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The Deserter - Chapter 3, Part 2 (OUTDATED)

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Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:52 pm
ultraviolet says...


Summary: Adah Edric, a banished princess, returns home to train as a soldier, and eventually military adviser, once her brother assumes the throne. After returning to her room from a feast, she wakes up and finds the room claustrophobic, so she sneaks out the window down to the grounds.

I turn in a circle, absorbing my surroundings. I need to move soon; they do clean sweeps of the grounds throughout the night, and if I remember correctly they’ll be coming around soon. It didn’t take long for Gavin and I to learn to maneuver around the guards and their lights.
I think of all the nights Gavin and I snuck out of our rooms, past the guards, often into the woods or some other place forbidden after dark. Sometimes we’d hang out in each other’s rooms, playing cards, talking, eating smuggled deserts. Just enjoying ourselves in our then-uncomplicated lives.
I wonder if Gavin still lives in the same floor of the same tower. Since he can’t train without me, he shouldn’t be in the barracks with the rest of the soldiers-to-be, but maybe he moved. I have to find out.
Anticipation drives me past three towers, from the second to the fifth, where I spent many nights hiding out. Either the schedule changed or my sense of time is skewed, because the regular search isn’t done when I reach it. When I reach the fourth story, however, and am climbing up to the second ledge, a bright light appears. I conceal myself between the ledges and peer out; half a dozen elongated shadows are spread across the thick grass. They leave soon, though, and I’m on my way.
I pull myself onto the window ledge and stand straight, close to the glass panes. It’s hard to tell in the dark, but I squint and realize that yes, the curtains are drawn. Which normally wouldn’t mean anything, but Gavin never closed the curtains. The morning sunlight, faint as it may be from the back, was the only thing that could be counted on to wake him in the morning - he could ignore most of the alarms that were set for him, and the ones he couldn’t were so loud that they could be heard through the thick walls. But maybe he didn’t have to get up early tomorrow morning. Or maybe he just forgot they were shut. That had to be it.
I feel along the bottom of the window, looking for a near-invisible latch. My fingers strike a difference in the smooth metal and pull. I hear a tiny click. Pulling it towards me slightly to angle it the only way it doesn‘t creak, I slide the pane up, just enough to slip through.
I push past the curtains and duck into the room, keeping my feet soft. With the curtains drawn, the only light in the room comes from a wall clock with digital numbers blinking green across the floor; it’s not much, but it reveals the room’s empty. Which is another thing wrong with the situation - Gavin always slept on the couch. I never could figure out why. When I asked, he always said the bed was too empty by himself. I still don’t know if he was lying or not.
I edge into the suite, careful not to bump into any furniture. I peak into the miniature kitchen area, the bathroom, the closets, ruling out the possibility that someone’s there. Then I head to the bedroom. I’m a few feet from the door when I hear a voice - an unfamiliar voice, too stern, and much too female. My breath knocks out and I freeze.
“Michael, no. That won’t work.” A pause. “I don’t care, it’s not going to work. The whole thought is ridiculous.” Another pause - she must be on a telephone - and she speaks softer. “Look, I know you have a lot riding on this. But he’s too clever to fall for it. We need something better, something a lot more subtle. Something he won’t see coming.” Another pause - it lasts a few minutes, each of which feel like a tiny eternity in which my heart stops and restarts a hundred thousand times. “Again, no. Just - just work on it. Think of something else. We’ll talk in the morning.”
I hear her hang up, then a rustling of blankets; I have to move, have to get out before she comes. I start to back up slowly, then turn and sprint to the window silently. I hear her door open, and I slide into the cold night air, the stars my flashlight. Her footsteps get louder, nearer, and I crawl down to the second ledge, just out of view when the window slides out further. I imagine her eyes searching for any sign of me, of the intruder, but apparently she finds no one and leaves. Just as I should.
On my way back to my tower, I can’t help feeling disappointed - too disappointed, probably. I’ll see him soon - maybe even tomorrow - so why is this so bad? It’s not, not really. But it still makes my chest hurt and my throat catch.
My red hands are numb as I scale the wall, past the windows, to my story. I slip onto the second ledge and am about to pull myself to the window when something catches my eye; a white square attached to the bottom of the first ledge.
With hands shaky from both the cold and disappointment, I peel off the square, which turns out to be paper thin. On its outside is a black image, but the night blurs it. Unfolding the paper, I find words neatly scribed in block letters:


I turn the paper back over and squint my eyes. This time, I can barely make out the picture on the paper: a black skull wearing a jester’s hat.
I’ve seen the symbol, heard the name. But I have no idea where. I only have a vague recollection of being caught looking at something restricted, deemed dangerous.
Something a princess shouldn’t lay eyes on.

So... all the things as before, I guess. And what do you think of the lady in Gavin's old room, as well as the Jester? So far, are they portrayed well, do they create interest, do they make you wonder at all? Be brutally honest - I know this chapter sucks. Really, I just want ways to fix it.
Last edited by ultraviolet on Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Sun May 01, 2011 3:59 am
Azila says...

The JESTER? :O Well that was a surprise! *ehem* Anyhow, let me start from the beginning.

I found the first part of this part a bit confusing. Did you intend it to be read immediately after part 1, without any division or break in between? Because I think it might be simpler if you made it so that she left her room with the intention of going to see Gavin, rather than leaving just to go wandering and then end up looking for him, because I think it was that change in sentiment that threw me off.

I'm also a wee tad confused with the whole idea of barracks. He lives in them but she doesn't? Or is it the other way around? They're both being trained to be soldiers, right? Except she's a princess, so she lives in a castle. But it seems from this:
I wonder if Gavin still lives in the same floor of the same tower. Since he can’t train without me, he shouldn’t be in the barracks with the rest of the soldiers-to-be, but maybe he moved. I have to find out.
...that he is something special as well. I'm quite bamboozled (and I'm not talking about my review team!). Also, I think this whole "I have to find out" sentiment could use to be put before she goes out her window, if you decide to make seeing him her reason for going out.

Now I'm gonna talk about the overheard conversation. I know it's going to be important. I know it. But she doesn't know it. Or if she does, she isn't letting on. She doesn't really seem to think anything of it, other than to notice that the woman isn't Gavin and to be disappointed that she didn't see him. My suggestion: either make her more puzzled by the conversation, or make her not stay and listen to so much of it. Either she should leave as soon as she realizes he's not there (she can think that maybe he moved, right?) or she should be really wondering what's up with that phone conversation. Personally, I'd lean towards the first one but of course it's completely up to you.

Aaand, The Jester! I gotta say, I'm really intrigued by him. This is definitely getting very different from the Hunger Games, which is excellent. I'm actually starting to see where you're going to go with this which makes me really excited, because I think you have an excellent, original idea here.

As an overall comment, I'd like to say that I've noticed something about your writing. You know how I said that you do a lot of showing rather than telling? Well, that's usually something people need to do more of, but I actually think you need to do a bit less of it. I have the same problem--I sometimes get so into skirting around something that I don't really say it straight out and it can take a long time to explain something simple. Plus, it can get tiring to read--in a novel, sometimes, info-dumps are necessary. I'm not telling you to go back and add in info-dumps, but don't be afraid when you're writing to do a little bit of telling.

Looking good, my friend! I'm really excited to see where you go with this.


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Sun May 01, 2011 6:03 pm
Calligraphy says...

Hi again Birdy, I hope you do get at your recital. It is 12:51 so you won't be there yet. But anyway, you say this chapter sucks, but I think it is the best you have written so far. I also think the second part of this is a lot better than the first part. The first part was kind of choppy, and it didn't really get a feel for her childhood like I thought I was going to with the flash back. With that said you still can use some improvement.

I know in the first part of this chapter you had some description, but in this chapter you have barley any. I want to see more. You don't have the problem of giving description/ info dumps and I am actually starting to wish you had. It is a lot easier to scale back on something then to get someone to do more of something. So go ahead write those descriptions. I want to know more about what things look like. Then if you have an info dump or two you can edit them out, but it is hard to add description in.

I should probably answer your question; yes, I was very intrigued. When we got the note and it was signed 'the jester' a million questions popped into my mind. Weren't you supposed to tell me the plot girl? But of course you mentioned nothing of this. Anyway it was great and I think maybe Gavin is the jester. Hmmm now I really want to read more. The women also made me intrigued and I know she is important but the jester made more questions. Anyway I am happy with the reaction of the main character, but I just have to warn you if you make her bring it up later on you should have her be more intrigued. Because right now it seems like the girl doesn't care at all. But, if she doesn't bring it up until someone else has later then her reaction is fine.

Another thing I am thinking is how long has she been out there? Based off what I have read I feel like it has been a few hours. Depending on when she got up wouldn't she have to go somewhere soon? I mean she is a princess she must be busy and if she starts training today wouldn't she have to get up early? I don't know it is just a thought.

