt my wish had come true, Sirius soft lips pressed against mine. His tongue parted my lips and slid slowly into the cave of my mouth, it felt like our lips were tripping over each other. The way he was kissing me, so slow, so delicate, it was our best kiss yet. It was exactly what I had wished for, a kiss… full of passion.

As our lips parted, my eyes were meant to meet with his, but his closed eye clashes touched my nose.

“Sirius.” came from my lips as my blue eyes stared at his closed ones. “Open your eyes,”

However, I did not see two beautiful gray stars staring back at me, instead he moved his hands from my knee caps quickly up to my neck and pressed in again for another kiss. He pushed onto me, my legs somehow finding their way underneath his, in the perfect way. Our stomachs rubbed against each other, fast, but in a slow way. If that made any sense but in that place and time it was most understandable, The tiny strands of his hair combed my face, each time his body would move a different way, as his head turned side to side, devouring my lips completely.

Getting into the kiss would have been considered an understandment at that moment, but nonetheless, Sirius pulled away and asked “How’s now for opening my eyes?”

I laughed and he smiled.

“Perfect time,” I said as I rose up and kissed his bare shoulder.

“Remmy.” He said in sort of a dragged out tone.

“Yes Sirius?”

“There’s something I have to tell you.” He muttered sounding rather serious.

Right then I became nervous, what did he have to tell me? That he no longer had feelings for me. Air had started to fill up the gapping hole that had been made by the worry I experienced in those short seconds, I took a deep breath and as it closed, I asked.

“What is it?”

“Please believe me when I say this.” Sirius said.

He took a deep breath, looked deep into my eyes and said, “I love you.”

“From the moment I saw fear in your eyes, of that first up coming moon, when we knew. I also knew then I wanted to be the one to ease that pain, to be the one to hold… until morning.”

Suddenly I felt as if I were having a heart attack, but a pleasurable one. My face grew hot as my fingers timbered as they lied along his soft bare skin. I was more than speechless; all I could do was stare, my heart attack running its course. Nevertheless, his smile did not fade.

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” Came from those beautiful lips I knew too well.

My eyes almost closed automaily not being able to look at him any longer; surely, it would slow down my beating heart.



“There are no words… To describe how I feel about you,”

Sirius fainted or he liked what he heard, his head fell onto my chest, arms tied tightly around my small stomach.

“But… I love you is close enough,” I said as I stroked his hair.

“Prongs is going to kill us.” Sirius whispered out laughing.

“Ah… Just as long as we don’t ask him to join,”

I had never quite heard a noise like that before, especially from Sirius mouth. However, I figured I would be hearing a lot of it sooner than later.

“Remus john Lupin, how dare you say such things around me,” he said jokily.

I laughed and said, “Oh, I’m sure you’ve had worse,”

“Well.” He dragged out, "It is me after all, I have quite a mind,”

“Full of non useful things,”

“That’s just because I don’t spend day and night reading books without pictures that make no sense.” Sirius said with a grin, sitting up to be eye level with mine.

“But they interest me so that’s all that matters,” I said watching the glaze pass over in his eyes.

“And the fact that I need to get you out of those clothes is all that matters also,”

After lowering my eyes, after his words soaked into my skin, I could not believe my ears. I chuckled, playboy Sirius, in love with a book loving shy werewolf.

“Sirius…” I could not speak; the words would not leave my lips.

“Talk to me,”

“Wouldn’t this… even be… a little awkward? I mean all those girls…”

“Moony, listen to me… I will not lie to you, yes there were many girls, you and James knew about them, but… Nothing ever happened,” he said nervously.

I stared at him, was I really to believe him? My best friend and the one person I loved most.

But what about second breakfast?
— Peregrin Took