
Young Writers Society

The Deserter - Chapter 3, Part 1 (OUTDATED)

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Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:45 pm
ultraviolet says...


Summary: Adah Edric, a banished princess, returns home to train as a soldier, and eventually military adviser, once her brother assumes the throne. She has spent a good portion of the night at a feast praising her return, where she fell back into the etiquette and politics that she left.

By the time the feast is over, it is closer to morning than night and I haven’t eaten anything but that bit of soup and a buttered roll.
On my way back to my room, I am escorted by Vanadis, and we go considerably slower than when we arrived at the palace. I have time to look at the walls, the windows, relive the memories, but I don’t. I look at my feet, not daring a glance anywhere else. I want my first real taste of home to be back in my room, locked away where no one can see me, where I will be allowed to act however I want to.
When we reach my suite, Vanadis enters to help me out of my gown. Before he leaves, he arranges for a bowl of that rice soup to be brought to my room, and I’m grateful; at least he realizes that princesses have stomachs, despite the requirement of a tiny waist.
Alone, I sit on a futon, sipping my soup. The hot liquid burns on the way down, but even so I have chills. I finish and set the bowl aside, but don’t move; it’s now that I take in the room. The ivory curtains; the copper carpet; the off-white walls; the mish mash of chocolate and brass furniture. I caress the soft material of the couch, the plush cushions. It’s exactly as I remember; it even smells the same, vanilla and cucumber.
What’s going on? I think. How did I get here? I should be back at the academy. Back at Ithe. I said goodbye to this place years ago, gave it up. Expelled it from my mind. I was never coming back, never going to see this room again. How did this happen?
And then there’s the question: did I want this to happen?
When I arrived at the academy, I told myself I didn‘t. I wrote it off as a horrible place with atrocious people. I hate it all; the rules, the politics, the boundaries, the manners. Having an escort. Hate my family. The only things beckoning me here is training and Gavin.
I squeeze my eyes shut out of habit, like I always do when I think of him. Because it’s too painful to think about - or was. I’m going to see him, though. Speak to him. Touch him. But I still don’t think of that now. Because those thoughts are too conflicting with the miserable ones of my situation and sometimes it’s healthy to wallow for a while.
So I think about the past hours, about the politics and the mingling and the speeches and the etiquette - about all the things I hate about it, about how I wish I never had to go through it again. I’m left with one final question:
How did I fall back into it so easily?

