
Young Writers Society

Midnight Darkness #11 part two

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Sat Dec 08, 2007 5:05 am
BigBadBear says...

How long had it been? Had it really been three weeks since I was shunned out of Fort Wolfgang? To me it seemed like a mere couple of hours.

Walking through the cold, night air, I heard my feet crunching over the newly fallen snow. I loved that sound. It reminded me that I was free. I could do whatever I wanted now. It was all up to me. No more Payton. Not more Lacy. There was no one to tell me what to do. No one.

I enjoyed the freedom.

I walked a little further along the endless miles of snow-covered hills and found a large rock. Grinning in my werewolf way, I leaped onto it, using all of my leg muscles. My claws gripped onto it and I pulled myself up. Gazing around, I noticed that there was nothing more than what I had already seen. Snow. Endlessly tons of snow.

How much snow could possibly fall in Canada? Jeez, there must be over a thousand tons, just in this little area. I leaned towards the edge of the rock, trying to hear everything – anything. But there was only silence. There had only been silence for the last few weeks. Where had everything gone?

It’s winter. The woodland animals are hibernating.

Oh yeah. I forgot about that. I didn’t need to hibernate…did I?

I heard my voice laugh. No. Werewolves are awake all year round.

Nodding, I jumped off of the rock and landed with a big poof of snow. I coughed out a laugh, enjoying all of this freedom. Payton would never let me do such unwerewolf things.

I sniffed the air, wanting to smell the beautiful scent of the trees, but instead I smelled something different. It was smoky. No way. It was smoke! Why would there be smoke in the forest? Could there be a forest fire?

I jerked my head around, expecting to see a blazing fire raging before my eyes. There was nothing but the darkness and the glittering snow. The moon seemed to illuminate that snow, making everything a little bit brighter. But I still couldn’t see the smoke. Where was it?

I sniffed again, trying to locate it, but it stumped my excellent sniffing. Turning my head, I tried once again to place it but with no success. I shook my long fur, shivering. That was spooky. I had never smelled smoke in the forest before.

Be wary of your surroundings. They aren’t always on your side.

What? Are you saying that the trees are on the Vampire’s side or something?

It’s worse than that.

I shivered again, getting major chills. I turned my head around, making sure that nothing freaky was following me. There was nothing. I turned my head around and gasped.

There was the smoke! I sniffed it again, making sure that my nose wasn’t fooling me, and it wasn’t. I grinned and started running towards the smoke, less than a mile away. My amazing werewolf speed kicked into action, and I took a deep breath, sucking in as much oxygen as my lungs could possibly take in.

My feet pounded through the snow, leaving deep footprints, embedded until the next snowfall. I grinned, totally thrilled that I had something to look forward to. What mysterious things could build a freaking fire in the middle of December?

I took long, ragged breaths as I neared the smoke, billowing up into the sky. My eyes seemed to twinkle from the stars. What if there was food? What if there were…humans?

I grinned again, licking my lips. It had been such a long time since my last kill. Hibernating raccoons and squirrels weren’t cutting it. I needed more meat, and more blood. A couple humans would let me last a few more weeks out here. That is, until I found another home.

I stopped about fifty meters from the smoke. Even with my amazing new eyes, I couldn’t see who created it. So, I lurked forward. Quietly, I bent down, ready to snatch my prey in my claws. Yeah. They weren’t paws anymore. That sounds like a cat. Now I had claws.

Licking my lips again, I felt my huger kick in. It always seemed to do that whenever I was near a meal. I sniffed the air, hoping for a whiff of human flesh. I was startled when all that I smelled was smoke.

Cautiously, I rounded a tree and stuck my head out. My eyes widened as I beheld the sight.

I was at a camp. There were pitched tents, three fires and loads of people with strange coats sitting around the fires. Most of them were sitting around the fire on logs, but the rest were either coming or going to or from the fire. And all of them were women.

How come I hadn’t smelled them before? I had always used to be able to smell humans. Why not now?

Because they’re not human.

I jumped, and let out a small yelp, but then corrected myself. I saw a little girl look my way from her seat by the fire. I quickly dove behind a tree to prevent from being spotted. I heard the fire crackling and voices talking. What were they talking about?

Listen to me. You need to get out of there. These people are not human!

Of course they were human! Why wouldn’t they?

They are Witches.

I gasped silently. Witches? How can you be sure?

They have fangs. And I know everything. Just trust me, ok?

I shook my head no. I needed to kill them. If they were Witches, then they hated me and I hated them. We fought them and killed them. That was Wolfgang’s rule, right?

You don’t follow Wolfgang’s orders anymore, you dimwit.

Oh. Right. But of course, my curiosity could not stand it anymore, and so I slipped back over to the tree and looked back at the camp.

More women were talking now, with rosy red cheeks. I grunted. How could the Hags live with themselves? They were so…arrogant! I needed to kill them. I needed to kill them now.

That was when I saw her. That was when I saw Lacy’s body.

My blood froze and so did my body. I held my breath, not believing my eyes. Her body was layed askew on the snow, at an awkward angle. She wore a coat that looked highly similar to the ones that the Vampires were wearing. Her eyes were white, any sign of pupils gone.

My knees started shaking and my chin trembled. What happened? I stared at her lifeless body, breathless. I fell to the snow, stunned. Every particle in my body had no idea how to react. Lacy couldn’t be gone. She was just sleeping. That’s all. She wasn’t dead.

I, trembling, forced my legs to approach her motionless body and tapped her chest with my wet snout. Nothing happened. I did it again, this time a little bit harder. Still nothing. I slowly let out a hoarse cry, but she still didn’t wake up.

I gulped and froze. My fur stood up on end, feeling something around me, but I didn’t take me eyes off of her beautiful figure. If Lacy was indeed gone, then who killed her? Who?

The Hags killed her. Don’t you see the fang marks on her neck?
With tears streaming out of my eyes, wetting my fur, I bent down to her neck, and my hot breath touched her cold skin. I scrutinized her flesh, and saw two scars.

Fang marks. The Vampires had drawn blood from her. The Vampires had killed her.
Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Sat Dec 08, 2007 5:27 am
cat4prowl says...

:smt089 :smt022 how could you?! u killed lacy :smt089 well i guess i will have to say that this was a very good chapter. i supposed u were supposed to make me mad at you for killing her so congrats. here goes!

bigbadbear wrote:How long had it been? Had it really been three weeks since I was shunned out of Fort Wolfgang? To me it seemed like a mere couple of hours.

shunned from would make make more sense

Walking through the cold, night air, I heard my feet crunching over the newly fallen snow. I loved that sound. It reminded me that I was free. I could do whatever I wanted now. It was all up to me. No more Payton. Not more Lacy. There was no one to tell me what to do. No one.

I enjoyed the freedom.

I walked a little further along the endless miles of snow-covered hills and found a large rock. Grinning in my werewolf way, I leaped onto it, using all of my leg muscles. My claws gripped onto it and I pulled myself up. Gazing around, I noticed that there was nothing more than what I had already seen. Snow. Endlessly tons of snow.

How much snow could possibly fall in Canada? Jeez, there must be over a thousand tons, just in this little area. I leaned towards the edge of the rock, trying to hear everything – anything. But there was only silence. There had only been silence for the last few weeks. Where had everything gone?

It’s winter. The woodland animals are hibernating.

Oh yeah. I forgot about that. I didn’t need to hibernate…did I?

I heard my voice laugh. No. Werewolves are awake all year round.

Nodding, I jumped off of the rock and landed with a big poof of snow. I coughed out a laugh, enjoying all of this freedom. Payton would never let me do such unwerewolf things.

I sniffed the air, wanting to smell the beautiful scent of the trees, but instead I smelled something different. It was smoky. No way. It was smoke! Why would there be smoke in the forest? Could there be a forest fire?

I jerked my head around, expecting to see a blazing fire raging before my eyes. There was nothing but the darkness and the glittering snow. The moon seemed to illuminate that snow, making everything a little bit brighter. But I still couldn’t see the smoke. Where was it?

I sniffed again, trying to locate it, but it stumped my excellent sniffing. Turning my head, I tried once again to place it but with no success. I shook my long fur, shivering. That was spooky. I had never smelled smoke in the forest before.

Be wary of your surroundings. They aren’t always on your side.

What? Are you saying that the trees are on the Vampire’s side or something?

It’s worse than that.

this part is great, it shows him learning to survive and also depend on his voice

I shivered again, getting major chills. I turned my head around, making sure that nothing freaky was following me. There was nothing. I turned my head around and gasped.

There was the smoke! I sniffed it again, making sure that my nose wasn’t fooling me, and it wasn’t. I grinned and started running towards the smoke, less than a mile away. My amazing werewolf speed kicked into action, and I took a deep breath, sucking in as much oxygen as my lungs could possibly take in.

awkward. try changing the second one to 'hold' instead

My feet pounded through the snow, leaving deep footprints, embedded until the next snowfall. I grinned, totally thrilled that I had something to look forward to. What mysterious things could build a freaking fire in the middle of December?

I took long, ragged breaths as I neared the smoke, billowing up into the sky. My eyes seemed to twinkle from the stars. What if there was food? What if there were…humans?

I grinned again, licking my lips. It had been such a long time since my last kill. Hibernating raccoons and squirrels weren’t cutting it. I needed more meat, and more blood. A couple humans would let me last a few more weeks out here. That is, until I found another home.

I stopped about fifty meters from the smoke. Even with my amazing new eyes, I couldn’t see who created it. So, I lurked forward. Quietly, I bent down, ready to snatch my prey in my claws. Yeah. They weren’t paws anymore. That sounds like a cat. Now I had claws.

Licking my lips again, I felt my huger kick in. It always seemed to do that whenever I was near a meal. I sniffed the air, hoping for a whiff of human flesh. I was startled when all that I smelled was smoke.

Cautiously, I rounded a tree and stuck my head out. My eyes widened as I beheld the sight.

I was at a camp. There were pitched tents, three fires and loads of people with strange coats sitting around the fires. Most of them were sitting around the fire on logs, but the rest were either coming or going to or from the fire. And all of them were women.

How come I hadn’t smelled them before? I had always used to be able to smell humans. Why not now?

Because they’re not human.

I jumped, and let out a small yelp, but then corrected myself. I saw a little girl look my way from her seat by the fire. I quickly dove behind a tree to prevent from being spotted. I heard the fire crackling and voices talking. What were they talking about?

Listen to me. You need to get out of there. These people are not human!

Of course they were human! Why wouldn’t they?

i think u mean why wouldnt they be?

They are Witches.

I gasped silently. Witches? How can you be sure?

They have fangs. And I know everything. Just trust me, ok?

I shook my head no. I needed to kill them. If they were Witches, then they hated me and I hated them. We fought them and killed them. That was Wolfgang’s rule, right?

You don’t follow Wolfgang’s orders anymore, you dimwit.

Oh. Right. But of course, my curiosity could not stand it anymore, and so I slipped back over to the tree and looked back at the camp.

More women were talking now, with rosy red cheeks. I grunted. How could the Hags live with themselves? They were so…arrogant! I needed to kill them. I needed to kill them now.

That was when I saw her. That was when I saw Lacy’s body.

My blood froze and so did my body. I held my breath, not believing my eyes. Her body was layed askew on the snow, at an awkward angle. She wore a coat that looked highly similar to the ones that the Vampires were wearing. Her eyes were white, any sign of pupils gone.

My knees started shaking and my chin trembled. What happened? I stared at her lifeless body, breathless. I fell to the snow, stunned. Every particle in my body had no idea how to react. Lacy couldn’t be gone. She was just sleeping. That’s all. She wasn’t dead.

I, trembling, forced my legs to approach her motionless body and tapped her chest with my wet snout. Nothing happened. I did it again, this time a little bit harder. Still nothing. I slowly let out a hoarse cry, but she still didn’t wake up.

I gulped and froze. My fur stood up on end, feeling something around me, but I didn’t take me eyes off of her beautiful figure. If Lacy was indeed gone, then who killed her? Who?

The Hags killed her. Don’t you see the fang marks on her neck?
With tears streaming out of my eyes, wetting my fur, I bent down to her neck, and my hot breath touched her cold skin. I scrutinized her flesh, and saw two scars.

Fang marks. The Vampires had drawn blood from her. The Vampires had killed her.

good now right the next chapter and go kill those Witches!!! :smt013

bigbad u write a seriously awesome story, keep goin!!

your #1 fan

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Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:08 pm
Kim says...

wow bear, this is very good, i didnt expect lacy to be killed either. i was as shocked as cat. your writing style is changing so much. i love the discriptions and the vivid detail. this chapter was nothing but awesome.


Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen.
— Homer Simpson