
Young Writers Society

See beyond.3

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Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:32 am
vixeyt says...

“ Here we are. Kings cross-station. It’s only 10:45 so there was no need for you to worry Hermione.”

“ How did you know Tonks?”

“ You were rather loud and I had needed to use the bathroom.” Hermione nodded her head and the whole party walked towards the barrier. Harry still held Ginny’s hand and Ron was staying rather close to Hermione. They walked through the barrier first followed by Harry and Ginny. Tonks came behind them and ushered them onto the train.

“ See you Tonks!” Ginny called out, waving to Tonks.

“ Thanks..” Harry began but Tonks just waved and smiled at him before disappearing into thin air. Ginny let go of Ginny’s hand and walked past her.

“ I’ll see you later.” He whispered into her ear as he passed. Harry walked down the corridor’s looking for an empty compartment. Or a compartment where some of his friends were. He opened a compartment door and walked in and sat down opposite;

“ Hello Harry.” Luna said in her dreamy voice with the Quibbler yet again in her hands and up to her face.

“ Hello Luna. Enjoyable summer.”

“ Not all that much. How was yours?” Harry didn’t answer. He didn’t really want to talk about the summer. Lots of things had happened and Harry didn’t really know where he stood. It had been difficult moving into Grimmauld Place and the Dursley’s noticed his sadness after he came back from school and tried to take advantage of it. They hadn’t known Harry’s anger though and one day when they were out of the house he near destroyed everything. The Dursley’s were furious when they came back but Harry had turned seventeen four days before so he was now legally allowed to use magic. This had frightened the Dursley’s beyond all believe considering they had never seen Harry use magic with a wand in his hand but they suspected it would be worse than when he had blown up Aunt Marge without actually using a wand. They had left Harry well alone after that and when Dudley tried to torment him Harry thought of Snape and pounced on Dudley. Dudley had never been defeated in a fight but Harry broke that. He was the first person to beat Dudley in a fight. His glasses had been broken in the fight and there were cuts over his face and his wrist was broken. These injuries were like a paper cut to Harry compared to the other injuries he had experienced over the years. Breaking his arm, losing all the bones in his arm, having his leg cut, having Basilisk poison running through his veins, being possessed by Voldemort, which near killed him.

“ You would have been far more upset than me about Dumbledore’s death. It ruined my summer. It’ll have ruined yours too.” Harry was astounded at how accurate Luna was. It was amazing but rather frightening too. The compartment door opened and Neville walked in. He had changed quite a lot over the summer too. His face was less round than it had been all the time Harry had known him and he was thinner than he had ever been.

“ Hey Neville. How was your summer?”

“ It was horrible.” Even Neville’s voice had changed. It was more confident than before and Harry was happy to know that Neville had more confidence in himself. This confidence would surely grow over the year, as Snape would no longer be at Hogwarts to bully him. Harry’s fists tightened as he thought of Snape.

“ Are you ok Harry?”

“ Yes. I’m fine Neville.” Harry said through gritted teeth.

“ Oh. It’s just your knuckles are white and you look as if you want to punch someone.”

“ If I was in Harry’s position I would want to punch that Professor Snape. The really horrible teacher who used to teach potions.” As ever Luna was right and Harry relaxed himself and unclenched his fists.

“ How was your summer horrible Neville?”
“ It was Gran. She was so upset. Dumbledore dead and everything. She took it really hard. Crying for days. I think that would be the general reaction. Dumbledore was a great man and done so much for…..” Neville broke off at the look on Harry’s face. It was one of furious anger and upset.

“ Could we please talk about something else?”

“ I’m not looking forward to doing our N.E.W.T’s. I hope that I’ll at least pass Herbology.”

“ Your really good at Herbology Neville. Of course you’ll pass your N.E.W.T. You’ll pass it with flying colours.”

“ You’ll pass your Defence Against the Dark Arts easily.” Neville said smiling at Harry.

“ I won’t be doing my N.E.W.T’s Neville.”

“ Why?”

“ It’s pretty pointless.”

“ Why?”

“ Because there’s a really big chance that I’ll…” Harry stopped himself from finishing the sentence. Neville didn’t know of the Prophecy and it’s not that Harry didn’t trust Neville. He just didn’t want Neville to know that one of his friends might very soon be dead. Harry took a deep breath and stared out the window of the Hogwarts express, which had started its journey to Hogwarts. Harry hadn’t noticed. He thought that train was still at Kings Cross.

“ A really big chance that you’ll what?” Asked Neville. Harry shook his head and glanced nervously at Luna. The Quibbler was still covering her face and she seemed totally absorbed in it.

“ A really big chance you’ll what?” Pressed Neville. He was determined to get an answer from Harry and Harry kicked himself from giving so much away. There was really only one way Harry could think of that would divert Neville from finding out about the Prophecy and Harry didn’t feel too happy about doing it.

“ How are your parents Neville?” Neville’s facial expression was unreadable and his voice was rather strained as he answered.

“ They’re doing ok.” There was silence for five minutes and Harry thought he was safely away from the Prophecy.

“ What’s there a really big chance that’ll happen to you?” Neville asked again. Harry knew that he would have to tell Neville eventually because Harry had touched on the subject Neville was most protective of and it hadn’t stopped him from asking. Well, it had for five minutes.
“ I’ll tell you some other time.”

“ No. You’ll tell me now.” Harry was taken aback by what Neville had just said. It was so unlike Neville. The compartment door slid open to let Ron and Hermione enter. Neville smiled at Ron but when he saw Hermione he gasped. Luna lowered the Quibbler and stared at Hermione.

“ Hermione. What happened to you?” Asked Neville with concern.

“ Nothing.” Hermione mumbled. Ron took hold of Hermione and steered her into an empty seat near Harry. Ron took the empty seat next to Harry so that he was on Ron’s left and Hermione was on his right. Luna continued to read the Quibbler, oblivious to everything.

“ What’s there a really big chance that’ll happen to you?” Ron looked at Harry quizzically where as Hermione looked at him with concern.

“ I said Neville. That I would tell you later.” The compartment door opened again Ginny stuck her head in the door.

“ Luna.” Luna put the Quibbler down and looked straight at Ginny.

“ There are a couple of Ravenclaws ten compartments down who are looking for you. I think their names are Roxanne and Clarissa.” Luna stood up immediately and without an explanation walked out of the compartment. Ginny walked in and shut the compartment door and sat in Luna’s empty seat, opposite Harry.

“ Are you going to tell me Harry?” Neville asked.

“ Tell what? Harry what are you going to tell Neville?” Ginny asked immediately.

“ Seeing as he’s being so persistent I’m going to tell him about the Prophecy.” Ginny and Hermione both threw Harry looks that said what are you thinking of. Ron just stared at him without expression.

“ Prophecy? What Prophecy?”

“Neville. There was a Prophecy made a long time ago. It was a prophecy concerning Lord Voldemort and an unknown person. The prophecy stated that the one who could destroy Voldemort would be born at the end of July to a woman and man who had defied him three times before. He would mark him as his equal and that neither of them can live whilst the other survives. This means that I have to destroy Voldemort. I’m the only one that can. And there is a good chance that I may die in the process. Hopefully taking him with me.” Harry paused. Took a deep breath and then spoke again.

“ Hermione, Ron and Ginny all know this but what I am about to tell you now Neville is that the prophecy could easily have applied to you. That you could be in my position. Your parents escaped Voldemort three times and you were born at the end of July like myself.” There was a gasp from everyone in the room except from Neville. Neville was silent and staring at Harry with shock. Four minutes later he finally managed to speak.

“ So. You have to kill him?” Neville croaked. Harry nodded his head.

“ Harry. Are you sure that it could have been me?”

“ Yes. The only reason it wasn’t you was because Voldemort perceived the prophecy to be referring to me. He marked me.” Harry pointed to his scar and continued. “ And when he gave me my scar he gave me parts of himself. For example, the ability to talk to snakes, Parseltounge. And we have a bond with each other. Which is why whenever he is near or feeling an emotion strongly my scar hurts. I’m sorry for having to tell you this Neville. You have enough things to be worrying about and dealing with.” Harry smiled sadly at Neville and after a few minutes Neville managed to smile back. That was when Hermione started sobbing loudly. Both Harry and Neville looked at Hermione who was crying on Ron’s shoulder.

“ How come you didn’t tell us that last bit?” Ginny asked.

“ It was something I wanted to keep to myself. The only other person I wished to know was Neville himself.”

“How long have you known Harry?” Neville asked shakily.

“ After the incident at the Ministry.”

“ How could you have heard the Prophecy? It was smashed.” Neville stated simply.

“ After I was possessed by Voldemort Dumbledore handed me a portkey to his office and he let me hear the Prophecy.”

“ How?”

“ Dumbledore was the one the prophecy was made to. He used his pensive so I could listen to it.”

“ Do you know who made the Prophecy?”

“ Yes. Professor Trelawny.” Ron looked at Harry with wide eyes and Neville’s mouth fell open.

“ Her?” Neville and Ron said at the same time.

“ Yes. Her. She was applying for her job. Then she did the thing she did when she said Voldemort’s servant would return to him. She said that the night Wormtail escaped.”

“ She’s not a complete fraud then.” Ron said simply. Harry snorted.

“ Just because she made two prophecy’s doesn’t mean that she isn’t a fraud.”

“ Was it this Wormtail person who heard the Prophecy and told Voldemort?” Neville asked boldly.

“ No.” Harry’s voice had shook slightly.

“ Who was it then?” Harry took a very deep breath and then shouted.

“ I DON’T KNOW!” He roared. Hermione’s sobbing was louder than ever and Neville looked quite upset.

“ I’m sorry Neville. I know who it is but I don’t want to say.”

“ Anyone we know?” Ron asked.

“ We used to. And we hated him. Neville was terrified of him.” Harry spoke through clenched teeth. His fists were tightened again.

“ SNAPE!” Everyone shouted out. Hermione was still sobbing but she cried his name out. Harry nodded his head and he could not help but reach for his wand. He whipped it out and slashed at empty air. No one was in the way and so no one was hurt by the spell. Harry dropped to the ground and couldn’t help but start to cry himself. Ginny knelt down beside him and put her arms around him.

“ Hey, hey. It’s ok. Crying doesn’t make you any less of a man. It makes you more. Shhh.” Ginny hugged Harry tightly and he hugged her back. Tears started to flow down her cheeks and very soon everyone was crying their heart out. Harry and Ginny were clutching tightly onto each other. Hermione was on Ron’s lap and was cuddled up against him. Luan was leaning against Neville whose arms were around her and tears were both sliding down their faces.

In memory of..

There was a banging sound and Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Neville and Luna all woke up instantly. They all stared at one another and didn’t think to move. Ron’s head was against the back of his seat and Hermione was curled up in his lap like a cat. Harry and Ginny were lying down on the floor and Ginny was cuddled up against Harry. Neville was lying on his seat and the seat that Luna had been sat in. Luna was lying in front of them and they were holding hands. The compartment door opened and Tonks walked in.

“ What are you still doing here? The train will be go….” She stopped what she was saying and smiled at all of them in turn. Everyone shot up to there feet and hastily flung their robes on top of their muggle clothes. They all ran out of the compartment and sprinted off the train and up to an empty Thestral pulled carriage. Neville slammed the carriage door shut and as he did the carriage trundled away up to the castle. Everyone except for Harry and Ginny were bright red with embarrassment.

“ Listen.” Hermione and Luna said together. Hermione was directing her words to Ron and Luna was directing her’s to Neville.

“ Nothing happened back there.” Neville and Ron said at the same time. Ron to Hermione, Neville to Luna. Harry and Ginny laughed together and the carriage stopped. Everyone bolted out of the carriage. Luna was about to get off but she tripped and would have fell onto the ground if Neville hadn’t caught her in his arms. Harry and Ginny laughed again as Luna and Neville grew redder. Luna tried half heartedly to get onto her own two feet but Neville wasn’t letting her go. Luna looked at him closely and smiled. Neville smiled back and gently dropped her to the ground. He held his arm out and she took hold of it as they both walked into the castle. Harry and Ginny stared at them in astonishment then smiled. They tried to find Ron and Hermione and saw Ron leading Hermione into the castle with a protective arm round her. Everyone was looking at them and Harry was smiling sadly.

“ Come on then. I think I’m turning into Ron.”

“ Why?” Ginny asked with amusement.

“ Because I’m absolutely starving.” Ginny laughed as she and Harry walked into the castle and Great Hall holding hands. Harry let go of Ginny’s hand when they reached the Gryffindor table. She looked at him with confusion.

“ Your sixth year friends are waving at you.” Ginny looked over at the end of the table where, sure enough, a girl with curly black hair and a girl with shining black hair and green streaks running through the black were waving enthusiastically at her. Ginny sighed, rolled her eyes and walked away heading towards the two girls. Harry sat down opposite Neville who was gazing at the Ravenclaw table. Harry had a shrewd idea exactly who Neville was gazing at. Hermione and Ron walked over and sat beside Harry. There was an empty seat on Harry’s left and Nearly Headless Nick soon filled the empty space.