It’s still dark out when I wake up. The cream walls cast an eerie glow, like a physical eternity that’s boxed around you, tightening as the air thins. Heat radiates amidst the thick blanket curled around me, sickening heat that crawls along my body to my neck and face, down to my legs and feet, through my itchy fingers. The fever leaves me dizzy and uncomfortable, and I have to get up, get out. Run away from eternity.
There’s a window in my suite, almost as tall as I am and wider than my door; a stone ledge marks its bottom, stretching out a few feet. I slide one of the glass panes up and cool air floods me, seeping into my limbs and lungs. I take a deep breath and swing my legs over the ledge, immersing myself in the sweet night air. I push off, away from the wall.
My feet land silently on a second ledge, larger and longer than the first, one I used to think was for decoration. That is, until Gavin showed me its real reason for existing.
When I was eleven, I was waiting at the drive for Nick to return from secondary school, where he and the other boys that lived at the castle went instead of staying home and learning from private tutors as all girls were made to. Following him out of the limousine was a boy that caught my eye; I knew him as the general’s son, no one more.
Later I was wandering the castle corridors, hiding from my brother who often got me in trouble, when I stumbled upon a hallway I’d never been before. Just as I realized it must have been an off-limits hall leading to the resident’s quarters, Gavin came round the corner, confirming my suspicions.
At first I was a little wary - was I intruding? how hadn’t I met him? who was he? - mostly because he was two years older than me. Practically an adult, so obviously someone not to be trusted. I didn’t know I had just met the best friend I would ever have.
We swapped names, though he already knew mine, and when I showed interest in exploring further on, he offered to show me a special feature of his room. He led me to the second ledge, and at first I wondered why. I knew it was there. After all, it was hard to miss; all the vertical lined windows on each of the five back towers, all residential towers, had the design.
Then he showed me what was special about them; against the wall, a block the size of a large placemat was cut from the rock, and below that every few bricks was missing from the gray wall, like foot and handholds on a ladder. An escape for the royal family and other residents, we decided was their purpose. Ironic, then, how he’d only found them on accident.
I was exhilarated by it, by him, by my perfect little adventure. Maybe the general’s son wasn’t so bad. Maybe he was even worth returning to the place that disowned me.
Maybe I miss him so much my stomach hurts and thoughts of seeing him soon cloud my mind.
There are a couple yards between the ledges and I crawl beneath the first, into the shadows. The stone is chilled, like the air around it, and feels good to touch. I sit with my knees bent in front my me and lean on them, staring at the forest that marks the back border of the castle; in those woods is where the training grounds are located. We’ll be staying in the barracks there, once we start training; or at least Gavin will. Even if I’m allowed despite being a member of the royal family, I most likely won’t for fact I’m a woman. I doubt that much has changed since Nick took over the kingdom after my father’s murder; it’s a miracle I’ll be able to train at all, being a girl.
I sit there for a while, drumming my fingers against my pale skin, the wind swirling around me, sliding through my pores into my center. My eyes wanting tears but remaining dry and raw. Goosebumps rise along my body and shivers run up my spine. It doesn’t take long and my resolve is gone; I have to move.
But not go back in my stifling cabin where memories and nightmares collide. I have memories with almost every place in the palace, every place on the grounds, but in my room are the worst ones, and also the sweetest - both threaten to overwhelm me.
I climb through the hole, skidding my feet along the wall until they find the slots, then descend, repeating the process of searching then gripping the holds. My fingers quickly become stiff as they scrape the rough stone, and every time I have a lapse and slip - which happens more times than I’d like to admit, which proves I’m out of practice - my knees grate against the wall. At each story I maneuver around the thick window frames, past the two ledges, until I return to the wall.
It’s slow progress, but steady, and soon enough my feet safely touch ground. Where to go now?

I know, it's pretty bad. I wrote this over a long period of time, so it's probably disjointed too. For this, I guess mostly I want to know how it flows, how vivid are the actions, did any part of it annoy you. How is her character developing, if at all, and are her emotions portrayed okay, or do they seem melodramatic or fake. This was never meant to be split from the whole chapter, but for my reviewers I parted it so it wouldn't be so long.
Last edited by ultraviolet on Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Sun May 01, 2011 3:30 am
Azila says...

Hi! So, I know I said I'd do one review of both parts of this combined... but for one thing, I'm way too braindead right now to take on something big like that, and for another thing, it's Review Day and I want to rack up the numbers! So pardon me if each review is a bit shorter than my usual--they're really just half-reviews. ^_^ Anyhow, without further ado...

Nice description of her room! I love all the food-imagery for the colors. It's very effective. Really, I know it's just one short paragraph but it totally stood out to me. Unique and very well done! Also, the whole part 1 (I haven't read part 2 yet) really kept me reading and I found it a very intriguing and interesting read. You did an excellent job of illustrating things from emotions to back-stories to settings. A prime example of the "showing rather than telling" mantra at its best. Well done. Also, I'm really intrigued by the apparent sexism in her world. I'm interested to see how you use that, because I think there are a lot of interesting potentials. And I am pleased to say that this is feeling less and less like the Hunger Games. You really seem to be finding your own voice, which is so nice to see!

Okay. After that paragraph of glowing praise, let me tell you what I really think could be improved here: it's a lot of emotional stuff and talking about memories and things like that--which is great character development, and personally I like to read it better than action--but I feel like that's all your novel has been so far. You like to skip over the scenes where things are actually happening (like at the feast) and then dwell on the reflective passages afterwards.
Especially here, I'd really like to see you show us more of what is happening because... well... lemme give you an example:
So I think about the past hours, about the politics and the mingling and the speeches and the etiquette - about all the things I hate about it, about how I wish I never had to go through it again. I’m left with one final question:

How did I fall back into it so easily?
This all felt a little alien to me, since I didn't really see much of that politics and mingling and speeches and etiquette. And I didn't really see her falling back into it. I'd like you to show us that directly so we can see it before we hear what she thinks about it.

