
Young Writers Society

Midnight Darkness #5 part two

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Thu Nov 08, 2007 4:25 am
BigBadBear says...

Fort Wolfgang was huge! I mean huge! The walls, the rooms, just everything about it was double its normal height! I felt pity for the builders of this place!

I got dressed and looked around my room. There was a bed in it, and a toilet. Yeah, that’s pretty much it. That is about the most accommodation that you can receive from werewolves.

I opened my door and stepped outside. The floor was made of wood, I think. It looked like wood, but when I stepped on it, it didn’t feel like it. Well, just another yet to be solved mystery in my life.

As soon as I stepped out the door, Payton came out of his and he greeted me with a smile. He was dressed in the same clothes as I was, only a little bigger. Black shirts and jeans I noticed were the only clothing available in Fort Wolfgang. You didn’t see anyone else wearing anything.

Payton quickly said, “I would love to take you on the tour of this place, but I have some work I need to do.” I uttered a sigh, knowing that I would have to be stuck alone, or with Bart who was not my favorite out of all people.

“So, Jonathan Bird has volunteered to take you. He has been here just a couple years, but he can answer most of your questions about this place.”
I scanned the environment for any signs of this Jonathan guy, but there was no one here but Payton and I.

“Is he…okay? I mean, Bart was pretty rough when I first met him,” I said. I didn’t want to be forced around by another Bart.

Payton laughed and quickly commented, “No, no! Jonathan is one of the nicer werewolves you will ever meet. You will like him. I promise.”

As it turns out, the moment I laid eyes on him, I knew he was going to be cool. I don’t know if it was the way he wore his pants, or the way that he tugged on his shirt, but whatever it was, he just looked cool.

“Ahem, Jonathan?” Payton said kindly. Jonathan had his back turned to us, and he was leaning on a wall. He didn’t respond.

Payton looked at me and laughed. “He is probably listening to his music.”

My teacher tapped him and Jonathan turned around. He widened his eyes in surprise and said, “Oh hey! And I suppose this is Landon?” He said all of this with a tone of pure happiness. I had never seen a very happy werewolf before, not even Payton.

I nodded and Jonathan said, “Cool. What’s up, Landon?”

“Not much. You know, just being a werewolf and all,” the instant I said this I regretted it. Jonathan probably loved being a werewolf.

“Yeah, it’s hard sometimes, dude. You just have to get used to it, ‘cause you’re a werewolf your whole life long.”

I nodded. “That’s what Payton always tells me.”

Jonathan flickered his eyes up to Payton and smiled. “Well, Landon, are you ready to take the Awesome Jonathan Tour of Fort Wolfgang?” I laughed.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Well, let’s begin!”

“First off, to your right, there is the meeting and dining area. Right now, it is just passed supper, so they are getting ready for the first session of Council.”

Jonathan looked at me and said quietly, “It’s the most boring session you’ll ever have to sit through.” I laughed and smiled.

“What is the Council?” I asked. I had always wondered this because Payton had told me that he was bringing me here because of this Council.
“It’s mainly just like this thing that werewolves have to go to. If there is like an over population, we decide who to hunt down and stuff like that.
We also go to Council for talks from Wolfgang.” Jonathan replied.

“Hm,” I said, “it sounds boring.”

This was a complete lie because when Jonathan had said, ‘we decide who to hunt down’ really kind of freaked me out. No, it really freaked me out. What kind of a society kills their own citizens? I tried to change the subject as we passed the shower room.

“Whoa! That’s no shower!” I cried as I looked in. Inside there was a terrible pounding, like drums, but it wasn’t rhythmic. It just kind of pounded on its own, and when I saw what it was, I was completely amazed.

“How in the world did you get a waterfall in here?” I questioned, stunned out of my mind. Jonathan shifted to his other foot and said, “Look up. The waterfall is completely natural. Fort Wolfgang was built around this fall so we could have a running supply of water.”

“Wow,” I muttered. The waterfall was amazingly pretty, and colors gleamed off of its surface.

“Come on. There are some other rooms I would like to show you,” Jonathan said, and he pulled me down the hall, and opened a door on the left.

“This is the armory.”

I gasped. My eyes seemed to be glued open, like a little kid on a dinosaur field trip. Everything in this fort was just so amazing I couldn’t believe it. On the walls hung shiny plates, like what you would wear in battle, except they were shaped different. Big surprise here – they were shaped to fit a dog, or a really big, hairy dog.

The armor was curved, and made definite shapes. They were perfectly smooth. What intrigued me most were the helmet things that were hung up. The helmet covered the skull and the snout. All of the helmets had a red scratch crossing the forehead.

“Hey, Jonathan,” I said, pointing up to the helmets, “what does the line mean? The red one, I mean.”

Jonathan came closer and said, “That is the mark of Wolfgang, or so he likes to call it. Before Wolfgang though, it just meant that the wearer was a werewolf. That’s all.”

“It’s really cool looking. Just like from the medieval ages,” I was lost in a trance of wonder and excitement. It had always been my dreams to fight in a war, with you know, swords and shields. It filled me with a rush of excitement, but I knew that those dreams were gone. Werewolves surely wouldn’t use these anymore. They were probably just artifacts.

“There are cool, aren’t they?” Jonathan said, staring up at the helmets. He continued by saying, “We first made them over a hundred years ago, and still use them. They are incredibly hard and no one could even dream of making a crack in one.”

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from the hall, and I turned my head to glance at who was arriving. When Payton stepped into the doorway, he was out of breath and said, “C’mon kids. The Council is starting! I’ve been looking all over for you!”

Just like Jonathan had said, Council was the most boring thing I have ever attended. The only thing that I was eager to see was Wolfgang, a figment of my imagination come to life. I couldn’t believe that he was real; but then, I couldn’t believe many things these days.

The first time that I saw Wolfgang was when he was sitting in a big velvet chair, red in color. He had a beard the size of a dog, seriously. He needed a haircut really bad. His face was all pushed and smudged together like a bulldog, and he gave away the presence of an angry psycho, which he was.

Payton had saved Jonathan and I seats near the back. They were boring wooden chairs, but we couldn’t be picky. Only a few people up on the stage had nice chairs.

I looked at Jonathan for any sign of a joke coming or something, but his face was dead serious. It was then that I noticed he must have been in his early twenties. I had never really noticed that before.

Anyway, as soon as I looked away from my new friend’s face, Wolfgang was up at the podium that was set up, and a bar held up a microphone, so his voice could be projected.

“And so begins the 243rd Annual Council of the Reign of Wolfgang. Let it begin.” Wolfgang said, in his low, even tone. His ragged fur like hair shook like a mane on a lion. He nodded his head and sat back down.

There was total silence, and then one man got up and started reading off these names that I could barely keep track of. The man said that whenever he read your name, you were supposed to stand.

I rested my hand on my face, and looked around the Council Hall. Man, this was terribly boring. I looked back at Jonathan, and he was staring at the man up at the podium, reading all of those names.

Suddenly, I heard my name, “Maxfield, Landon.”

I gasped and looked over to Payton, who quietly told me to stand up. I did, and rose shakily to my feet. Why was I being called? Some of the werewolves in the room looked at me with mild interest, and then turned away.
Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:25 am
Kim says...

again, you wrote an awesome chapter. keep going bear. this is going to be a great book.


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Fri Nov 09, 2007 1:27 am
cat4prowl says...

awesome awesome awesome!!!!!! a couple things though (just little ones)

I felt pity for the builders of this place!

no exclamation points, i think it looks really strange and reads weird.

... but I have some work I need to do.” I uttered a sigh...

make a new line for Landon. i noticed this in a lot of your dialogue, when you change to a new character speaking or responding to something spoken, you should press the enter button.

also, where was the tour? details! what does a werewolve fort look like? and with the council, where was it? inside? outside? how many werewolves were there?

i liked your description of Wolfgang ;)

keep them coming!

your #1 fan!

I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.
— Walt Disney