
Young Writers Society

Midnight Darkness #10

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Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:28 am
BigBadBear says...

Chapter Ten: Shunned

Are you freaking kidding me?

That was my first thought as I tried to ignore the overwhelming pain in my side. I could feel the hot tears coming, but I couldn’t cry. Not now. I was shunned…

I had never been shunned from anything in my life before…except maybe from Celeste’s room a couple times. But that was only temporarily. The intercom guy had said that I was going to be shunned forever.

That was a long time. Forever. That was a heck of a long time. I had never really taken into consideration the thought of if I had failed the tests. What would being shunned be like? I couldn’t imagine. Usually Celeste would only kick my butt and slam her door in my face. Were they going to throw me out into the snow and slam the door?

Suddenly, a new pain lurched into my system and I couldn’t breathe. Curling up, I gasped for breaths, and I felt other people beside me, touching my wound. What were they doing? Were they doctors?

I grimaced and held onto my side, but the people moved my hands. I tried to open my eyes, but a blinding light filled them and I closed once again. The pain seeped into my system, and rushed to my head.

Talk about a massive headache.


“Let go of me! Leave me alone!” Lacy shouted as she squirmed. The two men grabbed her arms and started pulling her to the stairs that led to the dungeons. Fear trembled throughout her entire body and she shook constantly to try and break free of the men’s grip but it was useless. They were going to kill her, Lacy knew. They were going to lock her up and kill her.

“Let me go! I’ve done nothing!” Her words were still useless. The men didn’t plan to let go any time soon, either. Lacy shook her head, muttering inaudible phrases that the guards couldn’t hear.

They slowly dragged Lacy out of the Dining Hall and into the Main Hall where Landon’s Trial was taking place. She quickly looked up and saw Landon on the ground with people surrounding him. What had happened?

“Please! Just let me go! Landon’s hurt!” she cried, and some people in the back rows turned towards her. As soon as they saw who it was they turned back around. Except for one.

Jonathan’s mouth dropped and he stared as Lacy was dragged away. He had to do something. He had to act now.

Suddenly, four rows ahead of him, Wolfgang stood up abruptly. He turned to the crowd and said, “The show is over. Landon Maxfield has been shunned from Fort Wolfgang. Let me tell you a word to the wise.”

The audience carefully listened to what Wolfgang had to say.

“There have been…rumors of a Rebellion taking place. I would just like to say that I am fully aware of it and know each person involved. Behind you is an example of what happens to rebels.”

Now every single person in the audience quickly turned around and saw Lacy being held tightly by the two guards. Most people just smirked, but those from the rebellion looked horror-struck.

“All of you rebels can have a second chance. Turn yourself in and you will not be condemned. I have a list of those, and if you come to me, I will cross your name off,” Wolfgang continued.

Jonathan knew that he had to do something. He had to save Lacy. She played an important part in the Rebellion. He also had no desire to turn himself or anyone else in. Wolfgang’s plan wouldn’t succeed. The Rebellion was finally under way when Jonathan uttered one loud sentence for the audience to hear:

“Wolfgang, you will one day regret your choice.”

Wolfgang’s eyes lit up and he said, “Ah, Jonathan. It was nice to turn yourself in. Guards! Seize him!” Wolfgang’s voice suddenly changed and he glared at his new prisoner.

Now understanding his plan, four more of the rebels in the audience stood up and started to transform. Their fur was marked with a red X; a symbol of freedom.

“C’mon, let’s go! The other guards will find the rebels and kill them,” the guard that was holding on to Lacy’s left arm said quietly. The other guard nodded and they proceeded to drag Lacy farther down the hall.

Lacy was aghast. What was Jonathan thinking? He just ruined the whole Rebellion! They hadn’t had time to think or plan…they hadn’t done anything to prepare! And now they were fighting as if they had been planning for years!

“No!” Lacy said and fought against them, but just like before it was no use. She was a prisoner. She was a captive.


I noticed my feet being dragged on the hard, stone floor of Fort Wolfgang. My eyes were still blurry, but I could make out that much. I exhorted myself trying to look around, but it was no use.

My hands were being held by a tight grip. Whoever was holding me was also dragging me behind them. And that was when the pain hit.

It hit like a speeding train. I never even felt it coming and then WHAM! It was there. Immense pain like no other before. I gasped and something tugged on my hands. I didn’t seem to notice. The pain started at my side, just above where the bullet had entered. I grimaced and squinted, trying to hold back my hollers of pain. It rose and then it was at my chest level. My heart started beating faster and my breaths came out in shorter, ragged breaths.

And then it got cold. I mean really cold. Unbelievably cold. Seriously. The moment that my bare skin touched the cold draft, my hairs erected. I wanted to rub my arms, but the firm grip was still there.

Without realizing what I had done, I murmured something incomprehensible. Whoever was dragging me stopped, and I heard a male voice say, “Did he just say something?”

Another male voice said, “I don’t know. Didn’t Wolfgang say that he was supposed to be out for hours?”

Wolfgang! I knew that he had to do something with this! Now…what was it that he did?

“Just keep pulling. We’re almost there. Didn’t he say that we can just toss him in the snow?” a voice said, and I noticed that that voice had to be the person that was pulling my left hand.

Great. Thanks Wolfgang. Throw me out in the snow while I am immobilized. Silently, I sighed. Wolfgang was pure evil. He didn’t even have to shun me from this stupid fort in the first place.

“There. I’ll open the door and you throw him out there. Ha! I hope that when he wakes up he’ll have hypothermia!” the voice on the left hand said.

You are evil. Plain evil.

Most werewolves are. You have to accept that fact.

Then why am I a werewolf? Why couldn’t I be a Vampire?

Vampires want peace. You wouldn’t want that, now would you? How fun would life be if there was only peace in the world?

It would be better than having chaos! I mean, if this world only had chaos, everyone would surely die.

Suddenly, there was a big whoosh of a gust of wind and I screamed out loud. I heard stunned voices, presumably the men who just threw me. I was in the air for a moment and the freezing weather chilled me to the core. I opened my eyes and saw two men dressed in black clothes smile at me. One of them shivered, commenting on how cold it was.

I landed softly in the snow and quickly got up, not wanting my clothes to get wet. It was too late. I looked at my shirt and groaned. The snow wasn’t fresh because it was watery. Cold, I shivered and looked up at the sky. Thick snow clouds blocked the stars. Great. Just what I needed. More snow.

Without further notice, I started to transform, and I felt that familiar bubbling sensation of my rabies.

How do I get my rabies to go away? Please! I really need help here! Inner voice, are you listening?

I’m always listening, you idiot. All you have to do is bite a human so that your rabies will transfer. You can’t bite anything else, though. Rabies are simple to get rid of.

Thanks. You actually said something useful this time.


I smirked as I fully transformed, with my white fur and everything. The froth started dripping out of my mouth and I probably looked horrible. But who cares? I don’t belong to anyone anymore. I am shunned.

Lacy…I wish you were here with me. I hope you didn’t watch my Trails. I knew that I had failed miserably. I could just picture myself, withering on the ground, blood pouring out of my wound.

Automatically, I looked for the bullet hole in my shirt and found it. Because I had slipped out of my clothes, it was on the ground. The snow soaked in with my shirt, and the blood became watery again. I shook my head and howled, just to see if anything could happen.

So, what do shunned people do? I have nowhere to go. My family is dead, Payton is on a mission, and Lacy was still inside, probably wondering where I was. It would be like that for the rest of my life. I would never see my friends again.

That’s right. Now you have to fend for yourself. Payton won’t ever be there again to help you. Learn to be a werewolf. Learn to kill humans. Be a werewolf.

Yes. What did I have to live for now? Nothing. There was nothing behind me, and nothing in front of me. There was only the open road. I could do whatever I wanted. Deep inside, that was a scary though. What was outside? Had I ever taken a step out to look?

The road was mine. I was free. I was no longer under Wolfgang’s control. I didn’t need him. I didn’t need anybody.

Well done. You have chosen the best road possible: no road at all. You are a true werewolf now. I trust you do not need my advice?

Are you freaking kidding me? You know everything! Even sometimes when it seems like I hate you, I don’t. I really need you. Don’t go away. Especially now.

Fine. Just because you asked me too.

Even though that the voice was just a part of my brain, I could see it smiling.


“Leave me alone!” Lacy shouted, and the guard became very irritated at her. Would she just shut up? Carelessly, he threw her into the cold dungeon, populated by rats and mice alike, with weeds and mold at every corner. That would be the place where these…idiot people would live. And die.

The guard chuckled to himself as his buddy and him shut and locked the door, leaving Lacy in complete and utter darkness.
Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:57 am
cat4prowl says...

You know what? i hate you too! Talk about suspense! man now i have to wait. UUURRRGGGHHH!!! thanx alot

it was fantastic, of course. i cant believe how well you're carrying this plot! i can think of anything to crit, there might have been some grammar mistakes but i was too busy reading it to care. u better hurry up and write the next chapter or i will personally stick my foot in the computer and kick your butt. seriously. hurry up.

your #1 fan!!

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Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:18 am
BigBadBear says...

Hahah. Thanks.

Well, to tell the truth, I am on chapter 12. I just haven't been posting them...*oops!*

Well, thanks. I can't wait to read more of your stuff!

Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

Daddy Long Legs are more closely related to crabs than spiders and somehow the idea of crablike creatures with spider legs that have escaped the entrappings of the primordial sea and now crawl over land and can walk up and down walls and ceilings creeps me more than I can adequately describe.
— Snoink