
Young Writers Society

My lady, we need you. [chapter-1]

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Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:31 pm
happybear says...

"1, 2, 3, and kick," A middle age lady called out from the front of the class

as loud music blared from the speakers beside her. "Turn, turn, and stop."

As she said ‘stop’ all the hip-hop students held the pose listening as the

final notes of the up beat music faded away. "Very good every one! Recital

is only three weeks away." She praised loudly so the whole class of thirty

could hear her clearly. "And for the fist time in my life I think we're going to

be ready." She whispered to the young fourteen year old girl beside her.

"Mrs. Yankivish?" The young girl asked, her frame tall and erect; and her

voice like-wise.

“Yes, Hannah?” The lady said, turning her complete attention to her

inquisitive student.

“I know I’ve said this ever since we’ve started but I still don’t think I’m quite

getting the step ball change. For some reason it just doesn’t work with me.”

“Hannah, my dear, you are my star pupil and everything in hip-hop ‘works

with you’. I never understand how you keep finding things to come and ask

me about every class! But I suppose you wouldn’t be as good if you

didn’t.” Mrs. Yankivish sighed and placed strong hand on the young girl’s

straight shoulders. “Wait over there until we have the room ourselves


“Yes ma’am.”

“Valerie! Please don’t forget your gym bag again.” She called to a short

black haired girl about to run out the door empty handed.

“Oh drat! I’m sorry Mrs. Yankivish. I always forget it!” Valerie scurried

over to Hannah who was standing nearly on top of her bag.

“Hannah, when I was out there I saw that creepy guy again. When you

leave you probably should go a different way.” She whispered worriedly as

she bent to retrieve her forgotten bag. She threw it over her shoulder and

added, “And your sure that the police can’t do anything about him all of the

2nd level hip-hop class thinks he’s stalking you.”

“I wouldn’t call it stalking I just see him everywhere… and sometimes I catch

him staring at me…” There was a long pause. “But I talked to the police;

they said that a restraining order could not be placed until he actually does

something ‘offensive’.”

“That’s ridiculous!” The girl turned to leave. “I’d still go the other way.”

She called back.

“Thanks! I’ll take your advice!” Hannah called, truly grateful for her attentive


“Alright, that’s the last of them.” The teacher said as she positioned herself

in front of Hannah and faced the mirror. “They may be noisy but they

certainly pour out of here quickly.” Mrs. Yankivish smiled. “Alright, if you’re

ready just go through it once as I watch.” Hannah did as she was told

falling out of the step due to slight unbalance. The kind lady explained this

then showed what she was doing wrong. “Now try it once more.” Again

Hannah did as she was told this time getting it perfect.

“Thank you! I’m so sorry to take up your time!”

“I just wish the other girls would be as obsessed and passionate as you

are. May I ask are you as fervent in everything you do?”

Hannah turned to look at her mentor as she walked slowly toward the back


“Everything, I’m not sure why but I drives me crazy if I don’t put my entire

mind and body into it.” Hannah felt some what awkward talking of herself.

“That is amazing! I hope you never change! I say, if you don’t become

some one great I’ll give up hip-hop!”

“Oh goodness,” Hannah giggled at her lively teacher “The reigning state

champion can’t quit. I’ll have to be very careful to get a good job.” Her

teacher smiled as Hannah turned and walked away. “Good bye thanks

again. I’ll see you next Friday” She called through the door as it glided to a

close behind her.

She stood alone out side on a slab of concrete that was the back patio. The

sun was just beginning to sink which made the spring day much cooler than

it had been. She shivered.

“Some days I can’t stand walking home after dance.” Hannah complained

while she unzipped her dance bag to retrieve a gold silk cover up.

“It is awfully cold out isn’t it.” A strange male voice rang from appallingly

close beside her. Shocked Hannah turned and found herself staring into the

face of a red haired young man (he looked to be in his late twenties).

“Oh! I’m so sorry! You scared me! Yes sir it is chilly.” Hannah tried zipped

her dance bag as she walked trying to get away from the stranger.

“You could ride in my car it’s got heating and though it doesn’t look like

much it’ll get you to the place you want to go.” Hannah glanced at the ratty

pick-up truck the stranger had motioned to.

