
Young Writers Society

Twin Riddles Chapter 5

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Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:54 pm
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vixeyt says...

“ Right! I want answers!” Harry shouted as he strode across the Drawing Room to stand in front of Mariana. Remus stood beside her and squeezed her hand and looked at Harry curiously.

“ What’s wrong Harry?” Remus asked calmly.

“ I want to know a little bit more about Christina Merope Riddle if you please. And why her broom has the words ‘Sweet TMR Love CMR’ written on it?”

“ What are you talking about Mr Potter?” Asked Mariana with obvious confusion.

“ I want to know why Christina’s broom has Voldemort’s name on it followed by her name and the word love.”

“ Oh no. She didn’t did she?” Groaned Mariana.

“ She didn’t what?” Asked Ron.

“ Please tell me she didn’t get her broom.”

“ Oh she did. And she’s just gone out the door with Sirius chasing after her on my Firebolt.”

“ NO!” Mariana shouted out in horror.

“ What’s wrong Mariana?” Asked Remus.

“ This can’t be happening. This is. Not now. Please tell me your joking. Not now. Of all times. Not now.”

“ Mariana what is wrong?”

“ She’s drunk and flying on her broomstick.”

“ Yes and what’s so bad about that?”

“ That broom has a charm on it. Whenever that broom is ridden the one who is riding it thinks of the one they love in their heart of hearts. The broom takes them to that person.”

“ Yes. Who does Christina love in her heart of hearts?” Mariana took a deep breath before answering Remus.

“ Lord Voldemort.” Everyone in the room gasped and Harry’s face paled slightly as did Remus’s.

“ Lord Voldemort? She loves Lord Voldemort!”

“ Yes. It is a bit obvious Mr Potter. You saw her broom. You saw what she had engraved in it. We must go after her.” Mariana looked positively terrified at the idea.

“ Mariana you can’t go. We can but you can’t.”

“ And why can’t I Remus?”

“ Mariana. If we go after Christina we will find Voldemort. His supporters. The ones who killed your parents possibly and Fenrir.” Mariana’s face paled when Remus spoke the name ‘Fenrir’.

“ I can do it. I’m strong enough. And Fenrir will not recognize me.”

“ How so?”

“ Christina cast a spell a long time ago. To Fenrir I will be another woman. He will not recognize me as being who I am. He will not see me. He will just see another member of your Order. I am safe because of this.” Remus did not look happy at Mariana coming with them but when they were all prepared for following after Christina he did not stop Mariana coming with them. The party consisted of Mariana, Remus, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Mad-eye Moody, Kinglsey Shacklebolt, Minerva Mcgonagal and several others who were unknown to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

“ Remus. Who is she?” Asked Minerva, pointing at Mariana who was hovering very close to Remus.

“ This is Mariana. She shall be coming with us.”

“ She is not a member of the Order. Why is she coming with us? No rudeness intended.”

“ She may not be in the Order but she has been with Christina Riddle for over 20 years. They are companions and best friends.” At the mention of Christina Minerva’s paled slightly.

“ Oh come on. Why is it whenever Christina is mentioned all who have not met her look the same way as when they hear Lord Voldemort’s name being mentioned! I am sick of it! This is why Christina was reluctant to show herself after all of these years. 36 YEARS! She has been working against the one she loves, her own flesh and blood for 36 years and she gets treated as though she were her brother! Do you all know how upset this makes Christina! You just don’t understand and I don’t think you ever will!”

“ Calm down Mariana. Calm down. Don’t get so worked up.” Remus soothed Mariana until she was no longer shaking with rage. No one spoke until they were just about to leave.

“ Remus. It’s, it’s.”

“ Daylight.” Mariana nodded.

“ I can’t go out there Remus. I can’t. Christina is not here and she hasn’t given me the potion.”

“ Potion?”

“ Yes. She developed a potion especially for me. It means I can walk in the daylight without being harmed by the light.”

“ Does she carry it on her?”

“ No. It’s back.”

“ Back where?”

“ Our base of Operations.”

“ Can you direct me to where it is if I apparate. We can get your potion and then get going.”

“ Ok. Just don’t tell Christina I have showed you. Not yet. She must not know. We aren’t ready to show any of you but this is an emergency.” Remus nodded his head and Mariana gripped tightly onto his arm and focused firmly on where she wanted to be. She shut her eyes and focused hard on the room and when she opened her eyes again they were there. She ran across the side of the room to the bookcase and picked up the heaviest volume there and whispered to it. The middle of the books pages melted away to reveal a small vial with a orange liquid in it. Mariana pocketed the vial and whispered to the book again. The pages returned to normal and Mariana replaced the book on the shelf and ran over to Remus’s side again. She closed her eyes and when she opened them they were back in Grimmauld Place. She took the vial from the pocket of her robes and uncorked it. She tipped the orange liquid down her throat and screamed out as she felt the sharp stabbing pains all over her body. They disappeared after a few seconds and everyone was looking at Mariana with admiration.