I found the whole flashback really interesting (and quite well-done, to boot!) but a little confusing. Spatially, it was a little confusing because I wasn't sure exactly how to picture things, but that wasn't a huge deal. It was really the whole idea of her going out on the ledge and all that confused me. It makes it seem like she has a ton of time to kill, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't. Is she going outside to escape something (emotionally)? That's what it seems like--like she wants some time to herself. But I think her motives could be cleared up a bit.

Anyhow, it's looking good! Onward to part two.

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Sun May 01, 2011 1:43 pm
Calligraphy says...

Hey Birdy. I suppose I should review this because I did promise even though I hate reviewing your stuff. ;)
First of all I think you don't sound too much like the Hunger Games anymore. Yes, your character does have some of the same character traits, but it doesn't stand out too much anymore. I think the reason might just have been that she was being forced to leave her home and yada, yada, yada.

I love reading your description. Now I can tell it is your favorite part of writing for real. It gave a nice intro into all the memories. It was a bit choppy like you said. You can work on your transitions into different scenes more, but the actual chunks of writing aren't chopping. It doesn't seem like you wrote half way through a seen and then left to come back and write the other half.

Another thing I think you could improve on is the description of the ledges. I have a few unanswered questions about them still, and I still can't picture them exactly.

Besides that this was great and I will tell you more in person,


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Sun May 01, 2011 1:56 pm
borntobeawriter says...

Hey there Violet!

Okay, sorry it took me so long to get to, but Review Day is the perfect excuse to get to this, yes?

Okay! There are several instances I loved here. For example, when she says she's glad Vanadis realises Princesses have stomachs too, although they have to remain stick thin.

Also, when she wakes up and feels crowded in by the physical appearance of eternity. I loved that!

I guess my only problem with this would be when she jumps onto the ledge. Suddenly, she's flashbacking, thinking of Gavin. Then jumps right back to the present, where she climbs down and wonders where to go. Hum.

My problem is we don't know Adah that well, so we don't know how she feels to have met someone. Did she have any friends? Was she antisocial? Was she sheltered? Were people afraid of approaching her? Did she have a semi-normal childhood? All these questions I ask myself because without their answers, who cares that Gavin suddenly appeared in her life? Because he taught her about the ledge?

I don't know if I'm making sense, but I would have liked a little more out of the scene where they meet, not in a quick flashback. I feel cheated out of a good scene. Know what I mean?

Other than that, I can't wait to read on. It's quite interesting and as Azila said, it's getting further away from Hunger Games, which is a big bonus for you.

Keep up the great work!

Tanya :D

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Sun May 01, 2011 9:10 pm
Snoink says...

Ultraviolet! D:

I agree with borntobeawriter here... I would really like to have seen a meeting with her and Gavin better. Or maybe a dream. Not a flashback. Not that flashbacks aren't very useful... they really are! But your last bit was a slow scene... and then the last bit before that was another slowish scene... you want to ramp up the pace a little bit, otherwise it'll get a bit too slow!


Also, I think it's weird that Vanadis is helping her out of her dresses and everything. Don't they have maidservants that can do that? Why does Vanadis have to worry about that? Don't they worry about a possible relationship springing up between them? Or do the know, for sure, that he won't do anything bad to her. Is he old? Is he homosexual? Does it matter if she gets pregnant or not? What's going on here? In olden times, they used to only allow enuchs to serve woman... either natural born eunichs (homosexuals) or man-made eunichs (castrated males). And yes, that was a long time ago, but still! I've been a reading a lot of the ancient texts and... well... if those male servants weren't eunichs, more often than not the women would become pregnant, lol.

Or maybe it doesn't matter now in this civilization about a woman's purity or whatever? That might be an interesting concept! That might also be why she can be the military commander (with Gavin!) and such. But still. Not quite sure how this is working, and why would she be so dolled up if it didn't matter? Tradition? If so, then what sort of tradition? And, it seems really bad to get

LOL. I may be thinking about this too much, sorry!

