
Young Writers Society

Eagle Talon Book1: A Threat Arises

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Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:32 am
Ghost42 says...

I’m Ghost, one of the best leaders of Division thirteen of the Eagle Talon Army. My friend and partner Commander Cody, was backed against a wall he called me and my troops in to help. We were in the building across from Cody; one floor above him. I aimed the cable to just to the point where we could breech the windows. I made sure my team, who was unfortunately attacked as soon as they reached the other floor, was across to the other building before pulling out my pistol and gliding down to the other floor.
I reached down to my leg as a stray bullet pierced my skin. Then another zoomed by but instead of hitting me it hit the cable and I plummeted thirty feet to the ground. Echo, my team’s medic, turned just in time to see me hit the ground. The heavy impact knocked the breath out of me. As soon as I caught my breath I coughed up a somewhat small amount of blood.
As I passed out I heard Echo call,” Man down!”
My vision slowly started to blur, as I slowly passed out I saw my team maneuvering down to my aid.
When I woke, I felt weak, as if I could not sit up. I still managed to pull myself up but not without a splitting pain in my stomach. I grunted in pain as the pain of the fall and the impact returned to me, there were also pains that I had not remembered enduring the day of the fall. I looked around my cabin; it was if nothing had changed. I saw Cody outside the screen door, either thinking or waiting, maybe both. I grunted again as I felt a sharp pain in my thigh were the bullet had stung me. Cody had obviously heard me; he came inside to see if I were okay.
“Ghost, are you alright?” he asked cautiously.
“I-I’m fine,” I stammered, amazed that I had survived what had happened, “The last thing I remember is falling thirty feet.”
“I’m not surprised,” answered Cody, somewhat relived, “you’ve been out cold for three weeks.”
“How is that possible?” I questioned, still in a daze.
“I guess you just got lucky,” Cody said, also amazed that I had somehow survived the incident.
A pain that I hadn’t felt before suddenly came over me. The pain was close to unbearable. I felt weaker each passing second, until I couldn’t hold myself up anymore and I collapsed back in the bed.
“Ghost, you need to get some rest,” Cody said, concerned.
“I’m fine,” I said, not wanting to sound weak, but I knew all was not well, I was hurt pretty bad.
He just looked at me as if he knew that I wasn’t ok. He sighed and walked out of the cabin. There was nothing but silence for a few moments. Nothing had been disturbed; almost everything was as it should be. The only thing out of place was me, I should have been in the barracks with my team but I felt too weak to stand, so I stayed put. I eventually fell asleep with each passing second I was growing weaker I didn’t have much choice.
I woke weakly in my cabin again but this time Echo was in the room, tending to the worst of my many injuries. I attempted to sit up but Echo carefully laid me back down.
“Take it easy, Ghost,” he encouraged, “The injuries are worse than I thought,” he added.
“What are you talking about?” I questioned, though I didn’t want Echo to know I knew I wasn’t ok, there was no tricking him, and after all he is a medic he knows what he is doing.
“The worst of your injuries aren’t where I thought they were at all,” he explained, “you were very lucky to survive that.”
The pain was worsening and I felt as weak as when I had fallen asleep. My vision started to cloud and I closed my eyes as if to fall asleep or pass out.
“At the moment you aren’t in any condition to even stand;” Echo said, “Now the rest of the team is waiting in the barracks for my report on your condition.”
With that, Echo left the room for the barracks and left me lying weakly in the bed to await sleep or unconsciousness, whichever came first. Soon after he left I passed out again.
When I woke up again I wasn’t in my cabin, rather I was in the medical wing of the Eagle Talon Division Thirteen Base. Echo wasn’t in the room to hold me down yet something was preventing me from sitting up. I was in every way sure that I could’ve but something was holding me to the bed. Perhaps the medical restraints that were used when the condition is too bad for the victim to even sit up-right. As I struggled against the restraints I heard a voice. I recognized the voice first as Cody and the voice that responded as Echo.
“How is Ghost doing?” I heard Cody ask, his voice full of worry.
“Not good and getting worse I’m afraid,” Echo’s voice, came slow and cautious, as if he were trying not to upset Cody further.
“It’s a miracle he is still alive,” Cody sighed sounding even more disappointed and worried.
“Yes, he’s been out cold for a week now,” Echo replied, his voice sounded as if he were both surprised and disappointed.
I struggled again as seeing this was the end of the conversation. The restraints held me firmly yet carefully to the bed to where I could hardly move at all. I grunted in pain as I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. Echo came in, not from the noise, which he obviously hadn’t heard, he was unhurried, but to make his medical analysis on my condition again I assumed. I was able to sit up only less than one centimeter. Echo carefully laid me back again.
“Ghost, you’ve got to take it easy,” Echo urged, “Struggling is only going to make your injuries worse.”
I slowly calmed down, though my breathing was abnormally heavy and slow, my shoulder was still throbbing. Echo injected a sedative to the back of my injured shoulder and moved on to check my other injuries.
“Good, no real damage to anything but your shoulder,” he sighed, relived.
He then went back to my shoulder to see the extent of the damage.
“Well it was dislocated,” Echo said, surprised and relived.
“What do you mean ‘was’?” I questioned.
“Well when you tried to sit up, your shoulder relocated,” he explained.
I thought about it for a moment and looked back up. ‘What now?’
“So, what do I do now?” I asked.
“Now, you’ve got to get some rest,” he responded as he left the room.
I fell asleep in a few moments. Little did I know as I slept, the Eagle Talon Base was attacked and Echo and I were both captured.
I woke slowly, keeping my eyes closed no doubt I was still in the medical wing, but something felt wrong. I tried to move but I couldn’t.
“Again with the restraints, Echo?” There was no response; I opened my eyes, “…Echo?
I looked around; this place was definitely not Eagle Talon. Echo was chained to a stone wall across from me, he was uncautious.