“Sir, I hate to be rude,” she started walking faster as she noticed he was

starting to follow her. “But I’m going to walk.” Before another word could

be spoken she rounded the corner and sprinted away as fast as she could.

She did not dare to look back. A few blocks away she slowed her pace down

to her normal leisurely walk. She felt safe as she past the numerous

homely shops that made up the ‘good side’ of down town.

'I’m only a few blocks from my house. Who was that horrible man! He’s

not the usual creep that hangs around me! The usual one is some how…

nicer looking then that one.’

Shivering more from fear than cold, Hannah slowly trekked the remaining

distance. As she turned on to her street she caught a glimpse of what

looked like the creepy man she has grown accustom to. In a strange way

she was glad to see it was him.

Even if it was better to see him then the other, he still freaked her out and

she kept an eye on him while she walked the last few yards. As she got

further away he would make a subtle move in her direction.

I think he is stalking me Oh God! This is not right! God, I’m terrified! Help

me please.

As soon as she said it small wave of security coursed through her. It was

just enough to keep her going up to her front door. At the door she

chanced to look back and see the pick-up truck that the man had offered

her a ride in.

God! He’s back! Lord, HELP!

With out taking out the fake key and pretending to unlock it as she

normally did, Hannah opened and stumbled through the door. Immediately

she locked the door behind her and picked up the phone that was sitting on

the hall table beside her.

On the second ring her mother picked up the other end.

“Hello?” I pleasant voice rang from the other end.


“Hannah! Is everything alright?”

“I’m really freaked out, mom. The creepy guy is STILL following me and

now some new guy tried to get me to ride home in his truck! What do I

do?” She prattled off hysterically.

“Honey, Calm down. Are you alright?

“Yes mom, I’m fine. I just can’t stop shaking.”

“I’ll come home right away if you want.”

Hannah sighed. “Would you mom? That would make me feel so much


“Yes, in fact I’ll pick you up and drive you to ‘Carla’s so you can keep to

your quota of going for Friday night special every week.”

“Thank you mom, so much! I love you.” With that they said goodbye, and

Hannah set the receiver back were it belonged. Sighing Hannah checked

the lock again, locked.

Dear Lord, why is this happening? If you will please make them stop

following me. I don’t think I can stand it much longer.

She prayed fervently, tears streaming down her face, as she sank to the

floor beside the door which she was to afraid to venture from.

In less then ten minutes her mother arrived and came tromping through the

basement door.

“Hannah? Hannah, where are you sweetie?”

“I’m here mom, by the front door.” Hannah replied as she rose slowly to

her feet.

“Oh honey!” Her mom exclaimed on seeing her daughter’s tear stained

face. “Are you sure you want to go we can stay here if you want.” Her

mother offered putting a loving hand around her daughter’s shoulders.

“No, I think that getting out would be much better. I need the distraction.”

Hannah replied.

“Very well, I love you sweetie.” Her mom hugged her close.
Last edited by happybear on Fri May 02, 2008 1:21 am, edited 7 times in total.

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317 Reviews

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Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:51 pm
mizz-iceberg says...

This is rather short so I can't say much.
Even though it's quite short it caught my attention and it was quite interesting. I hope you continue this. Just a few things that I noticed:

"1, 2, 3, and kick." A middle age lady called out from the front of the class as loud music blared from the speakers beside her.

"Turn, turn, and stop." As she [s]sayed[/s] said (there's no such thing as the word 'sayed') 'stop' all the hiphop students held the pose listening as the final notes of the up beat music faded away.

"Very good every one! Recital is only three weeks away." She praised loudly so the whole class of thirty could hear her clearly.

"And for the fist time in my life I think we're going to be ready." She whispered to the young fourteen year old girl beside her.

"Mrs. Yankivish?" The young girl asked her frame tall and er[s]r[/s]ect and her voice like-wise

-Note how I've spaced it out after each bit of dialogue?
- I also changed 'sayed' to 'said'.
-I also put inverted commas on the word 'stop'.

Not much else that I noticed. It you write more on this--which I hope you do--let me know and I'll review it again.
I'm a godmother, that's a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that's cute, I taught her that.
--Ellen DeGeneres

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36 Reviews

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Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:08 pm
Tag says...

Hey there

I think this is a bit... tidsy. It's hard to give a good review when there's not really much there.

The main problem with things this short is that you haven't much room to really introduce the characters.

'A middle age lady,' - is she just a random lady, or is she the regular dance teacher? Your use of 'A' makes her seem much less important, so she'd probably benifit from a quick description. Tell us a bit about how she moves, is she also a great dancer, or is she getting a bit old now? Maybe her opinion of her group.


The longer version is definatly better, you've brought your characters to life quite well, and there's something about that dance teacher that make me smile whilst reading this. I think it was probably this line;

"I say, if you don’t become some one great I’ll give up hip-hop!"

Personally, I preferred single line spacing, with just a double between paragraphs, but that's a matter of opinion I suppose.

"standing alone, Hannah found herself..." (six paragraphs up) You need a capital letter.

"I’ll take your advice!' Hannah called truly grateful" - I think there needs to be a commar after 'called'. (nine par' down)

'Truely,' can be hooked to either 'grateful' or 'called', so you need to put a commar before or after, to distinguish which one.

“Yes, Hannah?' The lady said turning" - commar after 'said'. (three par' down)

'Said' = Verb. 'Turning' = Verb.
Verb + Verb = Bad grammar.
You need a commar between them. Sorry, it's the easiest way to explain :p

Overall, nice work. I can't wait to read more :) I also really like the twist / dilemma at the end, of preferring a familiar stalker as oppose to the new one.
Last edited by Tag on Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:22 pm
happybear says...

Sorry I had to stop all the sudden so it is short, but Im writing more
Thank you so much for all your reviews so far

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Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:53 pm
myfreindsavamp says...

quick quick write some more!
We've all been broken in some way. It's just how we express it that makes us dffrent form eachother.

“This precious book of love, this unbound lover,
To beautify him only lacks a cover.”
~William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

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317 Reviews

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Fri May 02, 2008 4:49 pm
mizz-iceberg says...

Hi! I got you PM and so here I am! It was much nicer to see more of this, as I've gotten to know the characters and setting better. I couldn't say much before because there really wasn't much to say about.

I'm hooked already and can't wait to see more.

Few nitpicks:

“Hannah, my dear, you are my star pupil and everything in hip-hop ‘works

with you’. I never understand how you keep finding things to come and ask

me about every class! But I suppose you wouldn’t be as good if you

didn’t.” Mrs. Yankivish sighed and placed a strong hand on the young girl’s

straight shoulders. “Wait over there until we have the room to ourselves


-I added the words 'a' and 'to'.

She threw it over her shoulder and

added, “And your sure that the police can’t do anything about him all of the

2nd level hip-hop class thinks he’s stalking you.”

-your should be you're.

“Thank you! I’m so sorry to take up your time!”

“I just wish the other girls would be as obsessed and passionate as you

are. May I ask are you as fervent in everything you do?”

Hannah turned to look at her mentor as she walked slowly toward the back


-I wouldn't use the word obsessed here. This is just an opinion though. Obsession is something negative. 'passionate' seems just about right. It would be ok if wrote on 'passionate' and took out 'obsessed'.

“Everything, I’m not sure why but It drives me crazy if I don’t put my entire

mind and body into it.” Hannah felt some what awkward talking of herself.

-Added a 't' over there. So you should probably put the 'I' in lowercase.

With out taking out the fake key and pretending to unlock it as she

normally did, Hannah opened and stumbled through the door.

-Can explain WHY she usually pretend to unlock the door with a fake key as opposed to actually entering? It would clarify some confusion.

Hello?” I pleasant voice rang from the other end.

“Mom…” (Here I feel you should probably explain HOW Hannah says 'Mom' to support Mom's worried reaction below. I hope I explained that properly.)

“Hannah! Is everything alright?”

Yupp, that's about it I think, Tag pretty much covered up all the other mistakes.

I hope this was helpful.

Continue this and let me know when you post more. :D
I'm a godmother, that's a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that's cute, I taught her that.
--Ellen DeGeneres

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.
— Patrick Star