“ You sounded like you had the Cruciatus curse over you and you didn’t even move from where you were standing.”

“ I have taken this potion many times. The pain makes you scream no matter how many times you take it but eventually you stop falling to the ground and you stop moving at all. You just scream from the pain.” Mariana shook her head and then walked out into the daylight. Nothing happened to her.

“ Christina is a genius isn’t she?” Everyone nodded their heads in astonishment. Remus smiled and walked out into the sun to stand next to Mariana.

“ Well what are we waiting for?” Asked Mariana. Everyone walked out of Grimmauld Place and watched as it disappeared from view. Mariana grabbed hold of Remus’s hand and she shut her eyes as they all apparated. When she opened them again they were in inky blackness that Mariana’s eyes could barley penetrate.

“ Can you see Remus?” She asked.

“ Just and no more.”

“ I don’t like this Remus. I have a really bad feeling about this.”

“ And rightly so.” A voice spoke out from the darkness that made Mariana gasp. There was a small clicking noise and the blackness disappeared and was replaced by eerie torchlight. Standing mere meters away from Mariana was none other than Fenrir Greyback. Mariana stared at him with a mixture of horror, sorrow, love and pain in her eyes. Everyone was staring at Fenrir with a mixture of disgust and fear on their faces. Remus had tightened his grip on Mariana’s hand. Fenrir was staring straight at him.

“ I always thought there wasn’t something quite right about you.” Fenrir’s voice was a harsh, rasping bark and Mariana was finding it difficult to tear her eyes away from her lost love. Fenrir had noticed that she was gazing at him and Mariana managed to look away from him.

“ I believe my master and Lord would be most interested to know how you got here.” Fenrir’s presence was causing Mariana great pain and she was finding it difficult to push her emotions away and lock them in the chest she and Christina had worked to create in Mariana’s heart. Mariana looked over at the rest of the party and she instantly noticed that Harry Potter was not among them.

He is a smart boy after all. Thought Mariana. There was a sound of several footsteps and several people appeared in black Death Eater robes. Mariana hissed as she caught sight of Bellatrix Lestrange who looked at Mariana fearfully. Mariana did not recognize the other one but she found out his identity when Remus whispered his name in her ear.

“ His name is Severus Snape.”

“ That’s Eileen Prince’s son? Christina went to school with Eileen.” Mariana whispered in astonishment. A young boy with a pale pointed face and platinum blonde hair appeared behind Bellatrix.

“ He looks a lot like Lucius Malfoy.”

“ It’s his son. Draco Malfoy.”

“ Like father, like son. He won’t be as pitiful as he looks then.”

“ What are you whispering about?” Asked Bellatrix.

“ It is none of your business Bellatrix. So go and crawl back into the accursed hole you were born in.” Snapped Mariana. Bellatrix was stunned for a moment then regained her composure.

“ How dare you speak to me like that!”

“ Is that the best you can come up with? Now, are we just going to stand around here merrily conversing or are we going to be killed? Because if we’re going to have a nice merry chat I must get us all some Firewhisky. Never tasted the drink in my life now that I mention it.”

“ No. You prefer blood. Do they know what you are?” Asked Bellatrix gesturing to members of the Order that made up the party and Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

“ Yes they do Bellatrix. So I’m afraid you can’t drop that particular bombshell on them.” Bellatrix looked at Mariana trying to find some sort of weakness to prey on. Her eyes then slid to Mariana and Remus’s hands.

“ Oh. She’s got herself another werewolf boyfriend. I wonder how long it will be before this one joins us because of you.” Bellatrix Lestrange had gone too far. She had crossed the line. Mariana let go of Remus’s hand and flew at Bellatrix and knocked her over. She took Bellatrix’s wand and snapped it in half and flung the pieces away. She pulled Bellatrix to her feet and punched her in the face once, twice, three times. She then kicked her in the stomach and watched as Bellatrix fell to the ground groaning in pain. Mariana stood over Bellatrix breathing heavily then she felt something heavy hit her sharply on the back of the head. She fell to the ground.

“ Mariana. Wake up. Mariana!” Mariana opened her eyes and looked up at Remus’s worried face.

“ I’m fine. I’m up. Where are we? How’s Bellatrix doing?”

“ We’re in a cell of some sort and Bellatrix isn’t all that happy.”

“ She hasn’t told Fenrir who I am?”

“ Not that I know of.”

“ Why are we even here again?”

“ Christina.”

“ NO!” Screamed Mariana jumping to her feet. She ran over to a door she could see 10 metres in front of her. She ran against the door and it didn’t budge.

“ I’m going to kick it down.”

“ You won’t be able to do it. Your not strong enough.”

“ Watch me Remus. Watch me.” Mariana shut her eyes and thought about Bellatrix, about Fenrir, about Lord Voldemort, about the people who had killed her parents. She opened her eyes again and ran at the door. Her foot connected with the door and the door broke as her foot went through it. She kicked at the already broken door again and watched as it fell to the ground. Remus stood beside her and clapped her on the back.

“ I’ve tried everything and nothings worked. Well done.”

“ I told you I was strong enough. Where’s everyone else?”

“ I don’t know. Me and you were just locked in here I don’t know what happened to the others.”

“ Remus. You find them and get them out. I need to find Christina.” Mariana made to walk away but Remus grabbed her arm and stopped her.

“ Mariana it’s too dangerous. What if you meet Voldemort?”

“ If I meet Voldemort then all I can say is I am going to do all I can to hurt that Dakanesh. I will die if I meet him, that is a certainty but I will not die without a fight. Remus. Before I go I want to tell you that although part of my heart still belongs to Fenrir and always will you have the rest of it and my love.” Mariana kissed Remus passionately and then ran away down a dark corridor. She followed the corridor until it ended in a massive circular room that’s walls seemed to glitter as if there were sparkling jewels embedded in it’s rock surface. There were two corridors leading from the room. Mariana ran down the corridor on her right and when the corridor ended after twisting and turning all over the place she stood at one side of a huge and massive hallway with statues on the side walls of the hallway. Mariana nervously walked along the hallway. She knew that soon enough she was going to meet someone or something that was chilling her very bones to the core. She hadn’t even met them or it yet and already she was filled with a huge sense of terror and dread. She was nearing the end of the hallway and she could see an enormous golden door. The torchlight made the gold of the door shine and cast eerie shadows that many could use to there advantage. Mariana herself had used the shadows to her advantage many times before and as such she was constantly alert for anything lurking within the shadows. She pushed open the massive door and before she could see the room she was in a cold, high voice spoke.

“ Welcome.” The voice said. Mariana looked in the direction of the voice and took a deep breath as she saw the owner of the voice. It was Christina’s brother, Lord Voldemort.

Christina soared through the sky on her broom and as she soared she felt so free. She could do whatever she wished. She could try and reach for the highest stars in the sky but they had disappeared and daylight was upon her. Christina shook her head and as she did so the effect of the half bottle of Firewhisky left her. Christina looked down to the place where her broom was pointing. Christina had no control over the broom and it would not let her leave it. She had to hold tight onto it as it soared down into what seemed to be underground caves that turned into corridors. Christina sped through the corridors until she reached a long hallway, which ended in a massive gold door. When Christina reached the door her broom bucked her of and she fell through into the room on the other side of the door. She stood up and brushed herself down before finding herself looking into the wide eyes of Mariana.

“ Mari! What are you doing here?”

“ Oh Christina. I had hoped I could stop this from happening.”

“ Stop what?” Mariana shut her eyes and stepped to the side ever so slightly so Christina could see whom Mariana had been facing before Christina entered. Christina’s breath caught in her throat as she saw her brother. There was a shocked look on the face of Tom Marvelo Riddle who was known as Lord Voldemort.

“ Christina. Your changing back.” Christina nodded her head miserably. She shook her head, closed her eyes and took a deep breath and turned to face the brother she had not seen for many, many years.

“ Hello Thomas.”

He could not believe she was alive. After all these years. He was furious that the Death Eaters he had sent to kill her had failed. Some had died and others had been captured and placed in Azkaban where, they too, perished. He had not heard of or seen Christina since and had presumed that she had died and the Death Eaters had been successful in their mission. It was not so though because she was standing before him.

“ Christina. How has life been treating you?” Voldemort asked in a sickly sweet voice.

“ At first not all too well but of course you know of that. Afterwards though it improved slightly.”

“ What have you been doing all these years then may I ask?”

“ Not much. Saving people’s lives and generally working against you, fighting against you. I was and am sincerely surprised that you did not discover what I have been doing for all those years since we last met.” Voldemort’s blood boiled in his veins. It had been her. She had been the one foiling his plans and limiting his numbers of Death Eaters. It had been her. Her and her friend.

“ May I ask why you have decided to reveal yourself to me now?”

“ Ah. I did not intend for that. I was going to reveal myself to you at a later date. Unfortunately half a bottle of Firewhisky affected my judgement and I arrived here. Some advice for you Thomas. Don’t drink half a bottle, let alone a full bottle, of Firewhisky. You might do something you’ll regret later on.”

“ Thank you ever so much dear Christina for that wonderful piece of advice. I will be sure to use it in the future.” Voldemort bowed to Christina. He was absolutely seething with rage inside. How dare she call he, Lord Voldemort, Thomas. The old fool Dumbledore had called him Tom but no one else had called him anything other than Lord Voldemort or, in his early years, Tom. He had never been called Thomas. Ever. Except by Christina. She and no other called him Thomas.

“ Yes it is a wonderful piece of advice. I am most pleased that we have had this pleasant chat. Maybe, some other time we could have a drink and discuss some things.”

“ Possibly.”

“ Now, however, is not the time. I bid you adieu dear Thomas and take my leave with Mariana here. May I just ask you one question before I leave though?”

“ Ask away sweet Christina. Ask away.” Voldemort said kindly through clenched teeth. He was finding it extremely difficult not to reach for his wand and cast Avada Kedavra. He knew that Christina would do and he was not all too keen to repeat what had happened in his sixth year at Hogwarts.

“ Where are the members of the party that Mariana arrived with being held?”

“ I cannot tell you that.” Voldemort said with a smug edge to his words.

“ Such a shame. I would not care to destroy this place to find them but if you do not tell me where they are or release them to me then I am afraid I shall have to do so.”

“ Surely your new found friends would perish if you were to destroy what surrounds us?”

“ I would see to it that they stayed safe. The same, however, cannot be said for your Death Eaters. Sadly they would all die.” Christina looked sternly at her friend Mariana who was nodding her head eagerly. Clearly the idea of killing all of the Death Eaters was a most appeasing thought to her.

“ Very well then. It seems as if I have no choice but to let your friends leave Christina. I shall make it so that it is done immediately. If you would care to follow me.” Voldemort smiled in a way he thought to be pleasant.

Christina could see through her brother’s façade and wasn’t fooled in the slightest. She smiled back at her brother with genuine warmth and felt laughter bubbling up inside of her at the confusion in his eyes. He swept past her and Mariana and she followed after him.

“ Chrissie. I’m terrified of him. Why is he so frightening?”

“ He just is. Just like I hope that I am frightening myself when I am angry enough.”

“ Oh there is no shadow of a doubt that you strike fear in my heart when you are angry. When they here your name does everybody know your related to said Lord who I am frightened of?”

“ Not everyone. Albus Dumbledore has spread it far though so it is no longer a precious few people who are aware that Lord Voldemort is actually Tom Marvelo Riddle. Even then they are wrong for his proper name is Thomas Marvelo Riddle. The name, which he despises the most. First for the rarity his first name lacks and secondly because his surname associates him with our father. A muggle who left our mother and who I would happily have exacted my revenge upon.” Christina’s voice had a bitterness and anger within it.

“ Thomas however reached him first. You do know that he is named after our father and our grandfather on our mother’s side. Marvelo Gaunt. Salazar Slytherins descendant. Yes, both myself and Thomas are the descendants of Salazar Slytherin who you have heard of I am sure.” Mariana nodded her head in dumb shock.

“ Chrissie. We have been friends and colleagues for many years. I am hoping that you will tell the truth to the question I next ask. It would be rather poor proof of our friendship if you did not. “

“ I assure you that I will tell the truth.” Christina could not help but smile and watched angrily as she saw a flicker of terror in Mariana’s eyes. Christina’s smile evaporated instantly.

“ Your brother is a Dark Wizard. Are you a Dark Witch if there is even such thing?”

“ Mariana. You know that I cannot give you an accurate and proper answer to that question for I do not know myself. I fight against my brother and that makes me seem good but I am steeped in the Dark Arts, which makes me seem evil. I associate myself with yourself and you are considered to be a dark and evil being which I can assure you you are not. If you were then how could a certain wolf not take his eyes off you?”

“ Christina. Could we please not talk about wolves.”

“ Oh dear. Mariana please forgive me. It was a slip of the tongue. I totally forgot about your issue with wolves.” Christina pulled Mariana back as Voldemort stopped walking and turned to face Mariana and Christina. He was staring at Mariana with his scarlet eyes.

Don’t worry Mariana. I’m right next to you so don’t worry. Mariana felt much more confident and less frightened as she heard Christina’s voice in her head.

“ I am most interested to know why you do not like wolves?”

“ It, it,it,it is a s-s-s-subject that cau-cau-cau-causes some discomfort wi-wi-wi-with me.” Stuttered Mariana.

“ Thomas.” Christina said firmly, jumping in to save Mariana from further questions by her brother.

“ Yes Christina.”

“ Mariana does not wish to talk about wolves and I would appreciate it if we could just continue where we were headed before you stopped to ask a question on a subject that had arisen in the conversation you listened to even though it was not your place and it was not a conversation that you should had listened to.” Voldemort turned away from Christina and Mariana and started walking again.

When we return back I must try and teach you how to speak without using your mouth Mariana. It is a skill that would aid you most well. Especially in situations like the one you just found yourself in. Christina’s voice had a sharp edge to it that would have made anyone else feel ashamed but Mariana knew that Christina was trying to help her and that the sharpness was not implying that she was to blame for the situation she had been in moments before. They continued on in silence following Lord Voldemort until they reached a wooden door that was opened immediately and the members of the party Mariana had arrived in stood. They saw Voldemort and they all hurried to stand against the wall. They were all terrified and Mariana saw that their terror subsided, but did not disappear completely, as Christina appeared beside Voldemort.

“ Thank you Thomas. I believe we shall now be on our way.”

“ I trust that you can find your way out of here?”

“ I can and I shall make it so the rest of them can too.”

“ I wish you all the best in the future.” Voldemort said in a voice that clearly suggested that he did not wish Christina all the best in the future. Christina walked into the cell, for that was what it was, and shepherded the party to her. Mariana bolted past Voldemort as quickly as she could and stood next to Christina.

“ Where’s Remus?” She shouted in panic.

“ Do not worry Mari.” Christina shut her eyes and when she opened them again Remus Lupin was standing in front of Mariana with a bemused look on his face. Mariana grabbed his hand. Christina waved her hand and a green light blocked Voldemort from view and she shut her eyes and when she opened them next she removed something from the air and Harry Potter appeared.

“ I love Invisibility Cloaks. Now I must allow this light to disappear so I can say farewell.” The light disappeared and Voldemort’s eyes widened as she saw Harry Potter standing next to Christina.

“ Au Revoir Thomas. It has been a pleasure as it always has been to meet you again. If you are going to attempt to kill me again please do not send pitiful Death Eaters who can do nothing right whatsoever after me. I would prefer a challenge. A fight for my life.” Christina waved merrily at Voldemort who was so white with rage that everyone except Christina winced. Then they were at Grimmauld Place again.

“ Christina you must never do that again.” Mariana said slowly. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

“ There was no need for you to be frightened Mariana. If I had not arrived when I did however there would have been desperate cause for alarm but seeing as I was there why were you frightened. Thomas was more frightened of myself than you were of him. Why do you think he was so gracious and pleasant?”

“ Just don’t ever go near him again. And what, may I ask did you mean when you said for him to not send pitiful Death Eaters after you?”

“Yes what did you mean?” Everyone asked simultaneously.

“ Shortly after we left Hogwarts Thomas sent some of his Death Eaters to kill me. I was shocked and not just because they were so feeble and weak. I was shocked because my own brother, my own flesh and blood, couldn’t even have the decency to try and kill me himself. When I thought about it afterwards it seemed rather obvious the reason he would not attempt to kill me himself. The little incident we had in our sixth year which I am sure you know the general details of had apparently affected him deeply.” There was silence and then several members of the party disappeared until only Mariana, Remus, Christina and Harry were left. Mariana and Remus walked out of the room shortly afterward leaving Harry and Christina alone.

“ May I speak with you Mr Potter?” Harry nodded his head.

“ I must rephrase the question. May I speak with you Mr Potter in a place which I will feel more comfortable in?” Harry nodded his head. Christina took his hand and in a whirlwind of colours and sounds they arrived in the black room. Christina sat down in a black armchair and gestured for Harry to sit in the red one opposite her.

“ I believe there are some things Mr Potter that you would like to know about myself and my past.”

“ Yes. There are.”

“ Then you will relish the chance that I am giving you now. You have the chance to ask me whatever you wish and it is only now that you will have this opportunity so ask any questions you wish and I assure you that I will answer them truthfully. Whatever the question may be.” Harry smiled gratefully at Christina as she passed him a bottle of butterbeer and allowed him to select some sweets from a tin she had handed him. He took a sip of the butterbeer and opened his mouth to begin the questioning.
The opposite of courage is not cowardice but conformity

Bee is in the house bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Oh, I'm sorry. My friends are in the popcorn and I have to save them.
— Tori Hansen, Power Rangers Ninja Storm