“ How are you Nick?” Harry asked with polite interest.

“ As good as I can be. I hope that your friend shall not insult me yet again this year?” Nick was staring at Ron.

“ Lots of things have happened over the summer Nick. Including Ron growing up so I don’t think so.” Nick smiled and then shushed everyone near him as Professor Mcgonagal walked into the Great Hall with a stool and a patched old hat with about twenty first years. Harry wasn’t shocked at the small amount of first years after all he had been expecting less. Mcgonagal placed the old ripped hat on the wooden stool and the hat did something it had never done before. It just sat there. It didn’t open the rip in its brim and start singing about Hogwarts, the founders and the different qualities of each house. It just sat there.

“ Let the Sorting begin.” Mcgonagal unrolled a small piece of parchment and called out the first name on the list.

“ Fisher, Damien.” Damien Fisher nervously approached the stool and Mcgonagal placed the hat on his head. The hat was silent for a few moments then it shouted a name out.

“GRYFFINDOR!” Everyone at the Gryffindor table applauded and Nick rose into the air and switched seats. Damien Fisher sat down in the seat next to Harry. Harry smiled at him.

“ Well done and welcome to Hogwarts.” He whispered so only Damien could hear him. He smiled at Harry, all traces of nervousness gone. Harry looked back at the sorting hat and the first years. Harry’s stomach rumbled as Perry, Michelle was sorted into Gryffindor. There was only two first years left to be sorted then food.

“Red, Amy.” A young girl with red hair walked up to the sorting hat, everything about her brimming with confidence. The sorting hat took a while to sort her but she eventually ended up in Gryffindor.

“ Red, Charlie.” Amy Reds brother looked nothing like her and had black hair with a smug air about him that Harry had only encountered in bullies. As soon as the sorting hat touched Charlie Red’s hair it screamed out at the top of its voice the word Slytherin. Amy Red had sat next to Damien so Harry could see the lack of shock on her face. Most people would be horrified if they had been sorted into Gryffindor and their sibling into Slytherin but Amy Red stared at her brother with indifference upon her face but fiery hatred in her eyes. Professor Mcgonagal rolled up the parchment with the first year’s names on it and walked over to the wooden chair in the centre of the table. She did obviously not want to sit on the golden throne Dumbledore used to sit in and before she told everyone to eat her eyes drifted over to meet Harry’s and she nodded her head. Harry knew what she was saying. She was honouring Dumbledore’s memory.

“ Now that the first years have been sorted into the houses which suit them best we may now eat.” As professor Mcgonagal finished speaking food appeared everywhere and Harry reached for a pork chop and the gravy boat.

“ What was all that about?” Ron asked as he piled mashed potato and steak and kidney pie onto his plate.

“ What was all what about?”

“ You know what. Mcgonagal. What was she nodding at you for?”

“ Do you notice where Dumbledore’s chair is? The golden one he sued to sit in?” Ron looked up and down the staff table and finally announced that he could not see it anywhere.

“ Exactly the point. I would think that the new headmaster or mistress would sit in that chair but Mcgonagal hasn’t.”

“Oh. Ron. She’s honouring Dumbledore’s memory.” Hermione said. Harry nodded his head and took a bite of his chop.

“ Excuse me.” Piped up a small voice next to Harry. Harry looked down at Damien and swallowed the piece of chop in his mouth.

“ The girl next to me would like to speak to you.” Harry looked past Damien and met the swirling grey eyes of Amy Red.

“ What can I do for you?” Harry asked politely.

“ I was wondering if I could talk to you about something. Not here but later on and somewhere else.” Harry was confused by what she had just requested but he nodded anyway. Amy smiled weakly at Harry then continued twirling her fork absent-mindedly in her mashed potato. Harry took another bite of his pork chop and within a matter of minutes had finished it and was starting on the mashed potato. Once he had finished the mashed potato he took some steak and kidney pie and started eating that. Ron was eating a lot slower than he usually did and Hermione was looking all over the hall. She gasped as she looked up at the staff table.

“ What is it Hermione?” Ron and Harry asked at the same time.

“ Sorry. I didn’t mean to sound melodramatic. New defence against the dark arts teacher and potions teacher.” Harry looked up to the staff table and saw all the teachers that were usually there minus two. Snape! And Dumbledore. Harry’s eyes were immediately drawn to the two new teachers at the end of the table. One of them was a woman with shining brown eyes and long curly brown hair with tanned skin and the other looked vaguely familiar to Harry though he could not for the life of him remember how and why.

“ I know her!” Hermione said in awe.

“ You do? How?”

“ Her name is Carolina Marquess and she is one of very few people who escaped Lord Voldemort. He tried to kill her but failed after she was under the imperious curse. She’s a very very lucky woman. When she was under the imperious curse she nearly destroyed the ministry of Magic and the order of the Phoenix. When she was released from the imperious curse by Voldemort she was nearly sent to Azkaban. Voldemort tracked her down and destroyed her family before her very eyes and she barely escaped from him with her life. You can relate to her a little bit Harry.” Harry stared up at Professor Marquess with awe and she noticed him staring at her and smiled at him faintly. Harry looked to the teacher on her left and gasped himself. He had bright glittering grey eyes and shockingly pale skin. He was extremely handsome and had a certain air about him that Harry had encountered only once before but he couldn’t remember where.
“ What is it Harry?” Hermione asked nervously.

“ Look to her left.” Hermione and Ron followed what Harry had said and they too gasped when they saw the man sitting beside Carolina Marquess.

“ He’s so pale!” Hermione said with shock.

“ Who IS he?” Ron asked.

“ I don’t know but I have the strangest feeling I’ve met him before.” The main course vanished from the table as Harry spoke and was replaced with desert. Ron immediately shot his hand out and grabbed several slices of treacle tart and poured some custard over them. Hermione took a slice of chocolate cake and cream. Harry took some ice cream and cheesecake.

“ I wonder who he is?” Ron said in between mouthfuls.

“ Well we’ll find out in about five minutes.” Hermione said and, sure enough, five minutes later the deserts too vanished from the table and Professor Mcgonagal stood up and called for silence. When everyone was quite in the hall Professor Mcgonagal began to speak.

“ Welcome back to our previous students and welcome to our new students. There are some notices that I need to tell you all before you retire to bed. I would like to tell everyone that the Forbidden Forest is out of bounds to every student within this castle. There are certain items that are banned within the school and will be confiscated if seen. These items can be seen in each common room notice board and on Mr Filch’s office door. There is to be no duelling or spell casting in the corridors and I would like to introduce two new members of our staff here at Hogwarts. Professor Marquess and Professor Reldartim.” Everyone in the hall clapped there hands and Professor Marquess smiled shyly whereas Professor Reldartim gazed all over the hall with his glittering bright eyes.

“ Now that all of the relevant information that you will be needing has been given to you, you may now go to your common rooms and dormitories. The first years shall remain seated until the prefects reach them. Before everyone leaves though I would like to congratulate two pupils. Our new Head Boy and Head Girl, Miss Hermione Granger and Mr Ernie Macmillan.” There was a large applause for Hermione and Ernie and then everyone except for the first years stood up and walked out of the great Hall. Harry remained where he was waiting for Ron and Hermione. He had decided that he would accompany them and the first years to the common room. Hermione and Ron had gathered all the first years together and were leading them out of the hall. Harry caught up with Ron and Hermione.

“ Well done Hermione. I didn’t know that you had got Head Girl. Well done.”

“ Thank you.” Hermione whispered, her face going slightly red.

“ By the way Hermione, Ron. What is the password?”

“ Oh. It’s Victus Vinus.” Harry nodded his head and they all trooped on in silence with the seven first years behind them. Amy Red and Damien Fisher were walking silently next to each other behind Harry. When they finally reached the portrait of the Fat Lady all seven of the first years stared at the Fat Lady in wonder as she spoke.

“ Password?”

“ Victus Vinus.” The Fat Lady nodded and her portrait swung open. Hermione, Ron and Harry stepped through the portrait hole and Harry helped Amy Red and Damien Fisher clamber through the hole and into the common room. Hermione and Ron were helping the other first years. When they were all safely inside the common room Hermione directed and led the girls up to their dormitory and Harry and Ron told and led the boys to their dormitory. When the first years were safely in their dormitory’s Harry and Ron walked up to the dormitory they shared with Neville, Dean and Seamus. Dean and Seamus were putting up posters of their favourite Quidditch team and in Dean’s case football team. Neville was sitting on his bed staring at the wall opposite his four-poster bed.

