
Young Writers Society

Magnificent, This World | Chapter Four

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23 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 923
Reviews: 23
Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:04 pm
MSDavies says...

Spoiler! :
Chapter four here! I advise you to read the others first to prevent any confusion! Thank you, and review! Keep on writing.(:


I watch helplessly as he creeps closer, inch by inch. My mouth slacks open dumbly, and I hear the small clicks as Brea’s feet continue to descend the ladder. Come on, Brea. Hurry up. I think to myself, for I find that I cannot speak once again.
“I told you I would be checking up,” he says so that only I would hear it.
I do not reply. Instead I continue to stare blankly at his advancing form.
“Come on now, Joy. Where on Earth are your manners?” he says as a smoky laugh escapes him.
I decide to play along. “Up there,” I say as I point up above ground.
“Well, unfortunately you’ll have to be without your manners for a little bit then, eh?”
“Guess so,” I say as I add a shrug for effect.
“Jo, what the heck is going on?” Brea says from right behind me. Odd, I didn’t notice her.
“Umm, nothing,” I say hurriedly. “Nothing at all.”
“Then who’s your man friend?” Brea says, her mouth forming into a flirtatious smile.
“I think some introductions are in order, pet.” The man says. He is only feet away now.
“I don’t feel like it,” I say, trying to keep my cool. Gosh, I hope he can’t tell how nervous I really am.
“Joy, don’t mess with me. Who is that?” Brea says impatiently.
I turn on Brea angrily. “I don’t know who the hell that is! But when I find out I’ll let you know, or is that too much waiting for someone as impatient and immature as you?”
Brea does not reply. Instead she looks away. Crawling into that imaginary shell of hers. I have hurt her and she wants me to feel sorry, but to tell the truth I am not in the mood right now. Brea can go deal with it.
“Tsk-tsk.” he says. “You really are disappointing me, Joy. I clearly told you to not bring anyone else into our little deal,” he says regarding Brea. “You find the way out and stay put here until I tell you to leave this place. Then do everything I say once you are up above.”
“I don’t remember you saying any of that,” I say nervously.
“I didn’t?” he says as he pretends to be surprised at his forgetfulness. “Well, I am sorry for that. But I’m afraid your little friend is a big no-no,” he says as he shakes his finger from side to side, smiling.
“Fine,” I say. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t hang around me anymore,” I say with as much courage as I can. As if it will cover the lie I had just told.
“What do you take me for, Jo?” He says.
“What do you mean?” I say, playing dumb.
“Do you take me for some kind of fool?”
“Not at all,” I say coyly.
“Well then, maybe you should stop lying to me,” he growls. “We both know what has to happen to your friend here. And things would be so much easier if you didn’t try to stop me,” he says as his smile seems to grow.
I feel Brea go rigid next to me. “Joy, please don’t let him get to me,” Brea says as she looks at me, her eyes pleading. I look back at my friend, who without my help, will surely be killed.
“I’m sorry, sir. But I can’t let you do that,” I say strongly as I feel Brea grab onto my hand. I squeeze back to reassure her that I have things handled.
“I told you not to do that, pet. We have some obedience issues to work on,” He says as he holds up a remote of some sort.
“What is that?” I say quietly.
“Oh I would expect you of all people to know the answer to that question, pet.” He says playfully.
“I’m sorry to disappoint,” I say sarcastically.
“Well pet, it is the remote that controls the training dummies,” he says simply.
“Really?” I say holding back a laugh. “That is what you’re going to use to beat us?”
“Of course,” he says simply.
“Why don’t you get off your lazy butt and fight us yourself? I mean, someone like you could definitely take a couple of inexperienced girls like us,” I say, hoping he will believe me.
“Really, pet. I don’t see why you bother to continue to lie to me. It’s pathetic,” he says as he pushes a few of the buttons on the remote. A few second later the clay dummies come to life. Instead of coming for Brea and I like they usually do, they turn the other way. I am confused as to what they’re doing until I realize that they are headed towards the weaponry.
I nod to Brea as we head in the same direction as fast as we can. She quickly grabs two swords, and I snatch up the best pair of daggers I can find. Although they are nothing compared to my own, they’ll have to do.
Brea and I run to the cover of the trees as we look around to see the dummies quickly advancing and that man holding the remote, controlling them. I look at Brea and whisper, “This is not training, got it? This is real, Brea, and this will not be easy. We have to fight our way to the back and get that remote. ‘Kay?”
"Mhm,” she says, completely at ease. She has always been the best fighter, and I’m thankful for it.
We run out of the brush, I throw a dagger that hits a dummy right in the head. I run and pick it up as Brea chops at all in her path, not even looking back at the piles of rubble she’s created. Something’s wrong. I look around and see that they are fighting too; their mechanical arms wield swords which chop and slash at Brea, not me. “There are too many!” I shout.
“I know!” Brea says. “But we aren’t really gonna just walk out of here are we. Now come on, help me out over here!”
“Right,” I say as I go to assist her, but am suddenly stopped by a blockade of the fake soldiers. They do not attack me; they just stand there, preventing me from getting to Brea. I slash at them with my daggers, and as they fall new ones take their place.
“Joy!” Brea yells.
“I can’t” I say holding back sobs, I have got to help her. I look past a dummy and see the man advancing towards Brea as her back is turned. She’s fighting with such ferocity she doesn’t hear my screams of warning. I then spot the remote on the ground just behind the blockade, and I know what I must do.
I cut at all the dummies around me with such rage that they all fall around me. I look up quickly to see that he is getting closer to Brea. I run and snatch up the remote. I push a few buttons so that the dummies stop fighting Brea, and instead I silently order them to form a blockade around her.
“Let me out!” she yells.
“No, Brea. Stay put!” I yell back.
I press another button, and the dummies advance towards the man twirling their swords. He begins to creep back. Then he stares at me coolly. “You may keep your friend, but I do not approve, pet.”
“I don’t really care.” I reply.
“Well, I’ll keep in touch then,” he says as he then looks at Brea. “With both of you.”
Next thing I know, he is gone and all of the dummies are returned to their they’re eerie stillness.
“Right,” I say quickly. “Let’s go back to bed.”


I crawl under the scratchy woolen blanket in a state of shock. I suddenly realize the trouble that Brea and I were just in. I saved us. I smile to myself, I know it’s selfish, but I feel really good that I was the hero and Brea the damsel in distress. It makes me feel more superior, even though I know I shouldn’t feel that way. I really did it! I stopped him from killing her. So why shouldn’t I feel good about it?

I wake up about an hour later to go to mess, and I couldn’t possibly feel any worse. With every labored step, my muscles scream in protest. I wish I could just go into a quiet corner somewhere and sleep forever. Since I can’t, I decide to continue walking. I suddenly feel a slap on my back. Ouch. I spin around to see Brea, “Oh, hey.” I say.
“Joy, you saved my life last night,” Brea mutters, completely serious.
“I wouldn’t say that. I just helped out. You definitely could have done it yourself,” I say, trying to be modest.
She looks at me stonily. “Joy, we both know he would have killed me.” Then she smiles. “And you really are the worst liar ever!”
“Oh shut it,” I say, trying to hold back a laugh of my own.
“Ha-ha,” she gives me a playful punch on the arm.
“Ow!” I exclaim.
“I’m sore all over. You have no idea how strenuous it is to save your sorry butt every five minutes,” I say quietly.
“I am, too, Jo. Stop being such a baby,” she jokes.
“I like being a baby,” I say. “Babies don’t get hurt and don’t have to save the life of their best friend from some kind of psychopath,” I state simply.
Brea looks as though she will crawl into her little shell again, but then replaces the expression with one of those bright smiles that makes you feel as if everything’s alright. “You are hilarious, best friend,” she adds with a wink and a coy smile.
“I may want to take that one back if I were you,” I say, playing along.
“No can do, Jo. Once you say ‘best friend’, it is never undone. You’re stuck with me forever,” she says.
“Then may heaven help me,” I say as we both start to laugh like maniacs--as if last night had never happened.
“I think I’m the one who should be helped! I’m stuck with someone who constantly attracts danger!”
“Danger attracts me,” I say as I wiggle my eyebrows playfully.
With that, Brea throws her arms around me and I feel like I finally have one person in the world that I can trust.


As always, Brea and I decide to work with the dummies in the training arena. Something’s odd, though. As much as we want to totally demolish any dummy in our path, we find that we just simply cannot. Every time one of the clay figures pops up behind a couple trees, instead of attacking like we should, we shrink away. I guess the fact that Brea almost got murdered last night because of those dummies is finally starting to take effect.
Brea makes another feeble attempt at defeating another dummy. It falls, but it is just as if it is falling in slow motion. The dummy doesn’t crumble with the same desired thud it used to. Instead it makes a painful thonk. Brea immediately stalks off to the changing area; I can tell that she is struggling with the concept that she is somewhat afraid of the gears and bolts embedded into the fake body. I’m sure she should be more scared of that man who had actually tried to kill her.
After completely missing a couple of targets, I decide to try and find Brea in the changing room. Not because I’m nosy or anything; I just want to know what the deal is.
I quietly enter to see her angrily putting on her boots, so I say, “Be careful not to murder your shoes, Brea. You know they only give us a few pairs.”
She looks as if she hadn’t heard a single word of what I’d said. Awesome, if she’s going to be this sorry for herself I should just leave her to it. Just as I’m about to turn my back and get out of there she simply mutters, “I want to leave tomorrow.”
“Why?” I ask.
“I can’t take being here a second longer. You know I’ll leave without you if you decide to be such a spoil sport,” she says. Clearly the old Brea we all love so much is resurfacing. Oh what a joy.
“Then I have no choice now do I?” I say happily because I, too, want to get out of here ASAP. And now with means of escape, we can and I’m not letting some maniac deprave us of freedom.
“Really? We’re getting out? Tomorrow?” she says excitedly.
“Yes,” I agree, “tomorrow.”
The expected hug comes immediately, and as always I return it.

Throughout the day Brea and I can barely control our anticipation. For instance, during our survival course the professor had to keep saying, “Ladies! If you keep shaking like that while building a fire, you will likely be hurting your chances of surviving!”
“Oh really Sergeant O. We don’t really care!” Brea yells gleefully, but unfortunately, a bit too loud.
“What was that, Miss Stratton?” he yells back.
“Nothing!” I yell. I surely will not let Brea get us both in trouble.
“You girls are clearly not on task, I’m going to have to ask you to put away your machetes for the day.” he says as if “putting away our machetes” is like some major punishment. Sorry to disappoint you Mr. O, but it’s not.
“Fine, I never did really like fire anyways,” Brea says softly.
“You don’t like fire?” I ask curiously.
“Not at all,” she says simply.
“Why?” I press on.
“I don’t know. It’s always been a phobia of mine, I guess,” she says. “Plus, when I was a little kid, I truly believed that fire was the only thing that could ever harm me. Of course I was being naive, but I guess I still kind of believe it,” she says more to herself than me.
“Oh,” I’m not really sure how to respond to that. “Alrighty then, want to head off to the mess for some supper?” I say, changing the subject.
“Nope, I’m too excited for tomorrow!” she says excitedly.
“Same here!” I say, “But I’m still hungry.” I add.
“Oh fine then. Off to mess then?”
“Of course! And after mess…” I say.
“Bedtime,” she says, mocking a yawn.
“And after that?” I ask mischievously.
“Umm. We wake up?” she says, confused.
“Then?” I press.
Realization finally finds her, thank gosh. “Oh! We get out after that!” she says almost jumping up and hitting her head on a locker.
“Can’t wait!” I say as we leave and head out to the mess hall.

Dinner is spent with many hurried whispers and murmurs as Brea and I discuss what we will do after we get out.
“I’m going to see my family, in New York,” I add.
“I’ll probably go with you, Jo. My family probably doesn’t even remember me anymore,” she says sadly.
“I’m sure they do, Brea! Don’t be ridiculous!”
“I was taken when I was three years old, Joy. It’s been thirteen years. They probably have a new kid now, and nobody remembers ‘that girl who just disappeared that one night’.” Brea states.
“Well then, I would be happy to let you meet my family.” I say quickly.
“Really? I can’t believe I am too meet the famous Wotcher clan!” she says with mock-excitement.
“You should be,” I say sarcastically.
“So are we expecting any more late night visits from our mystery man?” Brea asks coyly, but I can tell she is somewhat frightened as well.
“I dunno,” I say quietly. “He just sort of, pops up I guess.”
“Bit stalker-ish wouldn’t you say?”
“Definitely!” I say as I start to laugh.
“Thank God that once we leave that creep can’t try to brainwash you, Jo.” Brea giggles.
I let Brea continue to jabber on as I concentrate on the other side of the mess. Where my dark brown eyes come across his sapphire blue ones. As he catches my eye, I immediately feel a cold wash over me. He then winks, and does a little wave. Not really a pleasant wave, more like a ‘hello there Mr. Turkey. Happy Thanksgiving! You sure would look fantastic next to a few carrots and potatoes! Can’t wait to eat you later! Gobble, gobble, gobble!’ It makes my stomach start to feel queasy. Then just as soon as he appeared, he’s gone. Just like that.


Breakfast now, and Brea and I are even more excited. It’s gotten to the point where we are shaking so badly, some seven year old asks us if we are okay. I swear, if we have to wait much longer I’ll explode. There’ll be little bits of Joy for breakfast instead of the usual oatmeal.


During field training in the arena Brea and I aren’t even practicing. Instead, we continuously stare at the ladder that leads up to our little escape hatch. I look at the dummies then to Brea.
“One more round for old time’s sake?” I say happily.
“I thought you’d never ask,” Brea says, brightly smiling as she brings up her sword and I push the button to bring fifty enemies upon us.
And just like old times, Brea and I kick some clay dummy butt.


After dinner (or should I say lack-there-of?), Brea and I get into bed for knockout time. The trick is that you pretend you are already sleeping, so that the sightless man believes that he had already gotten to you. Then after a few hours of napping, you get up and do whatever you please it’s quite easy. For three hours I sleep. Even in my dreams, I am impatiently waiting to go.

Then I wake up. And I know that it’s time.


I almost leap out of my bunk, but of course I don’t. As I get dressed, I look up at Nicole and decided to part with her appropriately. So I quickly wrote a note, simply saying: Good luck, I know you’ll do fine in life. And if ever you want to leave this place, just look in the Arena, You’ll find it, I promise. Please don’t come looking for me, it’s too dangerous. I wish I knew you better. Love always, Joy. I tuck the note into the pocket of her uniform; grab my daggers and whatever few possessions I have. This basically consists of three pairs of sneakers, a pair of boots, and only one uniform change (I’ll get some normal clothes once I’m home). Then with one last look over the room that had been my cell for the past seven years I realize that I won’t miss this place at all, so I quietly close the door and walk down the corridor to meet with Brea at the usual spot.
She leaps and hugs me as soon as she spots me. She’s that excited. For once, I act just as giddily, I am just as excited about leaving. We quickly zigzag our way through the corridors to the arena, excitedly whispering about how wonderful it is the entire way.
We were standing right in the doorway to the arena just as we were abruptly stopped by something—no, someone behind us. We both turn around, expecting a guard, but end up with much worse.
“Hello there, pets,” he says, smiling.
Brea and I respond with silence.
“What’s the matter?” He asks, clearly amused.
“Let us go, you creep!” Brea says. “We need to get out! Isn’t that what you want?”
“Well, yes. That is what I want, but you can’t leave right now,” he says as a glimmer of desperation comes across his face. He quickly tries to hide it, but I have other plans.
“Why not?” I ask, a smile of my own starting to make its way across my lips.
“Just don’t,” he says stonily. “Any night but tonight. Tomorrow, the day after. Anything.” He pleads.
“Well, since you seem unable to answer that question,” I say sarcastically. I intend to make him squirm. “Then will you at least tell us who you are. It’s good to know whose employ you’re in,” I say.
“Well, you seem like sensible girls,” he looks at Brea. “My name is Lucifer.”
“Are you a bad guy?” Brea asks, her own smile starting to show.
“Oh yeah, I’m the devil,” he says as he starts to laugh, as if he had just told the best inside joke ever. “No really, I’m only here to help you, Joy. And I guess, since this one decided to tag along, I’ll help her too.”
“So you’re a good guy then?” Brea asks, still messing with him.
“Let’s just say I’m extremely neutral.”
“Extremely neutral sounds suspicious, but if Joy is okay with it then I am too.”
“Oh I’m just fine with it,” I say purposefully giving him my best “beauty queen” smile ever.
“Then we have a deal?” he says.
“Deal,” Brea and I say in unison.
“Good,” he pauses. “Yes, good.” He says to himself.
“We’re still going,” I say persistently.
“I really don’t want you to, pet.” He says hurriedly.
“You’re getting on my nerves,” I state.
“Well, you aren’t going anywhere, pets and that’s that. Now go off to bed and we can continue this conversation tomorrow, okay?”
“Stop acting like my father and ordering me about!” I proclaim. “I can do whatever I want, and so can Brea.”
“But you see, you really cannot,” he says simply.
“I can go out if I want,” I say, with no intention of going to bed.
“Or,” he says, “you can go and sleep like a good girl.”
“Nah,” I say boredly.
“Joy, stop messing around. Let’s go.” Brea presses.
“Listen to your intelligent friend here. Go to bed,” he says, smiling.
“Listen here! I don’t care if the worlds ending! I am going up that ladder, and getting the hell out of here!”

And at that moment, the world did in fact, end.
“Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you.”--Carlos Ruiz Zafon

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5 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 930
Reviews: 5
Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:33 pm
HeyItsApril says...

LONNGGG CHAPTER. But I loved it! And the world ended? Like WTF? I truly have no idea what will happen next, seeing that the world just ended. Please post chapter five ASAP I'm loving where this is going (wherever that is)! Forever may you write.

“What if evil doesn't really exist? What if evil is something dreamed up by man, and there is nothing to struggle against except out own limitations? The constant battle between our will, our desires, and our choices?” --Libba Bray

What praise is more valuable than the praise of an intelligent servant?
— Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice