
Young Writers Society

The Ten Nymphs - Chapter Three

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Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:30 pm
Supernova77 says...

The Ten Nymphs - Chapter Three

Sorry for not writing for so long! I still hope you remember my story!


I saw Blue looking up towards the sky. I followed and almost screamed. There was a large black shape. Larger than anything else that I had ever seen before in the sky. It was more of a shadow, really.

I looked around myself. There weren't any people looking surprised or scared other than me and Blue. I looked back up. The shadow seemed much bigger now, oddly. Then I realized what had happened. It was coming closer!

Blue sighed. "Trust Avon to come now," she muttered. There was that name, 'Avon' again. What was it? It sounded a bit strange and not proper. I turned towards Blue. She looked rather grim.

She turned towards me and said: "Run! As fast as you can. Don't stop or look back. You might not like what you see." I stared at her. "What are you still doing here?" She asked angrily.

"Pardon me," I said annoyed. "It just seems rather strange that some girl I have NEVER seen before just pops up in my room and starts telling me what to do. It just seems rather strange doesn't it? Now, I am supposed to run across this city as far as I can to who-know's-where just because you told me to?"

"Yes," she said impatiently. "You are."

I turned around and started to walk back to the front door. Blue muttered something behind my back. It was probably something bad, but why would I want to listen to her?

Then there was this large THUMP and Blue screaming a war cry. I looked around bewildered and I wish I hadn't. The monster was enormous. It was around twice the size of an elephant. It had large scaly bat-like wings that went out as far as I could see. It's skin was thick, scaly and definitely strong. It had two large eyes that were huge. It had two tusks coming from the top of the two eyes.

A dragon, said a voice at the back of my head. Nobody had noticed it. I wondered what had happened to the cars and people under the large dragon. I guess I would never find out.

The dragon had being eyeing Blue for all of this time, but now it turned it's large beady eyes on ME. It opened it's mouth in a yawn. I saw rows and rows of sharp yellow teeth. Then, it lunged. Blue's eyes widened.

Run! She mouthed. And that was what I did. I ran, abandoning Blue to face the monster herself. Till this day, i couldn't believe how cowardly I was then. But the deed had been done and I could no longer do anything about it.

Anyways, I ran and ran until I knew no longer where I was. All the building were unfamiliar and strange. It was rather creepy looking at all of them. The tops of the house rose in strange designs curving around and a around, looking strange. The roof of one house actually rose into a spiral. I wondered how the birds sat on them or how the people came and sat on their roofs to get a little sun or to dry their clothes. Speaking of people, I had no idea where the people of this creepy place were. There were no cars or people walking. No stray dogs or cats and I didn't even see one bird. Creepy.

I walked and walked. I didn't know if it was safe to go back (even though it was highly unlikely) or where I was going if I kept going. As I walked, I noticed that the buildings were starting to crumble at edges. There was a lot of mold growing on the walls and the doors were starting to rot. It was a total wasteland, I noticed.

That was until I saw the strange plants. They were huge. Bigger than anything that I had ever seen before (perhaps not the dragon, but then again, a dragon is most certainly NOT a plant). They were usually creepers going around and around the building. The flowers were usually the sizes of the roofs. The flowers were the usual types you see around your homes. Roses, hibiscuses, dandelions, etc. But they were definitely too big to be real. But here they were, right in front of me.

Then, I heard a voice. Are you lost, little pest? It said. It had this strange rasping voice, that seemed to speak out loud in my mind. Then I understood what it was. It was the voice that had said that the large creature had been a dragon!

"Where are you?" I asked out loud, my voice quavering.

I am here, behind you . . . . I turned around and saw to my horror a large mouth. It was attached to a stem.

Scared? It asked.

It is hard for me to describe what happened next. A Large vine wrapped itself around me, somehow started to lift itself up and threw me into the large, open mouth of the weird plant. It closed it's mouth and all that I could see was darkness . . .
"But I don't want to be with mad people!" Says Alice.

"Oh, you can't help that, we are all mad here."

- Extract from Alice In Wonderland.

And, it actually makes sense! :o

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279 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 40
Reviews: 279
Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:13 pm
MasterGrieves says...

This was good. I liked the images you were trying to come across, and it flowed really nicely as a continuous piece of writing. I also liked how despite you haven't written for a while, when you come back it feels like you haven't lost anything. I especially like how much of a character Blue has developed into. I found her irritating in the first chapter. Second however, she became less irritating. Now, she's a perfect character. I like how you have left us on a cliffhanger. It is so nice to see writers play around with tradition.
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