“ What’s wrong with Neville?” Ron asked. Dean and Seamus shrugged. Harry elbowed Ron sharply in the ribs and gave him a significant look. Ron understood instantly. He took his robes off and out his pyjamas on as Harry sat down on Neville’s bed next to him.

“ Hey Neville. What’s wrong? Is it what I told you on the train or is it Luna?” Neville looked at Harry with a mixture of desperation and slight upset.

“ A bit of both.” He mumbled quietly.

“ Do you want to talk about in the common room?” Neville considered what Harry had said then nodded his head. They both stood up and walked out of the dormitory and down into the common room. Neville sat down in a comfortable armchair and Harry sat down opposite him.

“ Well. What is wrong Neville? Start from the beginning.”

“ Well. It’s difficult.” Neville stuttered. There was always going to be nervousness in Neville’s manner. No matter how confident he seemed.

“ Why is it difficult?” Harry asked softly. Over the summer Harry’s voice had changed and had grew softer and quieter but it could still be heard. Harry knew only two people’s voices that were like this. One was Snape and the other, who spoke like that all the time, was Voldemort.

“ It could have been me sitting where you are right now Harry. My parents could have died and I could have the scar on your head and the destiny that you have now. And I don’t know which is worse and it makes me feel ashamed.”

“ Why?”

“ Because I don’t know who’s better off. Your parents are dead and you’ve nearly been killed so many times before whereas my parents are insane and, as you have seen, wasting away. And I feel so ashamed that I could even think that I was worse off than you.”

“ There’s no reason to be ashamed Neville. And the way I see things you have it worse. You’ve had to know your parents like that. Being better off dead. My parents however, I never got to know them all that much and they are dead. I think things are more difficult for you. You have to see your parents like that. They are worse off than my parents. At least they have peace.”

“ Thanks for saying that Harry but it’s still difficult to know that I could very easily have been in your position and facing certain death.”

“ Neville. All death is certain and as Dumbledore has said many a time Death is but the next great adventure. We cling so desperately onto life because we are terrified that there will be nothing after. The longer and harder we cling the closer we get to become like Lord Voldemort.”

“ Why are you not frightened Harry? Your going to battle with the most evil wizard of all time and you are most likely to die yet you are not frightened. Why?”

“ Because I know that when I die I shall be able to meet my parents and others.” Harry paused and took another deep breath trying to hold the tears, that were threatening to spill, back

“ Because I know that when I die I shall be able to meet my parents and others again. I only hope that I can take Snape, Bellatrix and Lord Voldemort with me.” Neville looked at Harry, his eyes shining with tears. Harry smiled slightly and Neville laughed sadly.

“ I don’t know why I’m crying.” He said.

“ You have every reason to but Neville I want you to know that I will destroy Bellatrix. For you, for your parents and for Sirius.” There was silence between Neville and Harry as Neville wiped away the tears and composed himself.

“ Now that we have that out of the way. Luna.”

“ Luna.” Neville mumbled.

“ What about her?”

“ Well. I’ve liked her a little bit since the beginning. She’s so funny without meaning to be. And she’s beautiful. I’ve grown to love her and I’m terrified.”

“ Why?”

“ Because. I don’t know if she loves me back. And I’m not good enough for her.”

“ Neville.” Harry said sharply.

“ You are perfect for Luna. She deserves no one else and I can safely say that you would be the perfect couple. And what happened on the train. Doesn’t it prove that she loves you too?”

“ Before she sat down she said that what had happened didn’t mean anything.”

“ Neville. Hermione said the exact same thing to Ron yet look at them. They can hardly keep it hidden from everyone else. Hermione tells herself she doesn’t love Ron and Ron tells himself that he’s not good enough for Hermione, he could never make her happy and that she doesn’t love him back. Does this situation sound familiar to you?” Neville looked at Harry thinking and then his face broke out into a broad smile. Harry smiled back at him and stood up from the armchair.

“ You know what to do then Neville?”

“ Yes. I’m going to go down to the Great Hall tomorrow and when I se Luna I’m going to walk over to her and kiss her.” Harry nodded his head, happy at Neville’s total and utter joy. He took his robes off and put his pyjamas on before climbing into his four-poster bed. Harry took off his glasses, put them on his bedside table and stared up at the ceiling. He was well fed, happy and looking forward to the next day.
The opposite of courage is not cowardice but conformity

Bee is in the house bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Prometheus, thief of light, giver of light, bound by the gods, must have been a book.
— Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves