
Young Writers Society

The Emerging Threat

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76 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 890
Reviews: 76
Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:49 pm
Shadowsun says...

Yeah coursework isn't the first thing you want to do with your time.

I should have critiqued other peoples work first but I posted this before I read the PM Nate sent me when I joined.............. :oops:
Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes... Then who cares? You're a mile away and you've got their shoes.

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76 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 890
Reviews: 76
Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:44 pm
Shadowsun says...

Some changes have been added to this.


On T'au in the midst of the great desert a sheet of sand quivers and shakes, the sand then begins to move slowly but surely to reveal a dark shaft leading to the an ancient tomb complex far beneath the surface of the planet. A black Obelisk inlaid with gold moves towards the planet surface, it rises slowly out of the darkness and begins to position itself on a bank of sand not far from the shaft. The Obelisk begins to radiate a green light calling the wind to it which whips around the Obelisk blowing the sand away to reveal a piece of black marble with a strange design on it, the Obelisk lowered and set itself in the centre of the design which produced a sickly green light that engulfed the Obelisk as it began to turn and lower itself into the ground, producing a loud screeching noise.

Suddenly the green light ceased and an unnerving silence settled on the area. A strange clicking began and a rusted metal hand thrust itself out from the sand, the hand shivered for a second, then metal body burst out of the sand soon followed by another arm and a pair of legs. The Necron lord rose to its feet and surveyed the area emotionlessly as the others brought themselves out of the sand. The Necron lord raised its staff and thrust it into the ground, a green light burst forth from the crystal at the staffs tip and then almost immediately seized. The staff needed more power. The C'tan would not be pleased...

On the single moon that orbited T'au the drone monitoring the Desert, received the data, beeped alarmingly, engaged its thrusters and took of to look for the Shas'ar'o. When the drone raced into the circular chamber the Shas'ar'o was engaged in a meeting of the Shas'ar'tol discussing the threat on the southern front of the Empire.

The drone projected a hologram into the centre of the chamber, the hologram showed the Necron lord thrusting his staff into the ground. The room was silent for some time until Shas'o C'larik'an spoke "the Necrons have established a presence on T'au, we should contact the Ethereals".
"No" Shas'ar'o Gra'rik overruled "we will send in a small detachment from Vior'la to eliminate the Necron power source". "We would need a strong commander" Shas'o Ala'ik said quietly. "We need someone who won't ask questions" Shas'o Ret'eray replied. "We need Dak'e'shi" Shas'ar'o Gra'rik said.

Chapter 1

"Shas'la, form up!!" Shas'el Dak'e'shi ordered. The Shas'la of fire warrior blue team formed up into two ranks, "Preeesent!” They brought their pulse rifle butts into their shoulders, "Taaake aim!" The fire warriors each selected a target, "Fiiire!!” They fired at the approaching insect like swarm decimating the first rank of guants but that hardly mattered there would a thousand more waiting to replace each gaunt killed "Fire!" The second rank was obliterated, "Fire!!" The third was destroyed, "Fire at will!!!" The Tyranids were being slaughtered but they gained ground, it did not matter how many died more would be spawned to replace each that died.

The numberless swarm kept on advancing over the treacherous, rocky terrain, each gaunt having four legs and two arms that scuttled along the floor, making an eerie rattling noise that would have made even the most stalwart Imperial Guardsman turn and run. But the Tau were not like the Imperials, they did not conscript or press citizens into service, they had the Fire caste, genetically designed at the dawn of their creation to be warriors.

The fire caste would fight to the death for the Greater Good, they would do whatever the Ethereals bid to bring the light of the Greater Good to the galaxy. "Permission to fire" a voice crackled over Dak'e'shi's comms unit. "Granted" Dak'e'shi replied. An ionic blue pulse demolished the centre of the Tyranid swarm and two Hammerhead gunships glided around the rocky outcrop, their streamlined, reinforced and armoured bodies glistening in the red sun that orbited the planet. Each gunship had an ion cannon protruding from their turrets at the top of each gunship that whirred to life and sent wave after wave of destruction from their gun barrels.

The Tyranid swarm quickly adapted to this new assault and a Carnifex, its jaws dripping acid in anticipation, tore through the first Hammerhead gunship its man sized claws obliterating the gunship it in a ball of fire. The Carnifex emerged from the ruins of the Hammerhead amazingly unscathed by the blast, protected by is armoured hide with spines emerging from its back and started to charge towards the second Hammerhead floating only a few yards away. Dak'e'shi saw this happening and engaged his jet pack which propelled his Battlesuit into the air and on towards the Carnifex. Dak'e'shi dropped out of the air in front of the Carnifex blocking it from reaching the Hammerhead which still unleashed blast after blast of Ionic energy into the Tyranid swarm.

The Carnifex roared and charged at Dak'e'shi, Dak'e'shi stood calmly and raised his plasma rifle his targeting array locking onto the Carnifex giving him a clear shot at the Carnifexs head. Dak'e'shi fired, a command was sent to the plasma rifle from the neural link between the battlesuit and its pilot, the command travelled through the link from the battlesuits HUB and down to the plasma rifle, in charged and sent its energy down the barrel which collected stray particles and formed into a stream of brilliant blue plasma which streamed out of the plasma rifles barrel and towards the Carnifexs head. All of this happened in one nano second.

The Carnifex a huge beast, a monstrous creature acid dropping from it body sized jaw, let loose a bone chilling scream and fell to the ground dead. But this did not stop the Tyranid swarm, a living wave, parting around rocks that protruded from the rocky ground and heading towards the city Dak’e’shi defended, their locust like bodies rushing towards the thin Tau line that was laying down God like firepower onto them. The fire warriors were operating like a well oiled machine calmly performing their duties by destroying wave after wave of the Tyranid swarm with cool precision. But the swarm kept on advancing, Dak'e'shi knew from experience that the swarm would keep advancing to reach what the Hive mind wanted. The Tyranids were vulnerable to fire however and Dak'e'shi had prepared a team of battlesuits equipped with flamers and burst cannons to land in the centre of the swarm and cause as much mayhem and destruction as possible.

At the instant that Dak'e'shi had killed the Carnifex the battlesuit team had landed in the centre of the swarm in a remote valley far to the south of the city Dak’e’shi defended crushing several guants as they did so, they then began to proceed to burn away any trace of the swarm and unleash pulse fire on anything that came to close to them. The Hive mind adapted to this new threat and sent an uncountable number of Genestealers to deal with the battlesuits. Which were gradually overcome one by one, their suits sparking electricity, lying on the ground, useless heaps of metal, while the pilots where devoured by the Genestealers, until the third and last member of the team remained.

The bloodrage shone bright red in the eyes of Shas'vre Vior'la Kaj'inal, he unleashed searing flames on anything that neared him and drove back the Genestealers with his burst cannon fire. The swarm began to pull back to eliminate this stubborn warrior who refused to die. Any who approached him were killed instantly, Kaj'inal had long ceased to tell the difference between friend or foe, he was surrounded by a red haze that enraged him and drove him on to avenge the deaths of his team. His team were bonded by the talissera ritual, they were closer than brothers to him, they had fought years of combat together and now they were gone. Kaj'inal was maddened by the fact that he had let them die and turned his rage on the surrounding Tyranids, Dak'e'shi's voice on his comms system failing to breach the rage that possessed him as he killed them one by one.

"Kaj'inal, Kaj'inal!" Dak'e'shi roared over the comms system "fall back, you are no longer needed there". But nothing could penetrate the red haze that surrounded Kaj'inal, the black and yellow locust like swarm surrounding him advanced towards him. They were each killed by the raging flames that were cast out of Kaj'inals flamer. One after another the Tyranids approached him the scuttling claws moving across the ground towards him and one after another they were killed.

A black speck moved across the sky, it slowed and began to fall getting bigger and bigger as it fell. Finally it landed crushing several guants it the process, it was a huge creature, larger than the Carnifex, with wings the size of a Piranha speeder, it wielded huge talons, it had a streamlined head the size of a human body and was a sickly black and yellow colour. It was a Hive Tyrant.

The Tyrant approached Kaj'inal and screeched a challenge to him. The scream penetrated his red haze drawing him away from the bloodrage that threatened every Vior'la fire caste warrior. The Tyrant screeched again and started to charge Kaj'inal, who turned and faced the it and with cool efficiency opened fire on the monstrous creature approaching him. His burst cannon whirred to life and pulse projectiles were thrust out of the barrel towards the Hive Tyrant, his flamer let lose its searing flames which leaped out to strike the Tyrant.

The Tyrant kept coming towards Kaj'inal emerging unscathed from the flames. The burst cannon having no effect on the Tyrant, Kaj'inal cut power from reaching it and redirected it towards the Plasma Sword in his battlesuits fist, which flared to life showering his battlesuit in a brilliant blue light. He engaged his Jet pack and was projected through the air toward the Hive Tyrant.

Plasma charged blade met living talons producing sparks and a tremendous amount of heat that made the air shimmer around the two combatants. Dak'e'shi watched from the thin Tau line in amazement as Kaj'inal clashed with the Hive Tyrant. The line kept advancing towards the combat pouring fire into the oncoming Tyranid swarm. "Shas'la, halt!" Dak'e'shi ordered. Fire warrior team blue halted standing in front of the swarm, pouring fire into the Tyranids from the two ranks they stood in. "Carbine men, to the front rank!". The Shas'la equipped with Pulse carbines moved to the front rank. "Fire photon grenades!". The small circular grenades burst forth from the carbines landing in the midst of the swarm creating, purple and green explosions.

"Shas'la, advance!", the fire warriors started to advance towards the swarm. "Halt!" The Shas'la stopped at the ridge that overlooked the barren valley where Kaj’inal and the Tyrant fought. "Present!" They took up firing positions. "Take aim!" they each selected a target amongst the swarm. "Fire at will!" The Tyranids began to die, pulse projectiles flying towards the swarm obliterating them.

Kaj'inal watched as the Hive Tyrants talons were destroyed by his Plasma Sword, the Plasma reeking havoc on the living tissue that covered the talons. The Hive Tyrant shrieked in pain and fell back from Kaj'inals battlesuit. Kaj'inal raised his burst cannon and targeted the open wound. Kaj'inal fired. The Hive Tyrant writhed and screamed the burst cannons projectiles destroying it.

The Tau line watched in amazement as the Tyrant slunk away from Kaj'inal and then lay still on the ground in front of him. The guants suddenly seemed to lose focus when the Tyrant died, as if the will to fight had left them, they stared mindlessly into space unable to tell what was happening. From then on it would be a simple matter of hunting down the remaining Tyranids and killing them or handing them over to the Fio to examine.

Dak'e'shi was astonished by the feat Kaj'inal had accomplished, he had cut of the head and the body had died...

Chapter 2 will come soon
Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes... Then who cares? You're a mile away and you've got their shoes.

"Honestly, I think the world is going to end bloody. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight. We do have choices."
— Dean Winchester