
Young Writers Society

Midnight Darkness #8 part one

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Tue Nov 20, 2007 2:07 pm
BigBadBear says...

Chapter Eight: Yet Another Day in Werewolf Paradise

Once again, I pulled back and uttered, “What?”

“I - I don’t exactly know right now! No one does!” Lacy exclaimed, and hugged me even tighter.

She rested her head on my shoulder, and I stared at the wall in front of me. Payton was dying. Why was Payton dying?

“Lacy,” I said, and stepped back, “where is Payton? Where is he?”

Tears glided down her cheek and her face was bright red. Lacy’s chin trembled, and she shakily said, “I – he’s in the medical room!”

I shook Lacy’s shoulders, “I know! But where is that?” Her brown eyes were so sad. So terrifyingly sad. Payton was going to die.

And so was Lacy.

Lacy quickly grabbed my sweaty right hand, and tugged on it until I started running through the hall with her. She was in front, and I followed her, and we were both hand in hand.

And then it hit me. I didn’t know what it was, but a huge wave of something swept passed me and knocked me off of my feet. Whatever it was, love, romance, call it what you will, but I felt it. Lacy…she was the one. I needed her.

But more time for that later.

“It’s just over here! Come on!” Lacy said, and she pulled even harder on my arm. I wasn’t weary of the strange looks that we got from the other werewolves; and I could care less. I needed to see Payton, now!

“Just around here,” Lacy said, out of breath. We turned into another hall, and this was lit with torches from every angle.

“Here,” my love said, bending down to catch her breath. I bent down also, and lifted her chin to mine.

Oh my, you have no idea whatsoever how I felt right then. I was holding her. Well, not exactly. I was holding her chin, but it was the same thing. I stared into her brown eyes, and she looked back. The tears were gone, and her eyes softened.

I held on with love. Ha, whatever that meant! I knew that I was in love. I needed to do something about that though. How would she understand what I felt? Would she ever?

Suddenly, without me knowing what the heck I was doing, I swooped in, and extended my lips to hers.

The moment that we touched, my feet sort of scooted closer, and I closed my eyes. Lacy didn’t make any resistance to pull back, so I knew that she wanted more.

I moved my hand from her chin, and up to her cheek. I was suddenly warm, and it felt natural to stand there, kissing Lacy.

Her lips pressed against mine, and we held. I didn’t really know what to do. Should I open my mouth? Should I French kiss her?

I remembered a movie that I had watched, and the two lovers were French kissing. I thought it looked disgusting; two tongues touching each other. So I decided just to hold.

It was the perfect awkward kiss.

After what seemed like an eternity, I pulled back, gasping for air. How am I supposed to breath when I kiss someone? I laughed and she quickly grabbed a strand of hair and started to play with it, a wide grin playing at her lips.

Talk about awkward!

“Uh…” I said, not really knowing what I was supposed to say.

Lacy laughed and stepped towards me, closed her eyes and went in for another kiss.

This time, it was different.

Think about it like this: we were dancing. A kiss was like a dance to me. The first kiss, I led, and we just stood there, holding each other. Now this time, Lacy was leading, and oh boy, she did a fantastic job! It felt even more natural, and I pulled away a little to early, because I needed to breathe.

If I breathed through my nose, she would feel all of that air rushing out, and then it would be even more awkward.

Note to self: learn how to breathe and kiss at the same time.

I laughed again, while she smiled at me.


“Well,” she said, eyeing my lips.

Oh no! Please, no more! Even though I wanted more, I couldn’t. I remembered what I was supposed to be doing.

“Uh, I have to go and see Payton now,” I said slowly. I didn’t want to make it seem like I didn’t want to be there, because believe me, I did!

“Oh yeah! Of course! Go ahead!” Lacy said, with her beautiful lips. I smiled and said, “Thanks.”

She laughed and twirled her hair again, as I stumbled towards the medical station.

“Hey! Hey! I need to see Payton!” I said to a man who was walking around.

“Payton Doug is immobilized right now. He is unable to see anyone and the moment.” The man said.

“Please!” I urged, “I need to see him! Just for a second!”

The man shook his head and said, “I’m afraid you can’t until morning. And besides, he has turned deaf, or so it seems. He won’t talk to anyone.”
“I don’t care!” I shouted. “I want to see him!”

The man looked over my shoulder as Lacy came running to my rescue. I greeted her with a smile as she stood beside me.

“Why can’t he see Payton?” she asked stubbornly.

“Because he is immobilized! I just told your little boyfriend right here! Now scram!” the doctor said, raising his arms as if to shoo us away.

“Is there any reason why we just can’t see him while he’s asleep?” said Lacy.

The doctor looked confused. “Why would you want to –”

“Just let us in the stupid place already!” Lacy cried, positioning her arms to her waist.

The doctor raised his eyebrows and said, “Fine. Go. He won’t wake up for another couple of hours, much less talk!”

Lacy sighed and grabbed my hand. Ah, the sweet sensation of love.

“Come on. Let’s go!” she said, and tugged on my arm in a loving manner.

“Payton!” I cried, and I ran over to his gurney. My poor friend was in a state of deep slumber, or so it seemed because he was breathing really heavily. He was wearing a nightgown, most likely put on by the medical guys. He was wrapped up in bed sheets to stay warm, and like everyone had said, he hadn’t said a word.

Lacy stood behind me and started playing with my fingers. I laughed and held onto her beautiful hands.

“Payton. Payton are you awake?”

No answer. Of course he’s not, idiot! He has been ‘immobilized.’

I turned around to Lacy, whose face was serious, yet loving. Always loving. Yeah, that was my Lacy.

“Do you know what is wrong with him?” Oh man! Why do I even ask such stupid questions?

“I don’t know,” Lacy answered truthfully and I turned back around, still holding her hand.

“Landon,” a faint whisper said. I gasped and looked at Payton.

“Payton!” I shouted joyfully, “You’re awake!”

“And talking!” Lacy said, dropping my hands and standing by Payton’s side.

“Sh,” Payton said, not moving his mouth, “I can’t talk with them here. Move me somewhere else.”

I whispered out of the corner of my mouth, “Who is them?”

“The doctors. Move me away. Have me be moved. I’ve been waiting for a long time. Hurry!” Payton said all of this in a very quiet whisper, so that no one else by Lacy and I could hear.

“Ok, just hold on a minute.” I whispered back.

I looked up at Lacy and she pointed towards a hallway.

“In there!” she said, and I nodded. I quickly looked around the room to make sure that no one was watching, and then rolled Payton’s gurney towards the hallway.

“Hey!” I heard a voice cry, and I quickly looked back. The same doctor that we were having troubles with earlier shouted to me, and my eyes widened.

Lacy belted out a laugh and cried, “Landon! Go! Hurry!”

I also laughed, finding it funny that we were stealing Payton. I pushed his gurney over the smooth floor, and started to run. Lacy trailed behind me, laughing the entire way.

“Go! Hurry!” she cried.

I smiled and wished that I could hold her again. There was just something about her…about her smile that I just adored! She was so much better than Courtney.

Payton started laughing also, but quietly. He didn’t want anyone to hear him, so he made it quiet.

At last, I turned into a little alcove hidden in darkness. I put a finger up to my lips to motion to Lacy that she should stop laughing.

Footsteps ran up to us, and then we saw the doctor continue running down the hallway, oblivious that he had just passed us.

We held it for a few more seconds, and then burst out laughing.

I grabbed Lacy’s hands and felt the texture of her skin. She gazed into my eyes. I smiled and put my arm around her shoulder, and turned to Payton.

“Why haven’t you talked to anyone? What happened out there?”

Payton sighed and then stared at Lacy and I.

“I am glad that you have found liking in each other.”

I blushed and said, “Yeah, whatever.” I looked at Lacy and she looked back at me with her big brown eyes. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours, and then I broke the stare.

“You didn’t answer my question.” I said, stubbornly.

Payton laughed and said, “You’re right. I ignored it on purpose. The thing is, Landon, is that I don’t want anyone to know what I found. Even you.”

What? Why would he want to keep something from me? I let go of Lacy’s shoulder and put my hands on Payton’s gurney, which he was still laying on, all wrapped up in sheets.

“What? Tell me, Payton!”

“There are…there are things that you shouldn’t know. Especially at such a young age. And with you and Lacy, I wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship with such hardships and cruelties.”

“Oh yeah, like that is going to make me any less curious!” I cried and glared at Payton. “Tell me now!”

Lacy stepped back, bewildered by my anger.

I continued, “You said that you wouldn’t keep any secrets from me! Tell me!”

“I will,” Payton said, and I gasped, “but not with Lacy standing here.”

I groaned at Payton and said, “Why not?”

“This is too important.”

“She is just as important! She is important to me! I don’t want to lose her in December!” The instant that I said that, I covered my mouth. Uh-oh. Did Lacy even know about that?

She did, obviously, because her eyes grew wide, and she broke down into tears. Payton sighed and looked at Lacy, who was now on her knees, her hands in her face.

“Oh, Lacy! I’m so sorry!” I said, not really knowing what to say. Again.

Sorry this is a bad cut off!
Last edited by BigBadBear on Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:16 pm
Pawprint says...

This is really good! I like it. I can't wait till you post more!

It just keeps on getting better an better.

I'm growing impatient for the next one!!! :D
Visit my blog anytime!

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Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:16 am
cat4prowl says...

it took me forevor to find this post but i found it and now... yeeeaaah!!!! another great chapter bigbad! very nice! the romantic twist was interesting but i think you used the word love about a million times in there and it got confusing. of course, it could be because landon was 'lovestruck'. :smt055 well, as always, you leave me begging for the next chapter! your descriptions of the kiss and all that were good without being so mushy gushy that you scare the reader away. nice job on the awkwardness. don't you just love being an author? i mean, you can make your character do all kinds of things... complete control :backtotopic: again, great job. i cant wait for the next one!

your #1 fan!

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Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:49 am
Kim says...

This does keep getting better. i never know which twists you will add. suspenseful.
I can see your writing change as you continue your story. you are adding so much more discription and taking your time on one subject.

i cant wait till the next post.


don't try me bro
— Seirre