
Young Writers Society

Dormant A Wings Novel

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5 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1099
Reviews: 5
Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:06 pm
Simbacub says...

A/N : Currently in the middle of exams so editing hasn't been a major priority for me, i apologize in advance

Chapter One - Citizen Soldier

The creature’s shriek of pain echoed in my ears and my sword’s blade glistened with fresh blood. I swiveled its hilt and slashed at my next attacker which landed in two neatly cut pieces at my feet. I raised the Aurora’s Thorn and flung it at the keystone which held the portal open. The glowing stone shattered with the impact from the blade and the portal dissolved.

This was too easy. My father had taught me well. Those vile creatures were no match for me! I glanced down at my sword and my thoughts wandered back to my father. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was watching over me, keeping me safe as best he could from where ever you go once you leave the land of the living. Heaven, they call it. I wondered if it were real. If so do people really go to hell? Sometimes I thought that the reality we live in was the true hell and each and every day was a test, a test that would deem as worthy of a paradise once completed.

I relaxed my tense shoulders and retrieved my sword. Named after my mother, the Aurora’s Thorn was my father’s favorite and most precious weapon. The sword’s angel wing guard had always reminded dear old dad of my mother’s angelic nature and the hilt; inlaid with the bones of the Vampire Tyrant Kaldar Keran were a constant to him of the battle that had not only restored peace to the land but of the battle that had won my mother’s heart. The Aurora’s Thorn was passed down to me when my father had died. It was the last tangible piece of him I had left. Pictures were never enough, sure they remind you of the memory but when you reach out and try to feel that memory, all your fingers touch is the smooth surface of the photograph.

As I tightened my grip around the Aurora’s Thorn’s hilt, I could feel my father’s life force course though my hand. A tingling sensation tickled my palm and it felt as if my father was right there, holding my hand.

I was so wrapped up in my rambling thoughts that I became unaware of my surroundings. I turned around in time to see a snarling face launch and me. Stunned by my foolishness, my reflexes were slightly delayed. I gasped when I realized how close the creature was from my face, its claws ready to gauge my skin. BOOM. I jerked to left in time to see the creature zoom past me and land in a lifeless heap on the ground. I stared at the creature for a while before frowning and turning to my savior. A cocky grin was plastered onto his lips and his deep blue eyes shone brightly in the pale moonlight.

He reloaded his pistol and tucked it into his belt. He wore a tight, v-neck shirt which outlined every muscle on his torso. A dark shape on his neck suddenly caught my attention. It was a symbol I had seen often. A silver winged sword wrapped within a serpent – The mark of The Order. I wasn’t surprised at all, the mystery man’s over confident smile said it all. He was just like the rest of them.

“Josephine Castella Carter,” he said, his cocky grin morphed into a smirk, “Are you not going to thank me?”

I growled and stood in a defensive stance, sword at the ready. “Who are you?” I asked slowly. He seemed no older than me and I noticed a glint of fear in his eyes when he saw my glorious weapon. He raised his hands in surrender and the glint of fear I had seen before vanished.

“Hmm, maybe you should put that away, you could kill someone with it!” he replied , a smirk returning to his lips. I rolled my eyes.

“That’s kind of the idea of a sword,” I said in an irritated voice.

Amusement glistened in his eyes and the corner of his lips twitched with mischief. “Come now Darling,” he emphasized ‘darling’ with a Texas twang, “No one likes a smart ass.” He ran a hand through his long, blonde hair, flexing his muscles in the process.

“Don’t. Call. Me. That,” I threatened.

“Feisty one aren’tcha. I have heard many rumors about you, and non too flattering might I add,” he stated.

“I’m sure you have, now answer my question,”

“I don’t think I will,” he stated playfully, his ego was so inflated I could practically smell the arrogance that radiated off of him.

“Alright then, don’t tell me,” I replied in a bored tone I turned around and walked away, the Aurora’s Thorn casually balanced on my shoulder. “I know you work for The Order of the Archangel, that’s all I need to know.”

The blonde guy stood in silence before he realized I wouldn’t waste my time with his games. In a matter of seconds he was at my side, his movements were quick and quiet. I hadn’t even heard his footsteps! It then occurred to me that I hadn’t heard him approach me at the beginning of our encounter either. I brushed away the thought and picked up my pace, which the blonde guy matched easily. He then reached out and pulled me to a stop. He was stronger that I had initially thought. Damn his strong muscles. I raised my eyebrows at him and sighed with annoyance.

