
Young Writers Society

Miranda and the Masquerade (temp title) Part 1

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6 Reviews

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Points: 890
Reviews: 6
Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:14 am
sanguine_dreams says...

(Eek, I don't know if I rated it properly...)

This is the beginning for a fanfic for a Vampire: the Masquerade character I used to play online. I was really proud of my ability to play her, because she's pretty much the exact opposite as me and she was also my first roleplaying character EVER!

She's a Malkavian, and for those unfamiliar with Vampire: The Masquerade, that means that she turned crazy when she was first sired. In this case, her craziness takes the form of "sanguinary animus" which means she hears the voices of the victims from her feedings. She's also a bit unique in that she comes to believe that she is not only sucking their blood out from their bodies, but also their souls. More on that when I come to it!

You'll notice the fanfic is broken up into really small pieces usually. That's because I started writing it in conjunction with Miranda's character sheet, so that would be a few years ago. I added on the last part today. I hope they mesh okay.

BTW, this is some twisted crap. Just so you know.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Victoria was four years old, and had already mastered the art of deceit. She looked so sweet, and acted the part, but she had no conscience whatsoever. She wanted things HER way, and if she didn’t get what she wanted, bad things would happen. She lived in San Diego, and what she learned too late was that there were monsters much more ferocious than she living in her very city.

“I want purple!” Victoria screamed. “Gimme!”

Ms. Daisy sighed. Once again, Victoria’s having problems sharing. Why me? She put on her teacher-est smile and said, “Victoria, Watson’s not done with that crayon yet. There’s more than one purple crayon, you know.”

“I want that one!” the girl shrieked.

Little brat. “Watson, will you give the purple crayon to Victoria when you’re done with it?”

Watson nodded eagerly. “Yes, Ms. Daisy!”

The teacher smiled more. “You can wait, can’t you, Victoria?”

The little girl’s attitude suddenly seemed to change. She smiled sweetly. “Yes, Ms. Daisy. I’ll get the glue instead.”

Ms. Daisy had no clue why Victoria wanted the glue, but shrugged it off. She sat at her desk and watched the scene. At one point a little girl (not Victoria) threw a small fit of her own. Watson got up for water at this time, but the teacher didn’t think much of it at all. She resolved the conflict and watched as the children worked semi-quietly for nearly half an hour. Then it was recess time.

“Everyone get in line for recess!” she announced. All the children raced and pushed and shoved to get to the front of the line… all except for Watson, that was. He wouldn’t-no, he couldn’t-get up! He seemed literally glued to his seat! By now he was in tears. Only one little girl could have done this.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Mommy, what did I do? Why are you punishing me like this?” asked the little girl. Her eyes were blue, teary , her face confused. Her hair was blonde, in little pigtails. To set it all off was an adorable pink party dress. She was the very vision of innocence. She was so cute, in fact, it nearly broke her mother’s heart.

“It’s for a week, dear, and… Victoria, honey… you glued poor little Watson to his chair! He cried for three days! I should not be so kind!” Her face was stern, but inside, she was melting. How could she punish her sweet little girl? Surely there must have been some mistake at the preschool. Her daughter would not have done such a thing… would she?

Victoria switched strategies. “I’m so sorry, I… I didn’t mean to hurt him… it was a accident. Mommy? Mommy? I love you very, very much...”

Her mother smiled. “Yes, I know you do, princess. I love you, too. You will still be grounded for the remainder of the week.”

Victoria sobbed, ran to her room, slammed the door behind her, and threw herself on the bed. “I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!” she screamed, shrilly. She locked the door. After a few minutes, she gathered her things, and escaped out the window. When she hit the ground, she ran, as fast and as far as her tiny little legs would carry her. I’ll show HER, she thought, furiously.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

She ran and ran, and before long, night fell. Victoria did not know, could not have known, what happens in the city when night falls. Vampires had ways of keeping their existence low key, and humans had ways of not believing in the vampires. Tonight, a new vampire, extremely hungry, was hunting for her first meal.

Victoria’s innocent eyes were teary, and as she looked at this vampire, she said, “Are you here to take me to my Mommy? Will you be my friend? I need a friend.”