I struggled against the heavy weight chains holding me to the stone wall. I also heard someone speaking. I didn’t recognize the voices as any Eagle Talon officers so they must have been Vipers, an evil organization bent on ruling the world and keeping it in this horrible waste land state.
“Captain Surge, I don’t think it’s a good idea to keep the medic in the same room as Ghost,” one voice said, he sounded very worried.
“Ranger Thompson, that’s your problem, you don’t ‘think’,” Replied the other, whom I guessed was Captain Surge, “as long as the medic can take care of the captain, the Eagle Talon Army cant charge us of capturing them. They’ll be helpless to free them.”
The one whom I guessed was Captain Surge, then walked into view and saw me struggling.
“Now, now, I don’t think your medic would appreciate that,” he said with a snarl as he pressed a rather menacing looking button, oddly enough.
I screamed in pain as an electric current shot through the chains and pulsed through my body. I stopped struggling and he walked away. Ranger Thompson stepped into view then. I looked up at him, too weak to struggle. It was futile anyway. The restraints loosened just enough to let me fall to my knees and Echo stirred.
Thompson clicked a switch and the cell door clinked open as Thompson walked in. My vision was blurring but I could tell he was holding something.
“Ghost, get down,” I heard Echo say quietly.
I fell to my stomach as Thompson swung the object to try to hit me. The force of the swing made him fall off balance and fall to the ground. Echo had already been freed of his restraints and he came over to where Thompson had fell and knocked him out. He then exited the cell through the door that Ranger Thompson had left open and released my restraints. I stood and stumbled out of the cell after picking up Thompson’s pistol. An alarm was blaring so we didn’t have much time until reinforcements came in. Echo closed the cell door behind me to lock Thompson in. There was a single pistol on a table that Echo grabbed to defend himself. We started to try and find our way out of the building. But Surge caught up to us pretty fast. He tried to stop us, he was well equipped but we were better suited.
I was able to distract him with a few fake punches and maneuvers long enough for Echo to trip him from behind and knock him out. We continued to find our way out of the building encountering a few troops every now and then but we fought them off. When we had fought off the rest of the troops at the clearing we stood in, Echo called in a chopper to take us back to our base.
The Viper troops reached us before the chopper did. We grabbed better weapons from dead troops and started fighting them off. It would take the transport a while to get to us. We fought on and the troops kept coming.
“This is getting intense,” Echo said, as he reloaded his weapon.
“We just have to hold out until the transport gets here,” I replied, steadily fighting off the approaching troops.
We continued to hold off the Viper army. I was suddenly thrusted backward and onto my back by a bullet to the shoulder.
“Ghost!” Echo called, “Not again,” he said, turning back to the troops, who were quickly advancing.
I heaved myself up and pulled my pistol out, my other gun lost, and stepped forward taking aim and firing at the troops.
“Ghost? What are you doing?” Echo asked, surprised.
“I may be down but I am not out yet,” I responded.
I heard the whirring of the helicopter that Echo had called in but the sound was nearly drowned out by the gun fire. Echo must not have heard it because he was still firing at the troops instead of ducking in cover.
“Get down!” I called over to him.
“What? Why?” He asked, confused.
“Trust me,” I said calmly.
No sooner than Echo hit the ground than the chopper’s mini gun fired over the Viper army, forcing them to retreat.
The helicopter landed gently. Cody stepped out with his team medic. The rest of his team expertly took up a defensive position around the helicopter.
I noticed Cody had been injured, he had a slight limp, I could tell he was trying to hide it.
“Cody, are you ok?” I asked curiously.
“Yeah, I got better off than you did in that attack,” he responded, chuckling.
Echo was telling Cody’s medic about what happened. We boarded the chopper after a few moments later, after Cody had told me about the attack. We started our way back to the base but somewhere not far away I heard a much louder sound, it completely drowned out the alarm. I looked back to the Viper base to see a heavy weight Cobra. As the Cobra rose higher into the sky, Surge fired a missile at our helicopter.
The collision alarm sounded and the pilot veered and hardly missed the projectile. One of Cody’s troops slid the door open and mounted the mini gun. He had time to fire off only a few rounds before Cody ordered him to get back. The shots weren’t enough to take down the heavy weight helicopter though. The pilot turned the chopper to face Surge and fired a missile. It was a direct hit, but before the missile hit him Surge had time to fire another missile right at us, and this time it hit and our chopper went down.
We grabbed parachutes and jumped from the helicopter that was plummeting toward the ground. We were a good 5,000 feet up so we had enough time to strap on the parachutes and jump. I tried to deploy my parachute but it was jammed and I fell at free fall speed.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding!” I yelled as I plummeted getting closer and closer to the ground.
“Troops, maneuver, alpha-omaga-23. Go!” I heard Cody call in a hurried voice.
Within seconds Cody’s troops were below me, their parachutes deployed to create an air current that would slow my fall somewhat. Cody was beside me fumbling to pull the chute out of the sack but it was too late. I plummeted quickly for the ground. Luckily, troop’s parachutes were still inflated by the air current and cushioned my fall. I stood up and dropped the defective parachute. We all looked around for a way out of the Viper’s territory.
The chopper we had been in crashed into the base whereas the whereabouts of the cobra and Surge, were unknown.
“Looks like we’re on our own from here,” Cody said.
“Wait a minute,” I said,” did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” Cody asked, confused.
“An alarm,” I answered, worriedly.
We looked toward the Viper base, now in flames. There were at least 1,000 troops running after us. Our weapons had gone down with the chopper so we were all unarmed. We stood no chance.
“Fall back!” Cody called in a rushed and hurried voice.
We ran east, towards our own territory, though the entire base was surrounded by mountains. We endured harsh weather conditions in the three days it took us to reach the mountains.