Like always, if you have questions message me.

I hope I helped,


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Tue May 03, 2011 9:11 pm
Sins says...

Before I begin, can I say something? It's important, so I'll highlight it in an electric blue.

Stop. Slating. Your. Writing. xD Seriously! In every author's note of every chapter, you've written something about how bad your chapter is. If it was so awfully, terribly, painfully bad, then us guys wouldn't be reading it. I wouldn't' be complimenting you, Azila wouldn't be complimenting you, Calli wouldn't be complimenting you, Snoinkers wouldn't be complimenting you e.t.c. Your writing's good and you know it. ;) So yeah. Hush.

Anyways, I'll cut the blabber this time and get stuck right in! Just a warning, I'm getting the this is going to be a pansy review vibe right now.

This is very intriguing, missus! I like. :) This is probably my favourite chapter so far. You know why? Because the mystery is balanced perfectly! There's not too much here, and not to little either. You've got the mystery of the whole Jester situation and that woman, but for example, there aren't any of those hints about Adah's past that us readers can't really figure out even if we tried. So yeah, an awesome balance. Grammar's great, plot's great, it's original e.t.c. Just a good job, basically!

I'm going to be very annoying and be repetitive here. I agree with Calli and Azila on what they said about the way you handled the overheard phone conversation. Adah didn't really seem at all phased by it. I know her mind was on Gavin, but if I heard someone speaking like that in a place where my best friend used to live, I wouldn't' be able to help but want to know what on earth she was talking about. Me and my paranoid self would be worried that the woman's talking about Gavin when she's on about "him not seeing it coming" e.t.c. She obviously gets distracted by the Jester letter thing later, so I don't expect her to be thinking about the conversation she overheard at that point, but at least some kind of reaction to what she heard would be good. The others have explained this well, so I won't blabber on.

The only other thing I can think of right now is a bit of a hard one to explain... H'okay, I'm worried this will sound blunt (I honestly don't want it to sound that way!), but some parts of this feel like they're beginning to drag. I think they seem like this because some details you've given us were given to us way back at the beginning, but you've been kind of carrying them along wihtout us really finding out more...

Err, here are some some examples: so we've heard about Gavin a lot now. Have we seen him? Nuh-uh. We found out early(ish) on that Adah spoke out and that got her sent away. What did she say? Why was it so bad? We don't know. From the beginning, Adah's mentioned how her brother is mean to her? How is he mean to her? What does he do? Still waiting on that one. Basically, we've been given quite a lot of... basic details from the beginning, but we've found no answers/further details to any of them at all really. Some hints, but that's it. When it comes to Gavin's situation, for example, we've been told so many thinks about him, but we haven't seen any of it. It's just that it gets a bit annoying to read on in hope of finding some answers or at least some more details, even minor ones, but having to wait longer and longer after each part/chapter.

I have a feeling I explained that terribly.

Anyways, like I said before, this is probably my favourite chapter... hence the failure of this review. I can't help feeling that last point sounded harsh, so if it did, I really didn't mean for it to! The next review will be better, I promise. Just great job, I guess!

Keep writing,

xoxo Skins

Spoiler! :
P.S.The Jester...

I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Fri May 06, 2011 6:53 am
Snoink says...

Hi ultraviolet! Sorry I took so long, things got busy on my end! But, I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed that you haven't posted more yet. XD

So! Interesting! I'm glad you used block capital letters to your advantage... it makes you awesome, you know! Anyway, you have a bunch of things going on in this chapter, and I think it's starting to get good.

Is the Jester Gavin? That would be kind of a predictable twist, maybe, but the thing is nobody's quite sure who the Jester is, so it's kind of original. Anyway, I find it rather creepy that he seems to be watching her.

I'm curious as to who this woman is and why she's in Gavin's room. It's kind of sketchy. I also want to find out what she's talking about and to whom she's talking to. It seems a bit odd, all in all. Political intrigue, much?

I still want her to meet Gavin. I'm wondering if he's okay or not. Part of me wonders if he's even alive or whether he's just a lie to manipulate her to come back home. Either way, it's interesting. But I am pretty sure Gavin is not who he seems to be.

So! Basically, you should post more. ;)
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Fri May 06, 2011 9:26 pm
ultraviolet says...

"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


Education is education. We should learn everything and then choose which path to follow. Education is neither Eastern or Western; it is human.
— Malala