The vampire, appearing as a cheerleader of 18 years, swallowed hard, and said, “No, I’m sorry, I can’t. You see, I’m hungry. When people like me are hungry… well, I need to be satisfied quick or I’ll go crazy!” The vampire lunged at the girl, biting into the succulent flesh of her neck. The vamp kept sucking the blood, and could not stop if she wanted to. In seconds, the little girl had not a drop left in her. At the age of four, Victoria’s life was lost.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

That mean lady hurt me! I want to go home… I want to say I’m sorry to Mommy for being bad. Now I never will…

“Laila… the girl’s talking to me. Which she can’t be, because I killed her and she’s in one of those dumpsters a mile away from here.” Miranda tried not to freak out. It wasn’t easy.

“Well-sometimes things that can’t happen do! You’re a vampire now, how did that happen? I’ll tell you. I sucked some of your blood and gave you some of mine.”

“It was like my first lesbo experience or something.” She blushed and giggled in spite of herself.

Laila shook her head in disbelief. “Stop acting like a foolish little girl! You know what foolish little girls are, Mirra? Dinner.”

“But I don’t wanna do that! I just wanna let Jake hold me and-“

“Forget your boyfriend!” Laila interrupted. “You know what? Let me show you something.”

Laila took Mirra by the hand and led her all the way to the Kemble household. Mirra gave her a nervous glance. “Wh-what are you doing? You’re not gonna hurt my family! I won’t let you!”

Laila laughed. “Oh, really? I’m much stronger than you, sweet. What exactly do you think you’re gonna do to stop me?”

Miranda’s eyes started to bulge out a bit. For a moment she thought they’d pop right out of her head. Her mouth hung open. “You’re not serious, are you? There has to be some other way.”

“You still do not understand what you are now. You are a monster! It is your place, nay, your duty in the grand scheme of things to hunt, and to kill. Nothing else matters!”

Laila kicked the door in. Miranda followed hesitantly. Her mother walked in. “Mom, run!” she yelled.

Laila glared at her. “Stupid whore!” she hissed, and slapped Mirra away. She then jumped on the couch Miranda’s mother was standing behind and grasped the woman at the throat. “Get up and pay attention, girl!”

Mirra obeyed orders. She saw her mother turn towards her and looked away. “I’m sorry, Mom,” she whispered. Laila bit into the woman’s neck and drank.

When the deed was done, she wiped her face and turned to Miranda. “Where’s your father, and your little brother, too?”

“They’re… probably in the basement, working on the doghouse.” What could she do? She always knew she was ‘bad’… and now she was this thing. Laila owned her now. If she didn’t obey the woman who made her what she was, how would she know how to deal with it? No, it was better to be the A+ student in this class.

“I didn’t know you had a dog,” Laila mused.

“We don’t. But I want… er… wanted one. We were gonna get one next week.” She tried not to cry.

Laila patted her on the back, a bit to forcefully for it to feel sympathetic. “You’re better off without one now. Imagine how many dogs you’ll have to get and then lose in your unlife. It’s hardly worth it.”

Miranda smiled a bit. “I guess so.” They made their way downstairs. The light was on. “Hey Dad? Bro? C’mon out, I need to talk to you about something. It’s, um, important and stuff.”

Laila winked at her. “Good girl,” she murmured. “You’re learning.”

The thought sent chills up her spine. “Dad? C’mon. Please?” No answer. Miranda silently prayed that they had gone out for pizza or something. After walking a few more feet she realized she wasn’t going to be that lucky. They hadn’t answered because they were really, really preoccupied with their project.

Laila spotted a straight saw behind them and her eyes lit up. She grabbed it greedily and crept towards her victims. Mirra couldn’t move or speak or do anything at all. She just watched as Laila decapitated her father and her little brother, and then lapped up all the blood.

“Eat, child!” Laila commanded. “This is our True Nature!”

“Uh, no thanks, I’m still full from that little girl. Virgin blood’s the best, right?”

Laila growled. “You’ve still got much to learn, girl.”

“Don’t call me girl… as in ‘foolish little’.” Miranda held her head high and tried to look more certain of things than she was.

Laila, her mouth dripping with blood, cocked one eyebrow. “And why not?”

“Because ‘foolish little girls’ are just the things you eat. Dinner.”
"My form is a filthy type of yours." -the Creature, Frankenstein

When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind.
— Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind