
Young Writers Society

Parasite Chapter 3

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Points: 1040
Reviews: 47
Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:48 pm
XxjustmeXx says...

"Mike! We shouldn't be doing this!" I hiss at my brother.

Mike falls back so he's right beside me.

"You're not flaking out on me are you, little sister." He asks in mock horror, flinging an arm around my shoulders.

"No, I just think this is a very bad idea." I say defensively.

"Awh, but you know it's fun."

I smile, despite how horribly idiotic this is it is fun to hang with my friends like this doing something forbidden.

"Fine, you win." I grumble.

He laughs, gives me a reassuring hug, then jogs to catch back up with Kita. I roll my eyes. Jillian turns and smirks at me as they laugh about something and Kita bumps her shoulder against his.

I try to smile back but it just doesn't come out right. Jillian raises a questioning eyebrow.

"This is a really bad idea." I laugh.

Despite how hard I try to be happy about my best friend and brother dating, it just doesn't work out in my mind. I don't think they should date. Ever. Just like this, it's just not a good idea. It could ruin me and Kita's friendship and I do not take to kindly to that.

"When are they just going to go out? It's pathetic that neither one has noticed how much the other likes them by now." Sean laughs from beside me.

I laugh and push all my mixed feelings about them aside, focusing on not getting caught. I look over my shoulder frequently to be sure none of the teachers have missed our abscence and/or saw us.

I look up at my brother, noticing the almost pained look on his face as he puts his arm around Nikita to keep her warm. I feel a twinge of guilt, almost physically wincing.

"Do not, aboslutely not, even think of that Leah!" I groan inwardly.

I focus on everything and anything around me, trying not to let the memory resurface but no matter how hard I try, it plays behind my eyes like a movie.

It was the summer after seventh grade. Nikita and Jillian had slept over for the billionth time in a row (more like five, but who's counting?) I woke up in the middle of the night, hearing voices in the hallway.

"Kita, don't do this to me." My brother whispered.

"I'm sorry, I'll go back to bed." Kita whispered back, sounding dangerously close to tears.

"Wait, Nikita. Please don't cry, it's not that I don't like you because I really do. You have no idea how much I like you. You're beautiful, adorable, funny, talented and just about everything a guy could want-"

"No I'm not!" Kita cut in with a horrible sob.

I peaked out into the hall to see them standing at the top of the stairs, him framing Kita's face with his hands. I felt an awful surge of jealousy but decided to let it play out, Mike was going to tell her they couldn't be together because we're friends and that's how it should be. He shouldn't go around trying to steal my best friend from me.

"Yes, Kita, you are. You can't doubt yourself like that. If you weren't Leah's friend I would go out with you in a heart beat and never let you go. Ever. But because you are friends with Leah, we can't." He said, anguish clear in his voice.

I felt horrible yet satisfied at the same time. That was just how it had to be.

"Okay, I understand. But I don't see how I can make myself forget you. I don't think I can." She looked up into his face and there was such longing evident, there was nothing else he could do but sweep her up into his arms and kiss her.

Their mouths moved together in synchronization as I stood there, watching in horror. Her hands slowly crept up from his chest to around his neck, his arms around her waist and pulling her even closer.

Enough was enough, I had to stop this. I stepped out and yelled and screamed at them until I was hoarse and the whole house was awake. Everyone ended up getting sent home, including Jake and Sean who had spent the night at our house for Mike.

The next day I went in and talked to Mike calmly. He promised me they wouldn't ever be together and he would make himself forget Kita. But I could see it in his eyes, he would never forget her. And the sad part was, I didn't even care. I was just so mad!

As the weeks went by, I could see how every touch hurt them both. Each and everyday I've felt guiltier and guiltier until I finally broke down.

At the beginning of last summer, I told them both seperately I'm over my childish ways (not really) and don't care if they date. But by that point, they both figured the other had moved on though neither has. I've been trying to convince them this but it just doesn't get through their thick heads. Deep down, I think maybe they know but just think it'll hurt me.

I sigh guiltily and watch them laugh together. Nikita glances back at me, almost as if she can sense I'm thinking of her, and smiles at me. I try to smile back but only manage to lift the corner of my mouth.

She walks back to me, falling into step beside me.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Nothing, I just think this is a really, really bad idea." I raise my voice loud enough for Mike to hear me.

He looks back and makes a face at me. Nikita laughs then starts a conversation with me and Jillian. I insert a couple "yeah's" and "uh-huh's" when needed but by the end I honestly have no idea what we were even talking about.

"So do you have a date yet?" Seanah asks.

"Huh? What're we talking about?" I ask, puzzled.

"The formal, space cadet." Jillian laughs.

"Oh." I say intelligiently. "So who all has a date?"

No one says anything.

"Well, didn't any of you get asked?"

Seanah shakes her head sadly. I put my arm around her and smile reassuringly.

"Well, I got asked by a couple guys but I'm waiting for someone specific to ask." Jillian says and sends a pointed look to Tim.

I laugh and look to Kita.

"I got asked by a couple guys too but I think they were just jokes. Plus, I only really want to go with one person." Weary sigh.

Awh, and I just got rid of that guilty feeling in my stomach!

"Who asked you?" Mike turns around to look at us, walking backwards.

Of course he'd love to know.

We all look at Kita who reddens visibly.

"Mark of course, but that was a flat out no before he even finished his 'will you...?' Kyle, Patrick, Jeremy, and Ryan. But, like I said, I'm pretty sure they were just making fun of me."

I sigh, Kita could be one of the most popular girls in school considering she's just about perfect. But she has one major flaw. She won't believe you when you compliment her no matter who it is, she never believes in herself, and puts herself down constantly until she falls into a depression bad enough that she's cut herself before. She has so much anxiety and always thinks people are lying to A) make fun of her or B) make her feel better wich actually makes her feel worse.

"Don't be so sure." Mike winks then turns back around to talk to Tim.

"God, he just needs to ask her and get it over with." Jake murmurs in my ear, making me jump in surprise.

I hit him over the head without hesitation.

"Don't scare me like that!" I screech, holding my hand to my racing heart.

He laughs and dodges another swing by me but is blindsided by Jillian who gets him in the ribs. I slap her high five then steal Jakes hat.

"Hey, sticky fingers, give it back." He calls, holding up his hands for me to throw it to him.

"Nope, my now." I laugh.

"Fine, it does look cute on you."

I strike a pose then throw it back to him. I pretend to pout at losing the hat.

"Awh, but you know you still love me." He teases.

"No, but I semi-like you." I joke.

He gives me a hurt expression. "Please?"

"Nope." I smile.






"Fine, you are worthy of my love." I smile. "Happy?"

"Very." He laughs.

"I'm waiting for this one guy to ask me." I hear Kita say from somewhere behind me.

"Who?" Mike asks curiously.

We all laugh.


We all laugh harder except Kita who reddens again.

"I am so lost." Mike says miserably.

One minute we were all laughing and carrying on and the next it's like, boom, silence.

We look over at the metal object, and I swear to you it looks like something out of Star Trek or Stargate Galactica. It's a grey space ship like thing that I can't even begin to describe. I shake my head, knowing nothing like that can exist. But here it is, right in front of my eyes.

I move forward, having to know what it is so I can get this ridiculous space ship idea out of my head.

"Leah, be careful." Mike and Jake call as at the same time.

I wave them off and continue towards the thing. Behind me I hear police, fire truck, and ambulance sirens so I move faster. Because that's exactly what I want, to get caught by the police when we were specifically told not to come down here.

I cup my hands around my eyes so I can peer in one of the glass windows. What stares back at me chills me to the bone.

There in front of me are two kids. One around high school age and one about preschool age. They look almost human but have this look to them that's both beautiful and alien at the same time. They're eyes look too big for their faces. One pair of eyes looking at me are green with a black slit through them and the other blue with a black slit through them, looking almost cat like or reptilian. But the eye color isn't normal, they're so bright they practically glow.

I take a quick step back, stumbling and falling down. My mouth dries, and my head whirls. I can't be seeing this! It can't be real. My mind stutters, trying to come up with a logical explanation. There is no such thing as aliens for God's sake! It can't be possible!

But again, there they are, right in front of my eyes.

I let out a piercing shriek, scrambling backwards.

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73 Reviews

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Points: 262
Reviews: 73
Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:52 am
psudiname says...

Okay, before I start this review, let's get my duty as a nerd out of the way. there is no stargate galactica. stargate= a thing, battlestar galactica= a thing, but together they equal nothing. alright, now that that's out of the way, on to the review.

Once again, I'm loving the narrator changes, and I think you are using it very well as a tool for charecter development. I genuenly care for all three of the narrators now, and would be heartbroken if you killed any of them off. That means you have succeeded in the charecter development aspect. As for description, I like what you have, I just think that you should add more of it, especially the parts where you introduce something strange or alien. Don't stop at describing what was in the ship, describe what color it was, what the crater looked like, the steam that came off of it, etc. Don't be afraid to pull out some metaphores or similes, or use rich vocabulary. if used right, adjectives adverbs and verbs can make very powerful sentences that drive your point home.

Aso for typos, the only one I found was where she says "It's (mine) now" you put "my" instead. other that that I really love your style, and how real the dialogue sounds. Keep writing this, and I'll keep reviewing your chapters. I look forward to further chapters, and I'm interested to see how everything turns out. your friend,
if anyone wants a review, post on my profile and I'll get to it in a couple days.

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13 Reviews

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Points: 1499
Reviews: 13
Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:55 am
ItsRainbowInked says...

Personally, I like this. A more or less typical sci-fi adventure based movie in some sort of way that I can't seem to describe. And what I probably like most - is the dialogue. It's realistic, and I can see them talking. But I can't help but notice that there's not much diversity in character - and dialogue too. Since everyone speaks different - shocking! - I can't really see the characters completely clear. Exactly how do they look like? What's the extra dept that is seen for these characters, to help us readers understand and become 'one' with these guys telling their tale?

Is Mike an aggressive voiced guy? Or maybe has a rather husky voice?

But that's just a suggestion. (:

Okay. So, the title, it drew me in. Parasite. A common subject used for manipulation techniques seen in anime/manga/etc or a basis for movies. I like it. Aliens taking over? Ha ha. Very seen often, but you seem to have different ways on going with this. So I'm curious. How are Leah, Nikita, and Mike and the rest, the typical 'weakling humans!' (Just a joke. But you understand, right?) are going to be able to go against these inhumanly 'gorgeous' aliens? I'd love to know more about them. Are they sucking the life out of the humans? Feeding on the special life energy we emit? Using us as containers? I'm literally bouncing right now, but I'll stop.

As I'm thinking about this entire story, the big picture, I just want to ask a question questioning your plot. Why are these aliens being sent to live with some of the students and their families? It's pretty obvious that our Government is a tad bit smarter than that, to just let aliens settle in with the rest o our human population - if they are harmful or not. 'We come in Peace,' hasn't always been the case, yes?

And - I love this - the sweet innocent love that's oblivious to other. Nikita and Mike. Love them, and their sad tale of a Romeo and Juliet love. I guess. Well, I'm not certain. Never read Romeo and Juliet. Sorry for rambling!

I'll be eagerly awaiting what's going to come out next, and how you're going to portray it. I see a couple minor typos, but all's good. Just re-check it more than twice. :D

Shall be waiting. Hope you found this review useful.

Team Conjunction! :D

I continue to be a reverse hipster, I only do things after they've ceased being cool
— BluesClues