When we reached the mountains we were all exhausted. Though we were all in need of rest, we started to climb the mountain that stood in front of us. The Vipers were still after us and we couldn’t stop. We reached the top, tired and injured. I stumbled forward two steps and collapsed with exhaustion as I saw the Eagle Talon blockade. Cody stepped forward to help me up as one of the medics came out to check my injuries.
There were at least four other medics at the blockade. They went on to check the other troops and help them. The other troops standing at the blockade then went to the side of the mountain to hold off the oncoming Vipers.
After the Viper troops had fled we boarded a helicopter and took off back to the Division Thirteen Base. We encountered no more of the Viper renitence once the chopper had taken off. We had finally escaped the Vipers, for now at least.
The ride was full of questions about what had happened inside the base. It turned out that Echo and I had been trapped for over a week. In that time Echo had woken up many times before me.
He spoke of hideous treachery that took place. As he spoke my thoughts drifted. We may have escaped for now, but the threat from the Viper Army still existed.
“Ghost?...Ghost!” I heard someone calling my name, “You ok Ghost?”
“I-I’m fine,” I stuttered, trailing from my thoughts, “I was just thinking.”
The medics were tending to our wounds again, giving some of us sedatives so we could get some rest. Everyone but the pilot had gone into the back cabin to sleep. Echo had advised me to stand, so I lay on the bench and slept. But before long we were home.
The entire Eagle Talon Army was crowded outside the chopper. They were surprised to see me alive. It seemed they all thought I had been killed in the attack.
I turned to Cody and said, “We may be safe for now, but the Viper Army still possesses an enormous threat.”
Everyone was silent for a moment. As I looked around I noticed that someone was missing, my team. Cody had noticed as well, he turned to me.
“They refuse to believe you’re still alive, when Echo called me in I told them that you two were alive,” he explained,” I tried to get them to come but they refused to believe you were ok.”
“With the conditions in that base I’m surprised I’m alive myself,” I said, half joking.
“They haven’t left the barracks since the attack,” he told me.
I entered the barracks, all of the troops backs were turned to the door.
“Hey what are you all sulking around for?” I said, chuckling.
They turned to me and looked at me as if I were a ghost. Cody walked in behind me.
“Told you guys he was ok,” Cody said, laughing.
“Ghost, we all thought you had been killed,” Romerez said, stunned.
“I’m surprised we made it myself,” I said.
“Then where’s Echo?” Akito questioned.
“You know, I have no clue where he is,” I responded.
“I never saw him get off the helicopter,” Cody put in.
“He must still be there,” I said.