“Seth,” he introduced, holding out his hand, I rolled my eyes and kept walking. “That’s your queue to stop and say ‘It’s nice to meet you Seth’” he informed me with an annoyed groan.

“Sorry, Seth. But I haven’t the time for small talk. Besides it hasn’t been nice meeting you! In all honesty I find this whole exchange as quite an annoyance!”

Seth tsked me and shook his head. “The Order was right about you!” he concluded.

“The Order?” I spat, “The Order are nothing but arrogant pricks who think to highly of themselves and you are no different!” Seth glared at me clearly not appreciating my comments, suddenly his eyes widened in surprise as a slender blade was pressed against my throat. Heavy boots kicked up lose dirt which formed a cloud around us. The Dorec Venantium’s elite soldiers had me and Seth surrounded. As the dust began to settle, I felt a sneeze begin to build.

A man in a white Armani suit walked towards us. He stopped next to Seth and nodded before shooting a disapproving gaze at me. I was used to his dirty looks, Northar and I had never gotten along. He didn’t like rivalry and that was exactly what I was; a rival. Northar was wearing the same white suit I’d seem him wear at all our tense encounters. The same white suit, with the same white crocodile skinned shoes, with the same black tie, with the same hair style that made him look like a mafia boss. Though in my opinion having his black hair sleeked back didn’t suit him, I think I’d prefer him bald. Suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts and noticed Northar had got from his usual pale complexion to red and the poor guy looked exasperated. Score! I looked over at Seth who just looked amused.

“WELL?” bellowed Northar, ah-oh what was he talking about before? Nah I don’t really care.

“I’d prefer if you were bald,” I stated while nodding my head. Seth roared with laughter and I heard the faint snickers of the person who still held that bloody dagger to my neck. The vein in Northar's neck bulged and pulsed with anger, I scoffed and his short temper. I noticed the same tattoo on his neck as Seth. A wing sword enclosed by a serpent, though his was faded and not as vibrant as Seth's, the tattooes were identical.

“JOSEPHINE! How many times must we tell you to stay out of our business?” he approached me, kicking up more dirt with each step. Soon he his face was millimeters away from mine and the dust and dirt were creating havoc with my nose. Northar flinched as tiny beads of spit smacked his face.

“Terribly sorry! How unlady like of me to spit in your face!” I exclaimed with fake sincerity.

The slender dagger pressed deeper into my skin. “Stay out of our way!” spat Northar who then barked orders at his soldiers to clean up the mess of bodies I had left for them. The dagger pressed even deeper and I was sure it had drawn blood by now, I growled at the person behind me but they just increased the pressure of the dagger.

“Enough,” ordered Seth, the person behind me grumbled but removed the dagger and small droplets of blood trickled down my neck.

“You owe me,” Seth whispered in my ear, it sent a shiver through me. Seth seemed unpredictable. I turned around to face him and found him smirking.

“Do I now?” I asked skeptically.

“I saved your life. Twice,” he said smugly. “And, I really want some sort of payment,” he continued suggestively. Once again, I rolled my eyes.

“We can’t always get what we want, Seth,” I replied. With a smirk I left.

I walked through the forest heading back to civilization. The amout of dust each foot step disturbed was unbelievable! Forests were meant to be moist not dry. I looked at the surrounding trees and sure enough they seemed dehydrated. Something was off. Global warming. Eventually the trees parted and an endless stretch of road came into view. My combat boots clicked against the tar and I began my two hour treck back home.

Forty five minutes passed, or at least that's what I thought before someone's headlights decided to blind me. I considered asking for a lift but they were going in the opposite direction and I wasn't keen on having to answer their questions on why I was out so late, in the middle of nowhere no less. They were so oblivious to what happens when they aren't looking. Oblivious to the creatures that lurk in the night. Oblivious to fact that they are - as area 51 might put it -not alone. And the Dorec Venantium don't make my life any easier.


It was difficult to get up in the morning and after last night's battle I was pretty beat up.

Waking up to the sound of an electronic beeping is as much fun as having orange juice squirted into your eye. I thwacked my alarm clock which fell to the floor. Poor thing, if alarm clocks could report abuse, most of us would be in jail. With a groan and a stretch I rolled to the side and kissed the floor as I fell through the sheets.


“Jo, you ok?” asked my Aunt Marceline who peered at me through my open room door.

Suddenly an idea popped into my head, I clutched my left side and groan in fake pain, “Marcy! I ruptured my spleen! I, see, the- why are you looking at me like that?” I asked, Marceline had one eyebrow raised and she gave me one of those ‘you’re an idiot’ looks.

“Your spleen is on the other side stupid!” she replied while shaking her head. I look down and shifted my hands to the other side.

“My spleen?” I tried again but to no avail.

“Jo, breakfast is on the counter hurry up! You are not going to miss school…again.”

I groaned and flopped back onto the floor. This will be a looooong day. After my morning ritual was complete I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the plate of freshly cut oranges. I hungrily munched on my juicy breakfast when I suddenly can to the painful conclusion, having orange juice squirted into your eye was much worse than waking up to the sound of an annoying electronic buzzing.


Marceline parked the black van outside my school and shooed my from my seat before driving to work. I stared up at the building and a list of unfinished homework bombarded my mind. I groaned, why did I only ever remember what homework I had AT SCHOOL?

As if being mentally bombarded wasn’t enough, I was soon bombarded with a familiar blurr of rainbow colored clothes and mousy brown hair.

“JO! JO! JO!” my good friend Jess excitedly squeaked, I shook my head and smiled at her noticing the hints of happiness and hyperactivity that glowing in her unusual eyes. She looked nothing like her parents except when it came to her eyes. Her one eye was blue, like her mother while the other was green, like her father. “Guess what, Jo!”

“Um, what, Jess?” I asked, to tired to play a guessing game.

“I….forgot,” she stated with a puzzled frown. We stood in silence before bursting into laughter.

“Jess, did you do the math homework?” I asked praying I wasn’t the only one who had forgotten.

“Noepey nay! She replied with a satisfied smile. We laughed again and headed for the main building. We filled each other in about our weekends when a familiar sight of Seth. What was he doing here? I thought. I couldn’t help but stare for a while, He was about a head taller than me, with broad muscular shoulder. He leaned against the school lockers casually, observing the movements around him.

As Jess and I walked towards our lockers, he noticed me and soon he was smirking.

“Josephine,” he greeted. I nodded at him but stayed silent.

“Are you not going to talk to me?” he asked in an amused tone.

“I don’t mingle with the Order or their bitches,” I stated.

“So is that what I am? Their bitch?” he asked slightly offended. “Don’t forget, I saved your life!”

“Don’t forget, I don’t care! You shouldn’t be looking for some sort of payment every time you save someone! It’s not right! You and the Order think of yourselves as heroes, ridding the world of evil and dismay when all you are is a bunch of con artists,”

Suddenly Seth’s hand crashed into the locker on either side of my head and he locked his furious gaze with mine. “You think you’re so high and mighty when you are no different from us,” he snarled.

“I am nothing. Like. you.” I spat. I ducked under his arms and headed for my first class. Was I wrong to have judged him so harshly? No. He is just like the rest of the Order. I will have nothing to do with them. Once again I found myself giving my full attention to my rambling thoughts instead of my surroundings. People crashed into me, running in the opposite direction to get away from whatever was making some poor soul scream bloody murder. CRASH. BOOM. AAAAAAAAAH. Suddenly out of nowhere, Jess was at my side. Another scream rippled through the corridor. That was our queue.

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50 Reviews

Gender: Other
Points: 9000
Reviews: 50
Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:08 pm
KingLucifer says...

This is a great start to a nice long story book, there are things tho that you do need to fix, like some grammical mistakes plus some rewording can do to cause I did notice at three or four spots. So I do suggest you go though this again reading it see them yourself. Also you can give physical descrition's of your character's, thats one point you need to fix, like I did see you gave, some but try to describe each of your character's to the best that you can. but overall this is a good story. I hope to see more in the future.

Your Friend,
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

If I see an American in real life or a kiwi in a blockbuster, it feels surreal and weird, and like a funny trip.
— SirenCymbaline the Kiwi