
Young Writers Society

A New Fanfiction: Final Fantasy 8 (Chapter 16)

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Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:13 pm
Dynamo says...

(I just want to take this chance to point out a little mistake I made in the last chapter. The creatures that were attacking Rinoa aren't called chimeras, their actual names are Igunions. Sorry for the mixup.)

Chapter 16:

Squall and Irvine squared off against one of the Igunions and Tylor took the other. Now that the odds were in their favour they stood a chance.

He rushed at his enemy and attacked. The Igunion jumped back to evade the first slash. Tylor jumped after him and spun his body in midair. He hit the creature with both swords simultaneously.

The creature regained its balance and opened its mouth. A river of lava flowed out of its mouth and toward Tylor. He knew it wasn’t ordinary lava, if it touched him it would turn him to stone.

Tylor shouted, “Blizzara!” and froze the lava. He continued casting the spell until it reached the Igunion and froze its feet to the floor. Tylor spun both swords in his hands and ran at the creature.

The Igunion opened its mouth again. This time it emanated a green energy that took Tylor by surprise and flung toward a nearby wall.


Tylor suddenly felt very light, like he had dropped a hundred pounds in an instant. He spun in mid-flight and landed with his feet on the wall. He looked around and saw Rinoa smiling at him. She had cast the spell to stop him from hitting the wall.

“Go get ‘em, Tylor!”

Tylor smiled back and nodded. He held his swords in front of his body in an ‘X’ like before. This time he would use them like scissors to take off the Igunion’s head. He pushed off the wall as hard as he could and sliced through the creature’s neck with one swift swipe. The beheaded monster fell harmlessly to the ground.

Tylor looked back at Squall and Irvine and saw that they had just finished off their opponent. Squall put away his gunblade and approached Rinoa. “Are you OK?”

“I was scared…” She grabbed his arm. “…Really scared.”

“It’s over now.” He told her.

Rinoa started shaking his arm. “I was scared. I was really, really scared.”

“You’re used to battles, aren’t you?”

“I couldn’t… I just couldn’t. I couldn’t fight alone…”

Squall looked at her a moment before saying, “Better get going.” As he started to walk away Rinoa tugged on his arm more. “I haven’t forgotten your order.” He sighed, “Just stay close to me.”

Rinoa nodded and released his arm. She looked at Tylor and said, “Thank you for saving me, Tylor.”

Tylor put his swords on his back and said, “I can’t just sit around knowing that one of my comrades…” he paused and corrected himself, “…friends are in danger. Now come on, it’s almost time.”

They entered the corridor leading outside. Tylor kneeled in front of a small hatch in the floor and opened it. One-by-one they entered the inside of the clock tower.

The sniper rifle General Caraway mentioned was sitting next to the carrousel. Tylor picked it up and handed it to Irvine. “Irvine Kinneas, it’s all up to you now. We’re counting on you.”

Irvine stared at the rifle absently for a moment before nodding and taking it. He sat down against one of the carrousel’s projectors, he never said a word. They all waited in silence as the parade drew to a close. Once the clock struck 20:00 they would begin the operation.

“Rinoa.” She looked at Squall from across the carrousel. “Seifer’s alive. He was in the parade with the sorceress.”

“…What does it mean?” She asked.

“It means he’s betrayed us.” Tylor told them. He looked over at Squall. “And yes, we may end up killing him. But it’s our duty as SeeDs to carry out this plan, no matter the cost.”

Rinoa sighed, “You’re all… prepared, right? That’s the kind of world you live in. You’ve had a lot of emotional training. But… of course, I’d rather it not happen…”

“What ever happens happens.” Tylor told her. “We can’t let our emotions get in the way with the task at hand. If we don’t stop the sorceress tonight, the lives of many people will be forfeit.” Tylor looked across the carrousel at their sniper. “It’s all up to Irvine.”

That’s when Tylor noticed Irvine shaking. He walked over and kneeled beside him. “Irvine, I know how you feel. It’s OK to be nervous.”

“I… I can’t do it.”

Suddenly the ceiling opened and the carrousel lit up and began to rise. The projectors produced holograms of clowns that spun around as if they were dancing. The crowd’s cheers were heard all throughout the city as the sorceress’ float made its way to the gate.

Once her float was inside the gates shut, trapping her. Tylor turned to Irvine. “Irvine.”

“I… I can’t… I’m sorry, I can’t do it. I always choke like this…”

Tylor sighed and looked over at Squall. “Squall, talk some sense into him.”

“Why me?”

“Just do it. This is an order.”

Squall sighed and took Tylor’s spot beside Irvine. Squall was supposed to be the person everyone looked up to, not Tylor. He couldn’t take that away from him.