We entered the chopper to find Echo. I walked into the back cabin where everyone had fallen asleep. Surely enough he Echo was laying in one of the cots. But something was wrong, Echo was uncautious.
“Run!” Cody called from the cockpit of the helicopter.
“What?” I asked, confused, “Why?”
“No time to explain, just run!” he shouted back at me.
I grabbed Echo and ran off of the chopper. As soon as I was clear of the chopper there was a massive explosion. We all made it safely but there was a threat lurking in the base and I was determined to find the culprit. Whoever it was wanted Echo and me dead.
I handed Echo off to a medic and went to investigate the remains of the helicopter.
“Ghost, why do you keep looking over this? There is nothing here,” Akito asked, walking up to me and laying her hand on my shoulder.
“Whoever did this wants me and Echo dead,” I responded,” I’m going to check on Echo,” I told her.


Echo was lying, awake, on a cot; the medic tending his wounds. The medic turned to face me.
“Are you ok Ghost?” he asked, “You’ve got shrapnel stuck in your skin all over the place.”
I hadn’t noticed the shrapnel. My body started to sting and I felt dizzy. The medic sat me down on a cot nearby. He pulled a piece of the metal from my knee.
“That’s odd…” the medic seemed surprised,” it has a poison tip.”
He inspected each piece as he pulled it. They all had a poison tip.
“Whoever did this wants both Echo and me dead,” I struggled to get the words out I was weakened by the poison.
The effects of the poison were weakening me every passing second. After only one minute I was out cold.
I woke up with Echo tending to my wounds and trying to get rid of the poison. I tried to speak but I couldn’t. The poison had weakened me to a point where I couldn’t move at all. I tensed as I tried move.
“Relax, you’re fine,” Echo said, “The poison is fading slowly.”
“What happened to the other medic?” I asked, weakly.
“Dead,” Echo said, pausing.
“How?” I asked, shocked.
“Calm down, you’ll hurt yourself getting agitated,”Echo said.
“He was shot. By whom I have no clue,” he explained.
I grunted as the poison made my stomach clench.
“I told you to stay calm,” Echo said.
I glared up at him, my stomach still clenching.
“I am calm,” I said through clenched teeth.
“Odd…” Echo seemed thoroughly surprised,” That can’t be right. You are calm but your body is still reacting to the poison.”
“I think I know that, Echo,” I said, flinching from the pain.
“Relax,” Echo prompted as he grabbed a sedative from a nearby table.
He injected it in-between my neck and shoulder.
“The medic knew who the traitor was, but as he was about to tell me, he was shot,” Echo continued, “I looked everywhere for the killer but he was no were to be found.

