
Young Writers Society

The House

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Sun May 13, 2007 1:00 am
Silver Pencil says...


"Uhhhh........" The groan split the silence like a knife hitting butter. Thomas turned sharply to his right. His ripped t-shirt flew with the sudden move. The only people here with him were the portraits of macbre and grotesque things, a broom, and an old record player. Not that he could see clearly anyway. Even though his eyes were adjusted to the dark, Thomas could still only see faint outlines. Strange. The sound seemed to come from the desk. Or was that a table? Thomas couldn't see his hand in front of his face in this darkness. If someone had turned on a light bulb it would've blinded him. "Im so stupid", Thomas thought. "I should have never taken that dare." Thomas walked around the many rooms of the house, finding only darkness. Walking blindedly, Thomas saw a small light, coming from what looked like a kitchen. He trodded hesitantly toward it. A sink with a rusty faucet and cupboards stared back at him. A candle laid by the sink, dripping hot wax. The light shone brightly, showing dust floating in the air.Thomas turned to his left.

He stifled a horrified scream. Blood was smeared all over the walls, dripping onto the cold floor. A lone butcher knife laid on the counter. In the corner Thomas thought he saw a pale, limp body. He looked closer at it, trying hard not to gag. He yelped.

The body was his mother.

"How.....what is happening?" His response was a shrill ring. A telephone. Thomas frantically reached into his jean pocket and tore open his cellphone.

Thomas only heard breathing on the other end. Then a gravelly voice started to talk. "Hello Thomas. Can you find your way around my house?" Thomas's heart skipped a beat.

His legs felt like jelly.

" I have a little surprise for you. Walk two steps forward, three steps right and turn left." Thomas stayed where he was, trapped with fear. " If you don't move, you rat, I'll tear your ears off with my hands." So the man could see him. Scary. He thought about Miguel and Nathan outside. Would they come in after him? Thomas did as he was told anyway. "Good, good. Now, feel for a little doorknob. I want you to turn it and pull open the door." Silence. "Now!" Thomas reached out with one hand and slowly opened the door....

"Hey dude, do you think Thomas is alright?" Nathan sounded worried.

"Yeah, he's fine", Miguel said. "Thomas is a tough guy. Nothing could hurt-" A blood curdling scream cut off the boy. They both looked in the direction of the house. Birds were flying off of the trees, disturbed by the noise. The first boy, Nathan, turned a ghostly white. The two boys ran, running on pure adrenaline, all the way home.

Nicholas Green stepped out of the darkness. He admired his work. The boy had three holes in his chest and a neck snapped back. Stupid kid. When people just walked right in his House they paid the price. Nicholas actually liked it when they came. Playing Hide-and-Go Kill was his favorite game. He couldn't wait for Round 2. Nicholas picked up a bucket of red paint and started to write on the walls. The little rhyme he drew on the wall echoed in his mind. He should've been a poet, he thought to himself. Finishing up, Nicholas strode back into the darkness, allowing it to envelope him.

Chapter 1

Seth Berryman walked casually down the Brooks High School main hallway. His Levi Strauss jeans whipped at his feet with every step. The shark tooth necklace he wore ever since his mom died hung at the collar of his Green Day shirt. Walking up to his locker, he recalled the events of the year. Being the new kid and the freshmen, upperclassman and other freshmen teased him, calling him "fresh meat". But as the year wore on, people stopped teasing and Seth got new friends. He missed his old friends back at Gwinnet county, but thing here weren't so bad. The 2nd period bell rang, interrupting his thoughts. Seth grabbed his math text book and walked towards Mr. Gohiner's class.

A note fluttered out of the book.

The triangle-shaped paper said two words: Open Me. Seth pried open the note; it was taped shut. He recognized the handwriting. It was from Susan Murdock, the girl who sat next to him in math class. " Meet me in the lunch room after electives." The words were in bright orange and red. The "i"s were dotted with little apples. Seth had a theory that Susan had a crush on him. Maybe, maybe not, but Seth thought highly of it. He kind of hoped she did have a crush on him. She was really nice and cute. But he could think about that later. He walked through the doorway to Mr. Gohiner's math class. The tardy bell rang. Class started and Mr.Gohiner walked up to the white board. Here we go, Seth thought.

Chapter 2

While Mr. Gohiner rambled on about right triangles and surface area, Seth had his mind on other things. People had been talking about a kid named Thomas Needer going into that creepy Hawthorne Mansion and never coming back. One of Seth's friends, Miguel Perez said that he had been walking down that road the same night that Thomas went into the House with his brother and heard a scream that came from the House. Other people said that an ancient ghost lived in the House and killed anyone who came inside it.

But Seth didn't believe anything about it. He didn't believe in ghosts or the sort. He hardly believed in anythinh supernat-. A ruler slammed on Seth's desk, making him jump. " Mr. Berryman! If you are so interested in my lesson, what is the surface area formula of a square?" Seth just sat there, silent. "I thought so. See me after class Seth." The day went downhill from there.


Susan Murdock waited at one of the cafeteria's tables, looking around for Seth. " Argh. Where is he?" Susan turned around and yelped. Seth stood there with a lunch tray in his hand. "Where were you?", Susan asked. "I was held up by Ms.Thrashman. Again. Sorry about making you wait."
Susan took a nibble out of her hot dog. "It's okay." They both ate in silence for a few minutes. Wiping of crumbs from his shirt, Seth started to ask why Susan wanted to meet him. Susan cut him off. "I wanted to see you because some of my friends are having a party this Saturday. I wanted you to come too."

"Really?" Seth had never been invited to anything ever. " Umm... sure. What time?"

"It's at 4:00 to midnight. I'll see you there, I guess." "Okay." Susan got up and walked to trash can. Seth munched on his hamburger.

" Thanks, Susan!" But she was already gone.

There's more... I just want to go little bit at a time.

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117 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 117
Sun May 13, 2007 3:17 pm
oregongirl says...

WOW!!! :shock: GREAT JOB! I loved it! I am very excited to hear more of this. :D Great job on describing things it was wonderful I can't say anything else but that it was superior! :)

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Gender: Male
Points: 890
Reviews: 1
Sun May 13, 2007 5:09 pm
Silver Pencil says...

I am going to review others writing, as I am supposed to, as I post more of my story on here.

For the next few days, the only thing Seth thought about was the party. The one thing he had ever been invited to was his grandmothers funeral. Which really wasn't an invite.

But he thought about what he should wear, what he should bring, this and that. Seth was so intently focused on this that he forgot to tell his parents about it. As Seth walked up to Susan's friends house he thougt, oh well. They'll find out sooner or later. Seth walked up to the house and rang the door bell.

Chapter 3

A tall, well built man answered the doorbell. The wire rimmed glasses he wore hung on his nose loosely. Punk rock music played faintly in the background. Straigtening his sweater vest, he asked " And what might your name be, sir?" Seth shifted uneasily.

"Umm.... Seth?" The man took out a small note pad. He scrolled through the writing. " Seth...Seth... ah! Here we go. Come on in." Seth walked inside the house, and gaped in awe. The house was huge on the inside. A diamond chandelier hung from the ceiling. A balcony with people talking and dancing looked over the main hall. Bowls filled with Fritos, nachos, Cokes and other refreshments lined the tables, waiting to be devoured.

"Seth! Seth!" A girl walked up to her, waving her hand. "Oh, hey Susan. What's up?"

"Hang on. Let me take to you someone." She lead him to a passage, where many people lined the side of the walls. Portraits of equestrians, nature, and famous artists hung on the wall. Priceless vases with rich designs and gems stood on the many decorative tables. These people are rich, he thought.

"Come on. I want to show you someone." Susan pulled Seth up a large stairway. She entered a room that had a master bed and shimmering windows looking out to a pond. A girl was on the bed reading a Cosmo magazine. She looked up. Her face was coated with makeup, lips blood red with lipstick. A bubble gum bubble formed around her mouth. It popped. "Um...hi?"

"Katherine, this is Seth, my friend from math class. I invited him here."

"Oh yeah. Seth Berryboy or somthin'. Nice to meet you." Seth shyly raised up his hand and waved.

"Why aren't you downstairs? This is your birthday party."

Katherine smacked on her gum. She replied, "Some idiot guy tried to lay one on me. So I threw my Coke on him, slapped his face and came up here." Seth and Sarah just stared. "What? Would you just say 'That's okay' if someone tried that on you?"

They heard a thunder clap. The noise donwstairs stopped, except for the Avril Lavigne music. Another clap. The music halted. The three teens sprinted downstairs. A body was laying spreadeagled on the first step on the stairs. A small hole in between his eyes trickled blood. Smoke rose from the stereo system. Katherine was the first to react. "Daddy!"

More to come!

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20 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 20
Mon May 14, 2007 2:07 am
PirateQueen says...

WOW this is Really good. There's not much else i can say.

#Queen of the Pirates#
~My Signature~

At the end of a storm there's a rainbow

You flare, you flicker, you fade... And in the end, all your tomorrows become yesterdays.
— Megatron (Lost Light, by Roberts, Lawrence, Lafuente)