One thing that I am kind of worried about is her eventual meeting with Gavin! I am afraid that he will have changed so much that she no longer recognizes him, nor wants to be with him. So, then she would have given up the entire life she left behind to be in this hated life. Then again, her life before didn't really seem to great... maybe it doesn't matter either way.

I want to see Gavin!
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

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Tue May 03, 2011 8:37 pm
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Sins says...

I'm baaaaack. x3

I hate always coming here last because I always end up repeating what's already been said. I'm a little rushed for time right now, but don't worry, I'll avoid rushing this at all costs. If this review's a bit scrambled though, sorry, that's just my brain for you. I'll try my best to be clear though!

H'okay, so I rather liked this part! It was neat. It didn't feel like an awful lot happened, and it was a weeny bit short for my liking, but that's only because I'm the kind of person who posts pieces that are way too long for anyone human to want to read. I'm still seeing the odd instance of the dramatic short sentences thing I mentioned before, but it's really not a huge problem or anything anymore. All in all, this part has definitely kept my interest, and I didn't get distracted once while I was reading this, so yippee!

Flow, vividness of actions, getting annoyed

Overall, the flow in this was really good actually. Your grammar is awesome, so that helps the flow work a great deal. There may have been the odd instance where the flow wobbled a bit, but nothing I can remember from the top of my head, and definitely nothing that's serious enough to really mention. As foe the vividness of your actions, I have no problems there either! You describe actions a lot better than I do anyway. Getting annoyed... Hehe, that made me smile. :P I'm not sure exactly what you mean getting annoyed by this, but whatever the definition behind it, I'm pretty sure I wasn't annoyed by anything.

Character development and emotions

I can happily say that this is improving as the chapters go on, especially the character development. I am feeling like I know Adah a bit more now, so a thumbs up for that. When it comes to the emotions, I'm still kind of on the fence. I'm tipping towards the "your portrayal of emotions is awesome!" side, but I haven't' quite fallen off yet. (I swear the milk I'm drinking is doing something to me). In the flashback scene, for example, I think you could have actually squeezed some more emotions out. I'm pretty sure you might be worried that you're being melodramatic at times because of what you said in the small text at the end of the post, but I don't see that myself. The only area where you may be just tipping on melodrama is when she's walking over to the balcony... but that could have something to do with the fact I thought she was going to, like, jump off and kill herself... That's just how my mind works.

I think you're struggling with the emotions a little because, in general, Adah's a distant character. She's rather bitter and cold, not that it's a bad thing at all, but it just makes expressing her emotions harder. Going back to the flashback scene, it seems a bit, well, lacking emotion, I guess. For example, when Gavin showed her the escape thing for the royal family. You describe what it is, but nothing more really. How did it make her feel? Did she like it because it was like her and Gavin's 'special place' or something? Did she feel proud to know about it? I know you have her, like, stroking it and stuff in present time, but that's about it really. This is a rather opinionated critique, to be honest, so honestly, feel free to disagree with it. I just thought I'd better bring it up because, for me personally, it caught my eye.

Because I'm nasty, other things that caught my eye

Don't worry, there's only one thing that falls into this category, and I've just realised it's something Azila's already mentioned... Curse you, Turtleface. Basically, I agree with her on what she said about this novel skipping scenes where things, well, happen. I love all the psychological stuff (Seriously, you have no idea how many of my characters in my novels end up insane), but it can sometimes be a bit off-putting when there's too much of it. I mentioned wanting to see more of the feast in my last review, and that ties into this really. We didn't see much of the feast at all really in that last part, and then in this part, it's mostly Adah reflecting on things and, well, thinking, I guess. Azila's explained it far better than me, so I'll just fade away now... I hope you see what I/Azila mean.

And that's it for now! ^^ As always, if you have any questions or anything, just give me a call! Not literally... you don't have my phone number, but you get the idea.

Keep writing,

xoxo Skins
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!
— Dr. Seuss