“If they want us dead then why don’t they go straight or us?” I queried.
“Well if he is a Viper I have no clue; if he’s one of us then it’s because he’s smart,” Echo said.
I stood up from the bed. I felt eyes on me and a sense of danger. I looked around. The room was empty. But, I knew someone was watching me.
I wasn’t about to take any chances with my life, again. The dead medic’s body was on a cot across from mine. I went over to examine the entry point of the bullet. He had been shot at an angle, an upwards angle.
I looked up to the roof. There were stable pipes, that anyone could balance on, they were spread all over the roof some of them were lower and somewhat close to the ground. On one of the lower pipes I saw a dark figure; I couldn’t quite make out who it was. The figure was holding something pointing it directly at me.
“Goodbye, Ghost,” a mysterious voice spoke.
I recognized the voice as Akito’s.
“Akito? You want us dead?” I questioned, surprised.
She pulled the trigger of what must have been some kind of gun. But instead of being hit by a bullet rather it was a dart that hit me in the shoulder. I fell to the ground unable to move. The dart must have been full of a jellyfish toxin plus something that would make me eventually pass out. Akito picked me up as I slowly fell uncautious.
Cp14: Is there any hope
I woke near a fire, laid out on a mat. I felt weak as I tried to look around. I tried to speak but I couldn’t. I saw Akito through the flames. She stood and walked towards me. My vision started to cloud as she came close.
“Ghost, I am not trying to kill you,” she tried to convince me, but I was no were near convinced.
I glared defiantly at her unable to move.
“The poison you are affected with is rare. Its effects are very dangerous and hard to heal,” she explained, “I had to get you away from the base and the killer.”
My gaze turned from hate to shock. There was a sharp, pain thought my body and it showed in my eyes. Akito turned and ran into a nearby tent. She soon came back, Echo close behind her. Echo kneeled beside me and injected an anti-toxin to my arm. I fell limp. I struggled to keep my eyes open, not from weariness but from pain.
Echo stood and faced Akito with a grim look on his face.
“There is little chance Ghost will survive, these spasms are getting worse and more frequent,” he said.
“I wish we could’ve caught this earlier,” Akito said, gloomily,” at least then he would have a better chance.”
The more I heard, the more I believed Akito wasn’t trying to kill me. The pain slowly subsided. I felt as if I would never wake up if I went to sleep or passed out. Echo went back to his tent and Akito sat beside me.
I woke up in a tent after Echo gave me a sedative to make me fall asleep. I felt stronger than I had the previous night. I sat up slowly and looked around. The tent was empty except for me. I stood and exited the tent slowly.
Echo and Akito were sitting around were the fire had been. They looked at me, surprised to see me standing I assumed. I staggered forward a few steps and fell, the poison causing unbearable pain. Echo and Akito ran to me to assist me. They each took one arm and lifted me up. I was about to fall uncautious. I heard someone calling to me, urging me to stay awake.
“Ghost! Wake-up!” It was Akito, her voice full of worry, “Echo, I don’t think Ghost is ok this time,” she said.
They laid me down flat on my back.
“Then let’s hope this works,” Echo said. As soon as the words had left his mouth I felt something sharp pierce my skin.
My breath grew heavy and I felt dizzy, as if I would pass out any minute. I glanced up, at Akito. I hadn’t really noticed before now, she was a beautiful, young woman, and a very skilled warrior.
“Echo and I are going to make the pain go away, Ghost,” she said.
Echo stood, his expression changing from worry to a mixture of relief and happiness.
“I’ve found the antidote,” he said smiling.
Akito’s expression changed too. She looked relived, happy, and exited.
“He’s going to be a little weak for the next couple of days,” Echo explained, “but once he regains his strength he’ll be fine.”
I stepped out of my tent and walked over to where Akito was sitting. It had been three days since Echo found the cure to the poison.
I sat down beside her, “We have to get back to the base,” I said.
“We can’t leave until the person that’s after you and Echo is found and captured,” Akito replied.
“The traitor probably noticed we were gone,” I said,” He is probably tracking us.”
“You’re right,” Akito said, understandingly, “I’ll get Echo.”
