
Young Writers Society

The Perfect Devil: Chapter 6

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Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:10 pm
LastPaladin says...

Chapter 6

Waking up again, I climbed out of bed and was immediately bombarded by a vibrating phone. Goddamn it, failing to reach for phone as it rung off the table; I tripped over my shoes before successfully grabbing the little thing.

Opening it dozily I stated, “H—hello.”

“Graham, you have your Mother at her wits end and I’ve had no explanation of why. The cops to the establishment and explained to me your being investigated. I thought I taught you better.”

Fucking hell, a lecture from Sergeant Daddy. Just what the doctor ordered, to be talked down to a guy who main upset with me was I wasn’t getting my ass blown up in Middle East. His son was a disappointment not because he bisexual but because he would rather not get blown to fuck.

“Oh and you just suspect that it’s not a misunderstanding?”

Feeling ready to slam my head into the tabletop, I ground my hand into a tight fist, visualizing doing unspeakable things to Daddy. Condescending bastard.

“You’re coming home no argument.”

Like hell I would, feeling ready to yell many obscenities I then remembered wasn’t alone and held back, trying to crush the phone instead.

“I’m sorry Dad, but no. I’m going out with Mark tomorrow, end of.”

“And what of your Mum then?” he asked.

God, I’d rather crush my cell than listen to this prick.

“Don’t dare blackmail me.” I muttered loudly.

How dare he does that, I’ve every right to just hang up now.

Just as I was about to just that I heard a new voice.

Uh oh.

“Graham, please can we just talk about this, I’m sure you’re innocent, please just come.”

Not fair, really not fucking fair, but I’d feel terrible if I ignored my Mum, sighing I replied, “Okay, but I’m bringing Mark with me, goodbye Mum.”

Sighing I felt my thoughts rattle about, not to mention a migraine coming on. Picking up my clothes I got changed quietly before heading out the dormitory. The hallway was still quiet except for a few early birds eager to such the metaphorical worm. All I wanted was to get this meeting with Sergeant Daddy over, and with Sergeant Daddy it was better to be early than later. It wasn’t rare for him to demand to do 100 press-ups if late.

Let’s hope Mark wouldn’t be too grumpy about being woken little earlier than planned. As I headed down the hallway I witnessed the life of the University from Sorority girls sneaking out guys rooms, bleak looking guys coming out seeming very hung over and the early birds dressed and just passing the time before class.
As I left the boys wing of the dorms, I came the grand staircase with girl’s wing on the other side and downstairs the main University area. All the staff slept in their own homes some even commuted.

I could still the scene from last night, and though the stains were gone the place was cold, immeasurably cold. It wasn’t even like a chill; it was more like a dead creeping freeze, which just hit you.

Beginning to feel the temperature dropped, I felt ice melt into my veins, making my breath into steam.

Groping for the banisters I flew down the stairs, breathing raggedly as I felt warm air again.

What the hell was going on here?

Debating whether I imagined it or not, I continued on my way to exit, passing they many classes, eventually I came to the reception, snatched a pen up and signed out writing the date. 8/13/2010. Then the time 7:45 am.

Before writing my Name Graham Jackson and finally Reason: Visiting Parents and Hanging with Mark.

Closing crimson folder, I headed out the building towards the carpark. It was slightly overcast day, looking like it would rain. All around like little bugs were the cars, from the sporty models to the more practical ones, and SUVs. My own car was a Pontiac Firebird Trans AM. I won’t lie, the thing cost a pretty penny, but with saving my cash from work, I got it and with the help of Mark we did it up added in a sound system to the back and totally gutted the inside. It had taken almost 6 months for us to completely finish. And man did she purr.

Digging my keys out the persiflage in my pocket, I pushed the button hearing the door unlocked I merrily made may towards where she stood, stroking the bonnet before jumping into her, sliding the key into the ignition.

Driving down the road, I turned radio on and listened to SOAD, pumping volume up all the way. It was still rather quiet in Minnesota so the roads were busy but fortunately it wasn’t yet time for rush hour so the drive was pretty uneventful.

Entering the Cul-de-sac where Mark lived I beeped the horn loudly before parking car outside and rushing to door and rapping with my knuckle.

After a while Mark came down still only in his boxers, he stared at me in confusion before it finally dawned on him.

“Oh… hey Graham.”

It had to be said Mark was my best friend, we’d known each other since we were mere kids, but sadly his parents had to move and shortly after his Mum died. He was a great guy, with short black hair and cute little freckles, he was Mark, a little shy but generally honest. I had great respect for him. The poor guy had been through hell and back.

It wasn’t right how things have turned out.

How many things could have been prevented with just a little honesty?

“Sorry about this mate, we’re going to see Sergeant Daddy…” I spoke the last words with venom and from Mark’s look he knew that.

“Uh… why are we seeing that bastard?”

Sighing I couldn’t help look at him. Of course he knew I was bisexual, but he was straight, just a little hurt by the loss of his Mother at such a young age, so never quite got on the bike again after falling off.

“I have too, you get changed and I’ll tell you everything.”

Mark nodded before closing door.

A few minutes later he came back down with a pair of faded jeans and a Metallica t-shirt.

We both hopped into the car and we head off.

After a dreadful quiet Mark spoke, “Graham, I know he’s your Dad but you ever thought to just end all contact with him?”

“Been there done that, he just uses Mom to persuade me. It’s for her I’m going there.”

There was another silence.

“Ohhhhhh. I see.”

Having enough I asked him, “Go on, you wanna know you’re my friend for fuck sake. Ask why am I being forced to visit them?”

Mark sighed pushing his black bangs out his eyes, “I just don’t understand is all dude.”

“Basically I’m being investigated by the police for murder of Claire.”

He just blanched, “What? Claire’s dead. How?”

I sighed inwardly, “I told you last night. How she was killed we’ve no clue, but she was bisected. It was horrible.”

“Damn dude, just damn.”

Driving carefully, I half kept track of the conversation as I was now on the motorway.

“Well Graham I know you’d never hurt her or anyone for that matter.”

“Thanks mate.”

As we drove down the highway I had no idea what was coming but I knew one thing there was going to be another incident.
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down

Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down

These were autumn mornings, the time of year when kings of old went forth to conquest; and I, never stirring from my little corner in Calcutta, would let my mind wander over the whole world.
— Rabindranath Tagore, The Cabuliwallah