Irvine continued, “I try to act all cool, joke around, but I just can’t handle the pressure…”

“Forget it. Just shoot.” Squall told him.

“My bullet… The sorceress… I’ll go down in history. I’d change the history of Galbadia… of the world! It’s all too much…”

“Enough! Just shoot!”

“I can’t, dammit!”

“Irvine, calm down. Everyone’s waiting on you. We don’t care if you miss. Whatever happens, just leave the rest to us. Just think of it as a signal. A sign for us to make our move.”

“Just a signal…”

Squall nodded. “Please.”

Irvine let out a nervous sigh and aimed the sniper. Everyone’s hearts began to throb in their chests from the suspense. “…Just a sign…”


The bullet screamed as it shot toward its target. The sorceress lifted her arm and erected a magical shield to protect herself from the shot. Irvine fell back and made a small gasp for air. He must have been holding his breath for the shot.

“…I’m sorry.”

Tylor came up and gave him a pat on the shoulder. “It’s OK, Irvine. You did well. Just leave the rest to me and Squall. You two get ready to back us up.” Both he and Squall nodded to each other before jumping off the carrousel and onto the roof.

They ran together across the roof toward the balcony that the sorceress used for her speech. The brought out their weapons and jumped into the rioting crowd below.

They each struck a Galbadian soldier when they landed. Tylor spotted a car off the side of the road. “Squall!”

He didn’t have to answer. Squall jumped into the driver’s seat and revved the engine as Tylor got in. They raced down the road toward the gateway.

“Squall, keep driving!” Tylor got out of his seat and stood on the back of the car. He pulled back his hand as if he were going to throw something. “Fira!” A large fireball formed in his hand. He threw the flaming sphere at the gate.

The fireball exploded on impact, causing the gate to weaken. Squall was about to run the car into the gate when he spun the steering wheel to one side and slammed on the breaks. Tylor used the car’s momentum to propel his jump at the gate. He slashed the charred bars of the gate as he passed through and over the sorceress’ float. He landed in front of Seifer and Sorceress Edea.

Alarms began to blare inside of Tylor’s head to incoming danger. He spun around in time to see a black figure with a sword flying at him. He blocked the figure’s attack with his drawn sword, Apocalypse. Their swords clashed as they pushed at each other with all their might.

Tylor finally recognized the man who he was trying to fend off. It was that guy he met in the T.V. station, the one who called him Daimon. Even this close he couldn’t see the man’s face under his hood. He struggled to push the mysterious stranger away with his sword, but it seemed like their strength was equal.

Squall appeared just them. His eyes went wide when he saw the man. “Tylor!”

“Well, this is how it turned out.”

Squall looked across the float at Seifer. “So you’ve become the sorceress’ lap dog?”

“I prefer to be called her knight.” He held his head high. “This has always been my dream.” Seifer pointed his gunblade at Squall. “Squall, you’re mine!”

Squall retrieved his own gunblade and glanced at Tylor who was still trying to fend off his attacker. “Tylor, are you going to be OK?”

“Don’t worry about me. It’s all up to you now. You have to kill the sorceress!”

The man in black laughed. “How rich. You all think you have what it takes to take the life of my mistress. After I’m through with you I’ll take care of your friend.”

The sorceress called out to the man. “Xemnas, take care of him quickly. You are needed at my side with my other knight.”

“Xemnas, so that’s his name.” Tylor thought.

“As you wish, my lady.” The man’s hands began to glow with an eerie purple light that spread to his sword. The light exploded in a flash of energy that sent Tylor flying backwards through the other gate.

“Tylor!” Squall called out.

Seifer threw an attack that Squall nearly missed blocking. “Your fight’s with me, Squall!”

Tylor was knocked silly for a moment from the impact. When he regained his senses he quickly assessed his situation. He was in an empty street after being blown through the bars of the gate and his enemy was nowhere to be seen.

Tylor saw Squall fighting Seifer inside the gateway. He ran over to help but a horde of bats flew in front of him and blocked his path. Just like in the T.V. station the bats formed into Xemnas. Tylor leaped back to give himself some distance.

“I’m afraid I cannot let you pass. My mistress wants me to kill you. It’s a pity, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to fight you so soon before your powers awoke, Daimon.”

“Why do you keep calling me that? My name is Tylor!”

“Yes, I know. I know everything about you ‘Tylor’. I know you are not from Galbadia Garden like you’ve led everyone to believe. I know that you know every event in this world before it happens. And I know how you think you are in a video game.”

“But… how?” Tylor pointed his sword angrily at Xemnas. “How do you know all this? Who are you!?”

“I am you.” Xemnas removed his hood. Tylor gasped when he saw the man’s face.

He was looking at himself.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
— Neil Armstrong