I stayed, sitting by the fire, watching the flames flicker softly in the chill of the night. I heard Echo and Akito talking.
“Akito, I know you think Ghost is ready to travel, but he isn’t,” Echo said firmly,” He hasn’t had enough time to recover.”
“Echo it’s been three days since you found the cure for that poison,” Akito said, “He’s fine.”
“No, he is not ok,” Echo replied, “I’ve seen the poison before.”
“What are you talking about?” Akito questioned, surprised.
“My brother,” Echo said, sadly, “I couldn’t do anything; I didn’t know what to do.”
I knew Echo had a brother but I didn’t know he had died or what his name was. Echo always seemed reluctant to talk about him.
“Echo, Ghost is a warrior, he won’t go down easy,” Akito said trying to comfort him.
“So was Peirce,” he replied, “he held the same position as Ghost; he was one of the most respected commanders in Eagle Talon.”
“You were supposed to be the medic?” Akito asked.
“Yes, Peirce didn’t have a medic because of me,” he replied, depressed. “Ghost was Peirce’s best man but he didn’t know I was his brother, he never met me until after Peirce died and I never said his name.”
“Echo, I’m sorry,” Akito said caringly.
“It’s not your fault, Akito, it’s mine,” Echo said.
Akito stepped out of the tent and looked at me; a sad expression crossed her face. She started to explain what happened.
“I heard,” I said, stopping her.
Echo stepped out of his tent and walked towards me.
“Ghost, I believe it’s time we get back to the base,” he said, quietly.
Akito looked at him, shocked, “thought you said Ghost wasn’t ready,” she said.
“Yes, I did, but I think it’s time we move on,” Echo responded calmly.
“Then let’s go,” I said, standing up.
“Not yet,” Echo said, “We leave in the morning.”
“Ok then,” I said, sitting down again.
That night I heard something outside the tent. I stood up from the cot and stepped outside trying to find out what had made that sound. A black figure shot across my path. I turned in the direction it ran. The fire had been extinguished so I couldn’t see who or what was standing next to the fire pit. Whatever it was it was aiming something at me.
“Oh that’s not good,” I said to myself.
I ducked down just in time for a bullet to zip past me. Akito came running out of her tent Echo close behind.
“What’s going on?” Akito called.
“I think the traitor found us!” I called back to her, ducking as another shot hurtled toward me.
By that time Echo had also come out of his tent. Whoever it was turned toward Echo and took aim.
“No!” I yelled as I charged towards whoever it was, knocking off his aim.
Akito pulled her pistol from its holster and took aim. She pulled the trigger and the bullet hit the traitor in the leg, immobilizing him. By know my eyes had adjusted to the dark and I could see I just couldn’t identify the person. He fell to the ground and pulled out his shot-gun. He took aim at Echo, again, and pulled the trigger.
“No!” I screamed as Echo fell to the ground.
Akito shot the traitor’s hand, making him completely incapable of holding the weapon. I ran over to Echo who was still breathing. He had been hit in the knee. The hit wasn’t bad enough to kill him, though, it was still pretty bad, his knee-cap looked as if had shattered. I called Akito who had run into Echo’s tent. She came back out with bandages, and Echo had passed out from shock and blood loss, but he was still alive. I wrapped the wound with the bandages to stop the bleeding and went back to the traitor to restrain and make sure he wouldn’t get away this time.
Echo woke up a few moments later.
“What just happened?” He asked, dazed.
“The traitor attacked us,” I replied, “He shot you in the knee with a shot-gun.”
“Where’s the traitor now?” he asked.
“Akito and I made sure he can’t get away,” I said looking to were the traitor had passed out.
It was still too dark to see who it was but we could tell that they were Eagle Talon. Akito was sitting nearby; staring at the man they had caught trying to kill them.
“I recognize the markings on his helmet,” Akito said not looking up.
“Then who is it?” I asked, surprised.
Akito was about to respond when someone else entered the clearing.
“Echo? Ghost? Akito? What are you all doing here?” The person at the head of the patrol asked surprised. I recognized Cody’s voice.
“We were escaping whoever was trying to kill us,” I answered.
“It’s General Adam,” Akio said standing and turning towards us.
“Yeah, we saw him come into this patch of woodland so we followed him here,” Cody said.
“Little bit late there Cody,” I said, laughing.

As the sun rose and everything became more visible. I started getting a few strange looks. I later noticed a small pool of blood outside my tent. I put my hand on my stomach and felt something sticky and wet. I looked my hand now covered in blood from a wound. Echo had been in his tent so he never noticed that I had been shot. He stepped out after awhile, took a look at me and sighed.
“This is insane,” he said, chuckling as he carefully wrapped the wound firmly with bandages.
After a quick rest, I gathered all of the troops around the fire pit.
“Alright troops, let’s pack everything up and get oscar mike, it’s time we get back to the base,” I announced.
“Hoah,” they all responded at once.
As we prepared to leave Echo came to talk to me.
“Ghost, you lost a lot of blood with your last wound. Are you sure you’re fit to travel?” He asked, cautious about my condition.
“Echo, I’ll be fine,” I replied, looking up from the bag I was packing.
We finished packing and set off on the trek back to base. The journey was long and tiring. We had to stop a few time due to the injuries Echo and I had suffered. We finally made it back to the base.
Echo and Akito went to regroup with the rest of the troops. I went to take Adam to the base’s holding cells to await a trial to determine the punishment.
I sat calmly, some of my injuries still visible. Adam sat at the table across the room.
“Adam, you have caused much pain and suffering thought the Eagle Talon base,” Sgt. Foley glared at him,” these crimes cannot and will not go un-noticed.”
“The Vipers will triumph,” Adam replied mysteriously and quietly.
“You have killed a medic and come very close to killing Ghost and Echo,” Sgt. Foley continued,” your crimes cannot be forgiven.”
“The Vipers will triumph,” Adam repeated.
“Even though your crimes cannot be forgiven easily,” Foley said, sighing, “I offer you a chance for redemption,” He added with a carful glance at me as if to make sure I was still ok.
“What I did, I am proud of, Eagle Talon is the enemy,” re responded calmly.
“Then you shall not be forgiven,” Foley said, “Your crimes have earned you a life time in prison.”
As Adam was taken away, he stopped, glared at me, and said, “This isn’t over, Ghost.”
I stood and walked over to Echo, Akito, and Cody who were waiting for me out side. I smiled at them as I realized, they weren’t must my team mates or friends but my family. They stuck with me, helping me through my trouble. They had never once turned their backs on me and I wasn’t about to turn my back on them.
I went over Adam’s last words, over and over, each time growing more and more worried. We had a whole different battle on our hands.
“Ghost? Is something wrong?” Akito’s soft voice roused me from my thoughts.
“Just thinking about Adam’s last words, ‘this isn’t over Ghost’,” I responded, quoting Adam.
“You’ve been through a lot, Ghost,” Echo Said.
“Yeah, you need to take a break and gather your thoughts,” Cody added.
I nodded and smiled at them, then walked toward my cabin, those harsh words still clouding my thoughts. ‘This isn’t over Ghost’. What could Adam have planned? What was going to happen? I shook these thoughts from my head and entered my cabin to get some well needed rest.
Last edited by Ghost42 on Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:28 am, edited 4 times in total.
If there is one thing I never go anywhere without, it's my pencil.
Another thing, if schools don't allow wepons, then why do they allow pens? Because, if the pen is mighter than the sword, doesn't that mean the pen is a wepon too?

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16 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1335
Reviews: 16
Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:06 pm
BerlynnRae says...

I'm only doing chapter one but I'll do the other chapters later:
I was interested because "Man down" wasn't in "..". But some grammar, (My friend, and, partner Commander Cody, was backed against a wall he called me and my troops in to help.) You only, need, this, many, commas, if, its, a,(insert AND here) series. So basically just do "My friend and partner Commander Cody, was backed against a wall (Something needs to be here like the word AS) he called me and my troops in to help."
"I made sure my team, who was unfortunately attacked as soon as they reached the other floor, was across to the other building before pulling out my pistol and gliding down to the other floor."
The scenes are hard for me to follow. Is it a building? Is it like the HALO universe? I'm a little confused.

The rest (up the the part that starts "When I woke...." Was very well done and I just wished you would have pressed enter twice before starting a new thought.

"When I woke, I felt weak, as if I could not sit up. I still managed to pull myself up but not without a splitting pain in my stomach."
Could not means you physically can't do something. If your character is stubborn then change it to SHOULD because that implies that if he does its bad but hes still capable.

Again when he sits up yay! no pain! then he has pain? Hes not ninja, (to my knowledge)

The rest I loved and very much enjoyed the dialogue.

Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.
— Henry David Thoreau